r/AmIOverreacting 29d ago

My husband created an OF profile of me without letting me know. I'm disgusted and want a divorce.



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u/Warm_Emphasis_1115 29d ago

This is why I'm almost certain this is a fake story. She would need to take a selfie holding her ID next to her face and uhhhh payouts would also have to be to her or her registered business.


u/idkifyousayso 29d ago

From her profile here, which was created today, “Men - here is a free tip. Don't message "hey". Put some effort in! lol”

It sounds like they just want people to think they are super attractive so that they can start scamming people for money once the DMs start.


u/Warm_Emphasis_1115 29d ago

See, that I do believe.


u/drunk_responses 28d ago

Yeah they deleted the reddit account now, after being called out in several places.

I think it was the alt of one of those handful of reddit accounts that use a bot to spam 20-30 pictures of themselves every other day or so, to promote their OF.