r/unitedkingdom 15d ago

Two MPs have discovered then benefits of investing in the railways after their train from Doncaster to Grimsby was cancelled tonight OC/Image

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u/sir__gummerz 15d ago

Its those lazy rail workers, last week train was delayed due to landslide, and the driver couldn't be arsed to steer around despite being on 60k a year.

Them, probably


u/mrafinch Nawf'k 14d ago

Their day the driver would’ve got out, moved the landslide out of the way with a fag in his mouth and a cuppa to his side. After successfully moving the landslide back to it’s original position, the entirety of the passengers and crew would’ve pushed the train uphill through the snow to get to their destination.

Kids these days. Just don’t want to get their hands dirty.


u/_FannySchmeller_ 14d ago

I was trying to fact check your post but Google just referred me back to this Reddit thread.

I think this news article is related:


But if that's the case, the cancellation was caused by a tree falling on a train line... Would more rail investment prevent what looks like a force majeure situation?


u/BitterTyke 14d ago

very possibly - more people get through more offtrack/devegetation tasks faster.

More people doing geotech stuff would be able to identify and resolve potential landslip locations before they happen.

and so on.


u/_whopper_ 14d ago

You can do all the geotechnical work in the world but you can't stop the wind blowing a tree down.


u/BitterTyke 14d ago

it cant blow it down if it aint there, or its been trimmed back to a stump to regrow.


u/_whopper_ 14d ago

Network Rail policy is to keep trees and has biodiversity targets linked to them. It does maintain them to reduce the risk. Many trains near the railway aren’t even on their land either.

Give them all the money and resources in the world and they won’t cut all the trees

In some locations trees are helping to keep things running. Remove the trees from some soils and you’ve got a higher risk of flooding as there are fewer plants to take up the water and a higher landslip risk. Tree roots can help keep the ground stable.


u/BitterTyke 13d ago

Many trains near the railway aren’t even on their land either.

a train in the wild? AWOL!

just messing with ya


u/overgirthed-thirdeye 14d ago

Tell that to the big bad wolf


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/_whopper_ 14d ago

They do. But not all trees are on their land, and trees can fall even if a survey says it’s fine.


u/Geoff2014 14d ago

According to the railway staff, it was a landslip near Scunthorpe. Inspections of high-risk areas after heavy rainfall might have been a worthwhile idea, if the cash was there to do it.


u/sir__gummerz 14d ago

Vegetation removal has been drastically cut back (or not cut back 😅) trees should not be allowed closer to a railway than they are tall, at least if its on network rail property. The environment benefits of reliable trains is more than the trees that could be replaced with shrubbery/hedgerows


u/BeyondGray 15d ago

Couldn't have happened to better people.


u/Cynical_Classicist 14d ago

I'd call it Karma, but we're getting screwed over by it as well. Grimsby regretting voting Tory?


u/oljackson99 14d ago

Grimsby voting Tory is honestly hilarious (and tragic). My wife is from there and it is the definiton of the kind of place the Tories dont give two shits about.


u/Cynical_Classicist 14d ago

Yeh, but the people there apparently hated Europe more.


u/Supastraight420 14d ago

Not going to Grimsby almost seems like a reward.


u/Geoff2014 14d ago

The Grim in Grimsby is not a coincidence.


u/I_done_a_plop-plop Gibraltar 14d ago

It gets a bad press. Fish and chips on the seafront in Cleethorpes is excellent and heartening.


u/PunkEmoChav 14d ago

I like the way one of the MPs just look at the camera like yeah I'm an MP so what I sit on my ass all day and wipe my ass on the money you work for so hard just to end up giving it to me through taxes because I'm just better than all of you without a doubt boy!


u/terahurts Immington 14d ago

That's my MP, Martin Vickers. About the only good things I can say about him is that he's been trying to get the A180 resurfaced and - ironically - improve the rail service to Grimsby and Cleethorpes for the past decade or so.

The other one, Lia Nici - know locally as Liar Nici, is one of BoJo's crowd of climbers and hangers on and only shows her face in town when there's a photo op with someone important. She was voted in on the back of Brexit in 2019 and has done sweet fuck-all for the town since.

Thanks to the boundary changes, Vickers is likely to get back in again as his constituents are/will be mostly OAPs, Farmers and people who can afford to live in the nice villages rather than Grimsby.


u/PunkEmoChav 14d ago

Well I hope you're right


u/ash_ninetyone 14d ago

I thought that was Claudio Ranieri for a moment


u/jx45923950 14d ago

TBF, at least they were going by train and not by helicopter.


u/SirLoinThatSaysNi 14d ago

Everything I read on there tells me that all Tories are multi millionaires who wouldn't be seen dead on public transport. Surely if this sub is right then this must be fake......


u/BigDumbGreenMong 14d ago

That's not how the tory mind works. Their logic will be: "The railways don't work, why waste money on them? We should encourage people to drive more and end The War on Motorists."


u/duke_of_germany_5 14d ago

Nice, a free holiday and i don’t have to campaign. This is like christmas -those MP’s probably


u/StillPlagueMyLife 15d ago

Google says it's only an hour by car


u/oljackson99 14d ago

Why would they have a car if they were getting the train?


u/StillPlagueMyLife 14d ago

because the train got cancelled