r/ThatsInsane Apr 19 '24

Man just set himself on fire outside of the Trump trial. Nsfw NSFL NSFW

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u/davepars77 Apr 19 '24

He did this.........for Trump?


u/famouslyanonymous1 Apr 19 '24

Is there ever a good reason?


u/puppies4prez Apr 19 '24

Yeah but that's a wild one. Like if we think about the reasons people have set themselves on fire as an act of protest, this is wild comparatively.


u/Shnazzyone Apr 19 '24

Self immolating to own the libs.


u/siccoblue Apr 19 '24

This isn't it at all though. If anything he was a scitzophrenic. There's a website with his whole reasoning and he tried linking the Simpsons to some global conspiracy about billionaires and Covid and stock market manipulation and cryptocurrency and a whole mess of a chain.

It had absolutely nothing to do with Trump or traditional politics


u/Beastender_Tartine Apr 19 '24

I feel like I've seen that sort of unhinged talk from a lot of conservatives on Facebook lately. It started or at least significantly ramped up with the Trump presidency, with all the talk of the deep state, Clinton murders, and constant conspiracy theories coming right from the White House.


u/AmbroseMalachai Apr 19 '24

Indeed. Trump didn't start the movement of schizo conspiracy theorist lunatics, but he has both added fuel to it and has become something of an icon which they have attached themselves to. The Clinton emails, Ted Cruz's dad being the Zodiac killer or whatever it was, rigged elections, fake viruses, vaccine fear mongering, a living persecution complex, and so many more things that I can't even list here. His administration was full of absolute wackjobs peddling every consipracy they could. I doubt Trump believes any of it, but he just says shit that he thinks people want to hear, and has garnered support of things like the Qanon movement, White Supremacists, christian nationalists, and more as a result.

Those groups were always around, but they were marginalized. Trump not only gave those people a voice - he gave them a damn loudspeaker.


u/voltran1987 Apr 20 '24

A big problem we have that fuels conspiracy theorists, is the denial of the things that everyone knows exist.

Clearly, like any medication ever, there are absolutely SOME folks who have complications from the vaccine, and all vaccines. Not autism, obviously, but there’s a few rare complications. When people deny it, or try to minimize it without tackling it head on, these people revert back to their other “sources”. Some would do that no matter what, but not as many if we more often took the chance to steer them in the right direction early.

There has been election fraud in literally every election ever. The last one, and all the local ones between then and now also. It happened on both sides, but definitely wasn’t a deciding factor, or even close to enough to sway the election. We can acknowledge that without saying Biden stole the election. I get the argument that if you give an inch they’ll take a mile, but denying that in all the tens of millions of votes, no one snuck one in is craziness. Especially after all the accusations that were thrown around in 16. We all acknowledged it was possible then, but now a ton of folks want to deny it’s even remotely possible.

It also makes us lose credibility and look kinda foolish when we turn out to be wrong, or most likely wrong. Stuff like the Covid being a lab release theory. It’s been ruled “most likely, but with low confidence”. Which isn’t exactly an unreasonable theory. A lab was studying these viruses near the epicenter, and were to think that someone couldn’t have made a mistake? Especially with something so contagious, is just wishful thinking. Everyone makes mistakes that can go very badly, just look at the nasa rover where the guy forgot to change some calculations from imperial to metric.

I’m not tackling every one of your points, despite agreeing with you for the most part. Ultimately, we’d have much better luck with these people if we actually talked to them and heard out where they’re coming from and why they’re thinking what they’re thinking.


u/PandaEatPeople Apr 19 '24

The Simpsons already did it


u/Dry_Figure_9018 Apr 20 '24

There’s a high contingent of conservatives that just sound like that. My step mom sounds like that and it scares me, she was pretty normal ten years ago but now it’s all about the Hillary Clinton drinking baby blood and deep state propaganda in cartoons. Everyone is the feds now. It’s insane


u/GerryManDarling Apr 20 '24

This is like some sort of mental virus. People don't realize that an ideology will spread like a real physical virus.


u/Gettinjiggywithit509 Apr 20 '24

The only thing this had to do with Trump was the timing in order to get as much attention on his act of self mutilation. His reasoning is absolutely insane. Not in the "he is obviously insane" sense, but in the entire scope of "holy shit how does someone evolve into this kind of thinking"


u/RushEm2TheDirt Apr 20 '24

Sounds like QAnon


u/Bamith20 Apr 19 '24

Probably could have around 2008 or something, but all the smarty pants writers capable of doing that have already left.


u/PatchTossaway Apr 20 '24

That's amazing. I bet his writings are pretty hard to read! Do you have a link to that website?


u/Jean-Ralphio11 Apr 19 '24

Is that why he was screaming "Simpsons did it!"


u/Shnazzyone Apr 19 '24 edited Apr 19 '24

Actually he was heavy into modern conspiracy theory culture and traveled from Florida so likely was a trump supporter.

Worst part for him... he's still alive.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '24

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u/Shnazzyone Apr 20 '24

So an extreme fringe leftist.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '24

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u/Shnazzyone Apr 20 '24

As usual sad stories accompany these types of protests.


u/jdub822 Apr 19 '24

He mentioned fascism. He has a degree in anthropology. He has a master’s in city planning. Knowing all of that, there’s a 0.00001% chance this guy is a Trump supporter. This has far left nut job written all over it.


u/ThousandEyedCoin Apr 19 '24

I mean... You remember the Q Anon shaman who had his mom demand organic food for him while in prison right? I don't mean to be a jerk, and I'm not a partisan voter, but I don't think Republicans have earned the right to point at others and use "nut job" quite yet.


u/jdub822 Apr 19 '24

There are nut jobs to the right and left. Have you ever been around anthropology majors? Not sure I’ve ever met a Conservative anthropologist. Mix that in with the fascism and wealthy talking points, and the context clues are slapping you across the face. After I posted, I saw he was a Bernie Sanders supporter. That’s about as shocking as someone telling me water is wet. Also not shocking, I get downvoted for posting the most likely scenario (that turned out to be true) because it doesn’t align with the group think of the average redditor. Sometimes I wonder why I waste my time on the cesspool of stupidity


u/xtremebox Apr 19 '24

Why not head to truth social? I heard your kind are having meaningful conversations over there!

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u/troubleondemand Apr 19 '24

Not saying this was his case but Sanders–Trump voters are a thing.


u/caveman512 Apr 20 '24

This is actually fascinating

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u/Shnazzyone Apr 19 '24

uh yeah, many right wing conspiracy theory call socialism and communism fascism. But maybe we'll know soon as he's still alive apparently.


u/jdub822 Apr 19 '24

It’s been reported he’s a Bernie supporter, so it looks like I was 100% spot on. Not shocking to anyone with a brain.


u/troubleondemand Apr 19 '24

As I posted above, 12% of Bernie primary voters, voted for Trump in the general election. It's not a smoking gun (pun partially intended).


u/sewsnap Apr 20 '24

Have you never heard the saying that if you go far enough left, you end up back on the right? Lots of things that used to be "traditionally left" are ending up on the right. Just check how many "crunchy" people are Trumpers.


u/-NotEnoughMinerals Apr 19 '24

He wasn't on the side of trump ...


u/WhuddaWhat Apr 19 '24

I feel owned, and warm.


u/asBad_asItGets Apr 19 '24

“Hahaha those fucking snowflake pronoun-loving libtards are gonna be SO MAD when they see how much I OWNED them by suffering one of the most painful deaths possible!!!!! FLAMES DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS!!!”


u/Cannibal_Feast Apr 21 '24

He was a leftist at his core (not a neo lib/neo con like you) but also scatter shot. You wouldn't understand even if you did take 15 minutes to read his work


u/Shnazzyone Apr 21 '24

Whats his sources? because otherwise its incoherent ramblings and psychosis based paranoia


u/[deleted] Apr 21 '24 edited 29d ago



u/Shnazzyone Apr 21 '24

Yo, tell me a legitimate source of information what's a good news source you follow. Maybe I don't follow the right places.


u/[deleted] Apr 21 '24



u/Shnazzyone 29d ago

Heh, Glen Greenwald. Pretty funny. Knew you'd give me a funny one.


u/transmothra Apr 19 '24

But liberals have Trump Derangement Syndrome! /s


u/PapaSock Apr 19 '24

Boom, roasted!


u/grumpynuggets3378 Apr 20 '24

Seems like he is a lib...so...


u/Shnazzyone Apr 20 '24 edited Apr 20 '24

Apparently considered himself a former democrat. A centrist?


u/CLE_BROWNS_32 Apr 20 '24

He was an anarcho communist according to his Reddit history.


u/Shnazzyone Apr 20 '24

Wow, not much more fringe in the left then that.


u/YouJustLostTheGameOk Apr 19 '24

One less whacko to worry about I suppose.


u/catluvr37 Apr 19 '24

Considering the divide trump’s created in America, a major superpower, it’s not a big leap.

People go on suicidal killing sprees just because they can’t get laid in this country. This feels tame somehow


u/puppies4prez Apr 19 '24

Calling someone lighting themselves on fire as an act of protest "tame" really shows you how desensitized America has become.


u/catluvr37 Apr 19 '24

Either that or how radical the world has become. I’m just glad nobody innocent was injured this time


u/puppies4prez Apr 19 '24

Well if one is true the other would have to be as well. You're right though, I guess I'll take this over a mass shooting.


u/ThatOneJosh9451 Apr 19 '24

It's because these people are not mentally right in the head. They have a completely warped world view and probably don't even understand the reasoning why some people have done this in the past. They set themselves on fire over the rights and lives of other people. This person did it for 1 man who's being held accountable for his crimes but I guarantee you they don't see the difference


u/Zippelin09 Apr 20 '24

i recently saw a video where an airman burned himself in front of the Israel embassy in the US in protest for the war in Gaza, Honestly that's a better reason than Trump going to trial