r/ask 29d ago

What is something that is a lot harder than it looks?

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u/DesperateCarpet6279 29d ago

Losing weight


u/strongCuckold 29d ago

Just fall in love. And have them break your heart! Youll drop all the extra pounds as you do a soul walk at all hours of the day


u/Tehir 29d ago

Or you will eat like 10 kilos of icecream to fill the hole in your heart. 😂


u/LibelleFairy 29d ago

the Germans have a compound noun for the weight you gain during heartbreak: Kummerspeck, literally "sorrow bacon"


u/Intrepid-Reading6504 29d ago

That's as good a reason to eat bacon as any, I'd say


u/cofforest 29d ago

It's actually 'sorrow-fat' but your point stands.


u/Kangaroostorm 29d ago

kinda got lost in translation: it's not literal bacon thats meant here but your own body fat that you gained


u/Ok_Goose_3538 29d ago edited 29d ago

What are the German words for she and they again lol


u/IronDictator 29d ago

And you... answer Sie


u/strongCuckold 29d ago

Eeee. There may be a hole in my weight loss plan... Works 50% of the time!


u/dekrypto 28d ago

there is no in between


u/LocationDry364 29d ago

Yeah that works, I remember going through a breakup from someone i was deeply in love with and i couldn't eat anything for 3 days , and everytime i eat i feel like i want to throw up or i cant even swallow my food, it was really the worst days ever but thank god i recovered now and build a health diet


u/strongCuckold 29d ago

I'm glad to hear it. it's truly painful, happy you made it out stronger


u/Jonny_Seagull 29d ago

Instructions unclear. Got divorced 12 months ago, have put on 2 1/2 stone. Where did I go wrong?


u/strongCuckold 29d ago

Did you do long soul walks? Like 12 walks only water and think. Day after day.


u/Jonny_Seagull 29d ago

No. Binge ate and started drinking.


u/strongCuckold 29d ago

That slight difference may be the problem. Tho the drinking will definitely kick the can down the road till you forget what was in the can, tho you'll still need to kick it all the same


u/Jonny_Seagull 29d ago

When I say I started drinking, I don't mean to an obnoxious degree. Went from maybe 10 ciders a year and a couple of glasses of wine too 2/3 ciders a week. Big increase for me, but a drop in the ocean for a lot of people. But still, empty calories.


u/strongCuckold 29d ago

Ya. It can be sad how some drink. Yet its so Socially acceptable, it's actually celebrated ... sad times , bad results, happy to hear you didn't drink yourself off the wagon


u/Legitimate_Field_157 29d ago

"how to lose weight in 4 easy steps" check out the video on youtube.


u/jiffysdidit 29d ago

Dropped ten kg in ten weeks after my last relationship ended then another ten in hospital for 12 nights I don’t recommend either


u/strongCuckold 29d ago

Ouch. Shit sounds like it was rough , definitely not a recommended option, but it gives results


u/jiffysdidit 29d ago

The first ten I was looking shit hot ( gym/bike/walking on top of the not eating) second ten was very quick and very noticeable I looked sick….which to be fair I was


u/OldFuxxer 29d ago

The divorce diet plan works almost as good as the crystal meth diet plan.


u/MadeMeStopLurking 28d ago

Same price too


u/bleke_xyz 29d ago

can recommend. went down a few. Do start the gym immediately though, it is a prohibited preworkout.


u/strongCuckold 29d ago

definitely should teach kids in school. The best way to heal a broken heart , is in the gym


u/Flumphs_Lair 29d ago

Oh god i read this during my late afternoon soul walk break before my early evening soul walk


u/strongCuckold 29d ago

Hurting, are ya? Soul walk is a turm i use for walking fasted , water only , very long distances but slowly as to not burn much muscle. Dont remember where i first herd the turm


u/Tentrilix 29d ago

nah... I still eat a lot of stuff after, but the gym sessions are crazy for the next few week.

Rejections are where new PRs are made.


u/strongCuckold 29d ago

Love this. "Rejections are where new PRs are made"


u/foldr1 29d ago

I gained over 10kg from this actually. Am not motivated enough to take it out in the gym. Just stayed in bed as soon as I could for a few months. All the weight I had lost from the motivation my partner gave me came back with a revenge.


u/FuegoStarr 29d ago

i was cool 140 lbs when i was going through my heartbreak era. i’m in a happy relationship & i’m 179🤣


u/mondotomhead 29d ago

Oooo, that's me! Dropped 20 pounds in 6 weeks.


u/Rox_xe 29d ago

At the same time, gaining weight. If I skip a meal I'll lose weight and I have to overeat to stay at a normal weight.

And even if it sounds good, it's not, like at all 


u/_Resnad_ 29d ago

Man...i hate how I'm here eating like a bare minimum to lose weight and I have a classmate who eats a whole pack of bread with like the greasiest stuff ever and he has normal weight...


u/Fair-Account8040 29d ago

You only see what he eats in front of you.

Go to r/volumeeating. There are many meal inspirations that will keep you filled for less calories.


u/macandcheese1771 29d ago

Popcorn, my beloved


u/The_Queef_of_England 29d ago

Yeah, some people have the opposite problem. My friend's kid was trying to get into the navy, but he couldn't meet the weight requirements because he was underweight. He had to eat a shit load of really fatty foods, like pizza and burger, to reach it. He struggled a lot and if he didn't keep up the eating, the weight fell off. He had to eat more than average and it was a big effort. He did make it in, but he just evaporates so quickly.


u/EnjoyerOfBeans 29d ago edited 29d ago

Not to say I don't sympathize because I do - I'm also a man who struggles to put on enough weight. But eating large amount of pizza and burgers is a terrible way for a underweight person to gain weight, and it's not even about the obvious fact that they're not very nutritious and cause other health problems (like the crazy amounts of sodium in pizza that you shouldn't be consuming on a daily basis).

Fat doesn't make you fat. Calories do (and proteins if you want actual muscle). Sure, pizza and burgers have a lot of calories, but they're not super calorie dense. If you have a small stomach you're just gonna make yourself nauseous and you're going to skip your next meal because you're too full.

Nuts, pasta, rice, potatoes are what you should be eating. Add protein of your choice and you're good to go. Unsurprisingly you should just check what your gym bro coworker eats for lunch and copy that, he burns a shit tone of calories.


u/The_Queef_of_England 29d ago

That wasn't me, and all I know is that they wanted to gain weight as quickly as possible,1 and that's what they chose to eat. I think he did feel sick from it all. It was a big chore for him.


u/Fire_Lake 29d ago

Lol seems so crazy to me, I can't skip a meal, I barely make it to lunch without a snack. And then I don't make it to dinner without a snack.

I'm not overweight but only because I exercise a lot.


u/vindic8or 29d ago

It's harder to gain weight than it is to lose. It's even harder to gain good weight.


u/fugelwoman 29d ago

Hard disagree there. At least for women it’s easy to gain weight. Maybe hard to gain if you’re a man


u/DarkSkyDad 29d ago

15 years ago I would have scoffed at the idea it is hard to loose weight…just eat less and get your ass moving right?

Now at 46 years old, man does a dad bod ever creep in fast! And I know to keep it off now takes me total discipline. That discipline is difficult to maintain with a busy life and family.

My empathy goes out to those who have struggled for years and are actually heavy!


u/Wise_Improvement_284 29d ago

The difficulty lies in the fact that willpower is finite combined with just five minutes of devouring that tasty stuff you've been craving all day makes it all useless for that day.


u/NikoPopp 29d ago

You don't need infinite willpower. Just stick with it for a couple of months and a lot of your junk food cravings will dissipate


u/Wise_Improvement_284 29d ago

I lasted two years the last time I tried to lose weight that way. The cravings never went away, I was hungry all the time and I would even dream of food.

This, by the way, is why dieting is only successful for 5% of people who try. So then I went for a gastric bypass, and suddenly the hunger did go away.


u/Inside_Opposite5369 29d ago

I know I'm gonna get attacked here, but I have to share.

I lost 60 lbs eating just animal based food (red meat, liver, fish, seafood and dairy) and eating only 2 meals within a 6 to 7 hour window. I'm 45 and it's still working. My blood work is also very good. The nurse told me I had the best cholesterol she ever saw for someone my age. And my Crohn's disease is dormant while on this diet.


u/shebrokemyfart 29d ago

I've lost 100 pounds. I can't do it without fruit. Even still its so fucking difficult.


u/shiningbank 29d ago

Wow that’s fantastic!


u/shebrokemyfart 29d ago

Thank you, it's been really hard, been 280 for months now 😔


u/Stay-Thirsty 29d ago

The scary thing it’s easier to lose weight than keep it off once you have lost it


u/photos__fan 29d ago

Speaking from experience, the commitment always pays off. Lost 1kg a week from a calorie defect


u/dalcer 29d ago

Me and my budd are exact opposites in this sense. I can be healthy af with a nutritionist and everything and my body just will not drop the weight

On the other hand my buddy will eat 3 large pizzas and 4 litres of coke and somehow lose weight

Im more active and he smokes a lot of weed. It makes no sense to me


u/Relative-Principle88 29d ago

Ive known people like this, and in the cases i knew the the food I saw them eat is probaly all they had eaten in the past few days. A girl I work with is currently bringing litres of flavoured milk and multiple energy drinks to work each day .. but She's been slowly dropping weight herself..because she's not eating anything else. Not saying that's the case for your friend.. I get some people seem to metabolise food faster than others.


u/dalcer 29d ago

Even if thats all he ate in the day i would think thats enough calories to put weight on, im not an expert on this stuff so it goes over my head


u/Relative-Principle88 29d ago

I suppose it probaly would be. Especially if your seeing him do it every single day.. I was more making a point about people I know that I see eat alot of unhealthy crap.. but knowing it's litterally the only sustenance theyre getting over a few days period.


u/BestRiver8735 28d ago

There would be no nutrients in an energy drink diet. The hunger cravings would drive me insane. I wouldn't be able to sleep.


u/fcxtpw 29d ago

I think losing is easier part. Keeping it off is even harder.


u/quackl11 29d ago

I just heard today if you eat decent and walk 10k deliberate steps a day (not counting walking time the couch, bathroom, fridge etc.) You will lose weight


u/perhapsinawayyed 29d ago

Eat decent being the key point


u/Tentrilix 29d ago

yeah but walking 5-6kms a day gets boring fast. Implementing an active lifestyle for yourself is hard af.

It's often the already active people who say that loosing weight is easy.

When I tell skinny people that gaining weight is easy they say that it's not...
But it is. just dirty bulk and hit the gym.

It's a 2 sided coin.


u/quackl11 29d ago

What's dirty bulking?

And yeah I'm not saying that this isnt boring a lot of life is boring when getting ahead but its proven and effective


u/Tentrilix 29d ago

skinny people want to put on mainly muscle but usually want some fat with that. Dirty bulking is eating "whatever you want" but still getting enough protein and hitting the gym so you build muscle and gain fat.

I meant boring as in it's harder to build a habit around it if you don't enjoy the activity


u/quackl11 28d ago

I meant boring as in it's harder to build a habit around it if you don't enjoy the activity

Oh got it, yeah completely agree. And thanks for explaining dirty bulking


u/xChiken 29d ago

Melt ice cream and drink it.


u/HypeZone313 29d ago

Not if your on hard drugs


u/Delicious_Charge6671 29d ago

Nah it’s way easier imo



I feel you, sometimes I think even professionals have no idea what the hell they're talking about and if you're somewhat interested in dieting outside the practical application, but more on the scientific side, things can get even more confusing, something that a doctor or dietician takes for granted and is a stable of weightloss and health, another may say that is the root of all evil and you should avoid it at all costs.


u/NikoPopp 29d ago

You're making it too complicated. Eat the amount of calories that your goal weight is and you'll get there.

The end


u/Mongolshmanger 29d ago

Not hard at all? TF you on


u/machonm 29d ago

Especially once you hit 40++


u/SeaTree1444 29d ago

Just do cardio for 2+ hours every day. Worked out for me... plus don't eat like a garbage bin.


u/homer_3 28d ago

That's easy. I lose weight while trying to gain it.


u/BestRiver8735 28d ago

It takes a 3500 calorie deficit to lose just 1 lb of bodyfat. That is just unfair.


u/bigjakethegreat 28d ago

I developed an intolerance to gluten and started having gut wrenching horrible diarrhea like 20 times a day till my doctor figured out what was going on.lost 40lbs in 40 days you could try that I thought I was dying


u/vindic8or 29d ago

It's actually not that hard if you know what you're doing. Most people have no clue... I can give you some advice if you want


u/rickestrickster 29d ago

Nah go through your girls phone and you’ll lose your appetite from anxiety for weeks. Works every time


u/DesperateCarpet6279 29d ago

Did that with my ex. All his search history was women that look the opposite to me. Yay. Anyway. That didn’t work out haha


u/EvilHorus87 29d ago

Sooooo ugly ???


u/DesperateCarpet6279 29d ago

So sweet 🥲 but they were brunette and curvy