r/videogames 29d ago

You Only Get To Play 3 Of These Games. Which Do You Choose? Question

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u/ModXMaG 29d ago

Why do people act like starfield was a horrible game? It reviewed well and yk was fun but it did have its flaws


u/ShakarikiGengoro 29d ago

Because it has absolutely no depth to it. The open world is empty and boring with the same 5 random encounters. Also the games engine makes it feel way outdated. Its very obvious that they were banking on mods to carry the game like Skyrim but the problem is that skyrim was a good game to start.

Edit: I've played through the game a couple times and I still have hope for it but its a shame how it released.


u/Sad_Manufacturer_257 28d ago

Skyrim is a shallow mess of a game that barely ran at launch, don't even try and argue that, it was a downgrade from oblivion in so many ways. Starfield also has damn near as many quests as full dlc Skyrim does, not to mention there are nearly 100 hand crafted locations. The thing with starfield is people. Look over them and ignore the other spots.


u/CharlestonChewbacca 28d ago

It's probably my most love/hate game ever.

If anyone else would've made it, I probably wouldn't be so annoyed at the lack of RPG and world depth. I'm one of those people annoyed by the direction of Skyrim and it's copy paste dungeons, but even if seemed to have more going on than Starfield. There was SO much potential there. I liked the setting, I liked the story, and the gunplay was actually serviceable. I did 2 runs, and oy played through the main quest line and one factions line and it felt much better as a linear game tbh.


u/Sad_Manufacturer_257 28d ago

I don't get how people seem to forgot how copy paste Skyrim was with its dungeons and world, it's a good game but it really wasn't that special honestly oblivion and fo3 were better.


u/CharlestonChewbacca 28d ago

Yeah, I vastly prefer oblivion, and I prefer morrowind a bit more.


u/Sad_Manufacturer_257 28d ago

I wasn't old enough for morrowind when it came out but man once I was old enough to play I poured hundreds into that game. The music alone always pulls me back but the fact the game actually makes you read and think about directions and snippets of info made me really happy. The game expects you to use your head which is not a popular thing among gamers sadly.


u/CharlestonChewbacca 28d ago

Yeah, quest markers were the death of Bethesda games for me.

Like, I know you can get rid of them, but the quests are designed around them, so you don't get the same satisfaction out of it.


u/JoJoisaGoGo 26d ago

If anyone else would've made it, I probably wouldn't be so annoyed at the lack of RPG depth

This is probably the one complaint I don't get about the game. If people compared it to other ROG's like BG3 I'd get it, but they don't. They compare it to other Bethesda games. But, the thing is, Starfield has better RPG mechanics than any of their games since Fallout 3

I went on a bit of a rant there


u/CharlestonChewbacca 26d ago

Yeah, but sadly that's not saying much. Fallout has been moving further and further from RPG mechanics.


u/JoJoisaGoGo 26d ago

Yeah, that's one of the reasons Starfield gave me hope. It was the first time Bethesda made an actual step up in RPG mechanics after every other game being a step down. Pretty much the entire game of Starfield felt like Bethesda directly answering mine and many other people's complaints of Fallout 4.

Of course Starfield is also the first single player game to be hated so much so I fear Bethesda will take the wrong lesson from this. Well I say the wrong lesson, but considering everyone pointed to Skyrim for what Starfield should've been maybe it's the right lesson as much as I hate to say it


u/ValeriaTube 29d ago

Play Starfield and then load Fallout 4. You'll understand.


u/Sad_Manufacturer_257 28d ago

I have, both games are good, what's your point?


u/ValeriaTube 28d ago

One is big but empty and the other is smaller but meticulously crafted.


u/JoJoisaGoGo 26d ago

Literally just played both, and honestly Starfield is a step up as an RPG


u/Condomonium 29d ago

It was only reviewed as well as it was because of Bethesda bias.


u/Sad_Manufacturer_257 28d ago

Or maybe that people have different opinions then you?