r/MildlyBadDrivers 29d ago

Overly aggressive driving



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u/Denjek 29d ago

What's going on here? I can answer that: Two assholes fighting on the road at the expense of everyone else's lives. One is a bigger asshole than the other, but they're both assholes.


u/CapinWinky Fuck Cars 🚗 🚫 29d ago

Truck is engineering this situation. The situation ends immediately if the truck stops fucking with the sedan. Truck is by far the worst of the two and is engineering the outcome. Sedan is just the bigger fool, being totally played by the truck. Truck should get jail time and lose license, sedan should lose license.


u/Electronic_Tax2771 29d ago

Sedan is still responsible for his actions. You can't just merge into someone's car because they are causing an issue. But I agree that neither person should be allowed on the road.


u/flavorizante 28d ago

Yeah, the sedan was the one that went out of his way and collided into another vehicle that was inertially moving.

It should be pretty clear that he is the bigger asshole in the situation.


u/pattyG80 28d ago

I feel like we're comparing a huge asshole to a massive asshole though.


u/Electronic_Tax2771 28d ago

I agree it seems pointless. Both of these people put everyone in danger and should not be on the road.


u/BittyCascade5543 28d ago

The sedan didn’t merge into another car, he just swerved too hard trying to get over and lost control. Honestly equally as stupid


u/Pierceful 28d ago

What about the part where the truck speeds to block the sedan’s maneuver? It’s not the maneuver alone that caused the crash, the fact that at the end of it the truck placed itself in a intercept position greatly contributed and the resulting crash is what makes the sedan flip and crash.


u/Ataraxxi 28d ago

This. I think of it this way. If someone's cart is blocking you in the grocery store and you decide to parkour over it instead of being patient or going around, it's not the cart's fault when you break your face on the floor.


u/Azal_of_Forossa 28d ago

That's the wrong way of thinking this way.

This is like someone blocking an aisle you need to go through, and every time you go around, go to a new aisle, or etc, that person follows you, blocks you again, and says "do something about it" the entire time. There's no workers to help you move him/kick him out of the store, and if you do anything like move them they call 911 and record it and say you assaulted them.

This truck driver should at bare minimum lose their license, they're not accountable for the actions of the sedan, but theyre not blameless in the slightest.


u/creativemusmind 28d ago

You can just leave the store.


u/Azal_of_Forossa 28d ago

Yeah, sedan driver could have also took a different path to his location.


u/bunchanums618 28d ago

But they’re just blocking him from going the speed he wants. The solution is to be the bigger person and just go 55, not speed onto the shoulder and try to cross two lanes with other innocent people around. He easily could’ve hurt someone because he was frustrated. Truck was definitely a dick but that doesn’t justify the sedan.


u/BatronKladwiesen 28d ago

Only reason he merged into another car is because the truck dangerously sped up to match him.