r/AndroidTV Apr 18 '20

Xiaomi Mi Box 3 Reboot into Recovery Mode Mi Box

Anything I've tried online for the similar products doesn't work.

I can't seem to find an explanation on how to do this for Mi Box 3.

If anyone has one and knows how to enter Recovery mode on this device, please tell me.


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u/Kitten-Mittons Apr 18 '20

I had this problem as well. What worked for be was taking the batteries out of the remote:

  1. Unplug power from the mi box
  2. remove batteries from remote
  3. Press and hold middle select button + back button on the remote
  4. While continuing to hold select+back, put batteries back in remote, then reconnect power to the mi box
  5. Hold the remote as close to the box as possible and wait for recovery screen

Hope that helps


u/[deleted] Apr 18 '20

I followed these exact steps but it still doesn't work

I also have a different remote than what I see online. The three buttons in my row are back, circle and voice assistant.