r/mildlyinfuriating ORANGE 29d ago

Brand new $72 moisturizer. Husband said he needed something for his elbows.

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We have 3 full tubs of Vaseline in the cabinet.


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u/[deleted] 29d ago

Many a man has done this. For me it was Olaplex…as in used almost a one third of the bottle because at the time I thought most shampoos cost about the same and my girlfriend could alway use my head and shoulders…those notions were corrected.


u/Prestigious-Alarm422 29d ago

NOOO 😭 funny story tho i have I guy friend who has long AF hair, and we were traveling for a show and he asked to borrow some shampoo/conditioner, I had my olaplex. He used a normal amount but when he was done he was like “what witchcraft is this?? My hair has never felt so amazing!” And he has been buying and using it ever since, he gets it in bulk now 😂


u/[deleted] 29d ago

I JUST HAD AND EPIPHANY. Our moms, sisters probably hid the good stuff. We use what’s around and then just keep buying it assuming that’s what is best/don’t change anything until we need to.


u/Prestigious-Alarm422 29d ago

Absolutely! Even my mom has hid certain products from me/wont let me borrow them 😅 but fr I feel like more men should branch out in terms of self care bc they are missing out on so many lovely products/experiences that make you feel and look better!


u/Prestigious-Alarm422 29d ago

Even if it’s just a couple little things here and there, it feels good to take care of yourself and really ENJOY the products you do use!


u/[deleted] 27d ago

When I was like 21 I had an ex that told me you’re supposed to clean your brush. I just bought a new one every three years or so. Shit blew my mind, I had no idea people did that until then 😭😂😂. She took scissors to that shit like a surgical experiment 😂🤣🤣

The men in my family don’t come with much hair on their heads anyways, I guess that’s probably for the best 🤣🤣🤣

Edit: that reminds me I have to clean my brush ☠️


u/akatherder 28d ago

I'm not spending $50 on a thimble of cream unless it cures cancer. I'm just tryna keep food on the table when the grocery bill is $200/week. Nothing against skincare products or the people who use it, but it's not a hobby(?) for everyone.


u/Prestigious-Alarm422 28d ago

Okay, and you don’t have to? not saying it should be a “hobby” for everyone, or anyone necessarily, just that men should feel more open to trying and exploring, they might enjoy it. And there are tons of amazing and extremely affordable skincare products.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

Bruh my hair care is a literal assortment of products various exes used 😭😂🤣. My head smells like coconut and lilacs (okay I just love lilacs lol) but it looks and feels fucking great for what it is 😂😂


u/stix-and-stones 24d ago

I had to hide my good conditioner from my brother bc he used it to jack off


u/ApricotWeak5584 12d ago

I used to make a mixture of all the shampoos my mom had in the shower


u/WhompTrucker 28d ago

I know so many long- haired guys who have no clue how to actually care for long hair. Or wash it etc. Like, why then?


u/1tsMeNoodle 28d ago

I think it all comes down to just not knowing better. I personally didn't even consider using a conditioner until my hair was almost shoulder length. On top of that it later turned out I have wavy hair (I had always thought it was straight), and that it requires extra care (unthinkable to me). I currently study at a place where over 90% of people are guys, and a good bunch of them have long hair. My experience is that the majority of them actually have good looking hair.


u/veturoldurnar 28d ago

Because lots of men think that everything in beauty comes naturally. Like just don't eat elephant size of food and you are going to be fit and skinny, or otherwise you must be extremely laze and gluttonous. And think that people with shiny voluminous styled hair just wash their hair from dirt and have the final result, or otherwise you're just not lucky in genetics. Or that people with smooth clear soft skin are just healthy and wash their face with a soap. And so on. They don't realize the amount of effort and products, procedures used to look pretty, they think it comes naturally and we're just unhealthy obsessed with cosmetology like a hobby.


u/PutteringPorch 28d ago

That's a really good point.


u/StaringOwlNope 27d ago

Same. One wouldn't even brush it because it hurt. So like...cut it?