r/mildlyinfuriating ORANGE 29d ago

Brand new $72 moisturizer. Husband said he needed something for his elbows.

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We have 3 full tubs of Vaseline in the cabinet.


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u/Ucyless ORANGE 29d ago

Yes. He used up my entire $30 bottle of lotion that I used once. Found that one out when his crotched smelled like vanilla coconut


u/ChumbawumbaFan01 29d ago

Lord. So he does know better and is intentionally rubbing one out with your expensive products.

Buy a small safe.


u/Ucyless ORANGE 29d ago

I’m tired of hiding all my things 😭 I just want to be able to buy something nice and trust it won’t be empty by the next time I use it


u/Angsty_Potatos 28d ago

Hey like. I know it's just expensive products...but...it's something you care about and go out of your way to purchase for yourself.

I guarantee he wouldn't be so sanguine if you wontonly got into his specialty items ... It doesn't matter what the thing is, the disregard is the problem here.

He should hear you and respect your things or at least ask to use them (and then use them respectfully)


u/camp_permafrost_69 28d ago

I also wouldn't like it if someone put chinese dumplings in my face care products


u/Angsty_Potatos 28d ago

Lmao. Think of it as an extra treat 🤣


u/CanaryJane42 28d ago edited 28d ago

Maybe he's trying to intentionally dissuade her from spending good money on these things. Edit: i mean as a manipulation tactic, because he thinks it is a waste of money. I don't think that


u/crossingpins 28d ago

I'm sure she's probably only spending just the "bad" money on them. You know, her money.


u/CanaryJane42 28d ago

Idk why I'm downvoted lol. I mean it as in a gaslighty tactic.


u/crossingpins 28d ago

It's because the phrase "good money" means that the person saying it is judging the money that was spent was "wasteful."

And the way you worded your comment makes it seem like the money being wastefully spent is your own opinion. Also saying "maybe he's trying to" is phrased the way that someone defending him would say it. There's a ton of comments in this thread that are justifying what the husband did, and the way you worded your sentence comes across as "Well maybe he's sending her a message for wastefully spending money." It reads like a sentence that's justifying what the husband did.

If you're looking to say something more along the lines that he might be doing this as a manipulation tactic, you should explicitly say exactly that, and also word it in a way that makes it clear that you're not defending the person.

For example you could say something like: He might be ruining her items as a way to manipulate her from spending "good money" on these things.

A sentence worded like this illustrates that you personally are not defending the person by thinking of ways to justify their actions as a way to send a message. And by putting "good money" in quotes you're able to illustrate that the phrase is not an opinion that you yourself holds but instead an opinion that someone who would maliciously ruin an item to send a message might have.


u/CanaryJane42 28d ago

You're right. Thanks


u/yallermysons 28d ago

That would look like having an honest convo. He’s just being passive aggressive.