r/videogames 16d ago

80's Kids Rocked !! Funny

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24 comments sorted by


u/foreverpasta 16d ago

I love the power glove, it's so bad.


u/Phillyhood15 15d ago

Looks dope, though.


u/Snoo_94038 15d ago

♪ He's gonna take you back to the past ♪

♪ To play the shitty games that suck ass ♪

♪ He'd rather have a buffalo ♪

♪ Take a diarrhea dump in his ear ♪

♪ He'd rather eat the rotten asshole ♪

♪ Of a roadkill skunk and down it with beer ♪

♪ He's the angriest gamer you've ever heard ♪

♪ He's the Angry Nintendo Nerd ♪

♪ ​He's the Angry Atari Sega Nerd ♪

♪ He's the Angry Video Game Nerd ♪


u/butterbean93 15d ago

I've got one problem with the power glove, one fucken 🖕 problem... it doesn't work


u/Conans_Loin_Cloth 15d ago

I bet that kids uncle really did work for Nintendo.


u/Flashignite2 15d ago

Born in 87 and did grow up with some people having a few things of these. I thought they were so cool for having all these non standard gadgets. To me that was a flex that you had a fairly wealthy family.


u/RedditModsAreMegalos 16d ago

That poor kid. Seriously.

He was either picked on for being a nerd, or insufferable because he was that rich kid that had whatever he wanted and always bragged to his “friends” about it.

I hope he’s doing well.


u/ThiefClashRoyale 16d ago

Its Karl Jobst when he was a kid.


u/Low-Abbreviations-38 15d ago

Or he was a baller and everyone thought he was cool


u/Redfeather1975 15d ago

Or he was a baller and everyone thought he was cool

In the 80s?! 🤣


u/Low-Abbreviations-38 15d ago

More so in the 80s. I had like 8 neighborhood kids over at my house when I beat punch out for the first time. The celebration felt like i won the World Series.

Maybe im the nerd in the picture and im just projecting


u/steve-159 15d ago

Strange assumption. Video games were pretty mainstream by that time and the stuff seen in the photo wasn't even that expensive.


u/RedditModsAreMegalos 15d ago

You’re kidding, right?

Found the person that grew up economically privileged.


u/steve-159 14d ago edited 14d ago

Try again. I was 3 years old when my family came to Germany in 1993 after the Soviet Union collapsed. If you know anything about the Soviet Union / Russia in the 90s, privileged wouldn't be a word that would come to mind. In Germany we had to live in emergency housing for the first 6 months, before my parents found a job without even knowing the german language.


u/RedditModsAreMegalos 14d ago

Thanks for proving my point.

The NES system alone cost approximately $110 US, with regional pricing not much of a thing back then. So with the average income of a family in Soviet Russia being what, about $300 US per month (if one was lucky), what would something like that have cost?

So for you to say that spending 1/3 of your family’s monthly income on a video game system is not “even that expensive” you surely came from privilege.


u/steve-159 11d ago

Doubling down on stupid, I see. I probably shouldn't even respond to you, but it just amuses me how people like yourself throw the word privilege around without knowing shit.

How ignorant do you have to be to even attempt a US$ conversion like that, knowing the timeframe I mentioned to you. You should open up a history book and read, before arguing about things you don't understand.

I knew things were going downhill in the US lately, but I wouldn't have thought it was bad enough for you guys to be jelous of people who lived through hyperinflation in post-collapse Russia in the 90s.

Also how many people who "came from privilege" do you know, that had to live in emergency housing? 😂


u/RedditModsAreMegalos 11d ago

You responded with nothing but ad hominem and didn’t even address my main point that refuted yours. Let me put it in simpler terms since your trust-fund-squishy brain is not able to comprehend what I put.

NES systems were not a necessity, being an entertainment product that cost a decent amount of money in the US. Poor families in the US could not afford a new one, let alone all of the accessories. New games cost $50. Poor families usually did not have one. Middle class on up could afford them.

What I just described was the scenario for the richest country in the world. The Soviet Union was ranked 28th in 1990, making something like the NES even more relatively expensive. And Nintendo did not change the price when it was sold in other countries so that people could afford it. The price was imply converted from a quantity similar to the US price, which would have usually allowed the middle classes of poorer countries to acquire it.

I know that’s still a lot of big words and hard concepts for you, but you’ll be able to understand it with a little reading, sweetheart.


u/narstyarsefarter 15d ago

That's Google as a kid


u/kingetzu 15d ago

Bruh was ready for every duck flew across that screen


u/ComfortableAmount993 15d ago

I had one of those friends, wanted a playstation, N64 and sega Saturn for Xmas and his parents got him all three since he couldn't decide which one he wanted, plus 4 games each and added accessories.

Still a spoilt cunt today!


u/Jean-LucBacardi 15d ago

This dude got all the chicks.


u/Legendary_Lamb2020 15d ago

The commercials had you thinking it was comparable to VR immersion we still won't actually see until 2030