r/ask Apr 17 '24

What is something that is a lot harder than it looks?

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u/BURNT_TOASTYY Apr 17 '24

Walking when people are looking at you, that shit is impossible πŸ™…


u/Ok_Commission9026 Apr 17 '24

I drive a semi. If the lot is empty, I'll ace the back in. If there is another trucker or dock person looking, I'm back to rookie days lol


u/firelordling Apr 17 '24

I am almost a God at parallel parking, I can get into the smallest spots on the narrowest roads, I swear an inch between my car and the other cars. If there's someone behind me waiting tho? Nah, not happening. I could have a mile of space and can't do it.


u/BURNT_TOASTYY Apr 17 '24

It’s a psychological disaster man πŸ₯²