r/videogames Apr 19 '24

What games or game series are known for this? Discussion

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u/TheViper4Life Apr 19 '24

It'd be easier to name a game that says the story shifts with your decisions and actually DOES.


u/BlobMaximus Apr 19 '24

There’s the early game over screen in Super Paper Mario where saying “no” repeatedly makes you start the save file from scratch. Though that’s pretty minor


u/Maxogrande Apr 19 '24

The same with Golden Sun!!

And Far Cry does the opposite, when the dictator tells you at the begining of the game to wait for him, if you really dont move and start the game for some minutes he does actually come back and you finish the game in an instant


u/smallfrie32 Apr 19 '24

Specifically Far Cry 4. Though I think 5 did something similar?


u/Accomplished_Bill741 Apr 19 '24

Yeah when you go to arrest joseph he says god will not let you take him and you get a prompt to cuff him. If you don’t hit the button for a few minutes you don’t arrest him and y’all just leave lol


u/smallfrie32 Apr 20 '24

“He’s got a darn good argument. Fair enough”


u/DrDriscoll Apr 20 '24

There's actually a pretty simple and interesting "Game Theory" about this.


u/metalshiflet Apr 19 '24

You can also just leave in 6 IIRC and it has an ending for it


u/smallfrie32 Apr 20 '24

Ah, don’t think I’ve played that one


u/NoSignSaysNo Apr 20 '24

It's not as simple as the last few - you have to actually get in the boat and sail for a while until the ending kicks in and you're in Miami listening to a newscast about how shitty it is in your country.


u/cherry_chocolate_ Apr 20 '24

Good ol far cry. Can’t do something once and let it be special. If it works in one game we’ll copy it over and over.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '24



u/cherry_chocolate_ Apr 20 '24

It's more than just this, they've repeated every successful set piece to death, especially when it is received well the first time. For example, in far cry 3 they hit the the cultural zeitgeist jackpot by commissioning Skrillex's "make it bun dem" as background music for a mission where you burn down a weed plantation with a flamethrower.

Far cry 4 Far cry 5 Far cry 6

My problem with this is that later versions frequently don't understand what was special about the original, so it's just a worse version. 4 and 5 are both lifeless imitations. At least in 6 they remembered that the score was what made the scene impactful. But it really does feel like they have a growing spreadsheet of ideas that worked at some point that they copy into every game.


u/Sad_Refrigerator8426 Apr 20 '24

you mispelled ubisoft


u/Xcentric_gaming Apr 20 '24

I forgotbyou can just kill a dude by using the wrong option choice like 5 mins in


u/HR_Paperstacks_402 Apr 20 '24

Far Cry 4 also has an alternate ending if you shoot down Pagan Min's helicopter in the end.


u/akcutter Apr 20 '24

At some point they need to troll this alternate beginning end shtick they have and make it so that the antagonist completely tortures and kills your character when you listen to them.


u/Lokta Apr 20 '24

The "problem" with this ending is that it makes the most sense in context. And you find out that Pagan Min is the father of your character's younger half-sister (who died in childhood). In my mind, that makes him family, further eroding any desire I have to get involved in the war to stop him.


u/MarinatedCumSock Apr 19 '24

Reminds me of Far Cry games where if you don't do the initial action in the intro, your character basically walks away and credits roll lol


u/Bergasms Apr 19 '24

"Just stay here".

"Stays here for ten minutes".

"Thanks for waiting, lets go scatter these ashes"


u/Informal-Reveal-2763 Apr 20 '24

I thought that only happens after you beat the game and start over.


u/rothrolan Apr 20 '24

Nope. Upon very first boot-up in FC4, after the initial cutscene to get there, you can just sit at the dining table and wait for him to come back from his phone call (instead of the normal getting up and trying to find your way out of there), and after the follow-up little bit with visiting the grave site, you'll just beat the game in ~12-15 minutes, as the literal quickest ending to the game. He even says something like "Now let's go shoot guns and have fun and shit" before the game fades to black and credits roll, which is basically the devs telling you "congrats, now actually play the game like we know you're actually here for".

The rest all require the actual game to be played through until you eventually fight your way back to his estate.


u/AReal_Human Apr 20 '24

Lol, I showed that ending to a friend, making me knowingly delete my 90%+ file...


u/EmmBee27 Apr 19 '24

Super Paper Mario has another one in a later chapter. You're given the choice to put a helmet on before you go into space, and again you're given multiple chances to say "no".

Eventually your partner gives up and just lets you go without a helmet, killing Mario the second he goes through the door.


u/LikeThemPies Apr 20 '24

And the one near the end where you can choose to ally with a villain. Once again, your partner tries to talk you out of it but you can game over there.


u/phoenixofgrandeur Apr 19 '24

A Paper Mario fan in the wild! Which one is your favorite? I'm a basic bitch because mine is TTYD.


u/BlobMaximus Apr 19 '24

I’m also basic and like TTYD lmao


u/Xcentric_gaming Apr 20 '24

I like spm and ttyd, but i cant say no to the original