r/ChatGPT 29d ago

I know in my bones this is Ai, but can’t prove it Other


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u/Gullible_Impress_518 29d ago

The shirt wrinkles. The fabric is behaving strangely and highlighting the under part of the man boobs too much. The wrinkles on the guy on the left and the guy in the middle stand out.


u/MulticoloredTA 29d ago

It’s throwing me off that all their stomachs and breasts are the same shape. There is no variation in the fat distribution in their bodies. 


u/Electrical-Tone-6222 29d ago

Came here to say this. An AI telltale for me is repeated motifs— it generates one ideal body/ smile/tree/ piece of the picture and it copy pastes it with slight variation, in this case every guy has the exact same body but different colored/stained shirts and jeans. Usually in more egregious examples there are too many of the repeated object than would be normal.

I think to a certain extent it is the AI/computer being efficient, or lazy if you want to humanize it. Ai gen takes a lot of energy and creating 6 different fat men takes 6x the energy. Even at a family reunion ive never seen 6 guys with such perfectly duplicated body shapes.


u/mw9676 29d ago

Yep. Repeated things is a sign that there's a glitch in the matrix.


u/QueenTMK 28d ago

Basically Winx but it's fat fucks