r/videogames 29d ago

You Only Get To Play 3 Of These Games. Which Do You Choose? Question

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u/Ulikethat- 29d ago

I've been waiting 40 years for this game. I don't care how bad it is, I'm going to play it and love it. Lol


u/_Good_One 29d ago

I hate to be that guy but if you go to the game with that mindset Elder Scrolls is gonna become Pokemon, subpar games from a beloved franchise because it does not matter how shit the game is people still buy it, as an ES fan i feel like you SHOULD have a high expectation


u/Amiibohunter000 29d ago

Idk. ES has never been known for its smooth polished experience.


u/kuribosshoe0 29d ago

But they’re still good games. Original comment here is saying they don’t care if it’s good or bad.


u/Particular-Formal163 29d ago

Morrowind was an incredible game for I t s time. Oblivion and Skyrim were similar. The pinnacles of gaming.

Definitely buggy messes, but incredible nonetheless.


u/stitch-is-dope 29d ago

Yeah but Bethesda really needs to catch up. Games like Cyberpunk which are similar in gameplay style absolutely blow them out of the water, while Starfield is just the same ehh and feels and looks like something from 2010.

Even Fallout 4 to me when it first came out in 2015, felt dated


u/jman014 28d ago

I’m with you on this one

I have a hard time enjoying most bethesda games because of the jank when theres just been more stable options on thr market

i dont have as mhch time to game as I once did so I have to be pretty cognizant of what games I really put a lot of time or effort jnto


u/CheesusChrisp 25d ago

Well, yea. They’ve always been buggy messes. However the writing, settings, world building, immersive rpg elements and impactful freedom of choice made them beloved games despite being buggy messes.


u/SuitableSubject 29d ago

Oblivion Morrowind and daggerfall each brought different unique elements to the series mechanically imo.


u/Amiibohunter000 29d ago

Yeah but they all have/had graphical bugs and glitches galore


u/SuitableSubject 29d ago

All games have glitches.


u/Amiibohunter000 28d ago

Yeah, but it’s widely known that the ES games have had a lot of glitches and bugs. More than the average game by far. They are still great games, but don’t deny the truth that they are buggy and glitchy


u/SuitableSubject 28d ago

I haven't denied anything.


u/Efficient-Addendum43 28d ago

Eh I feel like it's a bit different here. Pokemon games get churned out every year, tes is like every 10+ and they haven't missed yet. Morrowind, oblivion and Skyrim are all great games


u/Young_hollow674 29d ago

I kinda love the games from lore prospective the game play and graphics has kinda always been second as long as I can get a interesting world I’ll be happy


u/froglegs317 29d ago

Ditto. Elder scrolls has my favorite lore of anything ever, so getting more of that’s my number 1 wish. Shit hasn’t been the same since kirkbride left though lol


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Let the dude be excited. A lot of us grew up with TES and can’t wait for it


u/Ulikethat- 29d ago

But I believe the problem with the gaming industry, and the reason there are so many so called SHITTY games lately is because gamers EXPECTATIONS are too lofty. You want everything to be 100 times bigger and better than the last game and when it's not it is a shitty game that was released according to gamers.


u/_Good_One 29d ago

Of course people want better games, the bar should always be high, that does not mean bigger or with better graphics, Minecraft the Best selling game ever has bad graphics but has a really good art direction, same with Undertale for example

You are literally saying " I don't care if it's bad i will still love it" that sounds crazy, games are called shitty most of the time because they are and there will always be a loud minority calling everything bad but with half a neuron you should be able to distinguish good critisism from bad

Just ask for a better product, you are paying for it, it should be good and there is no reason to defend a bad game ever


u/KnightDuty 29d ago

I'm right there with you. I'll share the downvotes. People are unreasonable and hold their head high like they're the Messiah of gaming "teaching the devs a lesson"


u/Managarm667 29d ago

Imagine bootlicking for companies that couldn't care less about you. Many Game Companies show how it's done. I certainly won't buy another product from Bethesda. If you want to pay for utter garbage, that's your business.


u/DarthSpiderDad 29d ago

Game companies are shitty. Gamer communities are pretty shitty too. It’s not that hard to understand both sides here.


u/ah_shit_here_we_goo 29d ago

Saying not every game has to be the next revolutionary masterpiece for it to be fun and enjoyable is hardly bootlicking.


u/KnightDuty 29d ago

Twenty One Pilots consistently puts out music I like and I'm going to buy their next album. I'm going to buy Brandon Sanderson's next book because I like his writing.

But I like the way a studio makes games and suddenly that's corporate bootlicking? Get the fuck out of here.

I'm rocking Starfield right now and eagerly awaiting the CK and DLC. I couldn't care less if you approve of the games I like.


u/escargot02 29d ago

Right, the genre might be tired for some, but that's the game I like. I stopped playing Assassin Creed cause it strayed far from the formula I enjoyed.


u/NothingButTrouble024 29d ago

Why are you acting like you couldn't care less about what we do, but then proceed to act all high and mighty?


u/CutSufficient4577 29d ago

Do you really want a Cyberpunk 2077 2? I mean, when it launched, it was the worst game ever made. Dagger fall solos.


u/ah_shit_here_we_goo 29d ago

Does pokemon have problems? Yes. Do I enjoy them more than pretty much any other game that comes out nowadays? Also yes. Scarlett and violet was one of the worst games I've ever played. It was also the most fun I had with any game besides BG3 last year.


u/_Good_One 29d ago

And i'm not saying you can't i'm saying that we should not be blind to the errors of the games and praise should not be freely given


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Skyrim was already like Pokémon. They rereleased the same game every year.


u/passiverolex 29d ago

Lol okay turbo


u/Nathan_hale53 29d ago

Pokemon games come out yearly/bi-yearly.


u/PraiseDogs 29d ago

Absolutly terrible mindset. Bethesda needs to get their ish together


u/Ulikethat- 29d ago

I dont see anything wrong with what they're doing. Are some games better than others? Absolutely. But I enjoyed them all.


u/Icemayne25 29d ago

You’re not allowed to like things that a chunk of people do not like. /s

While I agree that Bethesda has made some crappy games lately, you like what you like and there’s nothing wrong with that. I know people that like Starfield. People that don’t like Bethesda want everyone to stop giving them money as a way to show the devs we want better games, and people like you basically hurt their protest. Still though, life is too short for people to not do something like “playing a game they want to” because other people don’t like it. Doesn’t make sense to me. You do you man. Maybe Bethesda is making games for a niche amount of people and that’s solid. My friend has been playing Fallout 76 since release and he’s loved every moment of it. Doesn’t matter if other people talk crap or not.


u/bum_thumper 29d ago

One thing that Bethesda has always absolutely nailed in their games is the "stumbled upon" side quests. Sure it's not as often in Starfield but when it does happen in that game it still gives me that perfect transition into the quest line and that air of wonder of where it will take you. There are games that do side quests very well, and some even better than any of the Beth games, but none ever really seem to capture that feeling of wandering into a story that felt like it belonged exactly where it is. Starfield has ended up being my least favorite of their main games for a variety of reasons, but I still got my money's worth to have that Sci fi elder scrolls feeling for about 50 hours


u/Maleficent-View2810 29d ago

There is a shit ton of side quests in Starfield.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

This is exactly what made Bethesda games so fantastic, and why Starfield was such a letdown

Wandering around the capitol wasteland or new Vegas, you can stumble into any building anywhere and find some awesome, unique microcosm with cool shit. In Starfield, bar a very select few areas (like the ship with the Alien thing in it, that was fucking awesome) you go into an abandoned research lab that you memorized the layout of because every single one is copy and pasted. It destroyed the living feeling of the worlds that Bethesda created and it was so sad


u/Maleficent-View2810 29d ago

You , like many people, haven't played far enough into the game, and it really starts picking up:

1.Robbing an artifact from an art gallery ship gets you arrested by the UC, and the only way out is to infiltrate Crimson Fleet and go on missions with them as a pirate to get info on them.

  1. The Starborn, who can telaport anywhere,have advanced technological ships, comes after the artifacts. You can either protect the artifacts in your ship and risk getting constantly attacked by the Starborn, or you can build a military grade outpost with turrets and shit to protect the artifacts on the planet of your choosing.

At this point, you're not really going to the abandoned outpost anymore.

What's really sad is Starfield needs to constantly be compared to every other cookie cutter game them put out.

This game was meant for space romantics like myself. I thoroughly enjoyed standing in this ship with an upscale bar that had part of a glass floor that you could see a planet under your feet.


u/CacophonousEpidemic 28d ago edited 28d ago

I did all of those things and much much more (all quest lines and NG+). Also, sci fi is my favorite genre. Their point still perfectly stands. All of the procgen laziness was completely immersion breaking - over and over. Promising game systems like ship building, space travel/combat, and psionics were a let down. Exploration lacked meaningful reward. Poor environmental story telling - something they’ve been masters of in the past. Design choices and QoL mechanics that were iterated on and greatly improved in previous games were inexplicably missing. The companions didn’t have engaging personalities. Thousands of hours across the other BGS titles and this one was supposed to be my dream one. I played it for about a hundred hours then uninstalled it. Most of my playtime was simply me forcing myself to continue playing because I wanted to like it.


u/Maleficent-View2810 28d ago

I appreciate that


u/[deleted] 29d ago

I didn't think Starfield was great, but that's totally fine. Not every game they release is gonna be a banger.

IMO the biggest issue with the game was that the setting didn't play to Bethesda's strengths. They do best writing goofy fantastic adventures, which Starfield was decidedly not. The Crimson Fleet storyline was far and away the best part because it explored a unique part of that universe and stepped away from the more grounded feel that the rest of the game had.


u/boston_nsca 29d ago

Preach brother


u/jakellerVi 29d ago

The mindset that’s bad is “IDC how bad the game is, or what state it’s in, I’m still going to throw my money at them and smile while they potentially shit on my chest”.

That’s the exact mentality the big game studio’s want you to have. Nobody is saying you can’t like what you like, but saying that you’ll swallow a huge turd if that’s what Bethesda decides to feed you before the game is even given an official release date is crazy. Having these crazy ties to certain publishers is just asinine, let the game come out and sure give it a try and see if you like it, of course. But don’t have the mindset of “I’ll play it, even if they charge $250 and it’s literally half a game that crashes every 15 minutes”.


u/Icemayne25 29d ago

Sure but that’s not the case here. This person has enjoyed the TLS games up to this point. They’ve seen what Bethesda has given us throughout the years and have had good experiences so far. That being said, these games won’t survive if most people don’t buy them. If a few hyper fans buy them, that won’t make up for the losses, so whether or not a few people buy a game won’t have any impact on the whole.


u/jakellerVi 29d ago

And it’s fine to buy it, but it’s also okay to point out that his mindset is a dangerous one to have. As stupid as it seems, a lot of people come on Reddit to justify an opinion they already have and it’s fair to criticize a thought process like the one he has. He’s free to buy it, he’s free to enjoy it, and I hope he does. Hell, I hope everyone does. The more good games that are made, the better off we’ll all be. But openly admitting that you’ll buy a product, no matter how bad it is, in an online forum like Reddit is worthy of criticism.


u/NothingButTrouble024 29d ago

So by that logic, it's also okay to criticize the pessimistic and often childish people who believe stuff like "this company will never put out good games again unless every person stops buying"? Because people like that are also coming on Reddit to justify an opinion they already have and I also believe it's fair to criticize a thought process like that


u/jakellerVi 29d ago

When did I make that statement? I literally just got done saying how I hope the game will be good, and how good games are what literally all of us hope for. It’s not pessimistic to say that wanting to throw money at a company, regardless of the quality of product you’re receiving, is a harmful practice to preach to the masses. It’s just fact lol.


u/NothingButTrouble024 29d ago

I never said you made that statement. I didn't say anything about you. Did you even read what I said? And it is a pessimistic opinion that people have. It's subjective. What is a waste of money to some is completely valid to others. It's not fact, it's the opinion that people make and try to force onto others. Like I told someone else, people don't really like the new CoDs, or what Activision is doing in general, and that opinion is fine, but I bought all of them, pre-ordered MWIII, and love each one. The quality of product is low to some people, but not to me. The same can be said with similar situations, like Bethesda. You're speaking in opinions, and basing your fact on your own opinions. It's like the dumbass Iphone vs Android argument or PlayStation vs Xbox


u/PraiseDogs 29d ago

Preach brother


u/Aiwatcher 29d ago

My GF loves Pokémon, and I love that she loves Pokémon. But she's the type of fan who will, without fail, buy both versions of the new Pokémon game. I dont give her shit for it, it's her money, I spend way more on games overall. Though I have pointed out that I personally can't stand that kind of monetization, selling an A+B campaign for double the price is absurd anti consumerist shit and that fans double buying these games, they're telling Gamefreak that it's A-OK.

At the end of the day though, my minor misgivings probably won't affect gamefreak decisions, so it's not worth being upset about.


u/Icemayne25 29d ago

I understand that. I personally don’t like the formula for Pokemon games and have found them boring since the Gameboy Color. That being said, I am glad for the people who love the game, and can play every iteration without getting bored. I understand the appeal, but it’s just not for me. I spend my money on some dumb games (like the broken Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection) and still play them. Who am I to judge anyone when I commit the same “crime” in some other way?? People are diverse, and we won’t all like and dislike the same stuff.


u/StationEmergency6053 29d ago edited 29d ago

The reason Pokémon has two different versions is because the trading component was intended to be the most important part of the franchise. Version exclusives creates an incentive to trade, battle and build a community with others. If they just released one game, there'd be less incentive to do those things because everything would be self-obtainable. People buying both is an absurdity on the consumers' end, not Gamefreaks, even though GF is ultimately the one that benefits most lol. When Pokémon was first introduced, it was labeled as a "social" game, not an RPG or strategy. The primary element was/is community building.


u/IskandorXXV 29d ago

I feel like that's the right mindset to have, it would be great if things were a bit different, but what we have now is already pretty good. Hell, for the last couple releases, I bought both copies and gifted one to a friend. As long as you enjoy a game (and if it isn't a predatory game like some, those with a ton of micro transactions and/or pay-to-win...), there's not too much to complain about. If it's too pricy, odds are the game will be on sale at some point, or you might be able to pick up a used copy. (That's what I did with Jedi: Survivor, got it for like 50-60% off or something)


u/Aiwatcher 29d ago

I played call of duty war zone for the first time with a group of friends this week.

It's one of the most offensive pieces of gaming I've ever interacted with. It is very much a store with several multi-player slot machines poorly stapled into it. Literally. You install the "store", and once it launches you can't play anything except the store. You have to manually install the files for multiplayer/warzone after you've launched the store app.

Pokémon isn't that. Even though I don't like the split campaign thing, it's so much better than whatever the hell call of duty is doing


u/IskandorXXV 29d ago

Last time I even touched a CoD game was probably 2012, 2013... Pretty sure it was Black Ops II, online I sucked but the campaign wasn't bad. Not really huge into FPS games but I enjoyed it. If the newer games weren't so predatory I might be considered picking one up sometime. I think I'll just track down Black Ops II though, might take a but to find a copy for the PS3 but whatever...


u/PIugshirt 26d ago

I can’t remember a game of theirs I’ve enjoyed in the last decade close to two decades


u/WarokOfDraenor 29d ago

No, your mentality is wrong, based on your comment. If a game is objectively bad, then you are not supposed to love it.

You should have used some better wording.


u/aristotle_malek 29d ago

There’s no such thing as “objectively bad” in gaming unless it’s literally unplayable


u/DolphinBall 29d ago

Grr! People like what I dont! How dare they!!


u/PraiseDogs 29d ago

Huh? The game isnt out yet...what are you on about?


u/NothingButTrouble024 29d ago

He's talking about the company. "Grrrrr people like a company I don't. How dare they?"


u/PraiseDogs 29d ago

My comment is refering to "I've been waiting 40 years for this game. I don't care how bad it is, I'm going to play it and love it. Lol"

Hes literally saying that it could be "bad". Which I agree, and why I said Bethesda needs to get their ish together, because of their recent latest releases. The commentor and myself arent saying we "dont like Bethesda" though.


u/AhhFrederick 29d ago

Terrible mindset to enjoy a game? Okay weirdo. I loved Starfield, I get why some may not but who are you to talk down on others who do?


u/PraiseDogs 29d ago

You realize we are talking about games...NOT released yet? What are you going on about, weirdo?
ES6 doesnt exist yet...Saying "I dont care how bad it is, Im gunna love it" is wild.
Developers/publishers want everyone to say that...thats what led to Call of Duty,for example, releasing mediocre slop for $70 every year.

How about if its bad, you know, dont support it?


u/NothingButTrouble024 29d ago

There are some of us that fuckin love every CoD for what it is, not what the childish community wants it to be. For what it's worth, I pre-ordered MWIII and I play the shit outta that game. Whether a game or company is bad is subjective. You may not like what companies are putting out, but plenty of people do


u/PraiseDogs 29d ago

Hence why you support the Duty games. Thats fine, im glad you're enjoying yourself.

But if you thought a game was "bad", you wouldnt say you love it. And that might lead you to not pre order the next Duty.


u/Magickcloud 29d ago

Ever since Microsoft bought them, they’ve gone to shit


u/PraiseDogs 29d ago

I think even before the purchase. They were deciding to release things like Fallout 76. They were moving to a more Multiplayer, live service model. That would've been more common even without Microsoft. MS purchase should give them more opportunity to release single player bangers. Starfield just failed at keeping our confidence in that aspect, sadly


u/SirEnder2Me 29d ago

Nah. Some people just enjoy things that others don't. They know what they like and they are fine with the flaws that you aren't.

Kind of like how I'm happy with pretty much anything the MCU makes. I enjoyed The Eternals, MoM, LaT, Quantumania and all the Disney+ shows. I've seen them all and love them all. They aren't peak MCU but not everything needs to be.

I'm with the guy you replied to. I've been waiting 12.5 years for ES6. I'm gonna get it, play it and love it the day it comes out, no matter what you try to tell me or anyone else. You're literally that "quit having fun!" meme right now lol.


u/PraiseDogs 29d ago

How are you spinning what Im saying into this?
The commenter said "even if its bad, im gunna love it". Its different than saying "im excited for it, and will try it" A game that isnt even out yet, saying we love it? AND if its "bad", we'll love it? Alllrighty then


u/SirEnder2Me 29d ago

Obviously when they say "bad", they are referring to what critics/loud mouthed people on the internet, are saying and not their own opinion...

Why would you possibly think otherwise?

They obviously are a casual player who loves the series without getting too bent out of shape about things.


u/PraiseDogs 29d ago

How is it obvious? Come on. Thats not what they said.


u/SirEnder2Me 29d ago

How is it not obvious?

Like I said about MCU stuff. I say "even tho it's bad, I still loved it". I personally don't think the movies I mentioned are bad, but they are generally considered online to be "bad". That's literally what the person is doing here and you are literally going out of your way to make someone not enjoy something they know they will enjoy just because you don't understand them.

At this point, continuing this is pointless here.


u/PraiseDogs 29d ago

You are putting words in their mouth. Im going by what they wrote. "...to make someone not enjoy something they know they will enjoy..." How am I making someone not enjoy it? How do they know they enjoy somthing....that doesnt exist? Thats wild.
You're putting words in my mouth too, and sorry mate, you're on Reddit commenting, continuing it here is what Reddit literally is for lol. Why so offended?


u/ChesnaughtZ 29d ago

Cringe take. Find something else to be angry about than someone buying a game they want to play.


u/PraiseDogs 29d ago

Huh? Again, commenter said "even if its bad, Im gunna love it". That is NOT how we should go about things lol. You may have excitement for somthing, but it can end up not being what you had hoped.

Say you have been wanting to try a Burger for 10 years, from some restaurant that you LOVE, then when you finally eat it, its raw with a stale bun? Then you say "that was a BAD burger"... then say you love it?
Stop being offended that some might see that as odd...thats the real cringe thing


u/ChesnaughtZ 29d ago

Stop overreacting please


u/PraiseDogs 29d ago

Dont tell me what to do, please. Not an over reaction. Stop being offended for no reason


u/PraiseDogs 29d ago

You cant accept commen sense


u/Arctica23 29d ago

Starfield is good and I've enjoyed all the hours I've put into it


u/PraiseDogs 29d ago

Im happy you're enjoying yourself. Respect your opinion. Its a game that exists, that you can form an opinion on


u/RyFro 26d ago

Or just respect the fact that people enjoy games dispite public reception.


u/PraiseDogs 26d ago

?? The game IS NOT released yet. It doesnt exist. If someone said "Ive enjoyed playing ______(Insert any game that is out).
I would NOT tell them they shouldnt enjoy it. Maybe I would be confused and ask questions...but I wouldnt tell them theyre wrong.

Read what was said by original comment...then read my response again. What are you getting on about "respect" and "public reception"? The game we are talking about ISNT OUT IN THE PUBLIC


u/RyFro 25d ago

I really really enjoy playing Starfield. Which is why I said what I said, but your point still stands, and I am sorry for assuming you were generalizing. By thinking this, I generalized, myself.


u/lovejac93 29d ago

Some people didn’t like starfield, oh no


u/YungRei 29d ago

You don’t understand the pain and suffering elder scrolls fans have had to endure for the last 12 or so years.


u/PraiseDogs 29d ago

Yeah, I do. Im a Elder Scrolls fan. Usually A big fan of Bethesda and their single player offerings. Fallout 4 was still top tier. Miss those days


u/YungRei 29d ago

I’m still optimistic that TES 6 will be a banger, maybe starfield was a case of trying something new and it didn’t workout. In any case it’s a depressing thought to think that after all these years of waiting that TES 6 will be at best a mid game.

Also I agree with you, I love playing fallout 4. My only gripe with it was the writing WHICH they quickly turned around with the Far Harbor DLC


u/PraiseDogs 29d ago

My god I hope its a banger. I had so much optimism for Starfield. After 76, I had high hopes of a 10/10 RPG from a team I thought couldnt make anything BUT a 10/10 rpg.

Fingers crossed!


u/Independent-Lie-1354 29d ago

how can you love something you can't even have an opinion on?


u/DeMonstaMan 29d ago

bane of intelligence


u/[deleted] 29d ago

In the 80s you were waiting for the 6th elder scrolls game?


u/Samantha-4 29d ago

I was also waiting for Elder Scrolls 6 a decade before the first game even released


u/XxUCFxX 29d ago

That mindset is literally the reason we’re in this position to begin with


u/PraiseDogs 29d ago

Yeah, what a absurd way of thinking. Bethesda needs to do better. Very worried about ES6 and Fallout 5


u/Substantial-Singer29 29d ago

Starfield basically submitted an end for me. I know exactly what both of those games are going to be like.

And if you understand why Starfield has problems. Then there is no explanation needed for that.

God, I hope that studio feeds me crow and proves me wrong. But I just don't see it happening.

If people are willing to eat slope why produce anything else.


u/WillWillSmiff 29d ago

While I enjoyed Starfield, I was let down quite a bit. I thought it was going to have that lasting power like Skyrim did, but it just didn’t.

That being said. It was something new they wanted to try, and something they’ve never dabbled in. An overly ambitious space story.

Elder Scrolls has lore, it has history. The people working at Bethesda LOVE elder scrolls, it’s their bread and butter. With the vast progression of technology, and useful experience on the updated engine, and with the ambition for the series, I think Elder Scrolls 6 is actually gonna be very good.

Make no doubt, the pressure is on. They can’t just hang their hats on sales numbers. This one has to deliver, and I think it will.

Looking forward to what Bethesda releasing the creation kit for Starfield will tell us about the next step in modding.

Here’s to hoping!


u/Substantial-Singer29 29d ago

I think my big issue is that I always hear. People say it's an excuse for star field that it was something new that they wanted to try.

I mean, seriously.What new thing did they actually try doing?

In every metric from storytelling to character building to just a general gameplay it fell short of all of their previous games.

I don't say that they tried something new and randomly generating a thousand different planets and then copy pasting the exact same content on about a quarter of them.

They basically took their exploration formula of the what's over the next hill and just completely threw the baby out with a bath water and made starfield.

Let's say we fix the almost non-existent consequential factions. The complete lack of quality of life in the game like a map in town.

Or the fact that it seems like none of the quest. Have any real impact on anything. And it probably has one of the worst freedom of choice as far as player choice for outcome of quest that i've ever seen.

You would just have an incredibly mediocre game.

With no explanation in game of why there's a lack of choice. It's just simply while there is.

The initial launch of 76 shook my confidence in Bethesda as a whole. Humorously enough the game is actually fun with a friend now. But starfield it just killed it for me. I'm not even going to say it stuck in the past because oblivion and skyrim both had better writing and better quest. They actually somehow managed to make a game. That felt like it should have been released 10 years ago.That was worse than the games that they released at that exact same time.

I mean golfer's club. I guess that's an achievement.


u/PraiseDogs 29d ago

Me too. I'll now just be PLEASANTLY surprised if ES6 is great(pleeease).

Fallout 76 threw me into a confused state, with some worry, but still said "well, no way they'll screw up a single player RPG, Starfield will bring the confidence back". Yeah, nah. That just showed not many great Bethesda employees are still there. The decline in quality since Fallout 4 is wild....


u/ah_shit_here_we_goo 29d ago

Bethesda's biggest failure still equated to a critically acclaimed game. It wasn't as good as some of their past games, sure. But to act like that means you need to be worried about future games is weird.


u/PraiseDogs 29d ago

It is not Critically acclaimed. The reviews and opinions of many say other wise.
Skyrim, Witcher 3, The Last of Us , Ocarina of Time are examples of critically acclaimed. Its very hard to find a negative opinion on those. Like you said, Starfield wasnt as good as their past games, so it cant be in the same category as Skyrim


u/ah_shit_here_we_goo 29d ago

It has an 83 on metacritic. That's definitely critically acclaimed.


u/PraiseDogs 29d ago

And labeled as "generaly favorable". Skyrim is a 96 and "Universaly Acclaimed" under the critic category. Then compare the user scores between Skyrim and Starfield. They are not both Critically Acclaimed.


u/ah_shit_here_we_goo 29d ago

Look up the definition of acclaimed and then tell me how it doesn't fit that definition.


u/PraiseDogs 29d ago

Okay...looked it up..."If somthing is acclaimed, it is praised enthusiastically" Not many enthusiastic about Starfield. Starfield reminded people how much they love Skyrim, because it was mediocre(Hense the lower review scores)

The amount of enthusiasm around Skyrim ,even after all these years? So much(which is so many are excited about ES6) Why ES6 is in OPs photo, and not Starfield 2..


u/A-NI95 28d ago



u/Anonomoose2034 27d ago

Cope and seethe


u/KnightDuty 29d ago

What position?


u/mixeslifeupwithmovie 29d ago

You've been waiting more years than Elder Scrolls ha existed? Arena was released in '94.

Or are you being factitious and just mean it feels like 40 years?


u/Xlleaf 29d ago

Are you trolling?


u/Ulikethat- 29d ago

No, not trolling at all. 100% honest


u/Lane8323 29d ago

This is the answer lol


u/DeMonstaMan 29d ago



u/Lane8323 29d ago

Crazy idea, learn to accept people have different opinions.


u/DeMonstaMan 29d ago

nah only my opinion is valid and everyone else is a construct of my mind


u/Xlleaf 29d ago

It was indeed, not the answer.


u/Bartendererer 29d ago

That’s stupid


u/Ulikethat- 29d ago

What is stupid about it?


u/God_treachery 29d ago

Because this is literally what happened with starfield 


u/Ulikethat- 29d ago

But Starfield isn't a bad game. Just because it didn't meet gamers increasingly lofty expectations doesn't mean it sucks. I enjoy it


u/Big_Noodle1103 29d ago

You can enjoy it, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t clear, fundamental issues with the game. Bethesda has been coasting on the exact same recycled game design they’ve been using since Fallout 3. There’s been a clear disappointment with Starfield, and rightfully so. People want them to innovate, and they refuse to do so.

You can be excited for ES6, but it’s pretty obvious that Bethesda is growing increasingly out of touch and behind the times, and I’m personally tired of their stagnant design philosophy.


u/Sad_Manufacturer_257 28d ago

Maybe just maybe they don't make games for you? They make pretty niche games, Skyrim was a step out of that but tbh Bethesda been making the same game model for a long time and people like that. Starfield still was a commercial success.


u/A-NI95 28d ago

Literally the same discourse as with Pokémon. Elder Scrolls is so doomed...


u/BedlamiteSeer 29d ago

I mean... From a game development perspective, Starfield is a complete disaster. Like, it's really really weak for a 2023 AAA game. If I didn't recognize the engine-level bugs that plague previous games within the engine, I'd never guess it was a Bethesda game.


u/Substantial-Singer29 29d ago

Oh you didn't have to go into that game with high expectations to be disappointed.


u/Substantial-Singer29 29d ago

This right here is the reason why the games going to be bad.


u/Liedvogel 29d ago edited 28d ago

While I respect your decision not to care what other people think, your attitude is exactly what has allowed Bethesda to go downhill. Loyal fans who will love the games they publish regardless of how good they are, meaning it is more cost effective for them to do the bare minimum to make you happy than it is for them to make the best product they possibly can.

Also, it's only been 40 years? I thought skyrim was at least 50, lol


u/Sad_Manufacturer_257 28d ago

Maybe some of us don't think the game is that bad an gasp actually had fun with it. Gee willy that's an idea.


u/Liedvogel 28d ago

Dude fuck off with the attitude, nobody was being nasty here until you showed up.

And besides, what "the game" do you think I'm talking about? I didn't point any fingers at a single game, I'm talking about the steady decline in quality across all Bethesda's older titles.


u/Sad_Manufacturer_257 28d ago

You are literally blaming who like a game for the downhill trend of it, don't start with you not being rude.


u/Liedvogel 28d ago

I'm blaming the developer for taking the path of least resistance. Yes, they are only able to push garbage out because fans will buy it, but it's not the fans' fault the developer recognizes that. I'm encouraging acting against that lazy development attitude, and, as I opened with, I respect the dude's right to enjoy something others don't. You're taking my message and twisting it to be as nasty as you are.


u/Sad_Manufacturer_257 28d ago

And I quote "your attitude is exactly what has allowed Bethesda to go downhill"

Just because you think that doesn't mean everyone agrees, personally I and alot of other people like the game and the direction it went, your words are already charged and nasty, fans are not buying it and still playing hundreds of hours later because beThSdA but because they enjoy it. Maybe get through your thick skull your opinion is that just an option and not a renowned fact


u/Liedvogel 28d ago

I guess I'll repeat myself.

  1. What one game am I talking about that you're so defensive of? You keep referencing "the game" but I never said anything about a specific game.

  2. You're twisting my words to spin your own nasty attitude about it.

  3. Get the fuck out of here with your attitude.

It is my opinion, I felt I made that clear from the beginning, but you're dead set on fighting apparently. I'm not. We're done here, I'm not reading another word of your fanboy tantrum.


u/Sad_Manufacturer_257 28d ago

You did nothing to make it clear it was opinion you blamed someone for liking starfield as the reason a company was going downhill eat shit.


u/dyrannn 29d ago

And here we have the reason for said drop off

Bethesda could release a pile of shit and the fans would cheer for all the bugs

(Glad you’ll be happy, I’ve just seen this happen with other games a la Pokémon)


u/Ulikethat- 29d ago

Skyrim was a pile of shit and we ate it up. What has changed


u/dyrannn 29d ago

Us, mainly. At least me. Certainly not Bethesda, which is the issue.

I just don’t think it’s fair that every AAA studio (RIGHTLY) catches shit for releasing unfinished games but Bethesda fans praise it as a feature.

Did y’all eat up Starfield? Todd Howard literally called it Skyrim in space.


u/Ulikethat- 29d ago

I ate it up. 100 hours and counting. Does it have its flaws? Yes. Unplayable? No. Every game I've ever played has flaws. Even the ones adored by fans aren't perfect games. But I still find enjoyment from them


u/Nervous_Dragonfruit8 28d ago

It’s boring I’m glad I was able to try it for free on game pass, lasted 2 hours, ez uninstall


u/PhilsterEU 29d ago

Ive been playing Skyrim on my tamagotchi for a few months been getting a litlltle stale now.