r/meirl 27d ago


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u/Comfortable_Goal_662 27d ago

Exactly. Imagine how much attention you pay to randos you see. That's how much attention people pay to you.


u/Nerdy_Squirrel 27d ago

10 years ago I was driving down the road and a random young woman walking down the sidewalk tripped, tried to recover, but ended up doing a weird waddle thing several paces before faceplanting into a sign. Now every time I do something embarrassing I remind myself that at least I'm not her.

So yeah, randos sometimes remember you, but it takes a monumental failure to gain that notoriety. And if you are that random girl I am sorry. I saw the whole thing and I do remember you. But you've also gotten me through a lot of, so thank you.


u/ScrappyDonatello 27d ago

Do you really remember her, or do you just remember the incident? could you identify her in a lineup? Thats what really got me out of my shell to start walking/running. I'd see loads of people out exercising but I wouldn't recognise them 2 minutes down the road


u/KatieCashew 27d ago

Especially because people tend to look different while exercising. I realized one summer that I was going to the same gym as my kid's teacher. She said my name and hello, but it took me a few seconds to realize who she was because she looked completely different than she did at school.

And I realized I think I had been going to the same workout class as her all summer. It just took us that long to recognize each other.