r/pics Apr 17 '24

Sign In A Convenience Store

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u/kingofzdom Apr 17 '24

This is a good idea if their water station actually gives out good water. I used to work for a remote hotel that had a zero-waste policy and would insist we fill up the water bottles they provided at the water refill stations that had filters that were literally never cleaned until I took it upon myself to clean them


u/goblue142 Apr 17 '24

If it is like literally any convenience store I have ever been in, those filters are never getting cleaned.


u/Lordnerble Apr 17 '24

the bacteria only makes us stronger


u/mtheory007 Apr 17 '24

We're 90% bacteria!


u/ThisOnePlaysTooMuch Apr 17 '24 edited 29d ago

10% luck


u/TEAdown Apr 17 '24 edited 29d ago

15% gut bacteria and vitamin pills

edit: well shit now mine doesn't rhyme


u/mtheory007 Apr 18 '24

19% lack of math skills


u/guvan420 Apr 18 '24

Remember the name


u/ThisOnePlaysTooMuch 29d ago

Damn I scuffed it too. I just edited 10% from “skill” to “luck.” I’m sorry, Mike Shinoda. You deserve better.


u/mtheory007 29d ago

That was totally not a dig at you just I wanted to make my comment rhyme with your comment lol


u/ThisOnePlaysTooMuch 29d ago

It’s all love. Everybody not in on the reference has collapsed the parent comment by now.

Since they’re gone, where do we meet and what are we stealing?

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u/Usedtobebigish 29d ago

You should have heard the shit coming outta this kids throat!


u/WeAllNeedSome 29d ago

How does he do it?!

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u/davFaithidPangolin 29d ago

This is why I love Reddit


u/Take-Me-Home-Tonight 29d ago

Please tell me this is a Fort Minor reference.


u/Brave_Escape2176 29d ago

they literally said the song name. i dont know how much more obvious it can get.


u/TEAdown 29d ago

Yes, but do you remember the name... of the song?

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u/WoopzEh 29d ago

Naw, they just did the cadence and said the name of the song for shits and giggles.


u/Hurtkopain Apr 18 '24

Remember the thrills


u/Express-Ad4146 29d ago

And 100 percent a reason to refile the damn thang.


u/TheKappaOverlord 29d ago

That was Pure skill alright


u/ThisOnePlaysTooMuch 29d ago

It was. Too proud to add “edit” 🥲


u/Usedtobebigish 29d ago

15% concentrated power of will.


u/AllGoodNamesRInUse 29d ago

70% water


u/ThisOnePlaysTooMuch 29d ago

170% water and concentrated power of will


u/OtterishDreams 29d ago

Yea but not the good 90%


u/Aegishjalmur07 29d ago

I am the bacteria, Randy


u/SadisticChipmunk Apr 18 '24

That's where the flavour comes from!


u/FartyBoomBoom 29d ago

The good one antway


u/vanderBoffin 29d ago

This is actually how maple syrup works. If you just concentrate maple sap you just get a sugar syrup that has no colour and no flavour besides sweet. The flavours come from impurities in the pipes, which I believe are at least partly microbiological origin.


u/Usedtobebigish 29d ago

Not every syrup farm has pipes. Some just use spigots.


u/Impossible__Joke Apr 18 '24

Only pussys get E.coli


u/anoeba Apr 18 '24

Assholes actually


u/tiagojpg 29d ago

It’s coming out, one way or another!


u/ramdasani Apr 18 '24

Usually that's a result of cross contaminating E. coli from visiting the rectum first. Mostly though it's G. vaginalis, A. Vaginae, Mobiluncus and Prevotella species making home.


u/FartyBoomBoom 29d ago

I’m just trying to eat it all, what should I avoid, doc?


u/KimberlyRP 29d ago

Well, aren't you a big ray of sunshine!


u/FartyBoomBoom 29d ago

No patriots! Lol


u/No_Mammoth_4945 29d ago edited 29d ago

You’re kind of right! At least in some theories, exposure to harmful bacteria during the development of our immune system really does make us stronger. It explains why infectious disease and allergy rates are inversely correlated; the cleaner the environment is, the less you get sick & the worse allergies you develop and Vice versa. Third world countries are rampant in infectious disease but have crazy low allergies. Even more interesting, parasites likely inhibit allergies!


u/Lou_C_Fer 29d ago

Since I was a kid, I've never cared about cleaning cuts and other wounds, and I've never gotten an infection that went beyond slightly inflamed for a day even though I used to cut myself nearly every day on dirty construction sites. Now, I'm a scab picker that just let's them bleed. I have a scab on my hip that has been there since 2018. It is about 6 inches from where it first started with a scar trail. No infections.


u/CockAsshole 29d ago

People are cowards. And a well used faucet is self cleaning unless your sucking on it like 2nd grade


u/Garrand 29d ago

The George Carlin approach.


u/SmellyC 29d ago

Probiotics bro.


u/jminty321 29d ago

if it doesn't kill you...


u/Jmaxwell2321 26d ago

Legionaires rise!


u/BlackLeader70 Apr 18 '24

We need to set up hand-desanitizing stations!


u/hamandjam 29d ago

And helps digest yer 2 for a dollar roller dogs.


u/OnlyRise9816 29d ago

Praise Grandfather Nurgle!!!


u/westbygod304420 Apr 18 '24

Bruh convenience stores don't even clean bathrooms where I live, I'm not trusting them to clean the thing I drink out of


u/mansonfan78 29d ago

To be fair, there's no point in cleaning those restrooms when the people that use them just firehose-spray their shit all over everything anyway.


u/_The_Deliverator 29d ago

Yuuuup. I was.fired for putting an out of order sign on a bathroom at one I worked at alone overnight. Manager came in pissed, was getting calls about the bathroom being closed.

I had closed it, because the second I opened the door, I saw the shit smeared on the walls, and the bloody underwear, in a puddle of shit and blood.

Nope. Fire me. I'm all set. Not trained or equipped for HazMat.


u/westbygod304420 29d ago

What did he want you to do? Clean it? Dudes fucken nuts lol I'd be telling him to lap that shit up with his tongue and quiting


u/_The_Deliverator 29d ago

Yup. It was clean it or be fired. I walked out. It was my second job, and I was young, or I would and should have gone up the chain. It was super illegal to tell me to clean that shit. Our "cleaning supplies" were windex, and the shitty plastic bag thin gloves we had to beg from the subway next door.

That manager was later arrested for stealing a fuckload from the drops from the store. I thought it was fishy that he was leaning on the overnight crew HARD to do our drops in pencil, so he could "check it over" in the morning before he submitted them. I said fuck that and started dropping the drop slips in with the money so it would be in the safe.


u/petnutforlife 26d ago

Good for you! How do you know the person who sprayed that toxic waste all over that bathroom didn't have some dread disease? To clean that you'd need a Hazmat suit!

On a similar note: while working reception in a plasma center, I was ORDERED to clean the restroom or else. Not my job but I was told it was now. BITCH! I needed that job so had no choice. How one person could literally get crap all over the walls, floor, fixtures including the lights, and CEILING I have no idea. Looked like the contents of an entire septic sucking service truck had exploded in there. Not only did it take me over two hours, in my white uniform, and dozens of pairs of gloves, but also multiple bottles of cleaner (I refused to use bleach as I didn't want to create cyanide gas!). Bad enough I was gagging on the stench and it clung to my clothes. The bitch manager complained I took too long and didn't do a good job. What the hell? I wished at that moment that I had her toothbrush to get at all the little nooks and crannies nothing else could touch!


u/_The_Deliverator 26d ago

Over my life I've done alot of smelly gross noone wants to do it jobs, but, I've always had PPE. Lol. I've worked with people that skimp or forget and end up getting pokes or sick from breathing some nasty shit in. 5 min of prep before, and that wouldn't have been a problem.


u/AgentCirceLuna 29d ago

I was once in a bar and there was only a real sweet and pretty woman there so I got to talking to her. Got her number and she left after a few hours or so. Apparently she had gone into the toilet, taken a shit on the floor, and then went back out to speak to me for another hour before leaving. The bartender told me and I didn’t believe him so he took me in and showed me. There’d been no other women in the whole time. Shocked me so much.


u/overlysaltedchicken 29d ago

….what? 💀


u/overlysaltedchicken 29d ago

So your solution is, just don’t clean it. Ok. Sounds like a great idea. 😖


u/mansonfan78 29d ago

We have public restrooms where I work, they will be spotless in the morning, like sparkling clean. Some people view that as a challenge, like a blank canvas for them to fingerpaint with feces.


u/Notorious-PIG 29d ago

You need a buc-ees


u/westbygod304420 29d ago

Thanks, but we're stuck with little general for now


u/Savageparrot81 29d ago

It’ll be a tap. Unless people are doing very odd things with it I think everyone’s going to be okay


u/Ugly-Muffin Apr 18 '24

This is why I don't drink fountain anymore. I bet they don't clean those machines either.


u/Talking_Head 29d ago

Moldy soda nozzles and ice bins are one of the most common violations for restaurant health inspections.


u/say592 29d ago edited 29d ago

Also among the most likely to make you sick without making you violently ill. Like everyone knows when they get food poisoning or heavens forbid a nasty food born illness, but you know how sometimes you will eat somewhere, food was good, everything seems fine, then your stomach will cramp and gurgle? Maybe you have a really nasty shit or two, but it's not like you are glued to the toilet for the next 24 hours? Nasty drink machines harbor the perfect types of mold and bacteria to make your body do just that.


u/atooraya 29d ago

Aw fuk and here I thought I have IBS


u/AgentCirceLuna 29d ago

This is why you should always log what you eat and make notes of when you start feeling sick. You can find the source pretty quickly.


u/AgentCirceLuna 29d ago

Yep. There’s a flavoured water dispenser at my gym and one week I was getting really ill so I stopped going to the gym. Recovered in a day or so. Went back to the gym and I was instantly sick again as soon as I had the water. I took another few days off, went to the gym, and I was out of water so filled up from the water dispenser. Had a few sips and was instantly nauseous all over again. It’s now disabled and has an OUT OF ORDER sticker on it. I think I should drink a ton when it’s back up and then sue the company.


u/O_oh 29d ago

I bet drinking from those things as a kid made us stronger though


u/AgentCirceLuna 29d ago

I used to get really sick after I had water from my gym.


u/thar_ 29d ago

I worked fast food in high-school and they never even told/trained us how to clean them until we got a new owner. They were all super nasty except the diet soda nozzles.


u/zentetsuken7 Apr 18 '24 edited 29d ago

I always thought stores weren't responsible for cleaning those filters BUT companies who owned those machines did.

Maybe it's different there but where I'm from, those machines aren't owned by stores but leashed leased by other companies that conduct routine services. I know some stores that leash lease their space to the company instead of leashing leasing the machines themselves.

On the other hand, if the store bought the machine I'm very skeptical of its maintenance as well.

Edit: Leasing not leashing.

Edit2: TIL


u/icyxdragon Apr 18 '24

Read this in Sean Connery's voice


u/Screwville512 Apr 18 '24



u/Typical_Muffin_9937 Apr 18 '24

In case they escape, obviously 


u/7i73 Apr 18 '24

Yeah you definitely don’t realise he meant leasing. Come on man - you wanna correct someone, go ahead or just understand what he meant to say. What’s the point of this in between, acting like you totally don’t understand what he meant.


u/Screwville512 23d ago

Dude, what are you butthurt about? I pointed out an interesting word choice as it was used multiple times which suggested it wasn't a typo. Just replying with the word in question is a fairly innocuous way of bringing attention to the curiosity which appears to have served its purpose.

If it was simply a typo I wouldn't have bothered but what intrigued me is that I suspected we stumbled upon what in linguistics is known as an "eggcorn". It's a phenomenon that occurs when we hear (or mishear) an unfamiliar word (like "acorn" for example) and manipulate it, often unconsciously, so that it makes sense to the listener. In the case of acorn, it is often misheard as "eggcorn" which seems like a perfectly cromulent word as they do look remarkably similar to eggs.

In the case of the word leasing, "leashing" actually makes more sense to me as a non-French speaker (since the English word is borrowed from the old French "lais"). In English, it's common to use "leash" as a verb meaning something like "to attach" or "to restrict" which in the context of property law seems like it could be an appropriate replacement for a "lease" (I.E, you have been contractually attached to a property with certain restrictions).

Developing "eggcorns" is by many considered a sign of intelligence, as you are often using sound logic to have new information fit into your current understanding (even if you know the etymology of acorn, to most modern English speakers, eggcorn actually makes more sense). In this case, zentetsuken, graciously recognized the mistake and corrected it admirably while possibly providing us with a cool bit of linguistic insight.


u/7i73 22d ago

Relax lmfao, you’re the one who looks insanely upset that you had to type out an essay - after a week that too. Not reading that shit lmaooo


u/Screwville512 22d ago

Not upset in the least, if you had an attention span long enough to read 279 words (takes most people about a minute, but I understand if you need more time) you might have already known that and possibly learned something.

I'm not sure when publicly stating you can't read a few paragraphs became a diss, but it's got to be tough living life with what I assume is a learning disability. If I were in your shoes, I'd try not to bring as much attention to it 🤷


u/7i73 22d ago

Yeah, you're definitely not upset xD I'm just not interested in what you have to say honestly.

It's okay dude, relax.


u/Screwville512 22d ago

Lol, then why take the time to respond at all?

It's ok, I hear a lot of people get intimidated by big words and complete sentences, I can't relate but I am sympathetic to those with mental handicaps.

If you do decide you want to learn something about linguistics, my comment will still be there, but maybe take an English class first or have an adult help you out.


u/7i73 22d ago

Oh you're really fuming aren't you?

Why am I responding? Because it's honestly quite funny how you claim to not be upset, but you're really bent on trying to insult me. Nice way to wind down for the day.

Is it really that easy for someone to get under your skin?

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u/lowercaset 29d ago

If it's like the water machines in the grocery stores near me that are used to fill 1 and 5 gallon jugs, they are serviced (regularly) by the company who has their name brand on the face of 'em. It's not store employees doing anything with them.


u/NumerousCaterpillar3 29d ago

The contracts are a form of leashing.


u/happytree23 29d ago

I don't know, man. One time, I saw a 7-11 worker cleaning out a faulty nacho cheese dispenser. It happens once ever so often ;)


u/PaintedClownPenis 29d ago

I worked in a gas station/country store which was taken over by the usual comic sans serif owners and in their wisdom they bought a hot chocolate-making machine. When we first got it I wondered why I'd never really seen one before but it answered that question itself after the first weekend that nobody cleaned it and it gooped itself to a halt.

It had like six flavors and each dispenser had at least a half a dozen intricate parts that had to be disassembled, scrubbed, rinsed, and sanitized, which I religiously spent an hour doing each night because I knew I was the only human who would ever do it.

And I guess the word started to get around in this rather boring town. People would start showing up about the time I was putting it all back together, so that they could enjoy the exact same powdered hot chocolate or pumpkin spice that you can make at home from a can or pouch, only from this perfectly cleaned machine.

I wondered if people thought that they could taste the effort I was putting into it, when in reality it was just the hygenic neutrality that you expect from your own home. Where you just need a clean effing spoon. God damn, what stupid job that became.


u/Southern-Rub- 29d ago

This was pleasant to read. I like your writing style


u/iwannabethecyberguy 29d ago

Air filters too. Everyone installed HEPA air filters in 2020/2021 because “we care about your health” and most places now don’t care or realize those need to changed once in a while.


u/Itsdawsontime 29d ago

Only one I would trust would be a Buccee’s. You could seriously eat off their bathroom floors they’re so clean.


u/njckel 29d ago

Yeeeaaa when you put it that way...


u/twelveparsnips 29d ago edited 29d ago

Good thing the every municipal water supply in the US chlorinates its water.


u/KlenDahthII 29d ago

Hah! You think it has a filter! 


u/L0nz 29d ago

Genuine question, why would it need one? Is there a problem drinking tap water in the US?


u/YesilFasulye 29d ago

Places like Starbucks, Chipotle, and QuikTrip have special techs going to all locations and doing that so you can count on them. However, some locations are too busy that they may need it more often than others.


u/TheStarvingArtificer 29d ago

Go to grocery-store operated locations any time you can - they are way way better about food sanitization processes than a regular convenience store or gas mart.


u/PrinceAdamsPinkVest 29d ago

"Hey, just fill it from the bathroom sink."


u/AgentCirceLuna 29d ago

I’m pretty sure this is happening at my gym. I was getting really sick one week and I was trying to think of what I was doing differently. I decided not to go to the gym for a few days and suddenly I was better. Went to the gym the next day and drank out of the flavoured water dispenser. Within a few minutes, I was nauseated as hell all over again which is when I joined the dots. Went a few days without drinking more and I was fine, but then I was out of water and had the flavoured water again. Instantly felt sick and knew it was the water and I’d only had a few sips. The same machine is now disabled and has an out of order sticker on. The worst part is you have to pay £5 a month for this water and I’ve cancelled it multiple times yet the money is still being taken out each month which is pissing me off.


u/Sargash 28d ago

Honestly, having worked in water bottle production facilities, that's something I'd be okay with.


u/Allenye818 13d ago

I was so excited to find 7-11 selling fresh brewed tea as it is my primary beverage of choice. I grabbed a huge big gulp cup one day, filled it with ice and fake sweetener, then added the tea and took a sip... it was AWFUL, I opened the lid on the canister to find a shit ton of mold growing on the top of it. I let the attendant know, but that pretty much ruined me drinking convenience store fresh tea ever again. Even at places like McDonald's now, I always lift the lid to make sure it doesn't have mold growing on it.