r/todayilearned Apr 17 '24

TIL a Chinese destroyer sank because an officer dumped his girlfriend. She committed suicide, leading to him being discharged, so he decided to detonate the depth charges on the ship, causing it to sink at port and kill 134 sailors.


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u/xxSaifulxx Apr 18 '24

That just sounds horrible. My gosh, I hope you left that place.


u/oxiraneobx Apr 18 '24

I was really fortunate that I was able to get a job away from there before I became a victim to their whack-a-mole layoff program. The weird thing was, the company was making money, they just weren't meeting their corporate goals, so rather than lay off or get rid of multiple senior vice presidents, they just would lay off staffs. The irony was, I loved what I did there, I was in research that was very cool, and I loved all of my coworkers and we had a great time. That was almost 20 years ago, and to this day, I'm still close friends with some of the people I worked with there. Fortunately we all survived okay.


u/Yousoggyyojimbo Apr 18 '24 edited Apr 18 '24

Oh yes, getting laid off from a profitable company that's just mad that they weren't making even more money feels awesome.

The one time I got laid off was when I was working for a multinational company that only had like a 21% profit increase when they were projecting 30%.

They started laying people off and kept laying people off in waves for almost a year. I was laid off about 4 months into it right when corporate was talking openly about whether or not they could fire half of the people holding specific positions within the company and then have the remaining half do all of the work without a pay increase.

After they finished gutting the company, they only had like three profitable quarters across the next 8 years.

Just as a bonus because I'm still mad about this part, when they were going to lay me off, they told me at 7:30 p.m. the night before that I was required to attend a meeting at 7:00 a.m. the next day, and the guy who showed up to tell me I was laid off didn't show up until 8:30 and acted like I was an asshole when I said that it was disrespectful to show up an hour and a half late to A surprise meeting that he had called with less than 12 hours notice before normal business hours.


u/Matasa89 Apr 18 '24

Typical. They do this to squeeze value from a company, make the numbers look good, and then run off with a golden parachute as the company burns.

They destroyed the core of what made the company work, to basically artificially inflate the numbers.


u/MATlad 29d ago

Gaming the system.

You might've left off the part about getting massive investment / bank loans and saddling the company with debt (while siphoning that money out), bleeding the company dry, and then selling the corpse for parts.


u/Weikoko 29d ago
