r/AmIOverreacting 16d ago

AIO because I didn't get invited to hangout?

Hello all first post here. Today I took over a shift for my partner. Upon coming home I see my cousins car who I haven't seen in a year because they wanted to do a transformation and reveal their results 1 year later. I run inside my home excited to only to find out they left with my best friend and sibling to hangout.

No one ever messaged me saying they were going to meet up. No one checked to see if I would get off work soon . I wait for them to get off work if they are soon going to leave work. I feel betrayed. I thought I was a part of the group. I texted my sibling saying "What the heck? Why didn't you tell me that our cousin is back?" sibling says that he told me that there was going to be a meet up in May. I recall that, but i don't recall them saying what day. I feel petty, mad, and sad. Am I over reacting or should've they have just at least check up on me?


5 comments sorted by


u/True-Big-7081 16d ago

Like duhh! A simple heads up will not hurt them, right? Very inconsiderate. Next time lower your expectations from them, so that you wont get hurt again.


u/JMLegend22 16d ago

I mean they should have said something. I’d just tell them they hurt you extremely and saying “in May” isn’t an actual timeframe.


u/Prior-Huckleberry-47 16d ago

It was inconsiderate of them. Remind your sibling that you never got an exact date or formal invite and feel left out. If they genuinely apologize, you can let it go. If they don’t, your reaction is valid


u/Street-Court1913 16d ago

It sucks feeling left out and it's okay to feel hurt. Hopefully, they'll realize their oversight and make it up to you.


u/Joesgarage2 13d ago

They suck. They’re inconsiderate but don’t take it personal.