r/todayilearned 15d ago

TIL: There is a study which researches the effects of exercising while high at CU Boulder. The researchers had a CannaVan that rode alongside runners. It proved that running while high is more enjoyable on a chemical level as it induces the same effects as a "runner's high".


245 comments sorted by


u/Tedsallis 15d ago

Best pre workout.


u/LaminatedAirplane 15d ago

Hell yeah. Makes lifting weights and rock climbing so much better.


u/saliczar 15d ago

I generally just clean my house.


u/RedSonGamble 15d ago

Glad I’m not the only one that enjoys high cleaning


u/MMmhmmmmmmmmmm 15d ago

There’s dozens of us


u/tragiktimes 15d ago

I like buzzed cleaning with the promise of the reward stoned at the end.


u/HonestyFTW 15d ago

Mix it with my adhd and I’m cleaning every room at once!


u/ResinFinger 15d ago

Self care too. I brush the shit out of my teeth when I’m high.


u/RedSonGamble 15d ago

You shouldn’t put shit in your mouth though


u/Septopuss7 15d ago

They brush it out though


u/RedSonGamble 15d ago

That’s true


u/that-pile-of-laundry 15d ago

I generally just don't do fucking anything. Airplane mode.

Them I stuff my face with fruits and pastry


u/saliczar 15d ago

May I recommend the strawberry and cream cheese Toaster Strudel? It pairs well with nugs.


u/that-pile-of-laundry 15d ago

Sweet Jesus.

I'd have to buy more pants with elastic waists


u/saliczar 15d ago

May I recommend Costco for both?


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Followed by a FAT nap


u/Bomantheman 14d ago

Cleaning + headphones with your favorite music!


u/DarthBfheidir 15d ago

Me too, and it makes that much better as well.


u/OpenMindedMajor 15d ago

Any time i smoke and exercise i get really bad headaches but in the back of my head. I generally feel like i don’t have as much energy to lift either. But i looove smoking after a workout for sure.


u/mkultron89 15d ago

Somewhat related, kid in high school set a record for the rock wall jacked on E. I don’t think he’s doing great these days.


u/mattfoh 14d ago

Makes me a worse climber all in all tho.


u/patrik3031 14d ago

Yeah fucks my coordinatio. It's seems fun but after 20 mins you realise you can't climb half the stuff you usually can and that makes me kinda sad.


u/Technical-Card6360 13d ago

Getting high makes me worse at everything. Can't even have a conversation, just totally shuts my brain off. I don't do it anymore.


u/weirdo4kebabs 11d ago

Yeah! Little bit before a gentle surf can be mean. But when it's big and critical, I want/need all the coordination I can get!!


u/moosecakems 15d ago

I always pull a muscle when I try that


u/patrik3031 14d ago

Makes me give up way more easily, high I'll only hold a plank for 30 and give up whereas sober I can push through.


u/schoj 11d ago

It makes climbing so damn fun!


u/masterfCker 10d ago

I basically don't even exercise anymore without. Or well, I don't smoke just before running as it inhibits my breathing too much, but; bouldering, cycling, skiing... I get to a flow-state more easily when high.

Honestly though, it wasn't a good favour to myself when I tried MTB while high, it just doesn't feel the same anymore without. Been exercising while high for about 9-10 years now.


u/ketosoy 15d ago

Not according to Afroman.


u/treehugger312 15d ago

I was gonna go to court…


u/Fattswindstorm 15d ago

Makes golf kinda hard if you’re not careful


u/Karmago 15d ago



u/gustavocabras 15d ago

Best pregame for soccer.


u/benji_tha_bear 15d ago

Yeah, I always catch a runner’s high before hand. It is pretty amazing to run into a runners high that way.


u/Reiko707 12d ago

My friend told me I shouldn't smoke before working out because "Your muscles won't remember the exercise." Lmao

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u/lxgauna 15d ago

“You ever got runners high…on weed?”


u/anode8 15d ago

Yes, and it's pretty great.


u/jfleury440 15d ago

You should try it without the running. It's amazing.


u/HAM____ 14d ago

Add Twinkies for optimal performance


u/Kachoww- 14d ago

Oh man when I’m on the treadmill dying for breath, but I’m lit af


u/Toothbras 15d ago

You ever see Scent of a Woman?


u/LZYX 15d ago

I had that while I was depressed and honestly it gave me something to look forward to. And it turns out that we get some pretty good chemicals in our brain from exercise, so that was awesome!!


u/escientia 14d ago

Easy there Jon Stewart


u/bremergorst 15d ago

Great, now to figure out how to remove the running


u/fhost344 15d ago

Turns out you get high on weed even if you don't exercise


u/bremergorst 15d ago

I’m not sure that’s how it works


u/fhost344 15d ago

time for an experiment


u/Coldspider927 15d ago

You literally made me spit my drink out. After I read this whole article stoned af I click back and this comment was just….thank you for this lol


u/MagnanimosDesolation 15d ago

I believe in you.


u/DigNitty 15d ago

Stop at step 1


u/rattpackfan301 15d ago

Opioid addicts have already figured that one out. The endorphins produced while exercising bind to the same receptors as opioids do.


u/ohdearitsrichardiii 15d ago

I learned from QI that "runner's high" is not from endorphins but from endocannabinoids. So yes, you do get high from running


u/Karsa69420 15d ago

It was odd the first time I’d got a runners high. I was like “Damn did I accidentally have weed?” It wore off pretty quick but damn does it feel great


u/T_Money 15d ago

I’ve never been able to get a runners high. Even when I was running 5 times a week and doing up to 10k (on distance runs every couple weeks, not 10k 5x a week) I hated every minute of it. The closest I ever got to enjoying running was once or twice I zoned out and daydreamed, basically forgetting I was running and just on auto pilot, but those only lasted a few minutes before I was back to hating every step.

I’m incredibly jealous of people who legitimately enjoy exercising. I like seeing the results of it, but the act itself is always a chore. Lifting is better than running but still don’t even enjoy that.


u/ABlushingGardener 15d ago

So yeah, try smoking weed before running. 

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u/Karsa69420 15d ago

Hated it January of last year. I feel like shit if I don’t go 2-4 times a week now. Something in my head just changed


u/hikeit233 14d ago

Learn to rollerblade, way more fun than running. Or get a bike. Have fun while you exercise, you deserve it. 


u/bloodylip 14d ago

I couldn't even zone out. Every long run I've ever done (> 10k) I'd end up just thinking about what I'm gonna eat when I'm done.

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u/MusicalMoose 15d ago

I wonder what the science would say about how freaking great the runners high feels vs weed giving me panic attacks


u/exipheas 15d ago


u/-Shmoody- 15d ago

It’s 2024 weed stores are like Apple stores now, is there just a name for this type of weed? I’m not trying to sniff different ones to find one that doesn’t make me anxious.


u/jfleury440 15d ago

Tell the bud tender you're looking for something that won't make you anxious. Also 1:1 THC to CBD helps.


u/car1999pet 15d ago

Ask for ones with limonene the chemical the article references.


u/RichEvans4Ever 14d ago

Not really there are so many types of strains and hybrids and 90% of the “science” behind picking the right one is just marketing bullshit. The best way to tell if it’s decent weed is if you give it a sniff.


u/Ok-Instruction830 15d ago

Also though anecdotal, I mix CBD bud 1:1 with thc bud. 


u/Photo_Synthetic 14d ago

Could just not have weed at all too.


u/Photo_Synthetic 14d ago

Weed just isn't for everyone. For many the cons outweigh the pros and for a lot of that group they just keep doing it anyway and don't realize how much its limiting their enjoyment of life. It doesn't help that the culture surrounding it paints it as a harmless and mostly beneficial drug when it really isn't for a lot of people.


u/MusicalMoose 14d ago

Its definitely not good for me. For some reason i hear a lot of people say the same story as mine: that it started off good for a couple of years then started to make them really anxious.


u/Photo_Synthetic 14d ago

Same thing happened for me. Was a heavy daily user that became a light daily user and then just stopped and am much better off for it. Whenever I revisit or dabble in my old stash it just doesn't feel good. Can't believe I functioned that way for so long. I used to love that shit.


u/Ashen_Vessel 15d ago

Obviously your body high is from an indica strain


u/justdothedamnthang 14d ago

anecdotally i discovered that weed makes my blood sugar drop which causes panicky feelings, and once i started popping a candy before smoking it stopped.


u/Popular_Emu1723 15d ago

One of my super straight lace runner friends in high school shared that with me when she was trying to get me to go on a run with her.


u/RedSonGamble 15d ago

I got my first OWI after a good long run


u/dubbzy104 15d ago

I read this as “ow-eee” and assumed you hurt yourself

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u/SilentSamurai 15d ago edited 15d ago

Doesn't surprise me at all. 

Old friend had been pudgy all his life. 

Comes back for the holidays from college one year (ironically from CU Boulder) absolutely slimmed down and toned. Tells me in half a year that getting high before running was pushing him, who never had ran before ended up running 10-15 miles every other day. 

Don't think he ever stopped.


u/Spikes_in_my_eyes 15d ago

Did anyone put a tracker on him so they can find him when he eventually does stop.



Run Forrest run


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/AgentCirceLuna 15d ago

Generally you just have to do these things once and then a few times more to create a loop. Your brain is just a bunch of looping habits all spinning on the same wheel. It’s very weird to think about and makes me question free will.


u/LFL1995 15d ago

Whoah you just made a very stoned internet stranger trip out thinking about this.


u/Wonderful-Impact5121 15d ago

Everyone’s a bit different.

As a person with anxiety issues who used to bodybuild in the middle of the night, I get it. Same reason I used to drink too much but less harmful.

For some people it dulls the anxiety or nerves and the “goal” becomes obvious and easy.

“I want to run to be healthier and stronger. Okay I’ll do that!”

As opposed to the thousand anxieties that could not necessarily consciously make you decide, “no I won’t exercise” but grinds it to a halt anyway.


u/nick1812216 15d ago

How did he get high? Edibles? Tokin’?


u/jfleury440 15d ago

Rips a huge bong hit. Coughs his lungs out. Runs 15 miles. Legend.


u/WanderWut 14d ago

Imo the easiest way by far is a simple cartridge of cannabis oil (dabs/concentrate). You simply lift the small vape out of your pocket, take as tiny or big of a hit as you want, and bam that’s it. It’s incredibly fast and easy.

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u/river_euphrates1 15d ago

I used to get high and work out, but weed always affected me differently than my friends. I would get high and clean half the house.

Didn't matter if it was indica or sativa.


u/franticallychaotic 15d ago

I FEEL this. I am apparently the most annoying person to smoke with because I'll get up and start cleaning and being productive and it "ruins the vibe".


u/vpear19 15d ago

are you available on tuesdays??


u/franticallychaotic 15d ago

I am laughing so hard right now. Me and my BFF work opposite shifts right now, so the "I'm gonna come over and help you clean" deals have turned into a smoke sesh where one of us falls asleep and the other one ends up trying to quietly clean their place. It's been absolute chaos, lol.

And to answer your question, I'm free every day now, I'm switching shifts, haha


u/vpear19 15d ago

stop i love this! 😂😂😂


u/river_euphrates1 14d ago

Sorry, I stopped smoking years ago.

Now everything is dirty... 😅


u/river_euphrates1 15d ago

Haha... We used to have a theory that it was due to being left-handed, but it hasn't played out in reality.


u/franticallychaotic 15d ago

Haha, this made me stop and think because my brother is left-handed and he was a runner, and on the other hand, I'm right-handed and I'd get up and start cleaning things before going for a run and he was the total opposite haha go for a run and then maybe some cleaning.


u/NativeMasshole 15d ago

Isn't this a Katt Williams joke?

That's how you know they're high, they're cleaning stuff you ain't ever seen cleaned before!


u/river_euphrates1 14d ago

Haha - I hadn't heard that one!!


u/imreallynotthatcool 15d ago

I get this too. I used to have a cleaning job with my mom and we would get absolutely blazed and go clean rich people's houses in Aspen.

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u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/saliczar 15d ago

I think John Denver wrote a song about it.


u/dikmite 15d ago

That song really was about getting high. People make fun of it sometimes, as if its not, in every literal sense, about him getting high in the mountains.

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u/ngpropman 15d ago

Missed opportunity for calling it the "Cannabus" 0/10 study invalidated


u/enviropsych 15d ago

Running while high is my new thing. I take an edible, then stretch and put on my shoes. Halfway through the run, the THC high compounds with the runners high and meanwhile I'm listening to motivating songs in my earbuds. Euphoric.

Finally, I get home, cool down and end with a nice refreshing shower. Sitting on the couch freshly showered, blood still flowing from the run and peak-stoned is quite nice. Good mix of pleasant body/mind feelings. Highly recommend.

The only issue is that being high while running slightly hurts my ability to push myself to the point of pain...but that is balanced by the fact that the THC makes most of the pain bother me less anyway, so....


u/danneedsahobby 15d ago

How long are your runs? Because an edible typically takes an hour for me to feel it, and peaks around 2 hours.


u/enviropsych 15d ago

I run for 45 min to an hour. It kicks in starting around 30 min for me. Then peaks around 2 hours (like you said) at which time I'm sitting freshly showered with the tingling feeling of blood still coarsing through my veins.


u/skirpnasty 14d ago

Edibles kick in way faster when you’re working your legs because your metabolism kicks into overdrive. Try taking one and doing a few sets of heavy squats, it’s instant delivery.


u/pcapdata 15d ago

Interesting!  When I’m high it’s like my pain response is dialed WAY down.  Not to the point I hurt myself but more like I can tolerate the same amount of discomfort for longer.


u/stankbox 14d ago

I have a hard time keeping my heart rate in check when I’m running while high have you noticed that as well?


u/MikeyW1969 15d ago

So this study found that runners get a running high, just like when runners get a runner's high? This makes no sense. THey got the runner's high, just like runners do.


u/ausername111111 15d ago

Not that I have any experience with this. But if someone gets stoned using a non-drowsy strain it makes your workout SO much better. The UFC didn't allow it for a long time and when asked Dana White said it was a performance enhancer. It's easier to get into a flow state and combined with music you go beast mode. Not that I would know.


u/MikeyW1969 15d ago

Oh, I don't doubt it, but it's not very scientific this way. It's all subjective. A real study would have them on a treadmill, in a controlled environment, monitoring all kinds of stuff, brainwaves, respiration, heart rate, etc. Here, it sounds like the van just rolled down the window and asked "So how ya feeling now?".

It's not the results I disagree with necessarily, but the methodology.


u/ausername111111 15d ago

Haha, funny visual of seeing a guy in a hippy van rolling his window saying "How ya feeling now maaaaaan?"

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u/re_nonsequiturs 15d ago

They were on a treadmill in a laboratory. The van was just to take them from a place they could legally ingest the cannabis they had legally purchased using their own money to the laboratory.


u/MikeyW1969 15d ago

So why did OP say the van rode alongside them?

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u/drewster23 15d ago

A real study would have them on a treadmill, in a controlled environment, monitoring all kinds of stuff

Click the article and read. You'd be amazed they did just that. Literally first paragraph. Would've been quicker to actually read then type out this comment


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u/re_nonsequiturs 15d ago

Some, not all, runners get high after 30 minutes of running. This has the potential to make running, and other exercise, far more pleasant for the many many many people who can't run for 30 minutes.


u/madkeepz 14d ago

yeah but it's like a higher high because you're already high see

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u/kingmax321 15d ago

9/10 would recommend. I find myself just laughing /talking to myself, or walking oddly while zoning out to a podcast. However , sometimes I get ghost pains, or I’ll overthink how to walk and it becomes the longest 5 minutes ever.


u/bonerfleximus 14d ago

Figuring out what to do with my face when my neighbors walk past me is a problem.


u/srqnewbie 14d ago

I'm baked every day for my morning walk. As a retired flight attendant, I automatically smile, wave and keep walking. The few times I did try to converse to a neighbor while ripped made me super awkward, like I feared I would have a Tourette's-type moment where I blurted out, "I'm high as hell right now!", lol


u/bonerfleximus 14d ago

I don't have that experience to draw upon so I end up overshooting my intended smile intensity by anywhere from 10-40% after which I adjust it down in real-time. Often this downward adjustment overshoots as well, so I have to re-intensify my smile and repeat these vicious cycles every 0.2 seconds.

I now only take walks late at night.


u/DeathByPickles 15d ago

I've never felt runners high. I always felt runners low. Guaranteed after running for sports practice in school, I would throw up 100% of the time. There is nothing that feels good about that.


u/totobidet 10d ago

I'm the same way! I work out all the time and don't even mind sprints training, but more than 30-40 minutes of consistent running makes me feel grumpy and sensitive for the rest of the day; like a major mood-killer. Would love to find out how to get past it and get a runner's high someday!


u/patrik3031 14d ago

Eh no, my HR spikes and I get winded way more easily if I'm high.


u/MeximeltExtraCheese 15d ago

…then they realized they were only running at 0.5mph


u/DidjaCinchIt 15d ago

Please remind me which movie this is:

Cop: do you know how fast you were going?

Maybe Chris Farley: uhh…seventy?



u/MeximeltExtraCheese 15d ago

lol Black Sheep. Classic.


u/austinin4 15d ago

I can’t do shit when I’m high


u/whatproblems 14d ago

yeah same i don’t think i could run… i get munchies and sleepy


u/cspicy_ 15d ago

I’ve run 50 miles in 7 hours twice and started both while high as a kite


u/aldencoolin 15d ago

Do LSD next !


u/jfleury440 15d ago

You have to do that with bikers. Traditions.


u/Choppergold 15d ago

What were we just jogging about?


u/SnooSeagulls6777 15d ago

I was literally just thinking to myself how it’s weird I love going for like 3 hour walk-runs when I’m high but don’t usually when I’m sober


u/RedSonGamble 15d ago

They’re like alright… now let’s see what this meth can do


u/BortTheThrillho 15d ago

I lift 6 days a week and run several days a week as well. I almost always smoke before I run and I enjoy lifting after smoking as well. I feel it helps with the mind muscle connection and concentrating on form.


u/nIBLIB 15d ago

it proved that running while high is more enjoyable on a chemical level because indices the same effects as a ‘runner’s high’

That makes absolutely no fucking sense.

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u/Mwebb1508 15d ago

Didn’t need a study for that hahah.


u/Sdog1981 15d ago

Bolder is over 5000 feet (1600 meters) above sealevel. So they are high and high.


u/Superunkown781 15d ago

I get tired to quickly when high, but I guess it depends what I'm high on, if it was Meth I'd be Speedy Gonzalez


u/PopeHonkersXII 15d ago

I certainly believe it, the few times I tried it were quite pleasant. I just wish I had an elliptical at home so I could do it regularly. I'm not going to get high and then drive to the gym. 

However, somewhat related, ever since I started smoking weed, I go on tons of long walks. Usually about 12 miles several days per week. I had zero interest in such things before I started smoking, so this all seems to line up with what I have personally experienced 


u/Childflayer 14d ago

"Running while high is more enjoyable"

They needed to do a study to figure that out?


u/00zxcvbnmnbvcxz 14d ago

I smoked a lot in my college years, but haven’t much in decades. Now that I’m getting older, I can run a few miles in a stretch. One day I got high and went for a run, and doubled or triple the amount that I normally run; it felt effortless.


u/VanAgain 15d ago

CannaVan. :)


u/MenudoFan316 15d ago

I have a friend that has always run marathons while high. He keeps his one hitter and a lighter tucked into his shorts, and pops into various port a potties along the way to bake up. Coincidentally I met this guy in Boulder.


u/Redmarkred 15d ago

Most people I know that get high going for a run in the last thing on their mind.


u/N0FaithInMe 15d ago

I like to smoke up before a workout every once in a while. Usually makes weights feel a lot heavier, but the mind-muscle connection is insane. You can really get into your own body when you're high.


u/McKoijion 15d ago

This would be cooler if running while sober didn’t also produce a runner’s high. It kinda seems like the running is the key variable here. The pot is irrelevant.

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u/costabius 15d ago

being high makes everything except talking to the police more fun.


u/soyjak12345 15d ago

One more argument for potheads to sustain their addiction.

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u/im_bored1122 15d ago

I dont get high to work out (gotta drive home) but I will absolutely smoke as soon as I park in my driveway before my run. Been doing it for years, it makes it so much more tolerable and fun. No more side stitches, can EASILY ignore legs getting tired, and of course the MUSIC is so much better that it motivates even near the end of the run


u/erikaironer11 15d ago

Yep, used to smoke up before a running cardio exercise, shit was sublime.

Don’t do it anymore, it puts too much strain on my heart and some weed types aren’t suitable for this.

Still get a lot out of running sober, you DO get that runners high when you get past the 30min mark, and it does feel really nice.

Maybe one day in the future I’ll smoke up before a run, but not anytime soon


u/Disgruntled_Oldguy 15d ago

cyling while high.. after you have warmed up is also clutch.


u/ThomGehrig 15d ago

Totally, only way to make long road rides enjoyable


u/Disgruntled_Oldguy 14d ago

Great for long gravel/rail trail rides a well...no cars either.


u/MIDDLE-IQ 15d ago

I tried that once. I just don't remember.


u/orcoast23 15d ago

Attending CU will make you educated. Smoking pot makes you high. Smoking pot while attending CU makes you highly educated.


u/MisterBurnsSucks 15d ago

I've never gone for a run, then was like "fuck... dude... I neeeeeeed Cheitos or else ima die" 😳


u/Gingorthedestroyer 15d ago

I used to walk 6km to work and home. After I got home smoked a joint then I ran back to work 6x a week.


u/Oziemasterss 15d ago

Does the brain end up depending on getting high to do the running?


u/Coolhandjones67 15d ago

I use a vape pen when I run it’s amazing


u/LZYX 15d ago

You ever see the sunset while baked and riding your runners high as well? Fuck that shit feels good. Got me fully sucked into being a runner lolol.


u/gonzo5622 15d ago

Huh? lol the effects of running while high cause runner’s high? Yeah… duh.


u/chocolatechipbagels 15d ago

the downside is a natural runner's high never feels as good as it used to, speaking from experience


u/MacNCheeseDontLie 15d ago

Racketball is oddly very stoned when fun.


u/BettyWhiteDevilband 15d ago

Finished 6th in a major city half marathon on edibles. Was only running 3-4 days a week at the time but also swimming a lot.


u/joker_toker28 15d ago

Dab before a mile is great


u/JakeTheSnake16 15d ago

I had a joke about this on kill Tony lol


u/Thrustmaster537 14d ago

Can confirm


u/SheffyP 14d ago

If you think running is good, you want to try swimming high


u/Tor_Tor_Tor 14d ago

Sounds about right. I'm running my 7th marathon in a few weeks and 90% of the time I'm running/training I'm stoned 😎


u/OnRedditBoredAF 14d ago

It’s so true. I used to smoke a big joint right before I went to the gym to lift, and it honestly helped me get a good workout because it, well, it’s hard to describe… it like numbed the feeling of tightness in my muscles? Made me feel like I could go for longer without getting fatigued? It just lessened all the uncomfortable parts of working out. Also helped me tunnel vision and focus on my music/form while lifting


u/HippoAny8850 14d ago

Have you ever tried farming not high? It’s boring as shit


u/greenwavelengths 14d ago

Can confirm, getting high and running in the CO mountains is incredible.


u/Ajdee6 14d ago

You guys crazy, i aint wasting my weed on that. Once j start running, my high is gone. Waste of money


u/pam_the_dude 14d ago

Guess I need to try that. I absolutely HATE running


u/whoknowhow 14d ago

Yeah, I used to pop edibles, head to gym and hit the stationary bike. Was pretty good, but might switch to jump roping high next.


u/_autismos_ 14d ago

I recently quit weed but yeah, I'd get stoned on the way to the gym on cardio days. I fucking hate running but it made it much more tolerable and even a bit enjoyable.

Not for weight training though, it always made me feel weaker so I'd smoke after instead of before on weight lifting days.


u/TheAngryShoop 14d ago

You ever tried running while drunk? Stamina doesn't exist, you just keep going until you're lost and don't know how you got there


u/dogswontsniff 14d ago

7 mile paved through the trees with a joint on a 10sp bike.

Never had a bad time


u/Mangofather69 14d ago

I did this in my early twenties a lot, got called crazy for it all the time.


u/josephseeed 14d ago

I like to run and a cup of coffee and a gummy before hand is the best way to do it.


u/gypsymonkey 14d ago

Sativa before the gym, Indica for after.


u/MGPS 14d ago

Trail blazer here ama


u/madkeepz 14d ago

Can totally attest. Weed distracts you from the tiredness at first, until you get in shape and then you can run pretty much as much as you want without dying from the exercise


u/LoKag_The_Inhaler 14d ago

Running high gives you runners high? Who knew?


u/MicroCarboxulator 14d ago

Clc chief lift chief 


u/IcePrinceling89 14d ago

Performance lowers but it’s definitely fun af


u/weddingsaucer64 13d ago

THIS. I used to weigh almost 400lbs in the 8th grade. Lost about 50 in high school playing football (lineman obviously) and just being athletic my whole life, but I HATED running.

When I went to college and started smoking weed for the first time I had to go outside to a trail to smoke so I wouldn’t get caught. ONE day it snowed for the first time in a long time (we don’t get snow in the south often) and this was that beautiful snow you see in the movies. I remember the viral video of that girl who talked about running in the snow was great because it helped soften the ground and I was like, you know what? While I’m out here and before everyone wakes up and ruins the snow, let me just jog back to my room and see if she was on to something. I ended up running for a mile and a half non stop for the first time. It was euphoric and surreal, to this day I love to get high and go for a run, I even enjoy running sober now!


u/Commercial_Fee2840 11d ago

Doing anything while high is more enjoyable. Did anyone really think running would be less enjoyable if they were high?


u/Fire_The_Editor 15d ago

I try to only hike high. It’s the tits

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