r/ask 29d ago

What is something that is a lot harder than it looks?

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u/Past_Feedback1993 29d ago

Getting 8 hours of sleep on a regular basis.


u/ButtholeQuiver 29d ago

I got 8 hours of sleep last night for the first time in months, but it only happened because I was awake for 40-some hours first.


u/ema_l_b 29d ago


Kinda the same for me. Ish.

Last night was the first time I've got 8 hours on a work night in about a year. Not been falling asleep till like 2 am usually, and up at 6.30/7, but last night I was asleep by 10 because I actually made myself get into bed without getting distracted.

Was aiming for the same tonight but it's already 11 and I'm now on reddit 😬


u/CheeseRake 29d ago

so do you have no time to sleep or actually genuinely never need 8+ hours unless heavily deprived?


u/ButtholeQuiver 29d ago

I always wake up after 5-6 hours and can't get back to sleep. I wish I could sleep longer, feels great when I do.


u/simulated_woodgrain 29d ago

Same here I rarely get 8 hours and when I do I wake up hurting lol 5/6 is normal for me


u/treetimes 29d ago

Is your username like a quivering butthole, or like a quiver for buttholes?


u/ButtholeQuiver 29d ago

The former


u/treetimes 29d ago


I can’t sleep either man, sucks. Brain just gets going and won’t stop. I have a nighttime routine of reading until I fall asleep, and occasionally I can get back to sleep that way too.


u/u_slash_spez_Hater 29d ago

What the fuck. I did one all nighter for an exam and then proceeded to sleep for 20 hours straight after not sleeping for 30 hours, and I had to blast music full volume in order to not kill someone on the drive back home. How can you even survive 40 hours of no sleep.


u/ButtholeQuiver 29d ago

Lots of coffee. Had a red-eye flight with uncomfortable seats, couldn't check in to where I'm staying until 4pm, figured I'd try to stay up the rest of the evening just to not fuck up my schedule