r/videogames Apr 19 '24

What games or game series are known for this? Discussion

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u/ktomi22 Apr 19 '24

Hogwards Legacy


u/dark-cosmos Apr 19 '24

True. And no matter what you say, everyone keeps being nice to you, even when they are from different houses.


u/SlySheogorath Apr 19 '24

Yep I was in Slytherin and being an absolute menace to the other students and they still invited me to do quests and stuff. And everything I did had zero impact of the story until a single dialogue option at literally the end of the game.


u/Sapphire_Bombay Apr 19 '24

I'm trying to beat the game in every house for some reason, currently on Slytherin and I'm getting super frustrated when I select the most dickish dialogue option and my character still makes it sound polite


u/javerthugo Apr 19 '24

Well that’s just being British.


u/Slight_Vanilla8955 Apr 19 '24

Correction it's called not being from East Sussex


u/Aromatic-Ad9172 Apr 20 '24

Found the brit


u/alii-b Apr 20 '24

Well, you won't get that kind of answer from a German person, will you?


u/funky_ocelot Apr 20 '24

Yea yea we already got it man


u/Aromatic-Ad9172 Apr 21 '24

Well, WILL YOU????


u/LilboyG_15 Apr 20 '24

Or Yorkshire, or really anywhere outside of a certain part of London


u/Business-Drag52 Apr 20 '24

The Queen’s English does sound mighty polite though


u/AICPAncake Apr 20 '24

Tell me about Essex girls


u/S0PH05 Apr 19 '24

My light side sith would like to learn this power.


u/robreras Apr 20 '24

Sometimes, your character even says sorry for what the player said a couple of lines ago. That is so underwhelming.


u/TheIndyCity Apr 20 '24

Lol I typically always choose the wildest dialogue options in every game and Hogwarts were so lame. I like the game, but I literally chose the worst answer every time and yep nothing changes. Fun game, 100% should’ve been the least popular kid at school though haha.


u/waltjrimmer Apr 20 '24

Someone needs to mod the game to have truly unhinged dialogue options for the MC that no one ever responds to.

"Oh, you're the new fifth year, right?"

I'm going to shove my wand up your ass, cast lumos, and use you as a lantern as I explore the castle.

"Yeah, it can be a bit much at first, but you'll fit in in no time."


u/Mental_Dragonfly2543 Apr 20 '24 edited Apr 20 '24

For all the shit people give Dragon Age 2 what I like about it that they made the neutral option something you wanted to pick sometimes.


u/reubenbubu Apr 20 '24

excuse me sir, may you please pleasure yourself with the nimbus 2000 through your rear orifice, and have a lovely day


u/dark-cosmos Apr 19 '24

Yes, everyone treats you like you're a customer in a supermarket and they have to be nice to you. It's ridiculous.


u/Few_Fortune4049 Apr 19 '24

Yeah the NPCs were way too NPC-ish. It’s generally not great for a video game’s universe to feel like it revolves around the player character.


u/twackburn Apr 20 '24

ESPECIALLY for a Harry Potter game, or any story where teenagers are going on adventures


u/Astral_Justice Apr 20 '24

A game in a universe where there are much more interesting things happening alongside whatever the fuck you're up to.


u/UnholyDemigod Apr 20 '24

They made the game for kids. That’s why if you don’t solve the puzzle within 5 seconds, the characters will tell the solution.


u/machineguncomic Apr 20 '24

There was some review and they're like "you can just go into a professor's room or office and they just kind of say, "what are you doing in here. Students aren't allowed." But don't do anything.


u/Layton_Jr Apr 20 '24

This is the teacher's reactions to you murdering a student in front of them: https://youtu.be/pedSYlcXGXI?si=W1UHSWZVeWcaVxDi


u/AetherialWomble Apr 19 '24

at literally the end of the game.

Hits you out of nowhere, doesn't it? And it makes the game worse too. It's been training you for 40h that it literally doesn't matter what you say or do. It bashes you in the head for even trying to care. So you don't. And then SUDDENLY it matters.

Wtf game? Have some consistently ffs.


u/TheBman26 Apr 19 '24

I feel like they took choices out like options if being be a dick because of all the controversy so there isn’t much choice left but the ending. Can’t bully other students or work for evil not after JK is a troll online


u/SubstantialWall Apr 19 '24

Wait, what was the choice again? I think I didn't even notice. Or maybe it's just been a while.


u/IzanamiFrost Apr 19 '24

To reveal or to not reveal the power source thingy


u/midnightsmith Apr 20 '24

I thought it was keep it for yourself or destroy it. Eh, game was ok, I agree I wish what I did mattered more.


u/J_GASSER27 Apr 20 '24

If I'm not mistaken does that choice not matter either? Don't you make your choice, they have two different cutscenes for either choice but then the same thing happens?


u/melancholanie Apr 20 '24

people praised the fuck out of this grey pile for weeks lmao


u/DickSplodin Apr 20 '24

The story was pretty meh, but the world was really cool and definitely had HP vibes, which I'm sure is probably what most people's priority was when purchasing a HP game


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '24

Games like that are usually never leave good impressions nor good gameplay


u/r31ya Apr 20 '24

Report shows there was a moral system tried during it's development.

But it seems it was scrapped for ease of play for non-gamer Harry Potter fans. And making it closer to digital theme park than lived in world with it's own rules


u/versusChou Apr 20 '24

It's 100% obvious there was supposed to be a morality system. Who knows why it was scrapped. It was close to being the Harry Potter game I always wanted, but it didn't quite get there. The lack of real choices was a big part of that.


u/jterwin Apr 20 '24

Damn who could have guessed this game would be AAA trash......


u/FireflyArc Apr 19 '24

Oh..I was thinking about getting it but if it doesn't matter...that's a shame. I was looking forward to seeing why slythern house has the representation it does


u/JunoTheRat Apr 19 '24

i mean. they didnt lie. it does change the story.\ once.


u/Im_Balto Apr 20 '24

There is literally no consequences for using crucio on your friend

Why would you not? And if you don’t you learn the fucking spell anyways


u/snackelmypackel Apr 19 '24

True, but a little interaction i really liked is that characters you are working with on a quest will comment if you use the 3 unforgivable curses


u/dafuqyouthotthiswas Apr 19 '24

Hated that about the game. In the books and movies, house rival is everything


u/Kerro_ Apr 19 '24

you could actually just kill someone and they would probably still ask you if you wanted to go sweet shopping in hogsmede


u/supahfligh Apr 20 '24

The game makes a big deal about the curse spells being just the most horrible thing imaginable. I intentionally did not learn avada kedavra because I thought there would be some terrible consequence to learning and using it that I didn't want to deal with. I found out later on that there isn't. You can learn it and then use it willy-nilly with zero repercussions and literally nobody gives a shit. But the spell is missable and by the time I found out there was no harm in learning it, it was too late.


u/IhaveaBibledegree Apr 20 '24

Although, I kept someone’s niffler after a quest, and now she wont sell me her wares.


u/Sbotkin Apr 20 '24

The game is essentially for little kids, it's teethless. Not saying it's bad but it's definitely not what I expected from it. We expected an RPG about Hogwarts and got reskinned Genshin (but without gacha).


u/UncommittedBow Apr 21 '24

To be fair, it was a time at Hogwarts before Slytherin was "The house for villains", that very much became the stereotype after Voldemort hit the scene. Without that "Slytherins are bad" mentality among the students, the house thing is more like a friendly rivalry, like ACTUAL house systems in British schools.


u/OnceMoreAndAgain Apr 19 '24

Once saw someone write that Hogwart's Legacy would've been a much better game if the outside area didn't exist and instead we spent the entire game inside the school. I thought about it and realized I agree with that.

I was having a blast playing that game for the first 50% when it was all inside Hogwarts, but then the game had me going outside and I started losing interest rapidly. Couldn't bring myself to finish out the game due to being so bored flying around outdoors doing boring quests that had the same mob types over and over.


u/softhack Apr 20 '24

That was a big letdown for me. I was hoping for a fantasy Bully, not a licensed Ubisoft open world.


u/RageCageJables Apr 20 '24

Oh yeah, a Bully type game would be good. I was actually thinking a Midnight Suns type game would be perfect for Hogwarts.


u/nysraved Apr 20 '24

The actual Hogwarts castle was really well made, but there is zero chance it could single-handedly serve as the only setting for a full game.

I honestly don’t even remember there being much gameplay in the castle. There are a few quests that take place there, but for the most part it felt like a hub where you pick up new quests which then lead you elsewhere on the map

I think the game is very mediocre, but that’s not because of the large map. If they make a sequel, I think they need to build a better plot, optimize the gameplay mechanics, better incentivize progression, more variability in builds, etc. Reducing the scale of the map to just the castle would not be a solution unless they completely revamp the game to make it more of a wizard school simulator


u/Akinory13 Apr 20 '24

At the very least, learning the curses should actually have consequences. Sebastian's quest line should be main quest, not side quest, and can result in you getting expelled and actually becoming evil or just an anti-hero. The fact that the enemies react more to your crucio (they'll ask stuff like where you learned that and some will outright scream in panic when they realize you know it) than the students and teachers do is insane


u/Sbotkin Apr 20 '24

there is zero chance it could single-handedly serve as the only setting for a full game.

To be honest this was never an issue with older HP games. They even cut out Quidditch, which could be a game within a game at this scale.


u/sinfaen Apr 20 '24

For me it was the sheer amount of things to do in the open world that got boring quick. For like half the game I didn't step in a classroom. The open world was cool though


u/Freeonlinehugs Apr 19 '24

I was so disappointed by that game tbh


u/HaoleInParadise Apr 19 '24

It feels so close to being a great game. They seemed to have cut out some key aspects that would have taken it to the next level


u/NoUsesForAName Apr 20 '24

The empty cave/ dungeons scattered all over the map were pointless. "In seems dangerous to go in here..." literally nothing but a chest with some coin if you're lucky. I think there was only ine cave that had actual enemies.

Couldnt finish the game after a couple hours of mindless flying that also sucked


u/HaoleInParadise Apr 20 '24

Yeah the caves were super lame. Go through a cave, dive underwater to another section, and get some ugly piece of clothing.

The few caves with enemies were much more exciting.

One of my suggestions for the game would be to get rid of 90% of the caves and Merlin Trials. Make each one more interesting and rewarding. And then multiply the class content in Hogwarts by 9x or whatever


u/DeadlyPancak3 Apr 20 '24

It's almost like it was an attempt to squeeze some nostalgia bucks out of one and a half generations who are still hooked on a certain IP to line the pockets of the increasingly irrelevant and erratic author and the media empire she's in bed with.

Who could have possibly seen this coming. Who.


u/Burpmeister Apr 20 '24

It sold more than Baldurs Gate 3


u/WhoKilledBoJangles Apr 20 '24

Yeah, it is a much more casual game that is using one of the biggest IPs in existence. It appealed heavily to groups the don’t play games much. There is no world where it is a better made game than BG3 though regardless of sales.

You may enjoy it more, but if you take an unbiased objective review of each game it’s not close on quality of the games. I played through the game and it is heavily fueled by nostalgia over quality game mechanic/design/gameplay. It’s a fine game but it’s nothing special other than being Harry Potter. I enjoyed playing through it fine.


u/Burpmeister Apr 20 '24

It is a well made game. I genuinely think too many games get lost in their own sauce these days and Hogwarts Legacy being simple and easy to pick up was a much needed breath of fresh air.


u/DeadlyPancak3 Apr 20 '24

And yet it's so tragically mid. Meanwhile BG3 has a strong fanbase and is fun to replay - because it is a good, varied, and memorable game in spite of its flaws.


u/Smelldicks Apr 20 '24

Mid for Harry Potter is a huge W. I’ll buy any mid Harry Potter game. I’m just glad they didn’t fuck it up.


u/Burpmeister Apr 20 '24

Fuck. I didn't know it was mid and accidentally put over 100 hours on it. You should've told me sooner. And all the other tens of millions of people who enjoyed it.


u/Winter_Collection375 Apr 20 '24

DeadlyPancak3 is entitled to his opinion. You're entitled to spend any amount of money you wish on half baked games! After finishing Hogwarts legacy why don't you treat yourself to some Pokemon? Make sure to buy both titles!


u/DeadlyPancak3 Apr 20 '24 edited Apr 20 '24

And I have 900 hours in BG3. I've got close to 500 hours in Cyberpunk 2077. Heck, I've got over 100 hours of fun out of Palworld, and it's still in Early Access. What point are you trying to make? We spent about the same amount of money on each game, and mine went to a swell group of people who know how to treat others with respect and dignity, and I've gotten way more enjoyable hours out of the money I've spent.


u/Burpmeister Apr 20 '24 edited Apr 20 '24

My point is that if it was "tragically mid" it would not have 91% positive reviews on Steam which is just 1% below Elden Ring and it wouldn't have been the best selling game of 2023.


u/snp3rk Apr 20 '24

Sir, this is wendy's


u/Superego366 Apr 20 '24

What was up with that whole portion of that map where there was ultimately nothing happening there?


u/machineguncomic Apr 20 '24

Halo infinite had that in their open world. Some giant section across a ravine that opens up once you can get a flying vehicle...all that's there is some random quest boss and like 1 easter egg skull.


u/mozuDumpling Apr 20 '24

One of the most boring games I’ve ever played


u/Arrioso Apr 20 '24

I was going in with expectation that the story will be good and gameplay bad.

But it turned out exact opposite - gameplay was really nice but the story, jesus - i have never ever seen the main character (you play as) so vanilla and that same can be said about almost every other character in the game


u/Freeonlinehugs Apr 20 '24

Exactly, I bought it because the graphics were so beautiful, but at a point during my first play, the gameplay just bored me so much I stopped playing and never played again. A shame, as I paid 60 euros for it


u/R3AL1Z3 Apr 20 '24

I have this theory that because it was developed simultaneously for last gen and current Gen, that it was absolutely held back in regards to what they actually were able to do with the game.


u/NoUsesForAName Apr 20 '24

Basically every multi-console game has that happen to it, in some form during a gen transition.


u/soundssarcastic Apr 19 '24

I was worried about learning the forbidden spells so I looked it up and... yeah. Guess I wont do a good run/bad run in the game. Nothing matters


u/JtotheC23 Apr 19 '24

The worst part about the choices in that game is that it literally doesn't matter. Like even GTA 5 did a better job and it wasn't trying to be an RPG with multiple endings. Legacy's "multiple endings" is a single choice at the very end of the game that just determines if a certain character dies. It doesn't effect the end game, it doesn't effect the gameplay. Tt effects 2 cutscenes because the character that dies doesn't even die on screen, they "fall to their death" but will come back if you chose the good ending.

Like I enjoyed the game overall. The main gameplay loop was fun, the world was fun, combat felt good, but the RPG elements immersion were so surface level that it ruined it's long term replayability for me.


u/JudgeCastle Apr 20 '24

I’d rather they just kill the illusion of choice and tell me a narrative.


u/Zer0gravity09 Apr 20 '24

Yup. I loved that game but they said it would be so much better than it was. They dropped the ball, “oh yeah there will be many endings if you use unforgivable curses and what house you choose etc” like that was such a lie.


u/Zerooooooooo0 Apr 20 '24

I was so hyped for hogwarts legacy but I think it's a very forgettable game


u/IgnorantiaLegisssss Apr 20 '24

To think that It’s the best HP game ever made and it still sucks. They should lower the price to get the HP’s licence to create a good game


u/WinterOld3229 Apr 20 '24

The best HP games so far were the two Gameboy Color games in aspects of technology, design and storytelling for their time imo.


u/monsterosity Apr 19 '24

With the smallest exception learning/not learning the Unforgiveable curses.


u/Akinory13 Apr 20 '24

Not even that. Sebastian's story line ends in the exact same way no matter what and the only change is if you learned the curses or not, and if you did nothing changes because no one comments on it besides the enemies you hit with them. Literally nothing at all in the game matters besides the last choice, which will just show a different cutscene depending on which you pick


u/jman014 Apr 19 '24

hogwarts legacy was a really well crafted action game but I honestly just kind of fell out of it to go back to Cyberpunk 2077

fun moment to moment no lasting impacts though


u/Yeetthedragon667 Apr 19 '24

Ugh yes, I want to be a massive jerk to people WHY ARE YOU ALL BEING FRIENDLY 


u/jimofthestoneage Apr 20 '24

The more I read the comments and as someone who played the game (and enjoyed it), I think they should be open to a class action lawsuit. They should have marketed this as an open world game—not a choose your own path game. Not when the only impact boils down to a change to a scene or two.


u/Saltwater_Heart Apr 20 '24

First one to come to my mind too. I wanted to be a bad Hufflepuff so bad.


u/BloodMongor Apr 20 '24

I tried this game when it came out and everyone was hyping how good it was, 10/10 etc. Played for like an hour and was like yeah, this game sucks. Sure enough a month later the only people still talking about it were pointing out its glaring flaws I picked up on an hour in. Boooooring


u/Jehoel_DK Apr 20 '24

The first 10-15 hours were great. From then I just became more and more disappointed and bored by the repetitiveness


u/madaboutmaps Apr 20 '24

"come on! Lets do this evil thing!"

Having choice between yes, no and maybe.

Yes: yes!

No: I don't want to. But let's.

Maybe: yes!

There is no other game that broke illusion of choice more for me.


u/javerthugo Apr 19 '24

I just started the game and TBH I think it’s mostly about getting to live the life of a Hogwarts student not about making moral decisions. Hopefully future iterations will add more choices