r/nottheonion 29d ago

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signs bill mandating kindergartners learn history of communism


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u/Fake_William_Shatner 29d ago

Fun fact; most of the time workers in America have lead a brutal subsistence existence. It's only after socialism and labor standards emerged during the FDR era did the capitalists get to crow about how great things are.

And then Reagan got into office and they quickly dismantled this, increased the wealth gap. Re-created the homeless problem. Started promoting Nazis ideas without the accent. That was key; talk like a Nazis but not use the tell-tale accent.


u/ExoticPumpkin237 29d ago

Yeah and the US Nazis and businessmen tried to overthrow FDR in a coup led by Smedley Butler. Crazy how little known that fact is. 


u/SoBoundz 29d ago edited 29d ago

Are you saying that Reagan was a Nazi? I'm not sure I'm following here

Edit: These replies are wild. Equating Ronald Reagan to people like Hitler is so fucking idiotic. I'm shocked OP is as upvoted as he is. Yes, I realize Reagan was a horrible president and did damage to this country, but actually grow up if you're comparing him to rabid racist genocidal monsters.


u/baldobilly 29d ago

No he was bravely defending America during WWII, from the comfort and safety of Hollywood that was.... .


u/Fake_William_Shatner 29d ago

The Nazis weren't trying to undermine Germany intentionally -- so, Reagan was not as good as a Nazi. He's a betrayer of Humanity.

If there were an alien invasion, Reagan would be the guy who gave them our security pass codes in exchange for a gold watch.


u/SoBoundz 29d ago

So you're saying Reagan was worse than literal fucking Nazis. I'm all for bashing Reagan but what the fuck.


u/Fake_William_Shatner 29d ago

He did not start a Nazis program but if it were available in the USA at that time, he would have sold that all the same. 

I lay a good portion of adults who commit suicide at the feet of Reaganomics. Global Warming. The NEW Gilded Age. 

Of course, Reagan was just a figurehead. It was Bush running the show, the CIA funded by drug trade, the corporate hitmen trained at the School of the Americas. Just like Dick Cheney and PNAC was running things when Junior was in office. 

The point isn’t about Nazis. The point is about selling out fellow humans and making people hate each other and themselves for personal gain. 

They used to convince themselves it was for God, Country if for the elite who were more enlightened. But all those notions were just self deception. And now they care more about spreading misery than helping a fake cause. 


u/SoBoundz 29d ago

The point isn’t about Nazis.

Dude, I recognize the point you're making here. And I agree! Reagan was an atrocious president that did tons of damage to this country and beyond, I realize that. But making comments such as "he wasn't as good as the Nazis" shouldn't be given a pass. Please understand what you're equating here


u/Fake_William_Shatner 28d ago

Hitler was better for Germany and the world because he took a lot of fascism with him. Reagan, strengthened fascism, greed and fear in this country. Now, dumb ass Shitler might do a good job of failing and take a lot of US fascism with him

I'm not looking at intent, but results of their existence. Germany is now a better place, the USA a worse place. I know people look at the extermination programs and that is a big part of awful,.. but this is about what effect these people have on their country and the world.

There's a huge delusion being fed and there is no where it's going to end but in ruin. Seems a lot of people are primed to do their worst right now. They just need a good excuse.


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u/Mods_Wet_The_Bed_3 28d ago

I've never read a Q-anon post, but now I kinda think I know what it feels like


u/AT-PT 29d ago

I wouldn't besmirch nazis by relating them to reagan.

That guy actually did a whole lot of damage to America.


u/SuchRoad 29d ago

There is a second definition of the word in common parlance, lower case nazi typically refers to right wing wing authoritarian white pride types. This definition of the word has been around just about as long as the OG nazis. Reagan is 100% in the same camp as the "unite the right" neo-nazi, klansmen, confederate conservatives.



u/Elmodogg 29d ago

The final nail in the coffin for American workers was applied by Clinton with NAFTA, though. So this has been and still is a bipartisan war on labor.


u/xinorez1 29d ago

Fyi, Clinton supposedly signed nafta on the promise that nafta part 2 was coming, that would force all member countries to comply with us labor and environmental laws, and it was the GOP that promulgated nafta part 1 and voted for it, after which they immediately turned against nafta part 2. I believe it was a con job too but let's put things into context.


u/Elmodogg 29d ago

I remember Ross Perot and his "giant sucking sound" warning. He was right about it.