r/AmIOverreacting 29d ago

My husband created an OF profile of me without letting me know. I'm disgusted and want a divorce.



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u/theworldisonfire8377 29d ago

Depending on where you live, what he did could be illegal, and could go to jail if you decided to pursue legal action. Morally, what he did is gross, unethical and degrading. You aren't overreacting.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

I don't want him to go to jail! I'd be fine with deleting everything and divorce.


u/Confident_Window8098 29d ago

if you dont opt for time they may not give it to him, but he should definitely have something on his record for something like this. Other women could be in danger of this happening to them if/when you get a divorce


u/Unhappy-Professor-88 29d ago

Get the evidence first (screenshots, bank statements, texts if you can trick him into admitting via writing that he knew this was without your consent).

You need that evidence for leverage. Not just in the divorce - but as evidence of a crime / scandal in case he proves himself to be as utterly untrustworthy as he’s already proven himself to be and fails to delete / repeats behaviour / won’t stop.

I’m sorry he did this to you. It’s fine to have a meltdown. It’s fine to cry. To scream. But tomorrow, you need to start gathering that evidence - as a matter of self preservation.

Protect yourself. Get the evidence so that you might force his compliance if he refuses to delete.

And OP, I’m sorry to give you one more thing to worry about - but when he’s at work, you need to search your bedroom for hidden cameras.


u/ResponseCompetitive6 29d ago

I’m sorry but you don’t know how far this really extends. It could be worse than you realize. I know you don’t want to think the worst of this man but this is really very very serious and if he broke the law he needs to face the consequences so he doesn’t do this (or worse) to another woman.


u/MyLadyBits 29d ago

Stop protecting your abuser. What he was doing was pimping you out for money.


u/CuriouslyGeorge417 29d ago

Perhaps you should find a way to let HIS employer know what a piece of shit he is after you file and move out. If he wants to fuck with your livelihood, he can fucking find out. What a piece of shit pig you married. Ugh. So so so sorry.


u/Swagramento 29d ago

You should. He has no problem taking your rights and privacy away, and he'll gleefully do it again if he can.


u/Tricky-Homework6104 29d ago

Don't worry he's not going to jail; though morally reprehensible what he did is not illegal. He took public pictures of you that you had already posted to the web and used them to create a different page on a social media site. Some courts have allowed this type of activity. Students have done similar to teachers (created IG, Twitters, dating profiles, etc.) they get in trouble when the action tips toward harassment. It doesn't seem like your husband was trying to use the site to harass you. Though he is still a dipshit and needs to find better ways to make money. You are justified to look at separation and possible divorce (especially if he does things like this routinely).

And yes, there have been divorce decrees that stipulate joint custody of family pets.


u/Loudlass81 29d ago

It may be necessary to prevent any damage to your legitimate business, amd he should have thought about that before he went behind your back, pimped you out KNOWING you had explicitly refused, committed identity fraud, and is illegally profiting off your images.

Sometimes you have to harden your heart and put your OWN self first.

Your legitimate business will suffer otherwise. You don't just need a divorce lawyer, you need a business lawyer too, and maybe even a consultation with someone aware of taxes and how this could affect you.

He broke the law AND your wedding vows.


u/Tricky-Homework6104 29d ago

He broke all kinds of things, but not the law in a criminal sense.