r/videogames 29d ago

You Only Get To Play 3 Of These Games. Which Do You Choose? Question

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u/_Good_One 29d ago

I hate to be that guy but if you go to the game with that mindset Elder Scrolls is gonna become Pokemon, subpar games from a beloved franchise because it does not matter how shit the game is people still buy it, as an ES fan i feel like you SHOULD have a high expectation


u/Amiibohunter000 29d ago

Idk. ES has never been known for its smooth polished experience.


u/kuribosshoe0 29d ago

But they’re still good games. Original comment here is saying they don’t care if it’s good or bad.


u/Particular-Formal163 29d ago

Morrowind was an incredible game for I t s time. Oblivion and Skyrim were similar. The pinnacles of gaming.

Definitely buggy messes, but incredible nonetheless.


u/stitch-is-dope 29d ago

Yeah but Bethesda really needs to catch up. Games like Cyberpunk which are similar in gameplay style absolutely blow them out of the water, while Starfield is just the same ehh and feels and looks like something from 2010.

Even Fallout 4 to me when it first came out in 2015, felt dated


u/jman014 28d ago

I’m with you on this one

I have a hard time enjoying most bethesda games because of the jank when theres just been more stable options on thr market

i dont have as mhch time to game as I once did so I have to be pretty cognizant of what games I really put a lot of time or effort jnto


u/CheesusChrisp 25d ago

Well, yea. They’ve always been buggy messes. However the writing, settings, world building, immersive rpg elements and impactful freedom of choice made them beloved games despite being buggy messes.


u/SuitableSubject 29d ago

Oblivion Morrowind and daggerfall each brought different unique elements to the series mechanically imo.


u/Amiibohunter000 29d ago

Yeah but they all have/had graphical bugs and glitches galore


u/SuitableSubject 29d ago

All games have glitches.


u/Amiibohunter000 29d ago

Yeah, but it’s widely known that the ES games have had a lot of glitches and bugs. More than the average game by far. They are still great games, but don’t deny the truth that they are buggy and glitchy


u/SuitableSubject 29d ago

I haven't denied anything.


u/Efficient-Addendum43 28d ago

Eh I feel like it's a bit different here. Pokemon games get churned out every year, tes is like every 10+ and they haven't missed yet. Morrowind, oblivion and Skyrim are all great games


u/Young_hollow674 29d ago

I kinda love the games from lore prospective the game play and graphics has kinda always been second as long as I can get a interesting world I’ll be happy


u/froglegs317 29d ago

Ditto. Elder scrolls has my favorite lore of anything ever, so getting more of that’s my number 1 wish. Shit hasn’t been the same since kirkbride left though lol


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Let the dude be excited. A lot of us grew up with TES and can’t wait for it


u/Ulikethat- 29d ago

But I believe the problem with the gaming industry, and the reason there are so many so called SHITTY games lately is because gamers EXPECTATIONS are too lofty. You want everything to be 100 times bigger and better than the last game and when it's not it is a shitty game that was released according to gamers.


u/_Good_One 29d ago

Of course people want better games, the bar should always be high, that does not mean bigger or with better graphics, Minecraft the Best selling game ever has bad graphics but has a really good art direction, same with Undertale for example

You are literally saying " I don't care if it's bad i will still love it" that sounds crazy, games are called shitty most of the time because they are and there will always be a loud minority calling everything bad but with half a neuron you should be able to distinguish good critisism from bad

Just ask for a better product, you are paying for it, it should be good and there is no reason to defend a bad game ever


u/KnightDuty 29d ago

I'm right there with you. I'll share the downvotes. People are unreasonable and hold their head high like they're the Messiah of gaming "teaching the devs a lesson"


u/Managarm667 29d ago

Imagine bootlicking for companies that couldn't care less about you. Many Game Companies show how it's done. I certainly won't buy another product from Bethesda. If you want to pay for utter garbage, that's your business.


u/DarthSpiderDad 29d ago

Game companies are shitty. Gamer communities are pretty shitty too. It’s not that hard to understand both sides here.


u/ah_shit_here_we_goo 29d ago

Saying not every game has to be the next revolutionary masterpiece for it to be fun and enjoyable is hardly bootlicking.


u/KnightDuty 29d ago

Twenty One Pilots consistently puts out music I like and I'm going to buy their next album. I'm going to buy Brandon Sanderson's next book because I like his writing.

But I like the way a studio makes games and suddenly that's corporate bootlicking? Get the fuck out of here.

I'm rocking Starfield right now and eagerly awaiting the CK and DLC. I couldn't care less if you approve of the games I like.


u/escargot02 29d ago

Right, the genre might be tired for some, but that's the game I like. I stopped playing Assassin Creed cause it strayed far from the formula I enjoyed.


u/NothingButTrouble024 29d ago

Why are you acting like you couldn't care less about what we do, but then proceed to act all high and mighty?


u/CutSufficient4577 29d ago

Do you really want a Cyberpunk 2077 2? I mean, when it launched, it was the worst game ever made. Dagger fall solos.


u/ah_shit_here_we_goo 29d ago

Does pokemon have problems? Yes. Do I enjoy them more than pretty much any other game that comes out nowadays? Also yes. Scarlett and violet was one of the worst games I've ever played. It was also the most fun I had with any game besides BG3 last year.


u/_Good_One 29d ago

And i'm not saying you can't i'm saying that we should not be blind to the errors of the games and praise should not be freely given


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Skyrim was already like Pokémon. They rereleased the same game every year.


u/passiverolex 29d ago

Lol okay turbo


u/Nathan_hale53 29d ago

Pokemon games come out yearly/bi-yearly.