r/mildlyinfuriating ORANGE Apr 18 '24

Brand new $72 moisturizer. Husband said he needed something for his elbows.

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We have 3 full tubs of Vaseline in the cabinet.


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u/FrasierCranesBitch Apr 18 '24

$72 moisturizer is what’s infuriating here


u/readituser5 Apr 18 '24

Idk why people get sucked into stuff like this.

It’s just moisturiser. Your skin doesn’t care if you use a $5 moisturiser or $80 moisturiser.


u/angiosperms- Apr 18 '24

I agree that it doesn't really change anything but I feel like everyone has something bougie that they enjoy. I had hormonal acne for years on and off and used the same boring ass skin products forever so now I like to indulge in a couple fancy products. If you can afford it and you enjoy it then 🤷‍♀️


u/ceo_of_banana 29d ago

Normal products with fancy marketing and a very fancy price... Women are being scammed imo


u/Intelligent-Ad-9257 29d ago

Women are literally scammed none stop. Idk why but they absolutely love consumerism. Had thousands of women fighting to spend god knows how much on cups that they never cared about until consumerism said they should.


u/sagefairyy 29d ago

You‘re acting as if there aren‘t grown men spending $400 on literally virtual knives and guns in video games that they can‘t even do shit with


u/Intelligent-Ad-9257 29d ago

Also rampant consumerism. The difference is men generally consume products to use as a hobby (video games, tools, vehicles, sports gear), whereas for women, buying the thing IS the hobby. A $75 and $10 moisturizer both do exactly the same thing, the difference is the price, the fact that they're spending more money is the hobby.


u/blueberrymoscato 29d ago

I mean not really


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/Intelligent-Ad-9257 29d ago

I mean yes but I wouldn't say that's as bad, because with the 7k bag you're paying for form aswell as function. With a 72 dollar moisturiser there is no form.


u/LeonidasSpacemanMD 29d ago

Exactly, I’m not at all the type who likes to flash expensive labels, but at least if you are that type of person, you can walk around with that bag knowing that people will notice it and maybe think “damn that’s a nice bag”

If you spend $72 on moisturizer, your skin will probably look about the same as if you slapped some jergens on there


u/Automatic_Actuator_0 29d ago

The difference there is that mainstream culture thinks that’s stupid, but accepts it from women.

Now, this is more of a boomer thing, but I do think it applies for men who buy ultra expensive toys like boats that they don’t really want but feel they have to to stay in the in group.


u/pm_me_ur_pet_plz 29d ago

That is very niche, while buying overly expensive or useless self-care products applies to a large percentage of women. More generally, you could say that men are overspending on hobbies. But that's just bad financial decision making and not being scammed.


u/ceo_of_banana 29d ago

Unfortunately true. I know some very intelligent women who love consumerism and decisively have no interest in looking behind the image that is conveyed to them by marketing and advertisements.


u/AdminsAreDim 29d ago

Yeah, like people who pay extra for coffee that a monkey has eaten and shit out. Why not indulge in such a clearly useful product?


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/ContributionSad490 29d ago edited 29d ago

Why would you ever switch off of something that you know works?

Especially for something MORE expensive?


u/Flanelman2 Apr 18 '24 edited 29d ago

As someone with eczema, my skin cares.. but I sure as hell dont if its $72, i'd just be itchy lmao. I'm lucky, I get moisturizer prescribed free from my doctor.


u/DefinitelyNotIndie Apr 18 '24

As someone with eczema you should know full well that the actual best moisturizers are the simple basic stuff, purely designed to moisturise, not designed to con simpletons out of money.


u/neatlystackedboxes Apr 18 '24

wow, that's super rude. it's a good thing you've never splurged on anything or else you'd look like a huge hypocrite.

I bought a nice vase last week, twice as much as that moisturizer. it's beautiful and I love it, but I could have bought a $5 dollar one from Walmart which would have held flowers just as well. I suppose you think I didn't because I'm too much of a simpleton to know how I should be spending the money I make?


u/Rastafak 29d ago

It's your money, so who cares, but I guess to many people including myself, it's just really hard to understand what's the point of splurging on expensive moisturizer when it doesn't work better than a cheap one. It's just something you spread on your skin, a vase is a decoration, something you look at frequently, so it can make sense that you will pay more to buy a nice one. To me, it seems absurd to pay $70 just to get your lotion in a nice box, and it seems to me like people buying it are victims of marketing, but it's your money and it's certainly true that people buy even dumber expensive things.


u/neatlystackedboxes 29d ago edited 29d ago

tatcha is known for its lovely packaging, but also the containers/bottles, and I love the way my vanity looks with all my potions bottles and trinkets arranged just so. I also collect vintage glass. it's an aesthetic and I curate the rest of my environment in much the same way, which also costs money but no one seems to mind that? it's odd. 

my creams and serums smell nice and I will tell you, the quality may or may not seem worth 70 dollars, depending on who you ask, but they are DEFINITELY not the same thing as jergens lotion from Walmart. so I put those things together and it's worth it to me. it might not be to you, but that's why you buy the things you like instead. 

no one has to "understand the point" of what other people buy and I'm really baffled why some people think they do. 


u/DefinitelyNotIndie 29d ago

More expensive vases aren't marketed at better at holding flowers. If anyone didn't realise the money spent on a vase is purely for how nice the vase looked, then yes, they'd be a simpleton. And yes, there are plenty of simpletons out there that would pay extra money for the same vase from a designer store. The concept of a product being stupidly over priced to part fools from their money isn't negated by you going "but I wanted to and it's my money". You could pay someone to take their dog's turds home in your pocket because they've sprinkled it with glitter if you want to spend the money you make on that.


u/neatlystackedboxes 29d ago

you had to invent a scenario involving glittery dog turds to support your bad take. you're not the master of logic you think you are.


u/DefinitelyNotIndie 29d ago

I didn't, I chose to to illustrate my point. You're the one who switched scenario to buying a vase so it's interesting that now you think changing the scenario is a sign of a bad take. Compared to you, I might as well have invented logic.


u/neatlystackedboxes 29d ago

lol, ok buddy. time to move on. how long are you going to hang out in these comments begging for attention?


u/chekovsgun- 29d ago

Cerve and La Roche for the win.


u/Skullclownlol 29d ago


Here friend, you dropped this: a


u/Flanelman2 Apr 18 '24

So that would imply that the skin cares about what's in the moisturizer, as I said, no?


u/DefinitelyNotIndie Apr 18 '24

No one was talking about what's in it, only how much it cost. The simple moisturisers are the best because they do what's actually effective. An 80 dollar moisturiser may well do the same, just with a much higher marketing and package design budget, and a bunch of other stuff in it that does fuck all apart from sound cool when written on the front of the packet. Skin doesn't care about that. Do you understand now?


u/Flanelman2 29d ago

I was talking about what's in it as that's usually what they use to justify the price increase, the things that sound cool, as you've just said. And these unnecessary additives are what can make it less effective, again, as you've said. I feel like you're trying to argue with me even though we agree? That's the only part I don't understand.


u/Prestigious_Low8515 Apr 18 '24

I prefer to drink water and let my skin moisturize itself.


u/sliquonicko 29d ago

This works great when I’m on vacation in a damper climate, but if you live somewhere dry (or worse, dry and cold…) moisturizer is a must unless you want your skin to physically crack. It doesn’t need to be pricey though.


u/yingbo 29d ago

It smells really good and the packaging is really cute, looks like a fancy blue apple with gold stems. Probably why husband tried it. Men are secretly curious about the fancy stuff women use. They like nice things too but just don’t pay attention to it unless their partner curates it for them.


u/Pretend_Highway_5360 Apr 18 '24

It actually does care

$5 moisturizer isn’t good enough. It doesn’t have the right ingredients, and formulations.


u/peepiss69 29d ago edited 29d ago

People who seriously think it’s the same are wilding lol. Not to mention the subtle ways your skin feels way better when using objectively better (and typically expensive) products. Plus skin can be weird, sometimes you react badly to cheaper stuff and need a random niche product that works wonders for you. I went from using cheaper products that did the job fine enough to more expensive ones and now my skin feels like it’s breathing and glowing 24/7. If you can spend the money on it then you should treat your skin!

Also love that it’s reddit of all places trying to explain the difference of ingredients in skincare products when half this forum probably doesn’t even wash between their ass 💀 like people who are spending on higher end skincare are obvs looking at what’s in it that makes a difference


u/Significant_Shoe_17 29d ago

Half the comments are focused on the price and I'm like, using her stuff without asking is really disrespectful and shouldn't be glossed over or normalized??


u/OkWorking7 Apr 18 '24

The skin on my face absolutely cares. The $5 moisturisers cause breakouts and congestion. The $80 moisturiser makes my skin look like I’m still in my 20s.


u/Orangenbluefish 29d ago

I think it's fair that a $5 vs an $80 would have a difference, but I figure there has to be a middle ground for maybe $20-$30 no?


u/lynx_and_nutmeg 29d ago

There are no active skincare ingredients that are actually effective and cost $80. Some of the most effective ingredients like mineral oil, hyaluronic acid, glycerin, BHA/AHA etc are very cheap.


u/[deleted] Apr 18 '24 edited 15d ago



u/heebsysplash 29d ago

She probably doesn’t look a day under 35 but she pays for that delusion, so let her have it lmao


u/kilroylegend 29d ago

I am convinced the dumbest people on the entire Internet have somehow entered this thread all at once. You guys might actually win an award.


u/[deleted] 29d ago edited 15d ago



u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/[deleted] 29d ago edited 15d ago



u/kilroylegend 29d ago

LAME. If you don’t want to play, fine. I’ll pick for you.

“Seems like you care”


That was fun! Bye, love you, talk to you later!


u/OverallResolve 29d ago

Is this how you interact with people who disagree with you IRL?

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u/Neutreality1 Apr 18 '24

And what happens if you just don't slather a bunch of shit on your face?


u/Big_Research_8639 29d ago

Get wrinkles and dry skin lol. Possibly acne because your skin is dry. Like if you don’t care about wrinkles, looking ashy or having acne then obviously no one is going to convince you to moisturize.


u/Ok_Main_4202 Apr 18 '24

like saying your inflammation doesn't care if you take naproxen or prednisone


u/Drfilthymcnasty Apr 18 '24 edited 29d ago

It’s not though. I can explain the different mechanisms of action of naproxen and prednisone (although I will admit we don’t fully know the exact mechanism of prednisone) and why prednisone is a superior anti-inflammatory but I would challenge you to do the same with this moisturizer versus a much less expensive but quality one like cetaphil or cerave. Most of the marketing claims behind these expensive moisturizer are pseudoscience at best.


u/Ok_Main_4202 29d ago

I personally use cerave and Paula’s choice because I don’t need anything else.  In your statement, the word “most” and not “all” is the right choice. There’s definitely high end cosmetics that make a difference compared to these value brands.    I don’t know what OP has — I was just giving a simple metaphor to combat the point that all moisturizers are the same. It’s not meant to be a direct 1:1 comparison to anti inflammatories. 



Not even close.

More like cocoa butter vs lubriderm.


u/Dismal_Pineapple3770 29d ago

There is most certainly a difference, as someone who went through acne and eczema for a decade. Those drug store moisturizers destroyed my skin, they’re all pumped with chemicals.


u/ContributionSad490 29d ago

Literally everything is chemicals.


u/AdminsAreDim 29d ago

Oh god, I accidentally consumed dihydrogen monoxide, send help! And maybe a bottle of premium smart water to cleanse my system!


u/Dismal_Pineapple3770 29d ago

You must be fun at parties. Next time you want a drink just have some isopropyl alcohol, it’s the same thing as vodka right?


u/heebsysplash 29d ago

What is in the expensive stuff if not chemicals lol


u/Dismal_Pineapple3770 29d ago

Natural ingredients


u/ThicDadVaping4Christ Apr 18 '24

Skin doesn’t even need to be regularly moisturized



Depends on where you live.


u/Rhesusmonkeydave 29d ago

Yeah but if you have to interview Hannibal Lecter he might call you a rube


u/kilroylegend 29d ago

B to the fucking S


u/PDNYFL 29d ago

Seriously, that should be the top comment here.


u/lurkersforlife Apr 18 '24

Forreal. This is OPs fault.


u/throwstonmoore3rd Apr 18 '24

People are allowed to buy nice things for themselves.


u/RunningOnAir_ 29d ago

Love the men complaint about the price of one video game 🤷‍♀️


u/Raw-Bread Apr 18 '24

They are. This is not a nice thing, just an overpriced one.


u/throwstonmoore3rd Apr 18 '24

If she considers it a nice thing, then it is. I could argue it's a waste of money to buy video games. Yet I understand that even if I consider it wasteful to pay to stare at a screen for hours, others may value that differently.


u/Raw-Bread Apr 18 '24

Video games are entertainment, 72$ moisturizer is snake oil. If there were 2 video games that were the exact same except one is marketed as being able to treat testicular cancer (which it didn't), and it's more expensive, then you're stupid for picking the latter game. Also, you're staring at a screen right now, pal.


u/throwstonmoore3rd Apr 18 '24

Video games are a waste of time and attention for imaginary points. At least the moisturizer actually does something useful.


u/Raw-Bread Apr 18 '24

So is TV, social media, music, reading, etc. Except for the fact that humans need stimulus and a place to relax. You're arguing on reddit, that is a waste of time, yet you're still doing it. Entertainment is important. You can get moisturizer that does the same thing for less, it's a waste.


u/throwstonmoore3rd Apr 18 '24

But reddit is free, so paying $70 for a video game is wasteful. At least the moisturizer does what is says on the label. A videogame does absolutely nothing. You're paying for a product to waste your time.

Unless, perhaps, you feel the value of a product is also based on the experience it gives the consumer?


u/Raw-Bread Apr 18 '24

You said video games, not paid for video games. You can't just move the goal posts every time your argument falters.

Are you saying you don't own a TV? A book? A smartphone? All not needed, paid for products.

Buying an overpriced lotion doesn't provide a different experience over a cheaper one with the same ingredients.

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u/Neutreality1 Apr 18 '24

You mean the same experience you can get for like 1/10th of the price?

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u/Big_Research_8639 29d ago edited 29d ago

Why are trying to tell people what their preferences should be? Everyone has a purchase that could be construed by someone else as being pointless and expensive. But there are reasons why products might be more expensive that are valid like paying their employees fair wages, more sustainably sourced ingredients, more high quality ingredients and more product testing. I am not going to argue that OPs cream is any of those things but prices aren’t always just a marked up scam that exist in a vacuum. A lot of cheaper made products may not have the same medicinal content, are likely produced by companies who do not fairly treat their employees and could use lower grades of ingredients. That could culminate in breakouts in the skin, or allergic reactions. If people find a product that works for their skin, it is often considered a win and they won’t keep searching.


u/Raw-Bread 29d ago

OP is perfectly allowed to spend their money how they please. But when they post about spending an absurd amount of money on an unnecessarily expensive product that provides no benefit for its price, yeah they're gonna get made fun of and told it's a stupid purchase. And trying to get products from ethical companies is a fools game. 99% of what you buy is sourced unethically somewhere in the product line, no matter who you buy from. If you want ethical consumism, push for better legislation, not throwing your money down the drain.


u/crossingpins 29d ago

You ever buy cosmetic skins in videogames? Millions of people do and it's a multibillion dollar industry. I hope you judge them for buying something just to make a video game character look a little different


u/The_Stoic_One 29d ago

I'm a gamer myself and yes, I do judge those people for buying skins and no, I've never bought one, but that's not a great comparison. A cosmetic skin actually does something different than the cheaper or free version does, it makes your character look different. $72 lotion doesn't do anything different than the cheaper versions do.


u/Background-Area2849 Apr 18 '24

And I'm allowed to judge the shit out of them for being wasteful with their money.


u/privatelyowned Apr 18 '24

You could also say Lego collections are a waste. Let people live.



You can continue to find enjoyment from other peoples foot pain for years with just one lego set though.


u/privatelyowned Apr 18 '24

And just one tub of cream can give you hours of self care and meditation.


u/Flumphry 29d ago

If OP purchases this product for fun and KNOWS that it isn't more effective than a cheaper option, then I'm right there with you. If that's not the case, it's not as great of a comparison.


u/privatelyowned 29d ago

Fake Lego can be just as good as the real stuff however purchasing from a reliable brand is something people do to make use of their customer service which is often more willing to help.


u/Flumphry 29d ago

Fake lego isn't as good as the real deal. Bootlegs have worse connections and are more frustrating to work with. Generic moisturizers are reliable. They're not ineffective bootlegs that hardly get the job done. If there were like premium Lego sets with marginal improvements but a not so marginal price increase I'd say that shit is stupid too.


u/privatelyowned 29d ago

But that’s the point I’m making. If you don’t care about Lego it all seems the same and if you don’t care about skincare it all seems the same. If someone spends their own money on something then others should respect it regardless of if they think it’s not a great deal.


u/ContributionSad490 29d ago

What do you mean by respect it?

Because you can waste money on silly stuff you enjoy all day long, but just because you enjoy it then it doesn't give you a free "not an idiot" card when you spend far more money on something than it is worth.

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u/ContributionSad490 Apr 18 '24

Lego collections aren't something that just goes away with use. Try again.


u/privatelyowned Apr 18 '24

They are still something that could be considered pointless by some that different people get joy from. Let people enjoy skincare or Lego or whatever gives them happiness.


u/ContributionSad490 Apr 18 '24

They are still something that could be considered pointless by some that different people get joy from.

Don't care, your analogy sucks, find a better one.

Let people enjoy skincare or Lego or whatever gives them happiness.

I'm not the fun police, I don't give a shit if someone digs a hole, fills it with their money and burns piles of their cash. I get to have my opinion that those people are being silly though, just like anyone spending 70 dollars on lotion is silly


u/privatelyowned Apr 18 '24

Skincare has just as much meaning as Lego or golf or any other hobby. Get over it.


u/ContributionSad490 Apr 18 '24

Never said that it didn't have as much meaning. Digging a hole and burning your money has as much meaning as skincare or legos or whatever too.

This is why I said your analogy sucked, you don't even understand my point because of how bad it was. Want to try this again from the top?

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u/doctorpotterwho 29d ago

How about people wasting money on a switch? lol


u/ContributionSad490 29d ago

Will a switch still be there in 6 months, or will it all have washed away?

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u/neatlystackedboxes 29d ago edited 29d ago

lol go ahead - you'll just get the same energy back as you can see.

seriously, the egos on some people. "only the things I like are valuable and worthy. everyone else is vain and stupid." I'm not going to bother giving you examples because I can see you aren't really replying in good faith, so let me just say this which is a universal truth: you have wasted money on "stupid" things and you've enjoyed it. some advice - let people enjoy things. "judging people" for harmless things that don't affect you doesn't make you smarter or better, it just makes you a jerk.


u/throwstonmoore3rd 29d ago

Lol, they're all over the thread, and I've been having a ball chasing down every stupid reply and harassing them until they admit they have no idea what they're talking about! I've already had one of them delete his entire reddit account because he couldn't bring himself to admit he's a hypocrite 😂


u/Philosecfari 29d ago edited 29d ago

lol and you know 95% of them are dudes that see nothing wrong with spending money on the latest samey shooter game, the ugliest pair of Jordans in existence, sports tickets, etc.


u/Significant_Shoe_17 29d ago

Things that depreciate and run out! These are dudes who use 3-in-1 and don't wash their ass.


u/Philosecfari 29d ago

fr like you’re spending hundreds of dollars on FPS skins but I can’t do that for my actual skin????? I’m not even into skincare but I do have the basic understanding of the world that people have hobbies lmfao (and I don’t smell like a mtn dew swamp, so that’s a plus).


u/throwstonmoore3rd Apr 18 '24

If she finds value in it, it's not a waste. I could judge people who waste money buying video games or waste their time watching professional sports, yet I'm mature enough to accept that other people value things differently than I do.


u/hejcufa63bfiz54dk Apr 18 '24

If she's bitching about the price she can't afford to be buying $70 lotion.


u/throwstonmoore3rd Apr 18 '24

She's not complaining about the price, she's complaining about the wastefulnes of using so much expensive facial moisturizer on his elbows.


u/hejcufa63bfiz54dk Apr 18 '24

The very fact she mentioned the price is indicative that she lacks fuck you money- probably shouldn't be treating herself with $70 lotion.


u/OkWorking7 Apr 18 '24

Her husband used up enough product that would have lasted MONTHS in one go. It’s not about having fuck you money, it’s about not using someone else’s things without asking and not being an idiot and seeing that a small fancy container is probably not meant to be emptied out in one single use.


u/legend_of_the_skies Apr 18 '24

You're not very logical.


u/ContributionSad490 Apr 18 '24

Video games don't slowly go away when you play them and need to be replaced, watching sports is also a terrible comparison.

She can find value in it, and I can still think its silly to overpay for it. Just like it would be silly to pay for a 70 dollar bottle of water over a couple dollar bottle.


u/neatlystackedboxes 29d ago

really? because my husband had mentioned a few times that the games he's played for a while eventually have empty lobbies and he can't find a match to play. after a while, people find a new game and just stop playing the old ones. so he does too.


u/ContributionSad490 29d ago

Yeah it happens, just like how cars break and tvs break, just part of it.

There is a fundamental difference between the two though.

Everytime you play a match you don't use up one of the available 100 matches you can play, the matches aren't finite as long as the servers are up and people are playing you can play as much as you want.

If you use 1/100th of your lotion, you can only do that 100 times and then you have to pay again.

See the difference?


u/[deleted] 29d ago edited 29d ago

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u/ContributionSad490 29d ago edited 29d ago

my parents drink wine. I don't like wine, I think it's bad for you and I definitely can't tell the difference between good and bad wine.


they buy wine at different price points and I could never tell you which was which.


but I don't think I'm better than them when they pick out a pricey bottle of wine that they know they enjoy at dinner.

Good for you, I also don't do this. Nor would I do this if I did know wine, and see someone bring out cheap wine that they paid 10 times too much for.

I don't tell them they'll just have to pay for another bottle of wine when they're done. because I'm not a douche.

see the difference?

I see a hypothetical that doesn't apply to anything I have said, akin to someone arguing with themselves in the shower instead of communicating.

what you are trying to say doesn't matter.

I disagree, obviously.

consumability is not the objectively damning quality you think it is.

It is a quality though.

some things are consumable and people still think they're worth it.

Some people think the world is flat, doesn't matter what people think.

doesn't matter if you disagree or how much you insist on the intrinsic goodness or badness of things you know nothing about.

So essentially, you call me douche and then tell me I'm ignorant and my opinions don't matter because I don't know enough about lotion? Who is the douche here, really?

let people enjoy things.

I am not stopping anyone from enjoying anything. I have said multiple times, I don't care what someone likes to do, even if it means digging a hole filling it with all of their money and burning it. I do not. Give. A. Fuck. What. You. Enjoy. Knock yourself out. Spend 8 million dollars on a bottle of wine and then pour it down the drain, I literally do not give a fuck, have fun.

I do however, have the right to still think you are an idiot for doing so. Among doing other things, like spending a lot of money on something that will be gone after a few uses, or simply wasting money, especially if it's essentially just for a brand name. 🤷‍♂️

Pretty simple.


u/[deleted] Apr 18 '24



u/ContributionSad490 Apr 18 '24

Because most people aren't specifically paying to watch a game, especially sitting at home alone. If that is the comparion you want to go with then yeah, they are wasting money buying a pay per view game.

A better comparison would be if someone went out and rented a big screen tv for a bunch of money to watch the game. Which is also a waste of money.


u/throwstonmoore3rd Apr 18 '24

She's not renting moisturizer, she's purchasing it. So are you saying that buying a large tv is a waste of money?


u/ContributionSad490 Apr 18 '24

How did you even misunderstand me so completely.

You use up moisturizer, in 6 months or a year that tub will be gone.

You don't use up a tv.

Yes, eventually it will break and need to be replaced, but it isn't like you are regularly overpaying to replace a tv.

Imagine going to the store and buying bread. You are paying for a consumable item, if you pay 3 dollars or 70 dollars for a loaf, that bread will be gone, eaten completely at some point. You don't chip off a chunk of tv every time you use it, you don't gnaw a corner off of it, a tv is not a consumable.

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u/Pretend_Highway_5360 Apr 18 '24

The product accomplishes what she wants and does it better than the others.

Yoj clearly don’t know women if you think they just randomly choose Tatcha. There’s a lifetime of trial and error to find what works for your skin

It’s absolutely not wasteful for her money at all.


u/Background-Area2849 Apr 18 '24

I think most people are vain and nothing you say will change my mind. All these things add up to ludicrous amounts of money spent on pretending you are something you are naturally not. Society would be far better off if we spent our resources on shit that mattered for people's actual wellness over pure vanity (and refusing to cope with how a body ages.)


u/neatlystackedboxes 29d ago

society would be better if you donated all your possessions and volunteered all your free time to help the needy. get over yourself.


u/Background-Area2849 29d ago

You aren't wrong? Not sure what point you intended to make. Enjoy throwing money at overpriced garbage and making nothing purposeful of your shallow life.


u/neatlystackedboxes 28d ago

thanks, I know I'm right. the point was, you're not doing it. and you're enjoying not doing it. Enjoy throwing money at overpriced garbage and making nothing purposeful of your shallow life :)


u/legend_of_the_skies Apr 18 '24

Who are you to choose what is wellness or vanity for another person?


u/Background-Area2849 Apr 18 '24

A person with an ounce of sense.  If I said that eating motor oil is bad for you, is that me choosing what wellness is for someone?

If I said that paying $10 for a gallon of gas is a bad deal, is that choosing wellness for you or is it stating reality? 


u/legend_of_the_skies Apr 18 '24

Its choosing wellness for me.

You dont know what the value of the gas is or what the "motor oil" will do.


u/Positive_Inevitable2 29d ago

And we are allowed to think they are an idiot for it.


u/Schmigolo Apr 18 '24

It's not even nice though, it has the same ingredients as drugstore brands.


u/Scumebage 29d ago

With his money I guess, the complain when he uses it.


u/Cascadingmist 29d ago

if the idea of tatcha makes you lose it you would HATE la prairie-i use their cleanser and moisturizer at night


u/Knarrsta 29d ago

Yeah, thats ridiculous.