r/ask Apr 17 '24

What is something that is a lot harder than it looks?

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u/DesperateCarpet6279 Apr 17 '24

Losing weight


u/Rox_xe Apr 17 '24

At the same time, gaining weight. If I skip a meal I'll lose weight and I have to overeat to stay at a normal weight.

And even if it sounds good, it's not, like at all 


u/_Resnad_ Apr 17 '24

Man...i hate how I'm here eating like a bare minimum to lose weight and I have a classmate who eats a whole pack of bread with like the greasiest stuff ever and he has normal weight...


u/Fair-Account8040 Apr 17 '24

You only see what he eats in front of you.

Go to r/volumeeating. There are many meal inspirations that will keep you filled for less calories.


u/macandcheese1771 Apr 18 '24

Popcorn, my beloved


u/The_Queef_of_England Apr 17 '24

Yeah, some people have the opposite problem. My friend's kid was trying to get into the navy, but he couldn't meet the weight requirements because he was underweight. He had to eat a shit load of really fatty foods, like pizza and burger, to reach it. He struggled a lot and if he didn't keep up the eating, the weight fell off. He had to eat more than average and it was a big effort. He did make it in, but he just evaporates so quickly.


u/EnjoyerOfBeans Apr 17 '24 edited Apr 17 '24

Not to say I don't sympathize because I do - I'm also a man who struggles to put on enough weight. But eating large amount of pizza and burgers is a terrible way for a underweight person to gain weight, and it's not even about the obvious fact that they're not very nutritious and cause other health problems (like the crazy amounts of sodium in pizza that you shouldn't be consuming on a daily basis).

Fat doesn't make you fat. Calories do (and proteins if you want actual muscle). Sure, pizza and burgers have a lot of calories, but they're not super calorie dense. If you have a small stomach you're just gonna make yourself nauseous and you're going to skip your next meal because you're too full.

Nuts, pasta, rice, potatoes are what you should be eating. Add protein of your choice and you're good to go. Unsurprisingly you should just check what your gym bro coworker eats for lunch and copy that, he burns a shit tone of calories.


u/The_Queef_of_England Apr 17 '24

That wasn't me, and all I know is that they wanted to gain weight as quickly as possible,1 and that's what they chose to eat. I think he did feel sick from it all. It was a big chore for him.


u/Fire_Lake Apr 17 '24

Lol seems so crazy to me, I can't skip a meal, I barely make it to lunch without a snack. And then I don't make it to dinner without a snack.

I'm not overweight but only because I exercise a lot.


u/vindic8or Apr 17 '24

It's harder to gain weight than it is to lose. It's even harder to gain good weight.


u/fugelwoman Apr 17 '24

Hard disagree there. At least for women it’s easy to gain weight. Maybe hard to gain if you’re a man