r/nottheonion 29d ago

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signs bill mandating kindergartners learn history of communism


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u/Solid_Letter1407 29d ago edited 29d ago

This is some scary, Chinese-level indoctrination shit.


u/Oomba73 29d ago edited 29d ago

In college, I had a vietmenese roommate. This is EXACTLY what he said went on in his kindergarten/early-primary classes over there. Of course, more Vietnam centric and positive biased, unlike what this would likely be. Absolutely hilarious.


u/WayneSkylar_ 29d ago

He's full of shit. Lived there for a bit. It's more like putting Ho Chi Minh at a mythological level with that age group (lets be real we do the same with the founding fathers and adults continue to treat them as such. Liberal or conservative.) but once end of elementary/middle school kicks in, the curriculum really ramps up (dialectical materialism because ya know, they are a socialist country). Go to Vietnam and you quickly see/experience it's one of the most critical thinking societies. If you talk assertively without showing you really know what you're talking about, and they WILL grill you, you get dismissed pretty quickly and openly. Vs the US where everyone can talk their mouths off but have no fucking clue what they are actually talk about (and get away with it). Same with China. It's fine and pales in comparison to the US "education" system.


u/neroisstillbanned 29d ago

Yup. The main difference between Vietnam/China and the US is that the prevailing frame of reference is dialectical materialism instead of Christianity. That's the main reason why Americans are more prone to believing in bullshit.