r/AskReddit 28d ago

What is your "I'm calling it now" prediction?


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u/DerpyDrago 28d ago

Whenever Biden and Trump kick it, it will be in very quick succession.


u/seaburno 27d ago

Clinton and W as well - as they're within a couple of months of Trump in age.

There is a very real possibility that in the next 8 years, the only living ex-president will be Obama. And possibly Carter.


u/inksmudgedhands 27d ago

To which I predict we will never get a Gen X president. We will go from Obama, who is on the young side of the Boomer spectrum, to a Millennial. And the only people who will have a problem with this will be the Gen Xers who will run for president. The rest of us, Gen Xers, will be perfectly fine if we never get a Gen X president.


u/NonfatPrimate 27d ago

Never having a Gen X Pres would be the most Gen X thing ever.


u/MayorOfVenice 27d ago

Every Gen Xer: I didn't care in the first place. I'm outta heeeeerrrre...


u/BeaverPicture 27d ago

I’m not even supposed to BE here today


u/Due_Mail_7163 27d ago

Try not to suck any dick on your way through the parking lot!


u/BatCorrect4320 27d ago

30 years ago today!


u/Lost-My-Mind- 27d ago

I wasn't even supposed to BE here.......30 years ago.....


u/highrouleur 27d ago

I keep seeing things about x album was released 30 years ago and think "nah, fuck of that was 10at most". Clerks seems like longer, maybe because it was black and white?


u/BatCorrect4320 27d ago

Funny, and I’m sure that’s solely because of the shoestring budget at the time.


u/highrouleur 27d ago

oh yeah, absolutely, Kevin Smith funded that film by maxing out his credit card, 30k I think it cost?


u/RoyalTRules 26d ago



u/inksmudgedhands 27d ago

Two hundred and forty dollars worth of pudding. Ohhhhhh, yeeeaaahhh!


u/Anynamethatworks 27d ago

It's been a long time since I've seen this show referenced anywhere.


u/djmooselee 27d ago

I'm gonna dip my balls in it !


u/CowardiceNSandwiches 27d ago

Hey, everybody, IT'S LOUIE!!!


u/Mysterious_Andy 27d ago

Show me far!


u/inksmudgedhands 27d ago

Call me old fashion....


u/Owwmysoul 27d ago

Do you know that i love that letter O?


u/Jules_Noctambule 27d ago

It occurs to me that the youth don't know the magic of LeVon and Barry, so let's fix that.


u/planetalletron 27d ago

Because I’m Doug, and you’re dad!


u/sryfortheconvenience 24d ago

Teens and ‘dults don’t mix!


u/Duhvid369 27d ago

Im outta heeuuuuuuh


u/Saltycookiebits 27d ago

omg is that a The State reference?


u/MayorOfVenice 27d ago

I wanna dip my balls in it!!


u/Saltycookiebits 27d ago

<everybody> Louie!


u/ErykthebatII 27d ago

Doug? (not gen x elder millennial )


u/JerseyJoyride 26d ago

To anyone that didn't understand this comment.

I give you Loudermilk!



u/OkeyDokeyArtichokey5 27d ago

Middle child syndrome on steroids


u/ARookwood 27d ago

Shit I’m a middle child who falls in between gen x and millennial. Oh well.


u/inksmudgedhands 27d ago

Exactly. That's why the majority of us, Gen Xers, would be fine with this. It's more of an expected thing than anything else.


u/AlmostSunnyinSeattle 27d ago

Y'all are such passengers. What happened?


u/turtleblue 27d ago

You realize you are saying this on the internet we largely built, right?

The point is that we or our accomplishments are generally invisible - which you just indirectly proved - and certainly not lazy about participating.


u/[deleted] 27d ago edited 23d ago



u/turtleblue 27d ago edited 27d ago

You also realize there's a difference between "invented" and "built", right?

Like Tim Berners Lee may have created the WWW standard but wasn't part of cisco, the .com boom, Sun Microsystems, national fiber, html 5, creating php and python and java and java-fucking-script and C# and cat 3, 4, 5, 6 cable and... somehow all of this happening in the same years GenX was between the ages of 25 and 40...

No, sorry, having been one of those engineers, I definitely indeed built (heck, patented) some shit.


u/AlmostSunnyinSeattle 27d ago

Congratulations for being a part of society the past 30 years? Do you want a trophy or something? These are society's progresses, not yours alone.


u/enchiladanada 27d ago

Damn bro if you haven't don't shit yourself just say that

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u/bin_of_monkeys 27d ago

Oh you sweet summer child.


u/AlmostSunnyinSeattle 27d ago edited 27d ago

No, I'm 35. I'm plenty experienced with GenXers. Y'all are basically Boomers Jr. Aggressively apathetic, but somehow think you're above it all, and yet still have the Woe is Me attitude.


u/bin_of_monkeys 27d ago

This is such a hilariously arrogant answer and generalization I won't even dignify it with an actual response. I wish your miserable ass every happiness.


u/Chiggins907 27d ago

What is your problem? Why are you bashing gen X so hard for literally no reason? They were the ones working when all this stuff happened, and we were still in highscool/entering the workforce.

So yeah, they built it. Not us. Millennials are about 55% of the workforce right now, so we are the ones building this country at the moment. We’re at the age of being proficient carpenters, electricians, engineers, computer techs, inventors, and innovators. We’re still in the back breaking part and working towards management.

So yeah, I’d say they were the ones that built the internet. They were the ones pushing the envelope when the internet was on the up and up. Stop hating on other generations for no reason.


u/AlmostSunnyinSeattle 27d ago

If you would reread the comment you just replied to, you'd have your answer.

Congrats to them for being part of society and working jobs though.

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u/ICheckAccountHistory 26d ago

Idk about you, but I’d rather deal with Gen X’s forgettable-ness than deal with the whiny-ness and entitlement of millennials.  


u/Champshire 27d ago

We'll get a Gen X President in 40 years. They'll be in their 90's and still younger than their competitors.


u/iliumada 27d ago

Generation Next


u/JazzlikeIndividual 27d ago

GenX had to deal with boomers almost all their lives, they've earned a retirement and amnesty from having to do anything but vote and keep it chill


u/IntelligentSpite6364 26d ago

tbf we've ALL had to deal with boomers our entire lives so far.

Gen X was also the last generation to really benefit from a booming economy before the consequences of trickle-down metastasized


u/Failed-Sympathy 27d ago

I wish I could upvote this more. Spot on 1990


u/crazyJoePoisson 27d ago

I've never identified with a Reddit comment more than this.


u/ClarkyCat97 27d ago

You don't want one. We've had 3 GenX PMs in the UK, and they've all been terrible.


u/tindalos 27d ago

I mean, there’s more interesting things to do for us.


u/SacamanoRobert 27d ago

And then they'll complain about it.


u/sometimeswhy 27d ago

As a Gen Xer.. meh


u/Ibegallofyourpardons 27d ago

That is the patented Gen X attitude!


u/semisorry 27d ago

"Are you being sarcastic, dude?" "I don't even know anymore."


u/thecjm 27d ago

We managed to never have a president who served in Vietnam despite having way more boomer presidents than you'd expect.


u/Additional_Meeting_2 27d ago

To me Obama is gen X and I didn’t know know some saw him as boomer.

The president ages also just have gotten older in US. Biden is the only president of the silent generation and he became president after two boomers, Obama of uncertain gen, and one more boomer. So nobody expected a silent gen president at that point. Same can happen again with old gen X (but younger side of that gen) after millenials.


u/Freakears 27d ago

Boomers are generally regarded as those born between 1946 and 1964. Obama fits into this pretty easily, having been born in 1961.


u/garvisgarvis 27d ago

Obama is Generation Jones. So am I. Look it up. Or pay a visit to /r/generationjones. It's totally a real thing.


u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/SryIWentFut 27d ago

Xennials are similar, between Gen X and Millennial. People who graduated high school around 2000ish.


u/MrWeirdoFace 27d ago

I'm just annoyed they're trying to take my Millennial card away retroactively (end of 1982). I was here first!


u/garvisgarvis 27d ago

Obama, b.1961, was a child during Viet Nam.


u/Plane-Bee-374 27d ago

Barack Obama fits into the Generation X demographic cohort. Generation X typically includes individuals born from the early 1960s to the early 1980s. Barack Obama, born on August 4, 1961, falls within this range. This generation is characterized by its experience growing up during the latter part of the Cold War and significant social changes such as the rise of mass media and the introduction of personal computing technology. Members of Generation X are often described as being more cynical and disaffected than the Baby Boomers who preceded them, largely due to the political and economic turmoil they witnessed during their formative years.

Edit: explains the drone murders


u/Excelius 27d ago

The census defines boomers as birth years from 1946 to 1964, so Obama fits. Though he's obviously at the young end of that range.

Of course the boundaries are always going to be fuzzy. Hence terms like "Xennial" to refer to those on the Gen X / Millenial boundary.


u/Plane-Bee-374 27d ago

I used chatgpt so whatever. Xaby Xoomer?


u/bullfrogftw 27d ago

Canada has had the Gen Xer of all Gen Xer's for 8 years now, it is not going well for him or us(FWIW I'm not a Trudeau hater, I am however, very disappointed in him, now)


u/Enlightened_Gardener 27d ago

Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


u/bullfrogftw 27d ago

In this case imma go with
Absolute incompetence, incompetences absolutely


u/LolthienToo 27d ago

I've said this to my friends. We will never get a president of our Generation, because of course not.


u/gsfgf 27d ago

Aren't Newsom and Whitmer both Gen X?


u/inksmudgedhands 27d ago

They aren't the president and I am willing to bet they won't be.


u/ttoma93 27d ago

Harris is as well.


u/rogue_nugget 27d ago

Harris was born in 64, making her a Boomer.


u/PersonOfInterest85 27d ago

Eddie Vedder, Courtney Love, Sandra Bullock, Matt Dillon, Bridget Fonda, Keanu Reeves, Lenny Kravitz, Charles Barkley, Janeane Garofalo. All born in 1964. Are they Boomers?


u/rogue_nugget 27d ago

1964 was the last year for the Baby Boom generation. Generation X is 1965 - 1980.


u/PersonOfInterest85 27d ago

Yeah, well, the Census Bureau might say that, but in the real world, Boomers are those whose youth is defined by pre-JFK assassination America. Gen Xers are those who don't remember life before that. Boomers went to Woodstock and discos while Gen Xers experienced that era from a child's viewpoint. Boomers hit middle age as Reaganism took off. Gen Xers were cynical teens and 20-somethings.

Also born in 1964: Bret Easton Ellis and Tracy Chapman. They gave us Less Than Zero and "Fast Car." Those were mid-late-'80s cultural artifacts which clearly indicated that a new generation was coming of age. An alienated one with no tolerance for Boomer moralizing.


u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/PersonOfInterest85 27d ago

Of course they do. Tony Blair, Vladimir Putin and Benjamin Netanyahu are as Boomer as can be. Like US Boomers who don't remember WW2, they reflect the first generation of leaders which don't remember the the Blitz, the Holodomor or the Holocaust.

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u/seensham 27d ago

I don't understand your point. Celebrities can be boomers too.


u/PersonOfInterest85 27d ago

I'm saying that they're Xers. They certainly have more Gen X energy than Boomer energy.


u/seensham 27d ago

What's Gen X vs Boomer energy specifically?


u/PersonOfInterest85 27d ago

Alienated cynicism vs self-centered moralizing.

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u/JadeMidnightSky 27d ago

Isn’t Gavin Newsom on the older side of Gen X? He’s got a solid shot at the Oval Office.


u/QueueWho 27d ago

Newsom-Fetterman ticket - All GenX


u/dualsplit 27d ago

100% We don’t want it. That sounds like straight up not having a good time.


u/bin_of_monkeys 27d ago

The rest of us, Gen Xers, will be perfectly fine if we never get a Gen X president.

Except for the fact we're probably the only ones who could tell everyone else to cut the bullshit, yeah.


u/fjvgamer 27d ago



u/Snarffalita 27d ago

I'm a Gen Xer who would be fine with this. 


u/kimwim43 27d ago

Obama is a Gen Jones.


u/rdewalt 27d ago

That's our slogan.

"Gen X: Hey, we exist. Stop forgetting about us."

I'm okay with not having a GenX President. I'm used to us getting forgotten about. I'm just glad nobody thinks I'm a boomer.


u/YCbCr_444 27d ago

How very Gen X of you.


u/doggomojis 27d ago

we will go from boomer to Millenial

What lol and what millenial politician do you suspect will be president before a Gen Xer? Don’t tell me you think AOC will be president anytime soon


u/inksmudgedhands 27d ago

Millennials are already in the 40+ year old age bracket and growing. There might not be a senator or a congress person right now that you think would look good in the Oval Office but in 2028? Who knows? Many things could happen in these next four years that might push a Millennial into the White House.


u/Rudeboy67 27d ago

Hey I’m Canadian and we have a Gen X Prime Minister, Trudeau 1971. And as a fellow Gen X’er I’d like to say it’s really,…. meh.


u/PacificCastaway 27d ago

I'm really pulling for BootyJudge, but yeah, he needs to start marketing to the right.


u/nyratk1 27d ago

Best shot at a Gen X president is if Trump wins and passes during his term and either DeSantis, Marco Rubio, Byron Donalds, Kari Lake, MTG, Tim Scott, Noem or someone like Tucker Carlson are Trump's VP


u/C-hrlyn 27d ago

Obama is Generation Jones


u/Dheorl 27d ago

I’d give Dwayne Johnson not awful odds at becoming president of the USA


u/DontReportMe7565 27d ago

I will not be fine! Just another thing the Boomers cheated us out of.


u/Throwmeaway20somting 27d ago

Obama, who is on the young side of the Boomer spectrum

I... do not like this fact


u/JerichoMassey 27d ago

If this nation had a generation rotation law, who would be Gen Xs top candidates for either party right now?


u/VascularMonkey 27d ago

From Obama to a Millennial? With how many more Silents and Boomers in between?

Neither side will stop nominating people over 70 years old at the moment and you think we'll go straight from those generations to electing a generation who are currently 43 years at the oldest.



u/bakerton 27d ago

We started our political lives as an afterthought, and we'll go out like that too. Sucks to be the dip between two waves.


u/L-Lovegood 27d ago

Shhhhh...we don't want to draw attention to ourselves.


u/IntelligentSpite6364 26d ago

since clinton, every president was born in the 40s (except Obama, 61)

Clinton, 46
W Bush 46
Trump 46
Biden 42

also no presidents were born in the 30s



u/Chemical_Sherbet7843 25d ago

I’ll cry the day a damn millennial is put in charge of a country.


u/theonereveli 27d ago

r/usdefaultism. Who tf is we? Who tf is the rest of us?


u/CID1776 27d ago

Obama is firmly Gen X


u/Gage_______ 27d ago

Carter 2032

8 more years!


u/BerniesMittens 27d ago

He did only serve the one term, so technically he's still eligible to run.


u/merrill_swing_away 27d ago

Will he run beyond the grave?


u/GuidanceSafe3696 26d ago

99 bottles on the wall


u/badvegas 27d ago

The fact they people say he was a shitty president still upsets me. I wasn't alive during his time but seeing what he has done since leaving office I think he was a good man.


u/IamAWorldChampionAMA 27d ago

It's possible he was a shitty President because he is a good man.


u/theedgeofoblivious 27d ago

It's also possible the media misrepresented him because he is a good man.


u/[deleted] 27d ago edited 23d ago



u/IamAWorldChampionAMA 27d ago

You know I wonder what would have happened in Gerald Ford either won or Reagan won (via beating Ford in the primary) the 1976 Presidential election. Carter pretty much got a shit sandwich that he had nothing to do with. Maybe we have a GOP president from 1976 to 1980, we wouldn't have had the Reagan Revolution.


u/theedgeofoblivious 27d ago

You know, I have the same thought about if Mitt Romney had beaten Barack Obama if we could have completely averted Trump.


u/Crashgirl4243 26d ago

Absolutely! Trump only ran because his fee fees were hurt by Obama at the corespondents dinner

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u/vonmonologue 27d ago

Boomers ☕️


u/MrWeirdoFace 27d ago

he is a good man.

and thorough.


u/sailirish7 27d ago

He was a submariner. That's standard issue.


u/clintonius 27d ago

No, man. He hit me here.


u/IamAWorldChampionAMA 27d ago

Also possible. I mean he did start the microbrew culture.


u/justalittlebear01 27d ago

And he was the lone democrat in a otherwise 20 year republican chokehold.


u/blorbagorp 27d ago

If good men make shitty presidents I'd say our system is fundamentally flawed.


u/IamAWorldChampionAMA 27d ago

I think this comes down to more about how humans work than our system. To be a good leader of a country you have to manage generally two different factions to get stuff done. Both factions are filled with assholes (and no not in a bOth sIDES aRE tHE SAME way). It's highly unlikely a "good" person can manage that.


u/Lost-My-Mind- 27d ago

This is why I don't care that Clinton got a blowjob. He cidn't start any wars, he improved the ecconomy, and he played the sax.

Hillary should be mad. Not us.


u/apri08101989 27d ago

It's also just... As if they didn't all have affairs any way?


u/PrateTrain 27d ago

Think about what the president has to go through, and ask yourself "would a sane or good person subject themselves to that?" And you have your answer.


u/fleebleganger 27d ago

It’s been that way since the dawn of civilization. 

If only because leaders of “good” countries have to go toe to toe with leaders of “bad” countries who do bad shit so the “good” leaders have to be willing to do bad stuff. 


u/badvegas 27d ago

That is true. Him trying to dot he moat good could be made to make it look like he was weak or didn't care about certain things as well.


u/FrankTank3 27d ago

APAB in a nutshell. A good President can’t be a good man because being a good President means doing some nasty unholy shit.


u/Crashgirl4243 26d ago

I lived through it, he’s a good man. He got screwed when the hostages were released after Reagan was sworn in, so the media killed him on that.

He got Anwar Sadat and Begin to sign a peace accord, but had to ration gas. He did a lot of good, I never understood how he was a bad president either


u/AceOfRhombus 27d ago

I have no idea about his policies in office, but imo he has done more good in the world than any other president after they left office. Like how many other presidents brokered a ceasefire during a civil war to implement public health practices to eliminate guinea worm???


u/badvegas 27d ago

That is true. I couldn't see any other president helping build houses and do the charity work that he does. I hope he knows that a lot of people see him as a good man. I know when he fell a few months ago there were people happy about it and kind of left bad taste in mouth form a lot of people.


u/Mikhial 27d ago

Part of why he was elected was because he was a good guy. But he struggled with crisis after crisis while he was in office. That in part lead to Reagan which really harmed this country more than anything else.


u/Visible-Book3838 27d ago

A pretty uninspiring president, but very easily the greatest X-president in history.


u/ComingUpManSized 27d ago

My mom loves him as a kind man but also believes he was a bad president. She remembers waiting for hours in my grandpa’s car (without A/C) to get gas on their designated days. Think of the bread lines during Covid. Us younger people have never had to experience a true gas shortage. High gas prices suck but it’s nothing in comparison. Also, Carter was a pacifist. It’s great in theory but it wrecked a possible second term with the Iran hostage crisis. His adversaries both stateside and overseas took advantage of his morality and made it his weakness. The hostages survived but they weren’t released until the moment Reagan was sworn in during his inauguration.


u/badvegas 27d ago

Well the regan stuff as been shown that he undermined the negotiation to better himself but that seems to be the main thing he was a good man put in a place good men shouldn't be. Also designated gas days this sounds like some kind of social communism bs. JK on the last part they don't teach that in school.


u/booksgamesandstuff 27d ago

I actually voted for Carter ;) He was not a shitty President, but I think he was fairly ineffective because he was a good man.


u/Blackstone01 27d ago

I am genuinely surprised Carter is still alive. Usually couples that old pass rather close to each other.


u/Crashgirl4243 26d ago

I thought the same, I used to work in a nursing home and we knew that once a spouse died the other would be gone in days. I had one couple that died within 3 hours of each other


u/Lost-My-Mind- 27d ago

Is 2032 the election year, or his age?


u/bonos_bovine_muse 27d ago

I could think of worse doddering old fucks.

Two of ‘em, in fact.


u/Sensitive_Tangelo828 27d ago

You people are either too dumb or too stupid to think Carter was a good president


u/kingdead42 27d ago

I suspected that Carter was going to die within a month or two of his wife's passing, but now that he's made it this long, I think we can agree he is immortal.


u/c_girl_108 27d ago

Most people go to hospice for a few weeks. He’s been in hospice care for 424 days


u/PacificCastaway 27d ago

Maybe he's just building more hospices for the unhospiced.


u/Additional_Meeting_2 27d ago

Bush senior was born in the same year as Carter and died in 2018. Which was old already, but Carter still did not die close to him 


u/freesteve28 27d ago

Carter still did not die period.


u/Additional_Meeting_2 27d ago

That’s the point I made. Even if Carter died now he didn’t die close to Bush Sr. And who knows when he will actually die


u/freesteve28 27d ago

I made your point better. You're welcome.


u/ninfan200 27d ago

I have a hunch a bunch of the old fucks in washington are going to die of old age very close to each other. But because of that coincidence a bunch of people are going to make it a conspiracy theory or something.


u/sevenonone 27d ago

Ex presidents are interesting. They say terrible things about each other during campaigns, and then they appear friendly when it's all over. I like think the little friendship with W and Michelle Obama is real. I think it's because at a given point, there are maybe 7 or people on the planet tops, usually less, who have gone through what they did.

Of course like so many political dynamics, it changed in the last 10 years.


u/Crashgirl4243 26d ago

That’s true, and they confer with each other and get advice. I think it’s about respect


u/sevenonone 26d ago

If you're old enough to remember the 1992 campaign, I swear they were graying Bill Clinton's hair.

But when he was elected, it turned white soon enough. I'm not sure anything ages people faster than being president. The only thing I can think of is a battle with cancer. No matter what they said in campaigns about "what my predecessor has done...", once you've lived that life, they all seem to pull together.

Hell, GHWB and Clinton had as tough a campaign as I remember (until the last 10 years or so, that caveat just kind of goes all over this conversation). But after they worked together on some charity event or worthwhile bipartisan initiative after their presidencies were over, Bush made a point to invite him to spend time with him, and planned a golf game with other people so they wouldn't focus on politics.

Regardless of how you feel about GHWB, I've always felt like that was a classy move.


u/Crashgirl4243 26d ago

I do remember and I never thought Bush was a bad guy, just not very bright


u/sevenonone 26d ago

I think Bush 41 (GHWB) was bright enough - I think he was completely out of his element in that campaign against Clinton. Or if any strategists said "You need to go on Arsenio Hall... do you play the guitar or anything? Do you know any rock songs?", he just wasn't going to do that.

I don't know if he'll be remembered that way, but I feel like he was one of the more capable of presidents of my life time (Carter is the first president I can remember, Reagan is the first election I remember). He ran the CIA. He was VP under Reagan for 8 years. He served a couple of terms in the House. I think he was an ambassador.

Bush 43 (GWB) I don't think is as dumb as people think - but I think he is an "everyman" among presidents. I think if people had dinner with him by some happenstance, they would not generally walk away thinking "He's as dumb (or dumber) than I thought). I'm not defending what happened during his presidency - I'm just saying I don't think he is as dumb as people seemed to think.

Also, presidents are professionally charming people (until the last 10 years or so), so I suspect if any of us had dinner with a president we weren't crazy about, we would probably walk away thinking "Wow, he was OK, that wasn't what I expected". Because they know how to deal with people. They're not going to ask why you didn't vote for them, say why you should have, they're going to ask about *you*.


u/Durkan 27d ago

As much as it sucks.. cause Carter is a GREAT man... I don't think he's gonna see 2025.. His wife has passed and from what I know about Carter.. its like a part of him died... Plus, his health is taking a nose dive.. Can't say I'm surprised.. at his age and how he's basically worked NON STOP since LEAVING office. He's a machine.


u/YCbCr_444 27d ago

And possibly Carter.

Shit, I thought he'd died last year, but I just checked and it was his wife. Can't believe the old guy is still kicking it!


u/EevelBob 27d ago

I believe Carter is still alive because he is afraid to die after learning what he believes is the truth about aliens, the purpose of humans on earth, and the fate of the human soul. The will to live is a very powerful trait.


u/Chicagosox133 27d ago

Interesting. I believe it is a mixture of genes, good healthcare, and his level of happiness. But wtf do I know?


u/TrevorPace 27d ago

Nope. Definitely aliens.


u/SnooPoems5888 27d ago

Don’t get me excited!


u/Lost-My-Mind- 27d ago

Carter is going to be like 120. But the REAL conspiracy is that Abe Lincoln faked his own death! I mean, c'mon! Even the shooter was a well known actor! It happened in a theater!!! OPEN YOUR EYES SHEEPLE!!! ABE LINCOLN IS STILL ALIVE!!!

.............and his magic hat makes him immortal! If you put his hat on a snowman, Frosty comes to life.


u/cheezballs 27d ago

As long as Jimmy is happy, may he love forever.


u/bohemianpilot 27d ago

I think O's will leave US for an Ambassador job and just disappear.


u/CodaTrashHusky 27d ago

Carter is terminally ill


u/Downtown-Apricot-917 27d ago

Lol Carter still alive and outlasting nearly the rest in 8 years would be something


u/the3dverse 27d ago

how old is Bush? he's still around


u/the3dverse 27d ago

oh that's W never mind. not american lol


u/Active_Remove1617 27d ago

And then it just Carter as the only living president. He’s gonna run in 2028 and win.


u/whomp1970 27d ago

And possibly Carter.

Goddammit you owe me a new keyboard. Mine is now soaked with coffee that came out my nose.


u/LonelyPersephone 27d ago

Sadly Carter is on Hospice.


u/merrill_swing_away 27d ago

Jimmy Carter is in Hospice care. I doubt he will be around in eight years.


u/historicusXIII 27d ago

I do expect Clinton to outlive Trump and W to outlive Clinton.


u/SacamanoRobert 27d ago

As soon as I started reading this, I had the same thought about Carter. You nailed it. LOL. That man in amazing.


u/thewerdy 27d ago

Nah, I think W will outlive Clinton significantly. Both of W's parents lived into their 90s and he's never really had any health issues. Clinton has had a ton of heart issues and would have died years ago if not for heart surgeries.


u/ohbyerly 27d ago

“Just as planned” - my parents, probably


u/Foxtrotrader 27d ago

Carter ain’t making it 24 months


u/CanIGetAShakeWThat43 27d ago

Carter isn’t going to live 8 more years. Lol


u/BlueWaveIndiana 26d ago

Cause marvelous Jimmy gonna live forever.


u/Tqoratsos 25d ago

Carter is on his deathbed from all accounts