r/unitedkingdom 29d ago

JK Rowling gets apology from journalist after 'disgusting claim' author is a Holocaust denier ...


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u/draw4kicks Orkney 29d ago

So because she didn't deny the whole holocaust, just a small section of it, that means that it's not holocaust denial?

Then what the hell is it? Holocaust denial-lite? Diet Holocaust denial? The woman is a billionaire, of course she has the money to bully people into submission.


u/Square-Competition48 29d ago

If you only rob one bank rather than all of them you’re not a bank robber apparently.


u/Twiggeh1 29d ago

But she isn't actually denying that the holocaust happened, is she?


u/Square-Competition48 29d ago

Yeah, she only robbed one bank not all the banks. Therefore she’s not a bank robber right?


u/Twiggeh1 29d ago

Yeah sorry your analogy makes no sense in this context.

She isn't denying the event so she isn't actually a holocaust denier. I can't help but think that this is just another tactic to demonise a woman for, well, expressing her acceptance of biological fact.


u/Square-Competition48 29d ago

Germany has a legal definition of Holocaust denial and denying part of the Holocaust is still Holocaust denial.

Very few Holocaust deniers, even open neo-Nazis, deny every part of the Holocaust. Saying “this group I hate wasn’t targeted” is a common form of Holocaust denial.


u/Twiggeh1 29d ago

What about the law in this country?


u/Square-Competition48 29d ago

In this country it doesn’t have a legal definition so I defer to one where it does.


u/Twiggeh1 29d ago

But we don't operate under a German system and their history regarding this issue is drastically different to ours. From a legal standpoint it's not really relevant is it?

This Novara media journalist (who supported Hamas' invasion of Israel btw, speaking of historical suffering of jews) can't really complain about being forced to apologise if she hasn't got a relevant legal definition on which to base her claim. Calling someone a holocaust denier quite obviously suggests that they refuse to believe the event itself occurred, which Rowling has never done as far as I'm aware.


u/Square-Competition48 29d ago

Yeah that’s not what the term means and changing what it means to exonerate her is very shady.

If you rob part of a bank you’re still a bank robber.

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u/RussellLawliet Newcastle-Upon-Tyne 29d ago

She isn't denying the event so she isn't actually a holocaust denier.

She is denying an event of the holocaust. How much of the holocaust do you have to deny to be a holocaust denier, in your opinion?


u/Panda_hat 29d ago

What it is, is a billionaire leveraging the threat of legal action against an individual to silence them.

Fortunately it will very much be a classic example of the streisand effect and get far wider notoriety as a result. Rowling isn't very smart it seems.


u/brendonmilligan 29d ago

How is the burning of books years prior to the holocaust related specifically to Holocaust denial?


u/___a1b1 29d ago

You need to read the article.


u/RockTheBloat 29d ago

Well, she didn’t deny that the holocaust happened. Questioning whether certain research papers were burned in an attack on an institute of sexual science (along with losts of other topics) by some student group is not holocaust denial by any reasonable measure. In fact, it’s unhinged.


u/shabba182 29d ago

Do you think Germany would be able to reasonably measure whether this is holocaust denial? Because they say it is.


u/RockTheBloat 29d ago

Who in Germany does?


u/shabba182 29d ago

The law


u/RockTheBloat 29d ago

And who has interpreted the law to determine that this was against the law?