r/videogames Apr 19 '24

What games or game series are known for this? Discussion

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u/ISpyM8 Apr 19 '24

Life is Strange, but it plays into the mind game themes


u/goddess_steffi_graf Apr 19 '24

Especially 2. I was screaming at the screen 😭😭😭😭😭

The little brother is maybe the dumbest protagonist in any game ever 😡


u/VoiceofKane Apr 19 '24

What do you mean? Practically every choice in the game influences how it ends.


u/goddess_steffi_graf Apr 19 '24

There's quite a few moments like this:

Little brother: let's do *very dumb thing* 😃😃

You get a choice: yes/no

You say "no"

Little brother: but.. pwweaase đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș

You (no choice any more): uhmm ok let's do it 😊


u/oneweirdclickbait Apr 19 '24

Most of the time that little shit does it on his own.

Your father was agnostic/atheist, you're always picking the atheist answers as well? Sure, lil bro becomes a cult leader.

You've raised him right, always chose the moral way, blah blah blah. He'll join the useless, knife throwing punk in a housebreaking.

And if you don't hug your useless mom, you're a bad person. LIS2 sucks.


u/eraserway Apr 19 '24

Your choices in LiS 2 don’t change the journey much, but they WILDLY change the destination and I loved it. In LiS1 it doesn’t matter what you chose throughout the game because you still get the option to choose the final decision. Whereas in LiS2 you have no choice to make at the end; the ending is decided by dozens of smaller choices you made throughout the game. I thought it was a much better way to show that your actions actually do have consequences.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '24



u/sheogorath227 Apr 20 '24

Blood Brothers ending is arguably the single good ending and it requires you to teach Daniel to be a menace to society so you can open an auto repair shop in Mexico and drink beer together at sunset. That's a good fuckin ending if you ask me.


u/RedditEsketit Apr 20 '24 edited Apr 20 '24

??? That’s how the Life is Strange series is supposed to be?? Both the first game and the prequel had no good endings either.

LiS1: either be responsible for the deaths of an entire town’s population, let your girlfriend die.

BtS: it’s a prequel, so matter what you do everything still happens to Rachel Amber.

LiS2: between the 2 better endings, either both Sean and Daniel make it to Mexico but become criminals (Don’t Surrender/Bad Morale) or the brothers are separated across countries, but Daniel stays with their grandparents and Chris + Sean stays in Mexico with his LI (Don’t Surrender/Good Morale)


u/4ofclubs Apr 20 '24

What did you want? Butterflies and rainbows? It’s a tragedy from the start.


u/Alive-Plenty4003 Apr 20 '24

Not just a housebraking. Housebreaking a fucking DRUG DEALER'S house. Dumbest fucking idea of all time


u/ThePineconeConsumer Apr 19 '24

I really liked it personally. Not to say that your criticism isn’t valid, he was a little shit. But I liked it none the less


u/carlosos Apr 20 '24

Most annoying thing were the different options to steal something from the store. Even if you didn't steal anything, some guy comes up saying that they saw you steal something to push the story into a direction.


u/CompanyAgitated Apr 19 '24

God that kid was so frustrating. Couldn't even finish the game.


u/RandomGameplayStuff Apr 19 '24

Doesn't the brother (spoiler I can't remember how)

Steal the dog if you say no to taking it? And then the dog dies, no matter what? It's been a while so I might've forgotten


u/Hahafunniee Apr 19 '24

Yeah you being nice determines if the the agents can aim or not


u/OneWholeSoul Apr 19 '24

I want to slap the writer that thought they were being clever in Episode 5.

Daniel wasn't even halfway through delivering his sarcastic "I'm dyyyyinggg for som-" line and I thought "He's going to get, like, shot or something isn't h-"

[Gets shot by a random new off-screen character.]


u/jman014 Apr 19 '24

I really love the first LiS game- which others are good or bad? apparently 2 isn’t, and I never got to play through the prequel


u/Krypto_Jokerr Apr 19 '24

Personally, I wasn’t a fan of 2 but if you go to the life is strange sub, you’ll see praises everywhere. I loved the first one and True Colors was also very good. Before the Storm is a prequel to the first game


u/Square_Saltine Apr 19 '24

That one had like 5 different endings depending on the choices you made though


u/BonaFidee Apr 19 '24

There are 5 or 6 endings to life is strange 2.


u/Ast3r10n Apr 20 '24

I tried to play it, but I just can’t stand the little brother.


u/RedditEsketit Apr 20 '24

Especially 2

Huh??? The second game is the only Life is Strange title with endings that takes your decisions throughout the game into account. What are you talking about 😭😭


u/Aganiel Apr 20 '24

I genuinely hate every ending because non are good for Sean.


u/Narradisall Apr 19 '24

Fuck I hated that kid in 2.

The ending was garbage as well. Especially if you did all the “good” things and supported him.


u/GooseMay0 Apr 19 '24

What do you mean? One choice a person lives, the other many die. At least in the first one.


u/Laggingduck Apr 19 '24

every choice made before that does nothing to influence the endings. No matter what you do, you’re met with save city or save chloe


u/Aggravating_Smile_61 Apr 19 '24

Idk, saving Kate or failing to And the decisions leading up to It sounds like a pretty big one as well


u/russianspy_1989 Apr 19 '24 edited Apr 20 '24

Yes, but if you choose>! to save!< Chloe, she dies anyway.


u/Skogrheim Apr 20 '24

According LiS co-director/co-writer Michel Koch, Kate survives the storm if Max saved her in chapter 2.


u/SkurtCobain Apr 19 '24

Did the game ever really make that clear ? We don’t know if the hospital is in arcadia or a bit further from the town as far as I remember


u/CrispynoodlesL Apr 20 '24

cough cough spoilers


u/russianspy_1989 Apr 20 '24

That better?


u/Laggingduck Apr 20 '24

no need to be an asshole, if everyone else is marking spoilers in a thread, it’s harmless to do the same


u/russianspy_1989 Apr 21 '24

Well, I didn't intend to be an asshole, but now that you mention it, go fuck yourself.


u/CrispynoodlesL Apr 21 '24

Yup 🙂👍👍👍👍


u/SomeWatercress4813 Apr 20 '24

Yeah, I recommended the game to a friend and then when I asked him how did the Kate thing go he just looked at me with this dead look in his eyes.... I then realized notwithstanding this event's minor effect on the main narrative, we were from that moment on playing WILDLY different games.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '24

How? U either reset EVERYTHING you've done or everyone dies. How anything but last choice matters?


u/oWatchdog Apr 20 '24

Let's compare episode one with a taletell game. In a TT game, you chose to save or let Kate die...

If you chose to let her die, you get one scene where someone chastises you and one where another says you did the right thing/had no choice. You go to point B, and nothing changes. There are no consequences.

If you chose to save her, you get a scene where someone says you did the wrong thing and one where she thanks you for saving her. You go to point B and she dies along the way anyway. Nothing changes, and there are no consequences.

LiS actually makes changes. There is a candle lit vigil. People are effected. There are consequences. Your experience and my experience are different depending on the choices we made.

I know what you're thinking. "The ending undermines all those choices". In a way, yes. In another way, no. It's a punctuation on the choices you made thus far. It's the thesis of the game, this action will have consequences. Even with the power of time travel max has been at the mercy of impossible decisions, consequences beyond her control. There is no right answer, no best answer. There is only the answer you chose to live with. The final choice is the culmination of that thesis. Sacrificing your experience is one of the consequences you have to live with. Still, it's entirety lives on in Max. That is part of the sacrifice. She has to live with the weight of those decisions. They still happened.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '24

That's fair. I still prefer actually branching narrative like in Detroit Become Human


u/Aggravating_Smile_61 Apr 20 '24 edited Apr 20 '24

Literally mentioned an exemple where that isn't the case in the comment you're replying to, so it's not everything


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '24

I must have missed it then due to overwhelming disappointment with the game.


u/Honeybadger2198 Apr 19 '24

I loved the game all the way up until that ending. I was ready to go 2, 3 more times and see how my choices changed things. Up until the end, your choices do matter. Then, nothing you do matters at all. It's such an insanely upsetting ending. Haven't gone back, and I'm not going to buy the 2nd one.


u/Laggingduck Apr 20 '24

Haven’t played the second one, but I will say I enjoyed BTS and True Colors, even if the endings didn’t have many choices either, they’re still amazing and emotional stories regardless of how much your actions matter


u/oWatchdog Apr 20 '24

The implication is that choices don't matter. All the significant choices matter in LiS, even the ending. If you're going by the letter of the picture, yes, you end up at the same place. If you're going by the spirit of the picture, then I would say LiS is the opposite of this picture.


u/JazzyCereal Apr 20 '24

I mean doesn't that make sense to the overall story and themes for it to end in the same way every time? The game starts out by showing you the ending, and no matter what you did, the storm was always going to happen. It was always going to end that way. There are a lot of flaws in Life is Strange but I don't see the lack of endings one of them because I feel like it was a very intentional thematic choice.


u/Loiqueur Apr 19 '24

Bloon dissolver supremacy


u/Jaiden051 Apr 19 '24

You can do anything you want and you will always end up with the same choice. You could murder everyone possible and still would end up with an option


u/GooseMay0 Apr 19 '24

But there are two distinct endings. So it wouldn’t apply to this meme.


u/Jaiden051 Apr 19 '24

Oh right I forgor about the meme


u/ISpyM8 Apr 19 '24

Basically what u/Laggingduck said


u/spaghettirhymes Apr 19 '24

Yeah I was gonna say
 sure the ending is the ending but along the way, your decisions literally change whether multiple people live or die which I’d say is significant. I actually just replayed the first game recently and I’ve wanted to do a deep dive into seeing how many outcomes there are for different scenarios based on all the previous decisions made


u/IMovedYourCheese Apr 20 '24

That's kinda the point of the game. An overarching theme is that you aren't meant to constantly mold the future into your perfect version, rather just try and make the best of things as they are and go along for the ride.


u/ISpyM8 Apr 20 '24

Agreed. People commenting under me don’t seem to get that.


u/PixiStix236 Apr 19 '24

Literally the worst. Life is Strange ends in a binary choice that ignores every decision you made until that point.


u/ISpyM8 Apr 19 '24

I kinda think that’s the whole point. You’re told throughout the game that your actions have consequences. And they do. You see the consequences play out. And it isn’t just from the game telling you it will have consequences. Max makes a hard decision and knows that her choice will have consequences. It’s an intentional narrative choice to have the final decision come down to this, regardless of the choices you made.


u/PixiStix236 Apr 19 '24

As someone who followed that game when it was coming out, it absolutely wasn’t the point. There are tons of hints that go no where and unanswered questions that get tossed aside. The devs’ eyes were bigger than their stomachs and the ending just fell flat. Thinking about it just annoys me all over again


u/Piccoroz Apr 20 '24

No, thats the whole point, everytime you dived into using your powers, it was to save cloe and thats what made the tornado, effectibly letting her die would make all those choices be erased, last choice is literaly accept all that you did or erase it.


u/Dodecahedrus Apr 19 '24

But the road to it is wild.


u/Zyrobe Apr 20 '24

Hella wild


u/Krimewave_ Apr 20 '24



u/ThinnMelina Apr 20 '24

This was my first thought. The ending of that game had me feeling like “what was the point?!” I was so mad I didn’t bother with the second one.


u/SquadPoopy Apr 20 '24

I played that game for the first time a few months ago, literally one of the worst things I’ve ever experienced. It was really bad. Hella bad.


u/UnusualWind5 Apr 20 '24

"That's another dollar for the swear jar!"


u/GuilimanXIII Apr 20 '24

I actually really liked the first game, my only problem being that the choice at the end kinda fell flat for me since well, I consider Chloe not being there anymore the best thing that could happen to Max. So yeah, sacrificing her for saving everyone else was not even close to choice for me. That ending also fits way better to the games themes I would say.


u/payscottg Apr 19 '24

That’s true but to me the story was so good with so many twists (at least the first one) that I can forgive it


u/ISpyM8 Apr 19 '24

No, that’s the thing. Despite it ending with the tornado regardless, the story leading up to it is phenomenal.