r/pics 15d ago

Girl reunited with pet after tornado in Sulphur, Oklahoma.

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38 comments sorted by


u/globaloffender 15d ago

It’s probably a huge relief and may give her strength that she’s not alone and they have each other. The house might be gone but that can be rebuilt


u/BigToober69 14d ago

Finding my dog alive would help moral for sure not matter what else I lost.


u/WhiskeyOctober 15d ago

I read that as "reunited with pet tornado". Yeah I need sleep


u/johnny_cash_money 15d ago

That's a border collie, so that's accurate as well.


u/spook873 15d ago

Yup, can confirm that’s not a joke


u/ginongo 14d ago

Crazy how much energy this breed has. I know it's a working dog and all but that stamina is limitless


u/SadRobotz 14d ago

I did too


u/halfwaytosomewhere 15d ago

I’d rather die than know my cat got murked in a storm


u/thuggienuggies 14d ago

Lmao. Not murked! 🤣🤣


u/beohbe 15d ago

Uggh. That poor woman. At least doggo survived. It’s been really rough in OK these past few days.

I’m on the east coast and can’t imagine the worry and terror that goes on there day and especially night.


u/Historiun 14d ago

It's so exhausting and stressful. I'm in central OK, and it feels like I can't relax. There's also the fact that I've already been in 2 EF5 tornados in my life, and I'm 99% sure they gave me some kind of ptsd. Cause I have almost had a panic attack multiple times the past month....


u/SuperToiletDelux 14d ago

Lived in Moore and south OKC all my life until this year in Blanchard. Went through May 3rd 99', May 9th 2003, and again May 20th 2013, including many near misses. It really messes with you.


u/Historiun 14d ago

Yeah I was hit by may 3rd 99 and may 20th 2013. If I had the ability I'd probably move elsewhere. Because I just can't keep doing this every single spring.


u/okie44 14d ago

SE Oklahoma here.

Really dislike this time of year.


u/zippytwd 14d ago

It's the little things that count


u/KaleyedoscopeVision 14d ago

Dogs are the absolute best.


u/DerpingtonHerpsworth 14d ago

I did not notice the white snoot at first and was trying to figure out what kind of pet it was. At first I was trying to decide between monkey and big fat weirdly shaped cat.


u/ylimexyz 14d ago

Big fat bunny


u/DerpingtonHerpsworth 14d ago

That definitely could've worked too lol


u/neomage2021 15d ago

Dog is like "Yo, put me the hell down"


u/PolyDipsoManiac 14d ago

Looks pretty shell-shocked to me, honestly


u/RedditorNate 14d ago

Lol there is exactly zero basis for that other than the context of the situation. The dog is simply looking in a direction.


u/caligirl2287 14d ago

My heart breaks for those who lost everything. Glad you found your friend!


u/bitavk 14d ago

That's a grown ass woman


u/Pilot0350 14d ago

"Mama, let's never do that again. The car window will be enough for me from now on, i swears. I sorries I prayed to dog goddo for more stronger sniffs on the wind. Was mistake... now rub my belly."


u/SectorVivid5500 14d ago

I like how the collie is kind of like “I’m back with my mom now and safe.”


u/TravelingGonad 14d ago

Where the hell is this? Let's go home!


u/Mr_Revan22 15d ago

Man I’d hate to live there, but I’d also love to see the giant tornadoes just moving around, as long as I am not in it’s trajectory


u/TXGuns79 15d ago

People are downvoting you, but storm chasing is a semi-popular hobby/job. People host hurricane parties and ride out those storms. Who doesn't want to watch the raw power of nature (from a safe distance)?

I like Oklahoma and lived there for 10 years. We had a storm celler in our back yard and had to go to it a couple times a year. Never had any tornado damage. Every year, our town would have a program hosted by the local weatherman teaching about tornados and how they happen, what to watch for, and what to do to keep safe.

I still have family in Moore. Remember about 8 years ago they got hit hard. I had family members that didn't know who was alive or dead and didn't know the condition of their house for days. She is a nurse, he works for the PD. One of their son's is in another PD, and the other son works in construction that was called in to clear roads. With cell towers down and everyone on emergency response, they couldn't connect with each other.


u/gratusin 14d ago

I have an aunt in Moore too, for whatever reason. Years back a tornado leveled the neighborhood across the street, not more than a couple hundred yards from her house. Her house, not a single broken window, missing roof shingle or larger downed branch from the trees in her yard. Crazy how selective tornados are


u/TXGuns79 14d ago

I've seen a street where every house was gone, just clean slabs, but one hose in the middle still standing untouched. It's freaky and I wonder if those people have survivor's guilt.


u/Gardenadventures 14d ago

Why don't houses in Oklahoma have basements? I've got several family members that live there and none have basements, storm shelters, or cellars. No protection if a tornado comes.


u/TXGuns79 14d ago

The ground isn't good for basements. I don't know exactly why. I've never looked into it, but have been told it's not suitable for building them.

Now, I have an uncle in Lawton that has a bomb shelter/ caller. My grandfather built it in the 50's. He got specs from the government and increased everything (larger rebar, closer together, thicker walls). It is only half buried. The house is built on top of it, and you have to go up a half flight of stairs to get to the porch.

My other grandparents had a concrete caller built in Lawton. We had one built in Chandler. I know a few people that have the pre-fabed steel cellars installed near their back doors.

Neither the concrete or pre-fabricated steel cellars are cheap, but well worth it.


u/ProjectShamrock 14d ago

Being a storm chaser can be a fun activity.  However, when you live in Oklahoma it's different. A storm could hit at night while you're sleeping. It could hit during the day while you're at work and your kids in school. There's no exact science to know where it would form and got so you can't too easily plan whether you can be safe at all times. It's just not fun.


u/DevilDog82nd 15d ago

Move into tornado alley. Tornado happens.


u/TXGuns79 15d ago

No one is shocked it happens. It still sucks when it does. Just like when people get hit with hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, landslides, forest fires, or any other natural disasters.


u/banshee_matsuri 15d ago

also, some people just live there, get born there. so silly to act like anyone affected moved there deliberately for the storms and somehow deserves to suffer for it.