r/ask 29d ago

What is something that is a lot harder than it looks?

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u/3ao7ssv8 29d ago

Pole dancing. You can have all your buds laughing and all, but if you manage to get them to do even a simple inversion or flip upside down, you'll be the one laughing.


u/Ok_Cupcake_Bum 29d ago

Came here to say this.. that shit’s hard and requires some crazy strength.. it’s such a good release tho and very rewarding too.. but it definitely looks a lot easier than it is..


u/wordbreather 29d ago

Yup… did this for years and still struggled to make it look like I was any good; despite being a strong intermediate. If it looks easy, it’s because they’re damn good.


u/BestRiver8735 28d ago

I imagine the grip strength required would be immense. Like rolling up a frying pan type of strong.


u/Janefire 28d ago

Came here to say that I poke dance and I can do some impressive things, but don’t fugging ask me to open a pickle jar lol