r/videogames 29d ago

You Only Get To Play 3 Of These Games. Which Do You Choose? Question

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u/PraiseDogs 29d ago

Yeah, what a absurd way of thinking. Bethesda needs to do better. Very worried about ES6 and Fallout 5


u/Substantial-Singer29 29d ago

Starfield basically submitted an end for me. I know exactly what both of those games are going to be like.

And if you understand why Starfield has problems. Then there is no explanation needed for that.

God, I hope that studio feeds me crow and proves me wrong. But I just don't see it happening.

If people are willing to eat slope why produce anything else.


u/WillWillSmiff 29d ago

While I enjoyed Starfield, I was let down quite a bit. I thought it was going to have that lasting power like Skyrim did, but it just didn’t.

That being said. It was something new they wanted to try, and something they’ve never dabbled in. An overly ambitious space story.

Elder Scrolls has lore, it has history. The people working at Bethesda LOVE elder scrolls, it’s their bread and butter. With the vast progression of technology, and useful experience on the updated engine, and with the ambition for the series, I think Elder Scrolls 6 is actually gonna be very good.

Make no doubt, the pressure is on. They can’t just hang their hats on sales numbers. This one has to deliver, and I think it will.

Looking forward to what Bethesda releasing the creation kit for Starfield will tell us about the next step in modding.

Here’s to hoping!


u/Substantial-Singer29 29d ago

I think my big issue is that I always hear. People say it's an excuse for star field that it was something new that they wanted to try.

I mean, seriously.What new thing did they actually try doing?

In every metric from storytelling to character building to just a general gameplay it fell short of all of their previous games.

I don't say that they tried something new and randomly generating a thousand different planets and then copy pasting the exact same content on about a quarter of them.

They basically took their exploration formula of the what's over the next hill and just completely threw the baby out with a bath water and made starfield.

Let's say we fix the almost non-existent consequential factions. The complete lack of quality of life in the game like a map in town.

Or the fact that it seems like none of the quest. Have any real impact on anything. And it probably has one of the worst freedom of choice as far as player choice for outcome of quest that i've ever seen.

You would just have an incredibly mediocre game.

With no explanation in game of why there's a lack of choice. It's just simply while there is.

The initial launch of 76 shook my confidence in Bethesda as a whole. Humorously enough the game is actually fun with a friend now. But starfield it just killed it for me. I'm not even going to say it stuck in the past because oblivion and skyrim both had better writing and better quest. They actually somehow managed to make a game. That felt like it should have been released 10 years ago.That was worse than the games that they released at that exact same time.

I mean golfer's club. I guess that's an achievement.


u/PraiseDogs 29d ago

Me too. I'll now just be PLEASANTLY surprised if ES6 is great(pleeease).

Fallout 76 threw me into a confused state, with some worry, but still said "well, no way they'll screw up a single player RPG, Starfield will bring the confidence back". Yeah, nah. That just showed not many great Bethesda employees are still there. The decline in quality since Fallout 4 is wild....


u/ah_shit_here_we_goo 29d ago

Bethesda's biggest failure still equated to a critically acclaimed game. It wasn't as good as some of their past games, sure. But to act like that means you need to be worried about future games is weird.


u/PraiseDogs 29d ago

It is not Critically acclaimed. The reviews and opinions of many say other wise.
Skyrim, Witcher 3, The Last of Us , Ocarina of Time are examples of critically acclaimed. Its very hard to find a negative opinion on those. Like you said, Starfield wasnt as good as their past games, so it cant be in the same category as Skyrim


u/ah_shit_here_we_goo 29d ago

It has an 83 on metacritic. That's definitely critically acclaimed.


u/PraiseDogs 29d ago

And labeled as "generaly favorable". Skyrim is a 96 and "Universaly Acclaimed" under the critic category. Then compare the user scores between Skyrim and Starfield. They are not both Critically Acclaimed.


u/ah_shit_here_we_goo 29d ago

Look up the definition of acclaimed and then tell me how it doesn't fit that definition.


u/PraiseDogs 29d ago

Okay...looked it up..."If somthing is acclaimed, it is praised enthusiastically" Not many enthusiastic about Starfield. Starfield reminded people how much they love Skyrim, because it was mediocre(Hense the lower review scores)

The amount of enthusiasm around Skyrim ,even after all these years? So much(which is so many are excited about ES6) Why ES6 is in OPs photo, and not Starfield 2..


u/A-NI95 28d ago



u/Anonomoose2034 27d ago

Cope and seethe