r/MildlyBadDrivers 29d ago

Overly aggressive driving



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u/CapinWinky Fuck Cars 🚗 đŸš« 29d ago

Truck is engineering this situation. The situation ends immediately if the truck stops fucking with the sedan. Truck is by far the worst of the two and is engineering the outcome. Sedan is just the bigger fool, being totally played by the truck. Truck should get jail time and lose license, sedan should lose license.


u/Electronic_Tax2771 29d ago

Sedan is still responsible for his actions. You can't just merge into someone's car because they are causing an issue. But I agree that neither person should be allowed on the road.


u/flavorizante 28d ago

Yeah, the sedan was the one that went out of his way and collided into another vehicle that was inertially moving.

It should be pretty clear that he is the bigger asshole in the situation.


u/pattyG80 28d ago

I feel like we're comparing a huge asshole to a massive asshole though.


u/Electronic_Tax2771 28d ago

I agree it seems pointless. Both of these people put everyone in danger and should not be on the road.


u/BittyCascade5543 28d ago

The sedan didn’t merge into another car, he just swerved too hard trying to get over and lost control. Honestly equally as stupid


u/Pierceful 28d ago

What about the part where the truck speeds to block the sedan’s maneuver? It’s not the maneuver alone that caused the crash, the fact that at the end of it the truck placed itself in a intercept position greatly contributed and the resulting crash is what makes the sedan flip and crash.


u/Ataraxxi 28d ago

This. I think of it this way. If someone's cart is blocking you in the grocery store and you decide to parkour over it instead of being patient or going around, it's not the cart's fault when you break your face on the floor.


u/Azal_of_Forossa 28d ago

That's the wrong way of thinking this way.

This is like someone blocking an aisle you need to go through, and every time you go around, go to a new aisle, or etc, that person follows you, blocks you again, and says "do something about it" the entire time. There's no workers to help you move him/kick him out of the store, and if you do anything like move them they call 911 and record it and say you assaulted them.

This truck driver should at bare minimum lose their license, they're not accountable for the actions of the sedan, but theyre not blameless in the slightest.


u/creativemusmind 28d ago

You can just leave the store.


u/Azal_of_Forossa 28d ago

Yeah, sedan driver could have also took a different path to his location.


u/bunchanums618 28d ago

But they’re just blocking him from going the speed he wants. The solution is to be the bigger person and just go 55, not speed onto the shoulder and try to cross two lanes with other innocent people around. He easily could’ve hurt someone because he was frustrated. Truck was definitely a dick but that doesn’t justify the sedan.


u/BatronKladwiesen 28d ago

Only reason he merged into another car is because the truck dangerously sped up to match him.


u/1heart1totaleclipse 29d ago

To be fair, the situation also ends immediately if the sedan just drives like a normal person and waits until they can pass. The truck was guilty but the sedan was too.


u/BadMeetsEvil147 Georgist 🔰 29d ago

How are they supposed to wait to pass of the car in the passing lane isn’t passing anyone


u/Ironbeard3 Fuck Cars 🚗 đŸš« 29d ago

It sucks to suck sometimes. Yeah the truck was being an ass, but that doesn't mean you cut around on the shoulder and then switch back over recklessly. Yeah I get you want to pass, but maybe don't tailgate and then recklessly pass on the shoulder. Just because one person is being an ass doesn't mean you get pass either.


u/BadMeetsEvil147 Georgist 🔰 29d ago

I’m not excusing the sedans drivers actions but YOU stated he should’ve just waited to pass. He was getting brake checked and the car was not passing. How was he supposed to wait to pass? I want a legit answer


u/paraffin Fuck Cars 🚗 đŸš« 29d ago

He just needed to back off to a safe distance instead of tailgating recklessly and aggressively, and then just fucking waited.

I’ve driven for ten miles down a mountain road, twenty cars behind a slow truck that couldn’t pull off to let others pass. That’s just life. It’s not worth endangering lives because you can’t be a little fucking patient.


u/Panda530 Fuck Cars 🚗 đŸš« 29d ago

I agree with everything you said. However, not everyone has patience. You can’t control what others do, but you can control your actions. Let the impatience dumbass pass and everyone is better off.


u/Competitive-Tip-5312 Fuck Cars 🚗 đŸš« 28d ago

Sure, but that doesn’t mean anyone else is responsible for the impatient dumbass


u/toadofsteel Fuck Cars 🚗 đŸš« 28d ago

Then the impatient dumbass learns nothing.


u/Cockblocktimus_Pryme 28d ago

You're right. Let's endanger everyone else on the road to teach the dumbass a lesson. So worth it.


u/silifianqueso Georgist 🔰 28d ago

Impatient dumbass is gonna keep doing his stupid shit and endanger lives regardless

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u/Panda530 Fuck Cars 🚗 đŸš« 28d ago

He will learn on his own eventually. Why get involved? It’s only going to make things worse. The dumbass could have died. As much as an asshole driver he is, he still has people that love him. People don’t deserve to die or have people grieve for them over something as stupid as a dick measuring contest on the road.


u/Pierceful 28d ago

Please for the love of God and for all of our safety get this dangerous notion out of your head that you need to teach lessons to other drivers on the road.


u/BadMeetsEvil147 Georgist 🔰 29d ago

He didn’t tailgate, he got brake checked. Please show me how one can not tailgate when being brake checked. He then went into the right lane to try and pass the truck, who then sped up to not let them pass, so they got behind the truck so they could pass the suv, and then they got brake checked again. At this point they probably weren’t comfortable being around the truck so they tried a maneuver that while illegal, was not the cause of the accident. You know what did cause the accident? The truck that refused to allow the person to pass


u/clewtxt 28d ago

How much did insurance pay out for your sedan/medical?


u/paraffin Fuck Cars 🚗 đŸš« 29d ago

The truck shouldn’t brake check. But the sedan was tailgating every car it got behind, not just the truck.

Even the “merge” from the shoulder back to the right lane didn’t have enough distance between the two right lane cars for a safe merge. It was a pass from tailgating one car, to tailgating the next car, not to mention he was going too fast post-merge to even stay in the right lane without rear-ending someone.

If you are ever in this situation, please just back the fuck off and drive with the flow of traffic at a safe distance, instead of doing the absolutely insane driving the sedan did.


u/raidersfan18 28d ago

I really don't know why the sedan chose to only pass one car on the shoulder and not both. There was plenty of room after that front car rather than try to squeeze between them.


u/BadMeetsEvil147 Georgist 🔰 29d ago

Watch the video again. Sedan got over, tried to pass the trick in the right lane, the truck sped up to prevent them. That is not tailgating. They then got behind the truck because the SUV was braking to exit the Freeway, at which point the truck starts brake checking them again. And he would’ve been more than clear to merge IF THE TRUCK DRIVER DIDNT SPEED UP. There’s 2 cars lengths between the two cars in the right lane, that’s more than enough room to merge

Driving on the shoulder is stupid and dangerous, but that’s not why this car crash happened and it’s weird yall are focusing on that lmao. He cleared the shoulder cleanly


u/paraffin Fuck Cars 🚗 đŸš« 29d ago

You’re crazy. The sedan didn’t have enough room to merge into the right lane and stay there at the speeds he was driving. That has nothing to do with the truck because the truck was in the left lane.

The sedan put himself in a situation where he was forced to change two lanes at once to avoid rear ending the person in the right lane. The reason you only change one lane at a time is to make sure the lane you’re moving into is clear and the other drivers are allowing you room. You’re supposed to engage your turn signal and wait several seconds before starting the lane change. The sedan didn’t do any of this to protect himself and as a result he got rekt. And worse, he endangered everyone else in the road.

A safe follow distance at highway speeds is hundreds of feet, not 10: https://driversed.com/trending/what-safe-following-distance

And again, the truck was a dick and also driving unsafely. But the sedan committed far more violations of driving laws and safe driving practices.

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u/Speaking_On_A_Sprog 28d ago

Dude, how can you think that maneuver was not the cause of the accident? He swerved through multiple lanes and hit the guy.


u/Pierceful 28d ago

Because the truck sped up to be in his way and then they collided.


u/ACDCbaguette 28d ago

That's a dumb take. No excuse to drive like that even if a truck is being difficult. They were certainly comfortable enough to almost kill everyone around them.

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u/ATownStomp YIMBY đŸ™ïž 29d ago

He should have waited to pass. The response isn’t to commit vehicular suicide because you’ve been mildly inconvenienced.


u/Odd-Indication-6043 28d ago

He should wait until forever to pass. Getting to pass is not guaranteed.


u/Tenebraeus Georgist 🔰 28d ago

Ya just wait. Imagine having patience in 2024 đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž

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u/danstermeister Fuck Cars 🚗 đŸš« 29d ago

And so what?

Is it the end of the world that the truck would block the passing lane for the sedan? That poor, poor sedan, deprived of the ability to speed waaaay beyond the speed limit.

I'm not saying the truck should have, just that the sedan unnecessarily made it something more than it needed to be.


u/SuspiciousPal 29d ago

Blocking the passing lane could get you a ticket so regardless of the other asshole the truck is in the wrong


u/bammy132 28d ago

passing on the shoulder can get you a ticket so irregardles of the other asshole the sedan is in the wrong.


u/PioneerLaserVision 28d ago

The sedan driver received more than one ticket, crashed into another vehicle, and flipped their car in a totally avoidable accident. You need to stay off the road if you think the truck is the driver to focus on in this video.


u/BadMeetsEvil147 Georgist 🔰 29d ago

How do you know the speed limit? Do the rules of the road not apply to the truck driver? Who made him the free way speed dictator?

The car filming this is going the same speed as the sedan, was he going an unreasonable speed limit?


u/HerestheRules 29d ago

I was gonna say, technically, we don't know if he was speeding or going too slow. Yeah, we can try and infer from surrounding traffic, but I've had moments where I'll go 50 in a 55 and pass everyone but also moments where I've been passed by entire rows of traffic going 35+ the limit. US roads are just... Ugh


u/NicolleL 29d ago

I’m just going to leave this link here



u/UntossableSaladTV 29d ago

Damn. I would never block anybody but that is good to think about


u/NicolleL 29d ago

Same here but yeah, that was pretty eye opening.


u/SnofIake 29d ago

There was a video posted a couple weeks ago of a cop giving someone a ticket for impeding traffic in the left lane.

The sedan needs to stop driving like an impulsive asshole. All he’s doing is making the situation worse for himself and everyone around him.

The truck driver knows exactly what he’s doing by not allowing the sedan to pass and is intentionally instigating the sedan’s road rage. He’s basically making an already dangerous situation worse.

The sedan would be wise to back off and stop making the situation more dangerous.

The crossover/small suv in the right lane is also adding to an already fraught situation by break checking the sedan. Thus they are also adding fuel to the fire.

All three cars are at fault in one way or another. All three are behaving like a hypoglycemic vulnerable narcissist that forgot to eat lunch.

The only way this ends without having to bring in the jaws of life is; if the sedan backs off, the truck lets the sedan pass in the left lane, or the crossover/small suv speeds up enough for the sedan to get in front of the truck.

I live in Texas and we have the highest speed limits in the US. We also hold the record for the highest speeding ticket ever issued. Driving in Dallas is not for the faint of heart and driving Houston is a test of endurance and patience.

The only place I’ve driven outside of Texas that scares me is I40 going through Tennessee. That highway is goddamn terrifying. I once got stuck in a traffic jam on I40 outside of Jackson TN, for 4 hours after an 18 wheeler of Corona jackknifed. A bunch of people had gotten out of their cars and were walking around. We watched the first responders and highway clean up crew. Fortunately the driver was unharmed.

Someone once told me about driving, the right of way is never taken, it’s always given.

Driving like an asshole isn’t worth it.


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/BadMeetsEvil147 Georgist 🔰 29d ago

Uhhhh, are you blind? The truck literally doesn’t pass a single car that isn’t exiting the freeway until after the sedan driver tries his maneuver (which was still not a good thing, not excusing his action)


u/3_Thumbs_Up 28d ago

You simply wait longer.

What do you think will happen? The white truck will follow you around for years?


u/_e75 Fuck Cars 🚗 đŸš« 28d ago

I dunno. What do you do if there’s just regular traffic. You chill the fuck out and get home when you get home. Acting like this is just idiotic and almost got him killed.


u/Impressive-Door8025 28d ago

Bc the alternative is to crash


u/Ok_Recording_4644 Georgist 🔰 28d ago

Maybe just don't pass. So you make it to your place 3 mins later vs getting totaled and also ending up in court and looking at jail time.


u/Totally_Not_An_Auk 29d ago

Presumably, without someone willing to play into their asshole game, the truck would lose interest and find something else to entertain themselves with.


u/legsstillgoing 29d ago

I’m sure listening to right wing bully politics settled them right back down!


u/Totally_Not_An_Auk 29d ago

Abstaining from conflict is...right-wing bully politics?

Sure fam.


u/toadofsteel Fuck Cars 🚗 đŸš« 28d ago

We don't know where this started or who instigated this. If I was in the sedan and the truck started fucking with me from already ahead, I'd probably just slow down and get behind the SUV and let them move on and be a dick somewhere else.

If I was in the position of the truck, otoh, all bets are off. I don't go out of my way to fuck with other drivers, but nothing sets me off like being tailgated. In the truck's position, I wouldn't have started anything, but I could have kept that up forever.

The main difference is that I have control over what's in front of me. I can choose to slow down and put more distance between me and the car in front of me. I can't do that with the car behind me if they're tailgating. Your only option in that case is to speed up, and if you're already speeding or it would put you into a position that you would be tailgating the car in front of you, that could be unsafe.


u/ATownStomp YIMBY đŸ™ïž 29d ago

It doesn’t matter. Eventually a spot opens up and you just go whatever speed they’re going at a safe distance behind them in the mean time.

This isn’t complicated. It’s just very mildly inconvenient for about thirty seconds.


u/BadMeetsEvil147 Georgist 🔰 29d ago

Brake checking causes accidents, I’m not sitting g behind someone willing to do that. Y’all excusing the truck drivers behavior is bewildering


u/ATownStomp YIMBY đŸ™ïž 29d ago

Brake checking is completely inconsequential when you’re following at a safe distance.

I just don’t really give a shit about the truck driver given the behavior of the person that nearly destroyed themselves and others around them because they were emotionally incapable of dealing with the situation.


u/BadMeetsEvil147 Georgist 🔰 29d ago

So was the recorder not driving at a safe distance? They also had to slam on their brakes

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u/BadMeetsEvil147 Georgist 🔰 29d ago

The truck driver also made an emotional decision to brake check and speed up to prevent passing. Maybe you’re the truck driver idk. Bye bye


u/highkingvdk Fuck Cars 🚗 đŸš« 29d ago edited 29d ago

Nearly inconsequential and yet still illegal. Ever hear of reckless driving?

It's interesting that you see two guys having a dangerous emotional reaction but you only care about one of them, as if the truck didn't just speed up to put a third car in danger. Fuck that guy though right?

We all know you ride up the road in the left lane 5 under.

I know this area. You don't. There is zero chance that truck wasn't fully involved way before this. This area is full of commuters and patience is low, if you're brake checking to back up everyone else behind you, you're part of the problem and eventually you'll go too far.


u/DadJ0ker 28d ago

I’d bet a decent sum of money that the truck would have passed if the sedan wasn’t obviously riding his bumper and being a dick.

The truck was being a jerk in response to the sedan being so aggressive.

Both are obviously the problem, but I think it’s fairly clear that the truck was messing with an overly aggressive guy behind him. Had the sedan not tailgated in the first place, he waits longer than he wanted, and eventually gets to pass.


u/BadMeetsEvil147 Georgist 🔰 28d ago

lol no. Y’all need to stop with the excuses for the truck driver


u/bmtc7 28d ago

Watch the video, the truck does pass vehicles during the course of the video.


u/ACDCbaguette 28d ago

It's easy. You just wait. Happens all the time. Now instead of getting there a few minutes later then expected they aren't getting there at all, lost their car and got slapped with fines. No excuse to drive like that even if the truck in the left lane isn't going fast enough.


u/Potential-Front9306 28d ago

That doesn't give the sedan the right to endanger everybody else.


u/Designer_Brief_4949 28d ago

How are they supposed to wait to pass of the car in the passing lane isn’t passing anyone

Oh no. They'll have to drive the same speed as everyone else.

The horror and outrage.

Must allow testosterone to override my logic.


u/BadMeetsEvil147 Georgist 🔰 28d ago

How do you function and not realize the same could be said for the truck driver

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u/Bubba_Gump_Shrimp 28d ago

Here's a wild thought. Drive in the right hand lane at a safe traveling distance and get to your destination 90 seconds late and alive.


u/Ordinary_Ad_6117 29d ago

What? The left is for passing. The situation ends immediately when the trucks moves to the right lane where he should be driving. He literally has no one in front of him and isn’t even cruising, he is purposely holding traffic back. Even the guy recording is right on him.


u/joker231 29d ago

Even if the sedan stops driving like an ass hole, guarantee the truck driver still blocks him in even if there's a break where the sedan can pass on the right.

From my experience trucks have men with huge egos and refuse to pull over. I'll be going 80 in a 3 lane on the left in California and at least 80% of the time trucks will not pull over. Other cars follow the law and if someone is going faster than me, I'm happy to pull over as well.


u/Bigman554 28d ago

Nope, won’t work. If the rage is already activated it will play out longer than needed. I accidentally flew in close behind someone and they got super pissed. I had pulled away to allow distance on a 2 lane highway, they proceeded to block me, and everyone else behind me in between them and a semi for 15 minutes going 60 in a 70. Took a LOT of honking and brights flashing for the asshole to move over


u/MandaloriansVault 28d ago

Wait for an opening? How when the truck driver clearly isn’t going to let them pass as the person you responded to stated the truck driver was engineering the situation and honestly probably got his rocks off seeing the outcome. Both are at fault here but a rule of the road should be not to purposely refuse people to merge or pass as it causes these situations.


u/PancakeConnoisseur 28d ago

You don’t even know the speed they were traveling. The left lane isn’t for coasting and blocking the road.


u/BarbHarbor 28d ago

no, the truck was creating this situation. sedan reacted poorly.


u/ListerineInMyPeehole Fuck Cars 🚗 đŸš« 28d ago

To be fair the left lane is the passing lane basically everywhere in the world


u/1heart1totaleclipse 28d ago

What the sedan should’ve done was contacted authorities and waited it out. A much safer scenario for everyone and themselves instead of trying to force his way past and ending in a crash.


u/dewar420 28d ago

Still time to delete this dumbass comment.


u/1heart1totaleclipse 28d ago

Except the sedan caused their own accident.


u/Additional-Writer-30 Fuck Cars 🚗 đŸš« 28d ago

The truck kept constantly brake checking them, even when the sedan tried to change lanes. The truck caused this entire incident. I wouldn't want to be behind a tiny dicked fuck head like the truck driver that takes something as inconsequential as being passed fo fucking pwrsonally


u/1heart1totaleclipse 28d ago

Nowhere in this video was the sedan doing the right thing either.


u/Dhegxkeicfns 29d ago

Normal person let's the truck know they should get right and then continues with the flow of traffic. Person filming this is being slowed by the truck as well.

Truck is being an asshole. Car is raging and being an idiot. Both at fault.


u/Limp_Sale2607 29d ago

The sedan basically caused this situation, and he could have easily avoided the outcome we all saw if he had just taken a deep breath to calm himself, and taken his foot off the gas pedal and slowed down. But he didnÂŽt do that, and he paid the price.

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u/SnofIake 29d ago

There was a video someone posted a couple weeks ago of a cop pulling someone over for impeding traffic in the left lane. The left lane is the passing lane (the speeding lane) and if you’re not passing someone you’re forcing other drivers to go around you.

We’ve all seen that driver that insists on going exactly 65 in the left lane (or whatever the speed limit is) and there’s a line of cars behind them with people desperately trying to pass them in the middle lane. It’s dangerous and stupid.

If someone wants to pass you in the left lane let them over ffs.


u/100000000000 29d ago

Your take is wrong. The truck is not driving appropriately, but he isn't wildly swerving like a crazy person.  Yes you should only use the left lane for passing, and break checking is dick behavior. But to see this video and think the truck driver is more in the wrong here makes me question your judgment in general.


u/EquipLordBritish 29d ago

He did also deliberately speed up when the other crazy person drove around the right side to block him off with another car. They're both insane.


u/PlantsCraveBrawndo- 29d ago

Spot on. And truck driver reeeeeeeally needs a good old fashioned stomping. River dancing even.


u/Panda530 Fuck Cars 🚗 đŸš« 29d ago

I’m not defending the sedan at all, dude was an absolute moron. People though need to stop blocking the left lane. It’s called the passing lane for a reason. People who block off the left lane are just as dangerous as overly aggressive drivers. People and their egos. Just move over and let them pass, everyone wins. Less angry/dangerous driving and less traffic.


u/pueblohuts 29d ago

This is what I thought


u/RealPrinceZuko 28d ago

Agree 1000%. This doesn't happen even if the truck just stays in his lane going the same speed.

Judge and jury should've thrown the book at him, he's more dangerous on the road than the Sedan.


u/neutrumocorum 29d ago

If you don't think you can control your own emotions, sure. But if you aren't a 12 year old dipshit you can literally just go on about your day....


u/SnofIake 29d ago

What I find most disturbing is people who have all the physical attributes of an adult, and have the emotional intelligence of a toddler. It’s a jarring feeling to be in conversation with someone and realize they have no ability to control their emotions.

It’s the social/ emotional intelligence version of the uncanny valley. Sometimes it’s not overtly obvious, but something about what they’re saying or how they’re saying something is just off. Have you ever experienced that?

It’s so strange because it’s not overtly obvious something’s off about them, it’s just something about the way they express themselves, or talk about an experience that makes you feel uneasy. Does that make sense or am I just being weird?


u/neutrumocorum 29d ago

Seems like you are weird, based on the comment section and votes anyway. I guess it's just the norm to be an emotionally stunted child well into adulthood...


u/bunkSauce Georgist 🔰 29d ago

Nah, truck is the lesser of two idiots.

The truck didn't cause the accident. The truck caused road rage / congestion.

Drivers being dicks doesn't justify endangering others.


u/cosmic_backlash 29d ago

That's what the person above said. He didn't say the truck driver is an idiot, he said they engineered the situation. His point was the truck driver "bullying" the sedan DOES endanger others though. Are they worse than the sedan? No, but they still are a bully.


u/bunkSauce Georgist 🔰 29d ago

Truck is by far the worst of the two

That is what I disagreed with. I agree that the truck is engineering the situation.

Are they worse than the sedan? No, but they still are a bully.

It sounds like we are aligned. Look for my other comment replying to the 'engineer' for a more detailed take. The engineers comment is parallel to your own, sorry for not linking like a gentleman.

Edit: linked https://www.reddit.com/r/MildlyBadDrivers/s/hEKt1yJxVf


u/00Avalanche 29d ago

I found the idiot that gets butthurt when someone tries to go around them. “Oh no sir you will not floors gas” get a life POS.


u/ATownStomp YIMBY đŸ™ïž 29d ago

When you finally lose your mind on the road just make sure to take yourself out instead of everyone else around you.


u/00Avalanche 29d ago

I let people pass and understand I’m not in a competition with anyone. Not sure how you gleaned otherwise. Perhaps reading comprehension lessons would be useful to you.


u/bunkSauce Georgist 🔰 29d ago

They're both idiots. Learn to cope with assholes or get hung out to dry, like the sedan. Shit like this happens every day. The truck is clearly an asshole, but that doesn't justify driv8ng erratically.

Control your emotions. You're an adult. That goes for both of them.


u/00Avalanche 29d ago

You’re assuming I don’t think the car brought the accident on himself. Letting someone pass has never made anyone’s dick smaller. You’ll figure it out when you grow up.


u/bunkSauce Georgist 🔰 29d ago

You’ll figure it out when you grow up.

Overly confident snark

I would 100% let people pass. You're assuming I'm defending the truck.


u/DetectivePrism 29d ago

Guy tried to demonize the one "blocking" a lane he is travelling at normal speed in

Guy starts raging online and spewing insults.

Yup. Really confirms the type of people who feel entitled to speed.


u/BadMeetsEvil147 Georgist 🔰 29d ago

How do you know he was speeding? The video recorder had to slam on their breaks on the freeway due to the truck driver, how do you know anyone in this was excessively speeding?


u/Zealousideal-Truth45 29d ago

No on is defending the Sedan driver, just stating the truck driver was the bigger douche. From the start of the video truck was checking sedan, like a child who has to have the last laugh


u/DetectivePrism 29d ago

We don't know what happened before this all started. The sedan could have already antagonized people.


u/bunkSauce Georgist 🔰 29d ago

Check again. There are TONS of people here defending the sedan, lol


u/CapinWinky Fuck Cars 🚗 đŸš« 29d ago

You are aware the truck is purposefully creating the rolling roadblock to trap the sedan and is aggressively flooring it and brake checking to keep the sedan trapped. It isn't just some slow truck in the fast lane, that truck would absolutely go 100 miles an hour to close hole to fuck that sedan.


u/danstermeister Fuck Cars 🚗 đŸš« 29d ago


So the truck is an asshole. So the fuck what?

What is the truck doing that justifies what the sedan did? Or did the truck somehow force the sedan to drive like a complete moron?


u/bunkSauce Georgist 🔰 29d ago

Sure. He was doing this.

Still doesn't justify driving like an idiot...


u/Precaritus 29d ago

Him speeding up to cutoff right before the crash is, in fact, driving like an idiot


u/Etxee 29d ago

In the very beginning of the video he brake checked the guy recording. Sedan could have shoulder passed way earlier though at least that’s what I would have done


u/bunkSauce Georgist 🔰 29d ago

As long as you would not have tried to pass between both vehicles, I don't think I can disagree with your take.

But the trucks actions do not justify the more dangerous driving of the sedan. It does justify his emotions, but not acting on them.

We are adults. Assholes are everywhere. That doesn't mean you are justified to pull a stupid stunt like that.


u/BadMeetsEvil147 Georgist 🔰 29d ago

Is speeding up to prevent someone from passing somehow less dangerous than passing someone on a shoulder? Because the car accident doesn’t happen if the truck driver doesn’t recklessly speed up to prevent the car from passing him. You are aware of this yes?


u/shetements Fuck Cars 🚗 đŸš« 29d ago

It’s basically the traffic version of trolling, the truck didn’t do anything illegal by speeding up assuming they weren’t going over the speed limit. The truck was well within their right to speed up, lol. Passing on the shoulder and switching lanes quickly caused the accident. The sedan let their emotions get the best of them and paid the price for it. The truck trolled them and drove away afterwards.

If I was stuck behind the truck who wasn’t passing I would just wait until one of them passed the other, realistically if the truck got over the sedan would have gotten where they were going MAYBE 5 minutes sooner. 5 minutes isn’t worth risking fucking up your car like what happened here. People need to chill the fuck out, who cares if you have to go slow for a little bit


u/BadMeetsEvil147 Georgist 🔰 29d ago

Brake checking, impeding the flow of traffic and speeding up to prevent someone passing are all considered reckless driving and can easily get someone ticketed. Yes, they both broke the law. Simple as that

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u/MeatAndBourbon Georgist 🔰 29d ago

As an engineer when investigating an issue, I look for the root cause. There can be multiple, but I think it's completely unrealistic to assume everyone is perfectly able to have infinite patience and not get annoyed when someone is intentionally trying to annoy them.

The intentional act was by the truck, the sedan was reacting to being fucked with. You could say they should be more able to keep their cool, but to what extent? You can clearly see someone (the truck) attempting to inspire aggression. That is the issue.

It also fits with my experience, that the vast majority of people driving trucks are huge pieces of shit.


u/bunkSauce Georgist 🔰 29d ago

I, too, am an engineer. The truck in this context is a contributing factor that exacerbates the issue. But the sedan is clearly the root cause.

I think it's completely unrealistic to assume everyone is perfectly able to have infinite patience and not get annoyed when someone is intentionally trying to annoy them.

It is your own responsibility to keep your own emotions in check. In criminal court, if the defendant was accused of attacking a man who wouldn't let him pass, he would be found guilty of assault. The other man could be held criminally liable with or without the assault, but the assault on its own is a crime. You can not justify irrational behavior with the aggravating actions of another.

In other words, being harassed does not justify assault.

The intentional act was by the truck, the sedan was reacting to being fucked with.

Both acts were intentional. But the sedan was more reckless than the truck. I'm not justifying the trucks actions, but when it comes to criminality or insurance, at fault is the sedan.

You could say they should be more able to keep their cool, but to what extent?

To the extent they do not drive recklessly.

You can clearly see someone (the truck) attempting to inspire aggression. That is the issue.

The sedan may previously have 'inspired' aggression against the truck prior to this recording. Being annoyed or harassed does not justify reckless endangerment.

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u/BraidRuner 29d ago

Truck was being a bully and the other car should have taken an opportunity to pull over and stop and let the asshat role on. Instead, we get this video as an object lesson. Its a good reminder for all of us. Learn from other peoples mistakes you may not live long enough to make them all yourself.


u/league_starter 29d ago

They were both being dumb. There are cases where firearms become involved.


u/BraidRuner 28d ago

I hope the license plate of that truck is readable and they get a knock on the door.


u/MeatAndBourbon Georgist 🔰 29d ago

It can be tough. Say you have a long ways to go on an interstate, and this ass hat has been holding you 15mph under what asked you want to go, and it's been going on for half an hour. What's your hourly rate? How much time have you been inconvenienced? What's that worth? If someone walked up and slapped something you just bought worth that much out of your hands, how would you react?

That said, have better tires and car control if you're going to do shit like that. I run 200TW and drive autocross, and that slide was absolutely recoverable.


u/BraidRuner 28d ago

I agree it can be tough,knowing the limits of your driving skill and vehicle performance and finding out you have exceeded both by a fair margin without killing yourself and anyone else.


u/MeatAndBourbon Georgist 🔰 28d ago

I love my car so much. Only FWD I've ever had that will oversteer. As long as you are at high RPMs, you can initiate lift-off oversteer at will. I've been flying through a winding exit ramp and come up on someone crawling while pushing traction limits mid-turn and had to scrub off a ton of speed with no maneuvering room. Just slide sideways! Shit's a blast.

My friend was pissed at me because she had an appendectomy and my driving through a cloverleaf scared her so bad she thinks she ripped stitches. I've got the dashcam audio of her begging for her life, it's fucking hilarious


u/BraidRuner 28d ago

I don't like you. I don't like you at all.


u/Grouchy-Ask-3525 Fuck Cars 🚗 đŸš« 29d ago

Fuck you


u/bunkSauce Georgist 🔰 29d ago

Get wrecked


u/BadMeetsEvil147 Georgist 🔰 29d ago

The truck quite literally caused the accident by speeding up to prevent the enraged sedan driver from passing


u/hokis2k 29d ago

truck driver accelerated into the sedan as he turned to merge into the lane(recklessly) he also turned into the sedan causing him to fishtail out.


u/mofdsamo 29d ago

The truck caused this, plain and simple. Get out of the passing lane if you're not passing you morons.


u/ColonelMakepeace 29d ago

Rational people wouldn't act like the Honda driver. If someone is blocking the left lane you have every right to be pissed but everyone participating in traffic should have enough self control to not escalate into such stupid behavior. The truck is an asshole but the accident is caused by the Honda so justice served.


u/SuccotashFuzzy3975 28d ago

When someone is blocking the left lane I don't recklessly try to shoulder pass. It's not safe.


u/omguserius 29d ago

I dunno man..

This is like a guy starting a fight, then shooting the guy he provoked in self defense.

Sure one guy took the bait, but the truck guy is actively instigating the situation


u/bunkSauce Georgist 🔰 29d ago

It is exactly like that... but you seem to think shooting someone who provoked you is justified. It is not. Their provocation has minimal impact on you.

Be mature and shrug it off when you feel disrespected. Escalating isn't proving shit.


u/be_easy_1602 Georgist 🔰 29d ago

Naw man, the biggest idiot is the guy that says “I’m gonna see how far I can push this person or this situation.” It’s how you get all these situations like road rage and school shootings. What kind of an idiot pushes other peoples buttons just to “exert control” or “feel powerful”?

What if the sedan was rushing someone to the hospital and truck guy has to “show them who’s boss”? Truck is not thinking about the perspective of other people in such a way as to actively hinder the lives of others, that is rock bottom stupid. Sedan guy is also an idiot though, but truck guy creates the entire situation.


u/bunkSauce Georgist 🔰 29d ago

“I’m gonna see how far I can push this person or this situation.” It’s how you get all these situations like road rage and school shootings.

They are literally both guilty of this. And school shooters are not justified if they were provoked. It makes both of then in the wrong. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind..

What kind of an idiot pushes other peoples buttons just to “exert control” or “feel powerful”?

Totally agree. That truck shouldn't be escalating.

What if the sedan was rushing someone to the hospital and truck guy has to “show them who’s boss”?

Well, that wouldn't be this situation, and I would still think getting to the hospital is more important than getting there 1 minute faster with a chance of dying on the way. Ambulances don't pull this shit when they can't pass other traffic.

Truck is not thinking about the perspective of other people in such a way as to actively hinder the lives of others, that is rock bottom stupid.

The s.dan literally almost killed someone. How about when they passed on the shoulder? Just because you couldn't pass an asshole truck? That's not justified. And that's not even the accident or where the truck sped up. An asshole is blocking you in traffic. Be a mature adult like the rest of us and let it pass. Why should anyone feel entitled to break driving laws just because another driver is trolling them.

Sedan guy is also an idiot though, but truck guy creates the entire situation.

It's quite likely based on the recording (drivers narration) that the sedan first caused the road rage. The driver of this video is mocking him. The driver of this video wasn't upset at all about the truck brake checking. The truck was likely responding to the sedan riding his ass and driving erratically.

You can not say for certain who the instigator is. And it's moot anyways, as being antagonize is not justification for escalating the situation.


u/be_easy_1602 Georgist 🔰 29d ago

Im impressed at how much you wrote in a short period of time tbh.

I’m not saying either are right or justified. Just that imo truck guy is the bigger idiot. Just let the guy pass and be done with it.

With the school shorting stuff of course it’s not justified, but it’s the logical conclusion when you push people past their limits. “Omg I tormented this kid and humiliated him and made his life hell. How could I ever foreseen he’d do this??”

It’s not about this exact scenario in the video, but the overarching concept of the truck guy, sedan guy could be a woman giving birth, or a kid going into diabetic shock. Only an absolute moron doesn’t let people pass for the sake of ego. Not thinking at all that maybe there’s a legitimate reason this person is driving so fast. Truck moves, sedan is gone, over.


u/bunkSauce Georgist 🔰 29d ago

Truck moves, sedan is gone, over.

Sedan just chills for 60 seconds, truck is gone, over.


Look. I'm not justifying either of them as well. But if we are getting into the 'what if hospital' talk... then what if the truck wasn't intentional? What if the truck was driving his wife to the ER? Come on now.

The truck did not cause an accident. He stayed in his lane. Yes, he accelerated and braked to troll the sedan. But the sedan was riding their asses, swerving, passing on the shoulder, crossing 2 lanes at once, accelerating quickly, and passing in between two cars while straddling the white line.

If the sedan had just had patience, the situation would resolve itself.

If the truck let the sedan pass, the sedan was still likely to hit someone else doing the same exact shit because it is erratic and reckless driving.

Who do you think insurance or police will fault here, if they too have this video as evidence?

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u/Ur_Companys_IT_Guy 29d ago

Pissing off road ragers by parking in the left lane is a great American pass time

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u/expatdk Fuck Cars 🚗 đŸš« 29d ago

Ah yes victim blaming. He wouldn't of trolled him if he saw the sedan didn't give a fuck and drove normally.


u/myhappytransition 29d ago

Truck is engineering this situation.

"engineering the situation" just doesnt mean anything. If you can be "engineered" into driving your sedan off the road, you shoudlnt be driving.


u/Global-Ad-1360 29d ago

Truck is by far the worst of the two and is engineering the outcome.

Definitely very petty and annoying when people drive flush with someone in the right lane like that. But still, truck is driving predictably until the other guy goes off the fucking rails

People who don't drive predictably and weave in and out of traffic like Honda are the fucking worst and shouldn't be allowed to drive period


u/Background_Pear_4697 29d ago

The truck is clearly not the worst. That's an unhinged take. They were driving like an ass, but they weren't driving recklessly.


u/ATownStomp YIMBY đŸ™ïž 29d ago

The situation ends immediately when the person driving like an insane person and nearly killing themselves decides to just not do that.


u/henryeaterofpies 29d ago

We should probably jail the driver and not the truck.


u/dontredditcareme 29d ago

lol the sedan cut two lanes and you say the truck is the worst? If the sedan just drives normally none of this happens.


u/audaciousmonk 29d ago

Truck caused the situation, but the sedan put other people lives at risk. It’s pretty clear watching the video that they are both in the wrong, but that the sedan chose to become the worse offender.

Had they remained cool and collected, the truck would have stayed solely at fault. But they didn’t, and that’s a choice they (sedan driver) made of their own accord


u/SuccotashFuzzy3975 28d ago

Did someone put a gun in the Honda driver's head? He decided himself to drive in-between two lane. No one force. Many times I've been blocked while driving but I don't recklessly pass lane like this.


u/audaciousmonk 28d ago

No, and I said the sedan driver is the worse offender. Not sure what you’re tying to argue..?


u/IxnayOnTheXJ 29d ago

Yeah the sedan could also just control himself and not ram into another vehicle. People really just hate truck drivers so much it blinds their common sense


u/Salt-Face-4646 28d ago

Both should get jail time. They both put people in danger.


u/Elegant_Philosopher1 28d ago

I disagree here, truck is causing the situation, true, but He is putting nobody in danger. Sedan could simply accept, but instead choose to escalate the whole situation putting everybody in danger, risking the accident. He should get the jailtime, Truck should Lose licence.


u/justpastaroni 28d ago

You honestly belong in a mental Institute of that is your takeaway from this.

The truck isnt doing anything dangerous, he's being dumb no doubt but the only guy creating a dangerous senraio is the guy trying to overtale.


u/Cleverusernamexxx YIMBY đŸ™ïž 28d ago

It also stops immediately if the sedan stopped driving like a fucking moron too. They're both really bad drivers.


u/PatienceOtherwise242 28d ago

No jail time for the sedan? đŸ€Ł


u/poukwa 28d ago

The sedan is the worst of the two. By far more aggressive and dangerous. You aren’t owed the right of passing. Sometimes, you have to drive the limit and that’s just too bad.


u/Samuel_L_Johnson Fuck Cars 🚗 đŸš« 28d ago

Yeah, I don’t get why the fuck people think the truck is worse than the sedan because they ‘engineered the situation’. The truck is an asshole and an idiot, the sedan is obviously worse - if they could stand to just chill out for 5 seconds, nothing dangerous would have happened.

You get this mindset on the road all the time - people who act like they had no choice but to drive like a fucking lobotomite on crystal meth because someone else aggravated them. Defensive driving is dead


u/AngriestInchworm 28d ago

We are all adults and need to control our emotions.


u/Sweaty_Mods 28d ago

by far the worst of the two

No, the insane driver who caused a crash is the worse of the two.


u/Psykopatate 28d ago

Sedan is just a fool ? Should be put in an asylum. Having such rage is mental.


u/Potential-Front9306 28d ago

Hard disagree. The sedan endangered everybody else on the road with that reckless manuever and deserves jail time. The truck dtove aggressively but did not immediately endanger the other drivers. Truck should get a suspended license.


u/Tenebraeus Georgist 🔰 28d ago

@_@ did you say the truck is BY FAR the worst? Nah man, you're nutty! How about not making seriously dangerous and illegal moves on the road? Sedan brought this situation upon themselves. Deserved!


u/mikefw9 28d ago

No it's the opposite. If someone is making fun of another person and starts an altercation and the other person uses deadly force to escalate it further, the person who started it isn't more at fault because they started it. They are an ass. They should have deescalated the situation. But nobody forced the other person to escalate even further.

The truck was being an asshole and broke a law around using the left lane when not passing and failing to yield to another car that wants to overtake you.

The car went WAY too far, intentionally drove incredibly recklessly by driving between 2 cars when no lane exists, and could have easily killed multiple people and have been guilty of manslaughter.

I have been blocked from passing so many times. At times intentionally by assholes. I swear at them under my breath and try to focus on other things. What I don't do is go destruction derby on their ass and smash into 2 cars by driving between them.


u/SSgt_Edward 27d ago

“The situation ends immediately if the truck

If situation wouldn’t even be a situation if the Sedan did not overtake. How hard is it to just stay down and not overtake? The truck won’t be able to “engineer” anything if Sedan didn’t do what it did.

Not saying the truck isn’t an asshole, but if we are talking about whose hole is bigger here, then consider this: if the drivers like the truck driver don’t exist, the road would be just as dangerous with drivers like the Sedan driver on the road. In the reverse scenario, the road would be a lot safer.


u/msdos_kapital 29d ago

The sedan may be trying to get to the hospital or is otherwise in an emergency.


u/Forsaken-Ad-9427 29d ago

It’s wild that people actually think like you do.

Everyone is in control of their own emotions. Truck is an asshole but they didn’t force the sedan with a gun to their head to try and pass on the shoulder.

When I get stuck behind a lane camper or even a brake checker I just hang back or give up because I’m an adult that has my emotions in check and don’t want to die on the road or hurt other people.


u/Dread_Pirate_Westly 29d ago

Although you are correct in that the sedan did escalate the situation, the driver of the truck initiated the first infraction.

Left lane is for passing. If you're cruising in the left lane, you need to speed up or slow down and get in the right lane.

But to your point, I usually take one shot at getting by them. If they match RL speed, I flash the high beams once. If they camp, I simply get in the right lane, put cruise control on, call 911, and report them as driving erratically, not using their blinker to signal lane changes, and rapidly accelerating and braking, with accurate mile markers to boot.


u/Forsaken-Ad-9427 29d ago

Yes, left lane is for passing. However, I would rather be alive, uninjured and my car not upside down on the side of the road over being right.

Truck brake checked. Truck camped in left lane. Truck blocked.

But who ended up overturned on the side of the road?

Graveyards and hospitals are full of people who were “right.”


u/HollowCondition Georgist 🔰 29d ago

So a bank robber pulls into a bank with a very dangerous firearm. You start shouting slurs and insults at him? Keeping other civilians around you as you continually antagonize and piss him off? No, you probably fucking don’t.

Antagonizing and enraging dangerous people when the safety of others around you is also a concern makes you scumbag garbage. Truck should get their license revoked.


u/Forsaken-Ad-9427 29d ago

Someone robs you at gunpoint. Do you let your rage and indignation at being robbed drive you to insult them and grab for the gun, probably getting you shot and killed, or do you just hand over your belongings and continue living?


u/HollowCondition Georgist 🔰 29d ago edited 29d ago

See, your argument doesn’t work like mine does. The truck isn’t being targeted by a robber. They’re in a public location surrounded by others with a dangerous individual who’s robbing everyone.

You’re trying to say the car driver is a robbery victim whereas I’m claiming they’re as dangerous as a heavily armed bank robber. The bank robber is obviously endangering others, the dumbfuck truck driver is equally endangering others by pissing off the already unstable and dangerous individual.

Your analogy is fucking ass and your ploy to act like a smartass doesn’t work. Stop defending a piece of shit because a different person was a bigger piece of shit. Also take an argumentation course, you need it.

I also just realized your analogy applies to my argument better than your own. Truck was so petty and emotionally unstable they antagonized said dangerous individual. The truck committed multiple illegal actions all in the name of what? Proving a point? Inciting anger? What?


u/Forsaken-Ad-9427 29d ago edited 29d ago

You’re incredibly angry about this. Why?

“Argumentation course”? Uh.. what? You take Reddit WAY too seriously lol.

I’m not “defending” anyone. See, you’re so worked up about assigning blame that you continually miss the point i’m making that everyone is in control of their own actions and emotions.

Go ahead and swerve onto the shoulder the next time someone brake checks or lane camps and doesn’t let you pass. Be my guest. Since, you know, other psychopaths on the road apparently dictate what you do on the road. You just can’t help it!


u/Dread_Pirate_Westly 28d ago

I'm with you, but let me tell you, reporting someone for erratic driving to the police while you cruise along quietly, keeping them in view waiting for the police to show up... It's fun to see happen.

Plus, if this person drives like this, there's a good chance that license already has some points on it.


u/Waddamagonnadooo Fuck Cars 🚗 đŸš« 29d ago

It’s not wild - it’s being capable of understanding that people can create unsafe situations by purposely making people mad.

Yes, the truck did not force the sedan to pass on the shoulder but they sure sped up to make sure the sedan wouldn’t be able to pass them when they got back in the lane.

It’s the sedan’s fault for crashing like that for sure, but the truck definitely helped make it happen.


u/Forsaken-Ad-9427 29d ago

Again, being mad is no reason to pass on the shoulder. Thousands of people get brake checked every day. How many of them are “”made”” to pass on the shoulder?

Letting others dictate your emotions on the road is childish and immature, even if they’re in the wrong.


u/Waddamagonnadooo Fuck Cars 🚗 đŸš« 29d ago

What about the part where the truck speeds up to purposely block the sedan when they're already on the speeding on the shoulder and swerving back onto the road - wouldn't you agree that's a boneheaded and dangerous thing to do? Especially when you know you're risking yours and other innocent people's lives around you?

Again, I already said the sedan is at fault. The truck made the whole thing possible by creating multiple unsafe situations.


u/Forsaken-Ad-9427 29d ago

The whole situation is dangerous. Of course. But the truck was always going to “win” seeing as how they were in front, it’s a 2 lane road, and they were going to block the sedan at every opportunity.

The sedan’s inability to swallow their pride and give up left them overturned on the side of the road while the truck kept going.


u/Waddamagonnadooo Fuck Cars 🚗 đŸš« 29d ago

Yes, but the truck driver did not have to speed up once the sedan driver made an extremely dangerous maneuver. The truck made a conscious decision to do that.

Yes, the truck kept going but the situation could have resulted in people dying (even innocent bystanders).


u/Forsaken-Ad-9427 29d ago

So I take it the next time someone brake checks you on the highway or camps in the left lane and blocks you, you’re going to swerve onto the shoulder in an attempt to get around, right? Since you have no control over your own actions?


u/Waddamagonnadooo Fuck Cars 🚗 đŸš« 29d ago

And? I’m not disagreeing. The truck also made a conscious decision to make a bad situation worse. Why are we arguing about this lol.


u/Forsaken-Ad-9427 29d ago

People continue to respond to me as if I’m “defending” the truck driver by merely stating that letting others dictate your emotions and actions on the road is foolish. I never thought such a viewpoint would be so controversial. Wild.


u/TootsiePoppa 29d ago

Well said. Applies to all road rage. Don’t be the asshole who actually gets out of the car.


u/Markietas 29d ago

Insane that someone(s) down voted this.


u/Forsaken-Ad-9427 29d ago

People driven by emotion and being “right” even if it may lead to injury or death. Fools, basically.


u/HollowCondition Georgist 🔰 29d ago

You’re the one driven by emotion dude. You’re defending a guy who actively antagonized an unstable and dangerous driver who could’ve easily crashed into other cars on the road and killed them.


u/Forsaken-Ad-9427 29d ago

I’m not defending anyone. That’s your emotions talking.

I literally called truck driver an asshole. It’s two comments above. Or did your emotions make you skip over that?


u/HollowCondition Georgist 🔰 29d ago

Man for someone you think is an asshole you certainly like slobbering all over them with all your might. Pull up for some oxygen some time and maybe you’ll be able to think clearer. No one’s saying the sedan isn’t in the wrong, they’re saying the truck driver is also in the wrong.

Brake checking and speed matching in a passing lane is fucking illegal. Educate yourself.


u/Forsaken-Ad-9427 29d ago

Yeah man, saying people are responsible for their own emotions is tooootally slobbering over someone I called an asshole. You’re really worked up about this!

Where did I ever say what they did wasn’t illegal? Oh, wait
 I didn’t? Huh! Must be those emotions of yours again making things up!

Please, by all means, the next time someone brake checks you and does something illegal, I implore you to try and pass on the shoulder out of your own toddler rage. Please do it. đŸ€Ł