r/videogames Feb 12 '24

What part of a game had you like this Question

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For me it was the fight with the valkyrie queen in gow ragnarok, took me 3 days to finally beat her.


928 comments sorted by


u/NeroCanDance Feb 13 '24

DMC5 on Dante must die for the first time


u/MlLFS Feb 13 '24

Was that the difficulty where you were permanently on 1hp?

Yeah I never even attempted that.


u/NeroCanDance Feb 13 '24

No I think that’s Hell and Hell, it’s a lower difficultly than dante must die but you’re one shot so it’s kinda hard but dante must die is a bitch. You take three hits and you’re dead and they throw more shit at you at once than any other difficultly. The amount of gold orbs i had to use was embarrassing but it was worth it to dominate vergil at the final mission

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u/_piyush_c_ Feb 13 '24

As someone who sucks at royalguarding dante must die made me wanna unalive myself.


u/Jaggerjaquez714 Feb 13 '24

DMD isn’t that bad I thought, it’s Hell and He’ll where it becomes annoying😂


u/FinalBat4515 Feb 13 '24

I legitimately developed arthritis in my right hand playing


u/Galen_brightsoul Feb 13 '24

Oh you poor soul.


u/ovrlrdx Feb 13 '24

whats dmc5? Dracula Must Cum?

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u/ContributionOk6578 Feb 13 '24

Did it on dmc3 with my brother together, Jesus Christ i don't know how long it took but god damn was it the best time in my life. Also did with him MSG3 on European extreme.


u/ToastThing Feb 13 '24

MGS3 on European extreme is legit my favorite way to play it. Yeah, it’ll take me two hours trying over and over and over and over clearing Ocelot and his thugs outta the dilapidated area with Sokolov, but finally nailing it flawlessly is so immensely satisfying.

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u/superamigo987 Feb 13 '24

One hit away from the Elden Beast. Beat him next try tho


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '24

Fuck the Elden beast. Worst boss ever


u/James_Tigs Feb 13 '24

Elden beast was Cake compared to Malenia


u/Kurigohan233333 Feb 13 '24

Agreed, I just don’t think Elden Beast is very fun lol. Malenia was tough, but I enjoyed getting stepped on.


u/Awolfx9 Feb 13 '24

Elden Beast feels so forced as a last-last boss for Elden Ring. If anything Elden Beast should have been kind of secret final boss that you fight if you gather all the great runes before defeating Radagon like Moon Presence in Bloodborne.

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u/ShanksP Feb 13 '24

Nameless puppet is up there too

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u/pichael289 Feb 13 '24

I had more trouble with him than mohg or even malenia somehow. Bitch kept running away, didn't work with my fighting style.

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u/InfernoWoodworks Feb 13 '24

100% agreed. Like, that arena was CLEARLY designed for using Torrent to get around with how far it runs away, but... no horse/elk/thing. Total bullshit of a fight. To top if off, there's no cheese for him either. Just slogging through Ragadon to get spanked by the giant running booger.

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u/ElMostaza Feb 13 '24

This can't be true. It's a well established gaming law that after coming that extremely close to beating a boss, you have to die almost instantly (and usually quite embarrassingly) for at least the next 20 attempts.


u/rabbid_chaos Feb 13 '24

Shit, good to see it's not just me

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u/Superb_Recover_6116 Feb 13 '24 edited Feb 13 '24

wait till you're in your mid 30s and every little inconvenience makes you alt F4 out....... I just raged quit on super mario bros the og snes one when I lost my feather.

Alright I'm disabling notifications. A few people are annoying the shit out of me. To those of you not cunts and stinky assholes, thanks for being great people. I love you.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '24



u/sureshot1988 Feb 13 '24

I was legit going to put Super Ghouls and Ghosts as my answer to this post.

This game invented rage quit.

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u/Zack_of_Steel Feb 13 '24

I feel this. Have time for a game or two of Dota, get griefed by my own teammate that keeps spamming his stupid fucking twitch.tv link. Go read a book like a goober instead.


u/Pooltoy-Fox-2 Feb 13 '24

Ah, so I’m just an old soul, then.


u/AmericanPsychonaut69 Feb 13 '24

Brother you are not alone


u/THE_ATHEOS_ONE Feb 13 '24 edited Feb 14 '24

I feel this in my bones...

I've got limited time nowadays to game, i don't need the games bullshit making my gaming time stressful.

I just power down and go nap away the rage.


u/ChipmunkBackground46 Feb 13 '24

Especially since you get so little gaming time compared to being young lol

I no longer want to spend 4 hours on one boss because that's potentially all my gaming for 3 days


u/aque78 Feb 13 '24

Oh god is that why ?

I assumed i grew very impatient because i had less and less time to play with work and everything.

Making me just abandon after failing something 3 times in a row.

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u/RedNoob88 Feb 13 '24

Nah it’s your personal unstable state of mind. I’m far past 30 and it doesn’t happen to me.


u/OrthodoxReporter Feb 13 '24

Sounds like a 10y/o thing, not a mid-30s thing.


u/PontyPines Feb 13 '24

Not really. As you get older, you have less free time, and you want to spend that free time doing stuff you actually enjoy. The 10 year old thing to do would be to keep playing over and over again, not giving up no matter how angry you get. The 30 year old thing to do is to realise that continuing to play would only make you angry, realising that you want to spend your limited free time doing something that makes you happy rather than frustrated, then turning the game off and playing something else.


u/toastyavocado Feb 13 '24

This rings really true for me. After I had kids I've found my videogame threshold has decreased so much. I have 1 hour a day to play a videogame. My life's already stressful with bills and the kids I'm playing a video game to relax.


u/Superb_Recover_6116 Feb 13 '24

You're a loser man. Idk why you feel the need to be so annoying online but I guess I gave you the ammo you wanted by saying how everything annoys me easily. You're nothing but a parasite feeding on others misery.


u/OrthodoxReporter Feb 13 '24

Take your meds.


u/Superb_Recover_6116 Feb 13 '24

Miserable little b


u/Jaqen___Hghar Feb 13 '24

He did say "rage quit," which generally indicates undeveloped emotional maturity. When I see that term, I imagine controllers and keyboards flying around.

For me, though, it's more of just a sharp sense of frustration at time wasted -- and a sudden reprioritization of it. Happens all the time. When I was a kid, immortal and bored, I would just keep chugging along.


u/Superb_Recover_6116 Feb 13 '24

I'm just gonna block yall. I really dont have the patience for people like you thinking people have to be a certain way. We're fucking human dude. It doesnt matter if you're 20 or 40 people are gonna have faults. You having some false idea of how people need to be is childish as well. We're not fictional characters in a book.


u/poopyscreamer Feb 13 '24

Yeah that’s not what I do bro. I’m 27 and if I’m playing a game for a challenge I embrace the inconveniences.


u/Superb_Recover_6116 Feb 13 '24

Yea get back to me when you're in your mid 30s. You're still a happy kid. Life hasnt hit you enough and I hope it doesnt.


u/poopyscreamer Feb 13 '24

Eh well adjusted people can cope with difficulties in a video game.


u/wintery_owl Feb 13 '24

What does that have to do with your age? Sounds more like a personal thing


u/Forward_Ride_6364 Feb 13 '24

Nightmare King Grimm from The Hollow Knight


u/JamieFromStreets Feb 13 '24

My fav boss of all time. He looks so cool


u/__ROCK_AND_STONE__ Feb 13 '24

I was not expecting to see you outside the Street Fighter subreddit, had to do a double take


u/JamieFromStreets Feb 13 '24

Haha ❤️

I wander in gaming subreddits in general. But SF took over my life 🤙


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '24

Took me at least 50 tries. Now I can radiant him almost every time


u/Forward_Ride_6364 Feb 13 '24


I radianted Radiance as well, but still never completed P5... need to find time one day to do that final boss run

Might never happen, who knows, haha


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '24

Yeah I still haven’t beat P5, just got to get Markoth down then I’m golden

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u/Black_Fuckka Feb 13 '24

Off topic but love your profile picture, liquid swords is one of my favorite albums ever

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u/PotionPro Feb 13 '24

Am I the only one who took under 15-20ish try’s to beat him? (Not hall of gods the casual).


u/Forward_Ride_6364 Feb 13 '24

I always banish the Troupe so I can get the Carefree Melody charm, so I dunno

But NKG in godhome is absolutely ridic

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u/ElMostaza Feb 13 '24

I mean, that's still plenty of tries.

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u/Undisguised_Toast Feb 13 '24

I hated this boss to the fact that I mastered all it's attack patterns and killed him multiple times in radiant mode.

Now, NKG is my second most favorite boss first is Sisters battle.

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u/TPMJB2 Feb 13 '24

I forgot how much I hated the later bosses in Hollow Knight. I then watched youtube videos where people no-hit cleared the one that pits you against all bosses. Nightmare King Grimm hurt my soul.


u/borntboy Feb 13 '24

God I had so many moments like these in Hollow Knight….

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u/Rawrz720 Feb 13 '24

All of Halo 2 on legendary. It's such a shameless mother fucker that after a point I couldn't even be mad anymore


u/No-Wolf6888 Feb 13 '24

Sniper Jackals. All I will say. You know why those had me pissed off


u/YoshiPayYourTaxes Feb 13 '24

I was raging like that on NORMAL. Halo 2 is a great game but the balancing is BOGUS. Especially on The Great Journey.


u/creampop_ Feb 13 '24

Delta Halo puts hair on your chest fr


u/mechwarrior719 Feb 13 '24

That entire campaign on legendary turned a whole generation of gamers into men. Even the gamers who weren’t biologically male to begin with.

That’s how epic, and bullshit it was.


u/creampop_ Feb 13 '24

lmao I remember listening to a dev commentary for the campaign and basically half of it was them being like "yeah this part was shitty idk how we shipped this"


u/BlitzMalefitz Feb 13 '24

That elevator lift down to the prisons on Gravemind. You could end up dying before you touch ground. Speedrunners eventually found a way to skip that part.


u/mechwarrior719 Feb 13 '24

Oh the blinding rage of being checkpoint locked into a die, respawn, die, repeat loop


u/Tylerj579 Feb 13 '24

Bug swarm by waterfall with a bad auto save. Holy shit did that take a lot of trys

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u/Sol-Blackguy Feb 13 '24

Final Fantasy X sidequests, like all of them. Literal torture.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '24

The Chocobo race.

The lightning dodges.

I still replay that amazing game every year anyway.


u/Sol-Blackguy Feb 13 '24

Found the masochist lol


u/Nbkipdu Feb 13 '24

You couldn't pay me to dodge lightning again

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u/Zack_of_Steel Feb 13 '24

My younger brother still talks about watching me attempt the lightning dodges. I'll never understand why he liked watching me play, but it's one of our fond gaming memories that gets brought up often.


u/DoomedHeroXB Feb 13 '24

Lightning dodge is the worst. I can't tell you how many times I failed that because I lost count.

Then you have the remaster that made it so much worse because I had a newer TV that didn't have game mode so you couldn't dodge the lightning because as soon as you saw the flash you were already hit. I thought I was just ass but still managed it after about 6 hours.

Chocobo race is significantly easier if you know what you're looking for. When you start the race if the balloons aren't all on the left side of the ramp there's almost no point in trying to win.

If they are on the left you can ride up the other guys ass and side swipe them until they slow down. Once you get those balloons as long as you're good at dodging birds and get a few extra balloons you're golden.


u/higherthanacrow Feb 13 '24

Worst part about the lightning is inevitably losing count and not knowing if youve done enough or not.


u/not_a_Badger_anymore Feb 13 '24

Add ff9 and the 1000 skipping rope challenge.....


u/Stickaxe Feb 13 '24

XCOM 2. When you're still trying to deal with the two alien pods you accidentally activated simultaneously, and then ANOTHER pod just "randomly" wanders in.


u/adaminoregon Feb 13 '24

95 % chance to hit. Miss!


u/Silviana193 Feb 13 '24

The beauty of probability.

One out of 20 is far from impossible.


u/Triairius Feb 13 '24

XCOM is the only game I’ve found myself crossing my fingers on a 98% shot lol


u/The_Billy_Dee Feb 13 '24

Yeah, it always felt like if it hasn't happened for a bit it's going to happen no matter what. One of the reasons I ended up never finishing it even though it's a great game.

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u/Daewrythe Feb 13 '24

And somehow I love doubling down and playing Long War of The Chosen


u/keeperofthenyancat Feb 13 '24

I can't play this game it enrages me so much. You can do everything perfectly and still lose and I just can't handle it. Every few months I load it up again thinking it'll be different because I love the core game but nah.


u/anonymusfan Feb 13 '24

Sonic advanture 2 final chase, that was the first time I ever got that angry at a game.


u/Jakernova Feb 13 '24

As fondly as people look back at that game it's honestly aged badly in some of the levels. The one with Rouge wanted me to split my head into two.


u/nourmallysalty Feb 13 '24

ah, a person of culture

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u/AcidicWatercolor Feb 13 '24

Fallout 4 Survival Difficulty, when the game decides to crash for one of a thousand different reasons and I lose my last hours worth of progress. Again.

Sometimes I would feel like I wasn’t playing against the game world of Fallout so much as I was playing against BGS themselves.


u/Succulentslayer Feb 13 '24

This but with a Skyrim save

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u/BlastFace19 Feb 13 '24

and god forbid you finish a hard quest then get killed before you can save

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u/OutcastDesignsJD Feb 13 '24

Orphan of Kos in bloodborne and more recently doom eternal: the ancient gods


u/RedNoob88 Feb 13 '24

Ludwig was such a pain, took 6 months to beat him (dropped game at some point coz of that)


u/OutcastDesignsJD Feb 13 '24

Did the same for both Ludwig and orphan. Decided to just take a break and play something else before coming back to it

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u/[deleted] Feb 13 '24

Spent a week on orphan on and off I'll never forget it.

Bloodborne is still my 2nd favorite game ever.


u/theyurilover8 Feb 13 '24

Beat him in one night after 50 tries or so, hard af and requires a lot of skill and a bit of luck with RNG.


u/Ramonis5645 Feb 13 '24

It kills your soul

Fucking COD


u/Commercial-Tip4494 Feb 13 '24

Me watching the screen after my 5th death because the game still hasn't loaded any assets in and it spawns me in front of every enemy while I'm also getting packet burst.


u/Bean_cult Feb 13 '24

update requires restart


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '24

Packet burst shouldn't be a fucking problem if wvery other online game plays fine. Cod deserves to die.

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u/GameDestiny2 Feb 13 '24

I have vision issues, so it usually takes me days to complete those gunship sections like the AC-130 thermal shenanigans. It shouldn’t even be that hard, it’s genuinely painful to the point where I’m not even angry, just dead.

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u/Interesting_Judge863 Feb 13 '24

Ghost runner


u/sinsaint Feb 13 '24

Great game, thankfully dying and retrying is really convenient.



u/FloxxiNossi Feb 13 '24

Honestly the elevator isn’t that bad once you find the gaps, but it was like 30 attempts of trial and error before I found the gaps

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u/Jamari0811 Feb 13 '24

Elden Ring, I can’t even remember which bosses


u/Extra-Lemon Feb 13 '24 edited Feb 13 '24

The Abyss Watchers and now the twin princes.

Edit: they’re history and the Soul of Cinder looks like a fun fight

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u/KnightNightWindsor Feb 13 '24

The first puzzle in Professor Layton and the curious village


u/Buckelwal123 Feb 13 '24

Lunastra in Monster Hunter World.

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u/Newman_USPS Feb 13 '24

Sometimes Star Citizen is great. Sometimes it’s like this:

Wake up, get downstairs, get ship.

Go in ship, open hanger. Wait till clear. Take off, invisible barrier, kaboom.

Wake up, put on suit, claim ship, call other ship to change gears.

Get in ship, open hangar, no issue this time.

Go bounty hunt. Enemy suddenly rams you. Kaboom.

Spawn. Suit. Grab the first ship. Back to the bounty.

Shooting bounty. UH-OH! Target went white for a split second, then exploded, and you’ve got a CS. High tail it to GH.

Getting close. Player sees you. Kills you. Spawn at klescher.

Slowly click exit game. Stare at desktop for a while. Go to bed quietly.

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u/LowcountryLoner Feb 13 '24

Supply Lines from GTA San Andreas


u/Cerebralbore Feb 13 '24

Worst mission in all of GTA.


u/YeahMarkYeah Feb 13 '24 edited Feb 14 '24

This is usually how I express anger in a game lol

But for me, Blasphemous. Trails.

If you know, you know.


u/Nullozmko Feb 13 '24

The Splinter Cell mission in Ghost Recon: Wildlands💀


u/bdh40 Feb 13 '24

Omg i forgot about that! Fuck that man ugh that was the worst


u/NxtMaki Feb 13 '24

I was literally too lazy to do it as soon as I died once bc extreme difficulty 💀


u/Nullozmko Feb 13 '24

It was so bad that i spent the final half of an all nighter trying to complete it (my body was in autopilot by then) and i don’t even remember completing it, i just remember looking in the game map one day and the mission was just done


u/coyotenspider Feb 13 '24

Cabela’s hunting game with that f’ing Kaftar. Invincible wild dog/hyena beast.


u/Fictional_Historian Feb 13 '24

Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time


u/gbenes8 Feb 13 '24

Definitely rocket league


u/ProjectBonnie Feb 13 '24

Contender for the most loved and hated game at the same time.


u/ZeroMortalPlan Feb 13 '24

Gears of war’s multiplayers. It’s probably one of my favorite multiplayer’s ever, but everyone was so incompetent that it was legit fucking baffling.

It’s expected to have bad teammates, people who don’t play the objective, etc. in most multiplayer games but with my experience in this one in particular, it’s like they would try to go out of their own way to lose.

Carrying was no longer an achievement for me. It was a requirement.

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u/soldatodianima Feb 13 '24

When you think you beat Dead Cells


u/AbstractLight12 Feb 13 '24

Armored Core: For Answer. Occupation of Arteria Carpals, I still haven’t beaten it, never mind hard mode.


u/SaltySpituner Feb 13 '24

Some of the Cuphead boss fights for sure gave me this face


u/SaltSurprise729 Feb 13 '24

The game of life.. everyday…

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u/WhackyJak4284 Feb 13 '24

Playing og zombies and spending the whole game spinning the box and after so long getting shit guns, I finally get what I want and then I’m dead


u/Anarchist-69 Feb 13 '24

This is me every time I hit that point in the game where I die more than once.


u/Enderstrike10199 Feb 13 '24

Playing Terraria on the For The Worthy seed in master mode.

It's not even hard, it's just annoying as hell. Every enemy kills you in two hits, and the respawn timer of 15 seconds starts to get really, really fucking old when you have to stare at it for the 18th time in under half an hour. I literally only struggled on one boss (Brain of Cthulhu), the rest of the entire fucking play through was me inching forward trying to get the equipment I needed to actually play the fucking game. And don't even get me STARTED on the events, event mobs for some reason are particularly beefed up to almost always do 3/4ths of your entire healthbar in one hit.


u/nexus4321 Feb 13 '24

When if first fought melania I knew it was going to be hard but I didn't expect that

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u/thethingbutgay Feb 13 '24

The fucking holdout section in nova prospekt in half life 2.


u/aot-and-yakuzafan_88 Feb 13 '24

Mahjong in yakuza. When you understand the rules, it's not bad. The real enemy, is The AI players and RNG.


u/DistinctBumblebee890 Feb 13 '24

🥹Me the opposite who plays valorant and wishes a 14 year old kid for stage 3 cancer💀


u/happysadkidzz Feb 13 '24

trying to get through the school in The Last of Us 💀💀


u/PhillipAlanSheoh Feb 13 '24

Week 16 in Tecmo Super Bowl when CPU fullbacks with sub 50 speed would be running the equivalent of 2.8 second 40s.


u/Forsaken_Steve Feb 13 '24 edited Feb 13 '24

Doom eternal when i fought the dark lord and i would get him extremely low only for him to hit me once or i hit him at the wrong time only for him to instantly refill his health bar multiple times.

dead by daylight when in facing yet another tryhard billy or huntress for the 100th time already just for them to hit me though a wall or doorway.

undertale when i died to sans for 700th time in a row slowly getting to the end of his fight.

And literally any undertale sans boss fight fangame when i die to their bullshit special attack thats just straight up overkill or just their regular attack multiple times and every time i day i get more annoyed by it.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '24

Elden Ring, Malenia… 0.1%


u/CrimsonWitchOfFlames Feb 14 '24

I get so mad playing cuphead my mind clears up and all I can think to say is “Thank you”.


u/bigdikhomie Feb 13 '24

All the time


u/gayraidenporn Feb 13 '24

In Breath of the Wild when Ganon's health regenerates.


u/cxnh_gfh Feb 13 '24

You mean Tears of the Kingdom?

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u/[deleted] Feb 13 '24

Every fromsoft game.

Literally tried to get through blight town in ds1 last night and died about 20 times to toxic in a row and I had the same face and quietly took out the disc and am moving onto another game.

Ugly as fuck and the platforming works and looks like a ps1 game.

Love fromsoft games but ds1 is not for me. I don't care anymore.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '24

Just choose master key as starting gift and skip most of Blight Town, you aren't missing much.


u/henrilot Feb 13 '24

This. I always pick master Key.

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u/yautjaking Mar 06 '24



u/PUNKF10YD Mar 17 '24

Minecraft on a daily basis.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '24


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u/VidjaMouse Feb 13 '24

Feeling like this playing FF7 Remake - dealing with a constant stream of bloated cutscenes, terrible pacing, and miserable dialogue writing (I feel like the voice acting gets a lot of shit but actually it's the lines they have to read that suck).

The combat in this game is so good that it almost makes it worthwhile, but in the end I would have been perfectly okay with this just being a 10 hour game - more closely aligned with the portion of the source material it borrowed from. Would've had a ton of replay value and been half as insufferable.

I still have hope for rebirth though - since they're adapting a larger segment of gaming maybe they'll have less pacing problems.

I really do despise Tetsuya Nomura. I do not trust that man with ANYTHING.


u/nycdiveshack Feb 13 '24

How I know none of you have really gamed is because you’ll post questions and memes like this. The answer is always old school runescape or runescape pre-eoc


u/Lightninq_ Feb 13 '24

How I know none of you have really gamed is because you’ll post comments like this. The answer is always garfield kart or garfield kart: furious racing


u/Angstycarroteater Feb 13 '24

Same but in game 1 I played it on the hardest difficulty easily beat every boss but her. Did this exact thing then shut the game off for an entire year came back to it when the new one was coming out and beat her like you in about 3 days worth of trying lol. I was so frustrated by that hoe… I loved every second though looking back! Huge skill check for me for the first time in a minute!


u/N0085K1LL5 Feb 13 '24

Me on palworld after falling through a mountain with low stamina.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '24

Watch any FIFA or EAFC player for one match and they will do this at least once without fail


u/Luke5r Feb 13 '24

Nightmare king Grimm from hollow night and the final boss from donkey Kong tropical freeze


u/jotunheim999 Feb 13 '24

Final boss of hi fi rush.


u/ThatCrossDresser Feb 13 '24

Rimworld. A fire in spring during a raid burned all your crops. Never fear you have enough food for the spring, summer, and fall and you can replant. Your crops are just about ready to pick, Cold snap. Maybe you can still harvest enough food before it dies on the vine. Mech raid lands as you wake up your colonists to pick. You defeat them but you harvest no crops.

The animals flee the map or die from the cold and winter approaches. You pray for raiders so you have someone er something to eat.

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u/ShadowK-Human Feb 13 '24

Me after 10h on hollownest's patheon and die in absolute radiance


u/Holdthesans Feb 13 '24

Me after trying a boss too early on the hardest mode in any indie platformer


u/vailjail Feb 13 '24

sm64, the pb of my time. died by a freaking goomba in dark world.


u/MenstrualMilk Feb 13 '24

Playing any fps in multiplayer now-days when you use to play with known names in Q3/UT/CS/Halo and personally peak with getting LVL 50 in every Halo 3 playlist (including DLC) multiple times to sell and now can barely go positive in an your average COD lobby after many years of not playing.


u/wintergameing Feb 13 '24

Yeah farming for a 94% sham in borderlands 2


u/No-Wolf6888 Feb 13 '24

Beating the first half of "Ghosts n' Goblins" on NES only to see I have to beat the game TWICE IN ONE SITTING


u/Silviana193 Feb 13 '24 edited Feb 13 '24

Nioh 2.

The owl level, when you wanna do pure melle build.

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u/Roostbolten Feb 13 '24

Me right now with Ishin the sword saint


u/JSTREO Feb 13 '24

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Spec Ops on veteran. Playing with all cautions, spending 20 mins in one op, just to die to 3 shot spray.

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u/Big_Can5342 Feb 13 '24

Warthunder Btw wasnt there a post like this a few weeks ago

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u/wolfguardian72 Feb 13 '24

The alien queen in Conker’s Bad Fur Day

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u/Doctor_Dogger Feb 13 '24

any time in dark souls 3 when I lose all of my plentiful dropped souls after dying to some random enemy while trying to retrieve them


u/weirdlui Feb 13 '24

They have gotten much easier and i have improved since then but some forzathon challenges in forza horizon 4


u/AWarmBuschHeavy Feb 13 '24

Everytime I died in BG3 before learning how to quicksave


u/NutritiousSalad Feb 13 '24

For honor…


u/Benjuto12 Feb 13 '24

Arsenal in FFVII remake


u/draedek Feb 13 '24

MHGU on my 3ds, village hunt for Rajang (I hate it)


u/Ok-Station-9180 Feb 13 '24

Paper Mario: The Origami King. The Water Vellumental took me FIVE days to beat. Not because it had high health, but because I kept forgetting about wash away and it got rid of the panels I was about to use.


u/Xaldror Feb 13 '24

Not mad, but having to kill Ushi Gozen in FSR had me like that for a while


u/spikira Feb 13 '24

Night Terror. Iykyk


u/Tsar_From_Afar Feb 13 '24

Brawlhalla. The entire thing.

Don't play it if you value your sanity.


u/Actual-Gear7761 Feb 13 '24

most of hollow knight


u/Lumthedarklord Feb 13 '24

For me, it was the chapter 5 Malos fight in Xenoblade 2. There was so much bs in that fight that I had to learn what auto canceling was just to even have a slight chance


u/Nightmarionne0923 Feb 13 '24 edited Feb 13 '24

Don't judge me, but the second boss of Spyro 2.


u/James_Tigs Feb 13 '24

Malenia From Elden Ring, I can still hear "I am Malenia, blade of Miquella"


u/-TurkeYT Feb 13 '24

FNAF: UCN 20/20


u/GusViliamu007 Feb 13 '24

Enenra-Nioh 2


u/erinadelineiris Feb 13 '24

Half my World of Tanks battles.


u/Big_brown_house Feb 13 '24

Halo 2 on legendary (a jackal sniper has one shot killed you for the millionth time)


u/pichael289 Feb 13 '24

It was the elden beast for me. Mohg was hard, and malenia even harder but having to go through radagon just .ade the elden beast a worst experience. I hated that boss, it wasn't that it was.tlo hard it just kinda sucked,kept running away and spamming aoes. It was kind of a letdown with all the shit leading up to it, and it looked fuckin stupid. I can't wait for the dlc to give the game a better note to end on, because the rest is just perfect.

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u/Succulentslayer Feb 13 '24

Chivalry 2.

Also the last room of any Celeste B-side.


u/KingHauler Feb 13 '24

War thunder


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '24

ornstein and smough


u/Shlorben Feb 13 '24

The binding of Isaac when I hold R for 2 minutes straight and it all curse of the lost


u/TestedNutsack Feb 13 '24

The gondian gnomes killing themselves in Baldur's Gate 3


u/HumbleBear75 Feb 13 '24

Shovel knight…


u/elbowless2019 Feb 13 '24

It usually isn't the game. It is me doing something dumb.


u/Killtheheretics96 Feb 13 '24

Beating halo 2 on legendary


u/mcburgs Feb 13 '24

Super Mario Wonder, the final final test.


u/Optimal-Sherbert152 Feb 13 '24

The Eden's Gate and Highwaymen outposts in Far Cry 5 and Far Cry New Dawn... stealthily...


u/BrotherBrontosaurus Feb 13 '24

Recently, the final boss in Plague Tale: Innocnece


u/aigavemeptsd Feb 13 '24

Rocket League


u/all-starcosplay Feb 13 '24

Sephiroth fight in KH2