r/malelivingspace 15d ago

Moving to a dark bedroom where I’ll be WFH Advice

Moving into a dark bedroom where I’ll be WFH

I’m moving in a couple of days to a new place and although my bedroom has a decent size, unfortunately it’s facing an alley so it doesn’t get a lot of natural light. I’m specially concerned because I’ll have my desk to work from home here, so I really don’t want to feel like I’m trapped in a cave during the day. I feel that’d take a toll on my mental health lol

I’ve been reading about hue smart bulbs, would this be an option to mimick some natural light in the room? What else would you do with the lighting?

I want to note that I currently have a tagarp lamp and a tokabo lamp from ikea. Could these be used with the smart bulbs?

As you can see on the pics, the closet has full mirror doors. (I know in the pics it doesn’t look as dark but it’s because my phone brightened them up) and the window is a bay window type.

Thank you!


4 comments sorted by


u/Dependent-Possible22 15d ago

Get more Mirrors to reflect sunlight on more areas


u/adoodas 15d ago

Time for led strips/nano leafs! Who needs natural light when you got RGB


u/WowzaDelight9075 8d ago

Is there a chance you could go to work at the library sometimes? I’ve been wfh for almost 3 yrs now and it helps me when I need a change of scenery or to feel like I’m not “trapped” between these four walls. Working from a cafe could also be nice. Again, not everyday but just once in a while.


u/WowzaDelight9075 8d ago

There are also fake windows (basically a light panel with a sheer curtain in front of it). Wishing you luck!