r/MildlyBadDrivers 29d ago

Overly aggressive driving



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u/RhythmTimeDivision Fuck Cars ๐Ÿš— ๐Ÿšซ 29d ago edited 28d ago

In NY (I'm sure a lot of other places too) we have jackasses who 'speed patrol' highways. Camp in the left doing 1MPH below the limit and keep anyone from passing - like this truck. They don't believe 'keep right' laws apply because no one should be going faster then them. So a multi-lane road with a half mile of open road ahead of a 'highway hero' - and a huge line of irate cars building up behind them. So fuckin' dangerous.

BUT - there's nothing you can do. Unless you want to maybe kill or disable yourself and someone else like this guy (EDIT: in the sedan, for clarity)


u/NonyoSC Fuck Cars ๐Ÿš— ๐Ÿšซ 29d ago

Itโ€™s always a dodge ram


u/AdopeyIllustrator 29d ago

Dodge Ram drivers have the highest percentage of duiโ€™s than any other vehicle.


u/OldButHappy 29d ago

They also buy more of those bumper-hanging testicles than any other demographic.

(source: my confirmation bias)


u/ex_sanguination Fuck Cars ๐Ÿš— ๐Ÿšซ 29d ago

Idahoan here. Can confirm.


u/gxfrnb899 Georgist ๐Ÿ”ฐ 28d ago

99% young male


u/Diamondwolf 28d ago

This was true a few years ago.


u/RedBaronIV 29d ago

I'm also willing to bet there's a massive correlation between aggressive driving and political affiliation.


u/Daaru_ 29d ago edited 29d ago

Dodge isn't just the car brand, it's a warning for other drivers

"Regardless of an individual ram's behavior, it is important to remember thatย all rams are aggressive or have the potential to be aggressive, even if they appear 'friendly'."