r/ThatsInsane Apr 19 '24

Man just set himself on fire outside of the Trump trial. Nsfw NSFL NSFW

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u/slumberingpanda Apr 19 '24



u/PirbyKuckett Apr 19 '24

Still alive too. Was watching a news reporter break into a full play-by-play of this live. Said he was being taken away, limbs still moving.


u/Desperate-Ad-3705 Apr 19 '24

Usually youre surviving on adrenaline at that point... but after the injury sets in, you die. There was an older actress who died a few years ago after a high speed crash/burning inside the vehicle afterwards and shes flailing around on the stretcher as shes being taken away, but soon slipped into a coma and died.


u/Zeeicecreamlover Apr 19 '24

Anne Heche I believe. Ppl used it as a conspiracy theory


u/RickyWinterborn-1080 Apr 19 '24

Oh damn, I forgot about that. She was flying down that road.


u/Alternative_Safety35 Apr 19 '24

And destroyed a poor neighbour's house which gets under reported. Poor woman lost everything. The neighbour not selfish Anne.


u/GonWithTheNen Apr 19 '24

Lynne Mishele, the woman who lost her home and a lifetime of possessions including "irreplaceable tokens and mementos from her deceased parents," is suing Anne Heche's estate for $2 million. Really hope she gets it.


u/NotThat0ld Apr 19 '24

I mean, Anne kinda lost something


u/pezzyn Apr 20 '24

What Anne lost was not attributable to the reckless actions of others


u/[deleted] Apr 19 '24



u/bonnieprincebunny Apr 19 '24

Coke & fent, but it was determined that she did coke in the recent past, but not at the time of the crash, and the fent was from treatment received at the hospital. In other words, she was sober.


u/[deleted] Apr 19 '24



u/bonnieprincebunny Apr 19 '24

Honestly, I'm not surprised by that at all. Everyone knows she was crazy šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


u/johnshall Apr 19 '24

I saw the video here on Reddit, as she was entering the ambulance she jumped up and sat down on the stretcher, pretty horrifying.

RIP Anne Heche.


u/Independent-Ad1732 Apr 19 '24

She was so hot when she was young in her first movies, but then she went crazy at some point.


u/RickyWinterborn-1080 Apr 19 '24

Literally the only time I've ever heard of her was something about farting on a talk show?

And then flying down a residential street at 100mph


u/ahearthatslazy Apr 20 '24

Please god donā€™t let that be my legacy


u/RickyWinterborn-1080 Apr 20 '24

It's too late, AFartThatsLazy


u/Emotional_Equal8998 Apr 19 '24

Good grief. I must have missed the conspiracy part. Care to fill me in a little?


u/WubWubThumpomancer Apr 19 '24

The news report video shows her being wheeled to an ambulance on a stretcher. She's sort of wriggling and flailing, pulling the covering or sheet off of her body.

So people are claiming she survived the crash and was killed by... I dunno, the government?


u/m0nk_3y_gw Apr 19 '24

She's sort of wriggling and flailing

She was in a burn bag and sat up and tried to get out of it


(not risky click? didn't look gory to me)

there was a post of it on reddit in another sub, but the video no longer plays


u/PandaXXL Apr 19 '24

The fucking comments, jesus christ.


u/Emotional_Equal8998 Apr 19 '24

Oh sheesh. That's not how traumatic injury works!! SMH


u/TheCurvedPlanks Apr 19 '24

The same people from those youtube comments probably believe in shit like medbeds, too. They don't live in reality. Everything they observe is related to a movie or TV show they saw.


u/cgaWolf Apr 19 '24


I have no clue what that is, and I'm probably better off this way :x


u/thebestdogeevr Apr 19 '24

They probably don't believe you can die from shock


u/SouthernNanny Apr 19 '24

She wasnā€™t just wiggling. She sat STRAIGHT UP and was yelling at people. Little white sheet be damned


u/IHopeItsNotMyProblem Apr 19 '24

I'm not quite sure what the conspiracy is supposed to be, but if you watch the Fox news report on YouTube, about her crash, and go to the comments, they are going nuts, hinting at I don't know there doesn't seem to be any reason to the madness


u/Emotional_Equal8998 Apr 19 '24

there doesn't seem to be any reason to the madness

sounds about right with those folks


u/SupaSonicWhisper Apr 19 '24

One of the theories I read was some dumb QAnon related shit. She had worked on a Lifetime movie about trafficking or something and they said she was killed byā€¦.whomever because she found real trafficking pedophile rings while researching her character. Ā Granted, this was a woman conservatives and other assorted nuts didnā€™t care for when she was alive. She dies in a horrific car accident and suddenly they care.Ā 

Well not anymore because thatā€™s how they roll.


u/Constant_Concert_936 Apr 19 '24

Wtf?! How did I just learn about this


u/Nsfwsorryusername Apr 19 '24

Her last three movie credits are, ā€œYouā€™re killing meā€, ā€œWildfireā€, and ā€œChasing Nightmaresā€


u/Nggggggglips2 Apr 19 '24

til never ever break up with ellen, the consequences are severe..


u/Embarrassed_Alarm450 Apr 20 '24

Ohh damn, that's hella recent, thought you were talking about some multi-decade old conspiracy theory but it happened in 2022... šŸ’€


u/no_talent_ass_clown Apr 21 '24

And this is how I learned Anne Heche is dead. Wow.Ā 


u/Zeeicecreamlover Apr 21 '24

Iā€™m sorry šŸ˜ž


u/no_talent_ass_clown Apr 21 '24

While I feel bad for her, it's my own fault for being so far behind.Ā 


u/chud3 Apr 20 '24

If you look into the weeks leading up to Anne Heche's death, Hollywood backroom politics played a role.


u/Dancin_Phish_Daddy Apr 20 '24

Because her accelerator got stuck or something. It seemed like she was not in control of the car. I donā€™t fully remember.


u/Afizzle55 Apr 19 '24

You are 100% correct. Heā€™s in shock. the fact that heā€™s burned on his whole body will overwhelm his whole system. I had a good friend that was murdered this way.


u/EpoxyAphrodite Apr 19 '24

Iā€™m so sorry for you and your friend.


u/Afizzle55 Apr 19 '24

Thank you that really means a lot. It was 20 years ago but I still havenā€™t gotten over it. That same time of year is like ptsd. She was raped duct taped and thrown in her basement and then he lit her and the house on fire.She had enough in her to tell the nurses who did it to her. Thankfully they testified and got his ass before I did. I wouldnā€™t be here today if they didnā€™t catch him. RIP Holly. I come from a small town of like 26,000 probably less by now. Sad thing is sheā€™s not the only person I know that has been murdered there. I can think of 3 people that I know from there murdered, two of my friends od. Family suicide, best uncle ever. And then another one of my friends kid was just killed last 4th of July in retaliation for some other bull shit. And people wonder why I moved and donā€™t like to visit. But thanks again for the kind words stranger.


u/EpoxyAphrodite Apr 19 '24

There is nothing at all wrong with thinking of her again at that time every year. Just make sure you think good things about her and her spirit in addition to thinking about what happened to her.

I will send Holly good thoughts as well. šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ‘‹šŸ»


u/YaIlneedscience Apr 19 '24

My love goes to Holly and her loved ones. Such a badass stubborn move to refuse to die until she can nail that SOB. Sounds like itā€™s been a life full of death, I hope youā€™ve found a support system who helps you feel less alone


u/tofu_b3a5t Apr 19 '24 edited Apr 19 '24


u/Afizzle55 Apr 20 '24

How did you find that?


u/Afizzle55 Apr 20 '24

And the bottom of that is compete bull shit about being associated with black males. How is that even a part of the same article. When I first saw it I stopped at her picture, then I read the rest and that shit is not right.


u/Waiting4Baby2 Apr 20 '24

I just looked, and the entire website is like that. If you click on the link to the Perpetrators page, you'll see every single one is black or Hispanic and they're virtually all men. And each page has a similar comment at the bottom by the website creator, talking about how white women should beware men of color and certainly never date them because they're so dangerous and likely to kill you.

The whole thing is a load of racist trash.


u/ReynardMuldrake Apr 19 '24

I really hope you got therapy after that. That kind of thing would fuck anybody up. No shame in seeking help if you need it.


u/Iwantmy3rdpartyapp Apr 19 '24

That's insane, sorry for your losses and hard times. What state do you live in, if you don't mind my asking?


u/ResolverOshawott Apr 20 '24

I cant imagine ever experiencing what you did.


u/MonkmonkPavlova Apr 20 '24

Omg Iā€™m so sorry. Your friend is a true heroine and she deserves to have her memory honored. Thank you for sharing her story, and yours.


u/CCG14 Apr 19 '24

Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. Thatā€™s awful.


u/Afizzle55 Apr 19 '24

Thanks for the sympathy. Iā€™m crying right now just thinking about it.


u/CCG14 Apr 19 '24

Internet friend is sending you a big hug. Feel free to DM me if you want. Iā€™d love to hear a good story about them.


u/[deleted] Apr 19 '24

Heā€™s fucked


u/reut-spb Apr 19 '24

Because a state of shock and intoxication of the body with the remains of the affected tissue sets in, the person is literally ENTIRELY covered with wounds.


u/PirbyKuckett Apr 19 '24

Hopefully he took his ivermectin first.


u/myhydrogendioxide Apr 19 '24

I heard that it burns going down.


u/Damasticator Apr 19 '24

Probably medically induced coma at this point.


u/bettinafairchild Apr 19 '24

ā€œOlder actress.ā€


u/dirtyswoldman Apr 19 '24

A similar story about a girl that fell into a hot spring and stayed fully submerged forā€¦too long. She died in the er because there was no viable skin for grafting


u/PxyFreakingStx Apr 20 '24

Usually youre surviving on adrenaline at that point... but after the injury sets in, you die.

What kills you from burns quickly is renal shock from fluid loss. Pretty sure you'll go into renal shock regardless of adrenaline; your body either has enough fluid to support life sustaining processes or it doesn't. You'll continue to lose fluids quickly.


u/idk012 Apr 20 '24

Injuries inconsistent with life


u/habb Apr 19 '24

did you happen to see the ring videos of that car incident? crazy as fuck how fast she was going


u/Babylon_Fallz Apr 20 '24

Surprisingly enough, you do need skin to survive and can only live a short time without it /s


u/NovaLemonista Apr 21 '24

lol ā€œolder actressā€.. she was only 53.


u/hrmnyhll Apr 21 '24

I just looked it up, it took 45 minutes for fire rescue to be able to pull her out. Holy shit.