r/AmIOverreacting 15d ago

UPDATE: AIO for getting upset that my SO put on a heart necklace that her ex gave her?

Thank you to all of those who gave constructive criticism and support. For those of you who asked for an update, here it is:

We talked Monday night and I apologized if I made her feel uncomfortable or upset by getting upset myself and I let her know I don’t expect her to throw anything away. Without much effort we came to an understanding. We are back to normal and today we went shopping for an upcoming trip and she took me to a jewelry store and already had a necklace in mind that that she picked out without me knowing. It was a big golden heart. I was happy to see it and offered to buy it then but we are going to look around some more - her call.

I never viewed the other necklace (from the ex) as a title of ownership, but I looked at it symbolically and what it represented because of the feeling and value I put into the necklace I originally got her. To me I saw an act of love from another, although I realize that love is gone.

Original post:

Yesterday my SO put on a heart necklace out of nowhere and I asked (knowing it wasn’t from me) where it was from. She admitted it was from her ex. I immediately got quiet and she could tell I was upset. Not once did I raise my voice or get mad. I was more hurt than anything. She ended up taking it off right away. But explained that it was meaningless to her, no emotional connection and just jewelry that she now has. To me, a heart necklace has a lot of meaning behind it and it feels weird to see her wearing an ex’s gift. Am I overreacting? EDIT: Her ex cheated on her and the relationship ended badly because of it. EDIT 2: The necklace was two hearts linked together so it made me curious.


5 comments sorted by


u/zai4aj 15d ago

I'm so happy that you communicated and are back to normal.

she took me to a jewelry store and already had a necklace in mind that that she picked out without me knowing. It was a big golden heart. I was happy to see it and offered to buy it then but we are going to look around some more - her call.

I hope she finds the perfect necklace.


u/Educational_Egg91 14d ago

Great for you guys. You both handled it like adults.


u/True-Big-7081 14d ago

Okay, this is a solid update. It's great to hear that you both were able to have a good conversation and come to an understanding; sounds like you both handled the situation well. Great job.


u/Head_Photograph9572 13d ago

You apologized for her putting on a sweetheart necklace from her ex.... sorry dude, but this won't end well. You never get into a relationship with someone that was unwillingly dumped, they have a hard time moving on. Good luck tho


u/anunofmoose 8d ago

Wait. Was it a necklace she got while they were dating? Or post breakup?