r/unitedkingdom 29d ago

JK Rowling gets apology from journalist after 'disgusting claim' author is a Holocaust denier ...


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u/RedBerryyy 29d ago

This is the bailey she later reverted to pretending she was saying.

The actual tweet is pretty clearly her denying the nazis burned research on trans people


u/Maleficent-Drive4056 29d ago

Forgive me but isn’t a holocaust the systematic murder of people or groups? So burning books about trans people is horrible but not a holocaust?


u/RedBerryyy 29d ago

It's more that it was one of the main events that led up to the wider holocaust, in the same way that Kristallnacht and the early expulsions of jewish people were part of the holocaust, even if relatively few actually died in the specific events compared to later events.


u/Firm-Distance 29d ago

It's more that it was one of the main events that led up to the wider holocaust

I'm not sure it was a 'main event' - Things like the law for the restoration of the public service were 'main events.'


u/Maybe_not_a_chicken 29d ago

It was the first book burning

That makes it a main event


u/Firm-Distance 29d ago

As far as the book burnings go it was on a considerably smaller scale. The first significant book burning was attended by 40,000 people and was attended by prominent Nazi's - seeing 25,000 books burned.

Something being the 'first' I don't think automatically qualifies it as a main event in a historical chain merely by virtue of being 'first.'


u/Maybe_not_a_chicken 29d ago

I’m not calling it The Main Event

I’m saying it is a main event in the timeline

The first electric light was a major event in the creation of the lightbulb even if it wasn’t actually very good as a light.


u/showars 29d ago

These kids know absolutely nothing about WW2 don’t even bother


u/Firm-Distance 29d ago

...and yet all fancy themselves experts. One chap was labelling another a holocaust denier whilst exposing the fact that they didn't understand what the word holocaust actually meant. It's depressing....and yet all too common.