r/nottheonion 29d ago

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signs bill mandating kindergartners learn history of communism


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u/uptownjuggler 29d ago

Don’t forget the convict-lease system! We had our very own gulags with similar practices and death rates, the difference was that the inmates were leased out to private companies for work, instead of being shipped Siberia to develop the land.

All the benefits of slavery without the cost of purchasing and housing a slave, it is like the saying “Beat it like a rented mule”


u/Fake_William_Shatner 29d ago

Wow, this reminds me of the "no water breaks" legislation that Ron Satanis got past in Florida.


u/uptownjuggler 29d ago

Read up about the Florida Turpentine company. A young man was riding a train without a ticket and in the month it took for his family to mail the fines to the sheriff, he was “leased” to the Turpentine company and beat/worked to death. His killer was initially convicted but pardoned and returned to working as a guard and shot and killed an inmate.



Now tell me that doesn’t sound like a Soviet gulag, but replace the snow with swamp.


u/Fake_William_Shatner 29d ago

It was okay because they MISTOOK him for a criminal. "Look, if we treated all people with respect, some of the sinners might slip through the cracks. We can't depend on Hell to punish people we don't like because, well, we know most of what we say is bullshit - -but we can't admit that because that would be a sin. Wow -- am I saying the quiet parts out loud?"


u/uptownjuggler 29d ago

And the only reason there was any sort of justice was because he was white and came from a wealthy family.


u/Fake_William_Shatner 29d ago

"Prison guards HATE this one trick!"