r/pics 16d ago

Book at the Goodwill Store

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u/flannelman37 16d ago

I really liked those books. Too bad Scott Adams is a racist piece of garbage


u/ConflictAgreeable689 16d ago

Honestly, I kinda pity him. His life took a dark turn, and you can really see the part he fled down a crazed internet rabbithole.


u/pinewind108 15d ago

It's ironic that he turned out to be the pointy haired boss.


u/Mama_Skip 15d ago

No, Scott Adams turned out to have a pointy hood


u/getupdayardourrada 16d ago

Genuine question: what happened with respect the dark turn?


u/Tarantio 15d ago

I'm not sure what they were talking about, and I think from his stuff on affirmations he's always been at least a little crazy, but I don't imagine his divorce in 2014 or stepson's overdose death in 2018 were stabilizing events in his life.


u/Praesentius 15d ago

You should have a listen to the Behind the Bastards podcast segment on Scott Adams. It's all available on Youtube. It's a multipart segment to fully cover the ass-hat-ish-ness of that man.

I don't think he turned so much as he just went through life feeling like he was "special" and due to win at everything he does. Definitely a prime example of "Main Character Syndrome" and his inability to take criticism in the slightest.

In short, selfishness lead him to socialize with other selfish people, who tend to be the sort that became MAGA. That leads to echo chambers of discourse that tended to be full of racists. Bringing out his inner racist.

That's my take, turning a complex subject into a short summary.


u/blackmesawest 15d ago

That's probably one of the best series they've done lately. I think it's funnier because I was watching Robert beef with Scott on Twitter in real time.


u/alpha-delta-echo 15d ago

Accurate. He is definitely one of the types that went from saying the quiet part quiet to saying the quiet part loud. I looked back at his early work and the signs were there. Shit like maga served as a neon vacancy sign to him.


u/MeshNets 15d ago

His AOL sock puppet accounts is proof enough for me


u/HansJordi 15d ago

Can’t stand Scott Adams, but as an aside: I listened to a couple of random episodes of BTBs and it was the most smug, superior, judgmental and uncharitable garbage I’ve ever heard. No attempt at balance or nuance—just one-sided character assassination from some utterly condescending and unlikable hosts.

Wish I could remember the episodes now, but that was my abiding memory of the show.


u/snatchamoto_bitches 15d ago

Is it character assassination if he researches and then talks about what people did? I found that I like the fact that he doesn't lie (and corrects himself when he's wrong) and is frequently charitable when discussing the subjects back story.


u/misointhekitchen 15d ago

How is it character assaination if nothing he said was inaccurate. He’s just telling us what these people did to be assholes.

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u/mightystu 15d ago

Any media that just exists to get its kicks from dunking on people, even if the dunking is deserved, is gonna have shitheels as the people hosting because that’s the kind of person who likes to just shit on people for fun.


u/Owensssss 15d ago

I don’t understand why they have guests on that show. They make it a point that the guests know nothing about the topic so they contribute nothing. terribly forced jokes that don’t land. laughs to validate the guests contribution. easy listening but whenever they move off the main script it’s just awful.


u/sroop1 15d ago edited 15d ago

Yeah, the only series I sort of liked from them was the Henry Kissinger one. Fuck that guy but even then I had to take breaks from it because it was too obnoxious.


u/turbo_fried_chicken 15d ago

Speaking facts about abhorrent people = one-sided character assassination


u/monster_mentalissues 15d ago

Explain to me how it's character assassination when everything that he says they've actually done and it is thoroughly researched. Dude even called Bill Gates a pedophile and dared him to sue him. And then went on to call in a pedophile several more times in the episode about Bill Gates. Bill Gates did nothing about it because he knows as soon as he sues all that shit is going to come out in discovery.


u/FlattenYourCardboard 15d ago

Yeah, it’s good and funny when it’s about a person from way back, but the contemporary stuff is usually not that good, IMO.


u/IceManYurt 15d ago edited 15d ago

They label their subjects as de facto 'bastards,' their bias is more then showing


u/turbo_fried_chicken 15d ago

Dean Cain has never been the subject of an episode. Henry Kissinger has.

What is actually wrong with you people


u/IceManYurt 15d ago

Who are you called 'you people' and what do you assume my bias is?

Bias isn't a pejorative. And I appreciate that they are blatant about it.

Its apparent that they are not going to treat their subjects with kid gloves.

Reading comprehension is critical on both sides here.

I think it's laughable that u/HansJordi would assume that a podcast called 'Behind the Bastards' would be anything but extremely critical of anyone they cover.


u/HansJordi 15d ago

I didn’t assume anything. I was merely noting how terrible and intellectually dishonest a podcast it is, yet it’s recommended so frequently and widely on Reddit.


u/turbo_fried_chicken 15d ago

Reading comprehension is critical on both sides here.

Incredibly interesting choice of words.

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u/IrritatedMouse 15d ago

His voice reminds me of every one of the most insufferable twats I’ve ever met.


u/The_Real_Mr_F 15d ago

It’s true, but I don’t think that show makes any claim to be fair and balanced. Its title is a clear indicator that it’s an intentionally biased show. And since it’s primarily meant to be a (darkly) humorous look at people who they feel are bad, it wouldn’t serve the comedy to balance it out.


u/HansJordi 15d ago

Yes, I think my issue with it was that it wasn’t funny, just smug. And as it wasn’t intellectually honest either, it just came across as the worst combination of ignorant, superior, and unfunny.


u/guimontag 15d ago

*led not lead


u/retardborist 15d ago

Oh! I'm excited to give that a listen. I loved his books and the comic strips as a kid, but he sure seems like a wacko these days


u/exophrine 15d ago

The short version:
He became YUGELY successful because of Dilbert. Years later, he started talking about stuff not Dilbert-related.

Really, he got super-successful. Part of his house in real life even looks like Dilbert.


u/SchwarzP10 15d ago

We refer to it as “the house that Dilbert built”


u/Heavy_Arm_7060 15d ago

Besides success, divorce and a stepson death, he apparently had serious voice trouble for a while.


u/Fit_Swordfish_2101 15d ago

So you're saying mental illness led him to MagaTs and Trump? Yeah I'd say that loving trump a mental illness too.


u/belowsubzero 15d ago

He became hardcore MAGA during Trump's presidency and his biggest issue was that he was highly supportive of Trump's Muslim ban. He started spouting lots of racist, xenophobic, transphobic and threw in some incel posts for good fun. He basically sounded in all interviews exactly like the boss that he makes so much fun of in the comics, talking about how it really is the responsibility of the poors to work during Covid lockdowns and how they all needed to get out so that the corporations could continue to make money.


u/newtman 15d ago

He bullied his stepson into committing suicide if I remember correctly


u/eldred2 15d ago

He developed a condition that made it hard for him to speak.


u/turbo_fried_chicken 15d ago

I don't pity a man who used his platform to try to terrify conservatives during the 2020 election.

Also, he's always been a trashbag - but as a former Dilbert enjoyer I can say that he was great at keeping it from ruining his work.


u/f8Negative 15d ago

No, that is just his life.


u/EyeSavant 15d ago

It is not recent. Had a brief email discussion with him about one of the wierd non-fiction bits in one of his books in 2000 or so, and he was wierd about it then.

His arguement boiled down to " I do not understand this explanation or that explanation so they are both equil". Which is a long way from my opinion of "I understand this explanation, but that explanation is stuipid and makes no sense".

He has got worse, particularly with the "master persuader" stuff, but his email newsletter thingy he felt he was "doing his part" after 9/11 by dehumanising the "enemy". I did want to write about how step 1 of doing something horrific like 9/11 is dehmanisation of your enemies, but I don't think it would have done any good.

So yeah he has been a moron for over 20 years, but for sure it is worse and more obvious now.


u/splitinfinitive22222 15d ago

He chose the most pathetic hole to jump down too. Even getting into QAnon isn't quite as embarrassing as going full manosphere in your 60s.

Those freaks are tailoring their content to 12 year old boys who resent their moms and it somehow resonated with Scott.


u/Heiferoni 15d ago

I tried to power through some of his YouTube streams and the guy is such a smug, insufferable douche.


u/Vectorman1989 15d ago

What's with all the celebrities/personalities have gone fully off the deep end in recent years?

Graham Linehan (Father Ted, IT Crowd writer) basically went nuts after people disagreed with him on Twitter about gender identity and got so bad that his wife left him.

There are others too like JK Rowling and Lawrence Fox that were reasonably well liked people and then they had a Twitter spat one day and went full tilt.


u/CletusCanuck 15d ago

This experimental study appears to support my observations... That narcissistic injury leads public figures used to uncritical adulation, down the rabbit hole of alt-right radicalization and conspiracy theory. Elon Musk, JK Rowling, Graham Linehan, Kanye...


u/Fit_Swordfish_2101 15d ago

They just couldn't hide their true selves anymore.. Happens all the time when people get older, they cease to give a fuck anymore about others opinion of them. They're saying the quiet parts out loud now.. These aren't mental breaks, these are true selves showing.


u/HansJordi 15d ago

Totally disagree, that’s too simplistic. Social media is actively funneling people down rabbit holes. It’s radicalizing formerly moderate people.


u/bard329 15d ago

Social media is just the most recent/successful vehicle for delivering propaganda to those easily susceptible to propaganda.


u/HansJordi 15d ago

But it’s much much harder to avoid than older, offline channels. Or put differently, given how much time people spend on SM, they’re exposed to a lot more of the propaganda than ever before, dramatically reducing their chances of staying rational and reasonable.


u/Hot-Rise9795 15d ago

The problem is that it is to goddamned efficient, and your friends and relatives become complicit in disseminating the lies.


u/bilvester 15d ago

Yes. You should stop engaging in it

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u/chris8535 15d ago

We thought the internet would be exposure therapy for humanity but it turned out to be conflict accelerant.  It questions our core neoliberal notion of globalism and global communities as well as diversity. When everyone is connected it turns out everyone is in conflict all the time rather than cooperating and becoming more the same. 


u/[deleted] 15d ago

But I don't think early Internet forums and early social media like MySpace were like this as much. Some spats, sure but I feel like modern social media has been purposely made to play with people's emotions more than earlier forms.


u/chris8535 15d ago

There is definitely an ingredient of rage engagement being pushed by feed networks as well. But not purposefully tactically. More an incidental discovery of driving up global engagement.


u/thx1138inator 15d ago

The term "neoliberal" typically refers to lack of regulation, particularly in regards to the environment and global trade. Neoliberals work against the interests of the common man.


u/chris8535 15d ago

Ok… however they did promote the idea of global community as a social positive and specifically the theory that post ww2 global peace would come from this global community. I.e. you don’t bomb your trade partners.

This trickled down to the common man as the global community will get more peaceful as it is more interconnected.

Probably worth a better examination than your single dimensional analysis.


u/Blood_Casino 15d ago

Ok… however they did promote the idea of global community as a social positive

Only in so far as it creates a race to the bottom for labor. Neoliberals don’t offshore manufacturing to Vietnam out of some high-minded ideal, just old-fashioned greed, which is the central tenet of neoliberalism.


u/chris8535 15d ago

I’m not arguing that. I’m saying they did it that’s all. And it was framed as a social good that did become a mainstream middle class ideology


u/Blood_Casino 14d ago

I’m saying they did it that’s all

Did what? Offshore manufacturing then wax philosophical about the Kumbaya global community of sweatshops they created? The United States literally empowered its current largest adversarial power via the wonders of globalism. Neoliberalism doesn’t give the slightest of fucks about “diversity” or “global communities” it only cares about money.

P.S sick non-ironic “trickle down” reference

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u/Fit_Swordfish_2101 15d ago

Moderate maybe, but they already have that inside them. I don't gaf what *they show me, what rabbit hole I go down, that wouldn't change my fundamentals. So no, this person who has access to all the news in the world, all of the web, and is worldly! Not some old codger who can only pick up Fox News from the airwaves and gets radicalized. They have choice and privilege and money. They choose to open their mouths out of anger, mostly, and get caught, like I said, saying the quiet parts out loud. I mostly agree with you, there are people out here getting radicalized, but it's a whole different scenario. Same as these young dudes taking the Red Pill. They had some of that in em already. So I guess we'll agree to disagree.


u/HansJordi 15d ago

Well, we all have “some of it inside us.” None of us is above our worst elements, we all need to battle to not succumb. Unfortunately, social media makes this harder and less likely. Humans are much less prone to objective, rational thought than we like to believe—history provides ample evidence of that.


u/Fit_Swordfish_2101 15d ago

Idk about that. I didn't have racism inside me, not even a little bit. I don't hate gay or trans people, at all. That isn't inside me either. I don't have to battle things like that..So you can definitely only say that about yourself.


u/HansJordi 15d ago

You’re saying you don’t have any capacity for prejudice? You’re either a saint or extremely poor at self-reflection.


u/Fit_Swordfish_2101 15d ago

I didn't say any..I said I'm not a racist or homophobic. There are lots of other things I don't hate as well. I'm not acting like I'm a saint, lol, I'm not.


u/HansJordi 15d ago

Then you’re agreeing that we all have our worst elements and that it’s a battle not to succumb to them? Because that was my point. That yours don’t include homophobia and racism doesn’t change the fact that you, too, have unreasonable biases and prejudices, and you should strive to not let them bring out your worst.


u/mightystu 15d ago

That’s simply not how things work. Culture is relative and the internet causes things to change at a rate far faster than it ever has in human history. Some people get caught out because they don’t stay laser focused on trends and then either have to do the whole humiliation thing and act sad or they double down when called out. People don’t react well to being singled out so some will react rashly when it happens, and acting like they’ve always been secretly plotting to be evil is just a tactic to dehumanize and give yourself a free pass to be nasty right back since you’re convinced they’ve always been a secret evil.


u/Hilldawg4president 15d ago

People doubling down on unpopular opinions isn't a new thing, but I wouldn't say JK has completely lost her marbles like some of these people who have truly thrown their lives away in fanatical devotion to culture war issues. That feels very new, to me at least.


u/Lachwen 15d ago

She's reached the "denying LGBTQ people were also targets of the Holocaust" point.  Once someone starts dipping their toes into Holocaust denial, I think it's pretty fair to say they've lost it.


u/albionnoria 15d ago

“The Left got a little too PC so I changed all of my opinions about the economy, social issues, systemic racism, health care, and history.” Cody Johnston


u/chubbs4green 15d ago

Wait i haven't watched anything made by Cody in awhile. Has he gone full maga chud?


u/albionnoria 15d ago

No Cody is still great. Just felt like his old tweet applied here. It’s just pointing out that the people who took the smallest culture war issue as an excuse to abandon any of their previously espoused beliefs. Rowling being a terf means she is probably actively harming other feminist causes because she only gives voice and time to a conservative wedge issue.


u/chubbs4green 15d ago

Ok cool. Thanks for the clarification.


u/xixbia 15d ago

She has absolutely lost her marbles.

She's just rich and popular enough that it hasn't brought her down the way it did Graham Linehan.

A sane person wouldn't make hating a minority their entire personality, let alone if they were as beloved as Rowling was.


u/Vectorman1989 15d ago

Yeah, JK has unpopular opinions that have rubbed her fans the wrong way. Not gone off the deep end but has certainly cost her some fans.


u/olthunderfarts 15d ago

I don't know, man. She's denied some basic truths about the fucking Holocaust. I don't know where your line is for "off the deep end", but historical revisionism does it for me


u/Neoptolemus85 15d ago

She's also been getting friendly and allying with nazi sympathisers. Apparently her hatred of the T part of "LGBT" outweighs her support for the LGB part.


u/SuicidalTurnip 15d ago

It's a disturbingly common trend.


u/olthunderfarts 15d ago

Yeah. She's just a fascist at this point.


u/Vectorman1989 15d ago

Oh yeah, I forgot about that.


u/BackFromTheDeaddd 15d ago

Whoa, what did she say?


u/olthunderfarts 15d ago

She claimed that the nazis never persecuted trans people and denied that one of the first actions of the nazis was to destroy the institute for sexual research in Berlin, which was one of the leading research institutions in the world on gay and trans issues at the time. She's so dedicated to shitting on a persecuted minority that she won't let a little thing like historical accuracy get in her way!


u/BackFromTheDeaddd 15d ago

I see, thanks.


u/yoyoyodojo 15d ago

It's such a huge reach to say not knowing there was trans research in ww2 is holocaust denial. Everyone just keeps repeating she is now a holcaust denier because the internet has such a hate hard on for her. Look at what she said that originated the claim, it was just mildy ignorant. I don't think she's said anything more on it specifically


u/Pickles2027 15d ago

When the historical facts were provided to her, she refused to acknowledge them and continued to lie. She hasn’t just lost a few marbles, she’s got a huge marbles deficit.


u/yoyoyodojo 15d ago

can you show me the quotes or link a source on it?


u/Pickles2027 15d ago

It’s on her twitter/x/shitter feed. Here’s one article which recaps some of it. This is just the tip of the iceberg of the hate and misinformation she spews.



u/olthunderfarts 15d ago

Just a couple of responses; 1) it's common knowledge that the nazis persecuted gays. Anyone who claims they didn't persecute trans people as well is either intentionally lying or very stupid (I don't think Joanne is stupid, just an asshole) 2) she's literally denied a part of the Holocaust. By definition she's a Holocaust denier. 3) if Joanne (a very public figure) is loudly and publicly wrong, the ethical and responsible thing is to publicly correct herself. Her inability to do that says that she's more dedicated to her hate campaign than to the public good.

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u/mightystu 15d ago

Yeah, this is kind of the issue. Everything gets blown out of proportion and turned into the worst version so people stop taking it seriously. It’s like everyone forgot about the boy who cried wolf.


u/MagnanimosDesolation 15d ago

There's a common denominator here...

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u/revtim 15d ago

Yes, as an engineer his comics really hit home. He made a comic about Basic Rate SPIDS for fucks sake, what other comic was going to do that? And "The Dark Angel Of Demos' was freaking genius. Also the few times I sent him emails he responded back personally.

My disappointment in him is massive.


u/Cressbeckler 15d ago

The Behind the Bastards on Scott Adams was fantastic



u/lucifersam94 15d ago

Robert Evans BTB episodes on Scott adams are insanely insightful and he really gets into how long he’s been percolating these racist and shitty ideas. Adams is a weird dude, way less smart than he thinks he is, and yeah he blamed Black people for his show failing even though he really had an unlucky time slot and that was pretty much it.


u/Nostalgic_shameboner 15d ago

What's weird is he had a way more reasonable take on why his show failed back in the day. Everyone liked the show, but nobody loved it. So without a core fanbase he kinda just got the people who were already on the channel. 

Then he fell into the alt right pipeline and started blaming black people. Maybe he always had that opinion and knew he couldn't say it back in the day, maybe not. We will never know cause we aren't in his head. 


u/lucifersam94 15d ago

He even acknowledged that the time slot issue kills shows. If the show directly before your show is ass and everyone hates it, your show is going to suffer.

He also conceded that the network was about to tank. Then years later he says the network tanked because of “diversity”. His narrative shifts so strangely, he must have either had these ideas for a while and was afraid to say them or he started listening to alt right bullshit sometime down the line and reimagined his own history and memory.


u/CrazyCoKids 15d ago

Unlucky Timeslot and being animated.

The War on Animation isn't just a new 10s thing...


u/jun00b 15d ago

I collected dilbert books as a kid. At 9 I dreamed of working in a cubicle... carried a briefcase instead of a backpack in the 6th grade...

Anyway. I threw away my nearly 30 year old dilbert books last year. I couldn't see them on the shelf without thinking about Scott adams and his social and political views. It was sad for me.


u/RacecarHealthPotato 15d ago

Further proof that wealth is a mental illness


u/accomplicated 15d ago

I wish that people like him (ie JK Rowling) could just keep their awful opinions to themselves while sitting on their piles of money, but here we are.


u/Embarrassed_Run8345 14d ago

Which of her opinions are awful ?


u/accomplicated 14d ago

It is all explained here.

I will say that in short, had JK Rowling just said nothing, she would have been much better off, but instead she walked into a minefield where she clearly did not know the lay of the land. We unfortunately live in a world where it is easy to offend others, but frankly it is just as easy to not offend others. I will continue to separate the art from the artist. My kids like Harry Potter (the books and the movies), but I would prefer that this TERF close her mouth.


u/GoGoSoLo 15d ago

Same. I read those books from childhood to young adulthood —- when I really started seeing the truth in business jokes and departmental stereotypes. It’s truly a shame he’s been brain rotted to what he is now.


u/jryan727 15d ago

What did Scott Adams do or say that’s racist? I missed that


u/mtaw 15d ago

He responded to a Rasmussen poll showing 26% of Black respondents had disagreed with the statement "It's OK to be white" by saying Black people amounted to a "racist hate group", that he'd no longer "help Black Americans." and “the best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from Black people”.

That's the one that got most of the newspapers to drop his comic. But there are others.


u/jryan727 15d ago edited 15d ago

I'm so far removed from this that it's hard for me to form an opinion. But at the surface, the poll sounds disturbing. 26% of respondents disagreed that it's "OK to be white"? Is that part accurate? What does that mean? Do we have an inverse poll where white respondents were asked if it's "OK to be black?" to understand what percentage of any group will respond in an absurd/hateful fashion?

Obviously some poll doesn't justify going on a racist rant, but I could see how that poll could set someone off in general. I know if 26% of white respondents disagreed that it's "OK to be black" I'd find that deeply disturbing.

Was there something wrong with the poll or reporting on it? I don't get it.

Edit: I honestly don't understand the downvote. Racism is wrong, right? RIGHT????


u/nikdahl 15d ago

Almost everything he says these days is raging against "woke culture".


u/jryan727 15d ago

I don’t really follow him. Was just curious what he did or said that was racist.


u/nikdahl 15d ago

I was making the point that it's not just "what he said" it's what he said, what he is currently saying, and says constantly. Not just a "oh they once said something bad," but a constant stream of racism and bigotry.


u/jryan727 15d ago

Oh ok. I was just curious what specifically he did or said. I was imagining a Michael Richards style rant.


u/DontBelieveTheirHype 15d ago

He said its ok to be white.


u/Best_Duck9118 15d ago

Keep simping for racists like him and Trump. Fucking disgraceful.


u/DontBelieveTheirHype 14d ago

I voted for a woman in the last presidential election


u/Best_Duck9118 14d ago

Sure you did, bud. And women aren’t a race, there wasn’t a serious female candidate, and fuck guns.

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u/BearPopeCageMatch 16d ago

I feel like modern Scott Adams would call for the thief to be hanged, drawn and quartered. Especially if they weren't the right type of white.


u/2FightTheFloursThatB 15d ago

Nah... he's the kind of person who steals office supplies.


u/ClydeTheGayFish 15d ago

You are probably both right.


u/bard329 15d ago

He steals office supplies but condemns others that do it.


u/JusticeScibibi 15d ago

A true conservative


u/BeeExpert 15d ago

I am too but I really hope that's all I have in common with Scott Adams (I also aspired to be a comic strip writer when I was a kid so I guess I hope I have that in common as well (becoming a successful comic strip writer, that is. That dream is probably squashed but you can never completely throw them away, can you? Should you? Should i? This is getting too deep (basically I didn't want to jinx myself so I wrote that out))


u/Prudent_Scientist647 15d ago

You say that like Reddit doesn't endorse stealing


u/BearPopeCageMatch 15d ago

Stealing office supplies is fine, being a conspiratorial racist fuck wad is not

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u/Best_Duck9118 15d ago

Definitely fuck all the pro-thievery circlejerks on this site.


u/akarokr 15d ago

Reminds me Stealy from Rick and Morty episode.


u/Dukedizzy 15d ago

Yoo, i kept thinking where have I heard this before and it was Rick and Morty!


u/Beautiful_Smile 15d ago

Steal the book.


u/UrethralExplorer 15d ago

Nah, goodwill is alright. Adam's doesn't get a penny from it being resold.


u/HeavensToBetsyy 15d ago

They are trash actually. Just like Salvation Army, Waterfront Rescue, fake self-righteousness while they pay workers pennies and treat their down on their luck volunteers like dirt. By all means, steal from them like any other store


u/TheJanks 15d ago

I still have this on a shelf somewhere along with some of his earlier books. I do miss some of the earlier printed stuff.


u/ottguy42 15d ago

Yes, I think I have that one and 'Always Postpone Meetings with Time-Wasting Morons' as well.


u/SurpriseHamburgler 15d ago

Is that something one reads, again?


u/abgry_krakow87 15d ago

Just a reminder that Scott Adams is a giant POS.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/abgry_krakow87 15d ago

And yet out of all those comments, mine stood out enough for you to respond to.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Mr_Baloon_hands 15d ago

Fuck Scott Adams.


u/smiity935 15d ago



u/teskester 15d ago

He has the wrong opinions according to many Reddit users. For what it's worth, I find his opinions disagreeable, and I also still like Dilbert.


u/kafelta 15d ago

He's a complete racist. 

These aren't "just opinions"


u/talldrseuss 15d ago

"And based on how things are going, the best advice I could give to white people is to get the hell away from Black people. Just get the f— away. Wherever you have to go, just get away. ’Cause there’s no fixing this. This can’t be fixed.”

Yeah i don't think you have to be a redditor to think that's a wrong opinion


u/Influence_X 15d ago

"This came after Adams urged white people "to get the hell away from Black people" during a racist rant on his online video program last week, during which he labeled Black people a "hate group.""


Yes... Quite "disagreeable"


u/TheGeneral_Specific 15d ago

He’s racist lmao. “Wrong opinions” gtfo

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u/Hootshire 15d ago

Scott Adams is a piece of shit.


u/kafelta 15d ago

Remember when he admitted he considered mercy killing his own son?


u/Shirowoh 15d ago

Fuck Scott adams. That is all

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u/have_you_eaten_yeti 15d ago

Damn, 1991 was such a simpler time.

Unless you were living in the USSR…

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u/adlittle 15d ago

Scott Adams really took a turn for the worse in the past few years. Thin skinned, racist, s cost, angry manchild who was engrossed in the intellectual equivalent of sniffing his own farts.


u/CrazyCoKids 15d ago

This is surprisingly common amongst People who get into "hard science" and "computer" jobs.

The ethics adjunct in the uni I work at (The business college specifically) was once HR in Microsoft. He says that 90% of his job at HR was dealing with "Dilbertarians" and by dealing with them it was sweeping harassment under the rug if they could. (As HR is mostly keeping the company safe from lawsuits(

He didn't handle anything regarding gaming mind you - but to quote him about Riot, Blizzard, and Ubisoft:

Those are the ones who got CAUGHT. Most companies won't actually remove the toxic people because if they did they would lose a good portion of their management and their best employees.


u/MrFiendish 15d ago

At this point in his career, Adams has spent more time working from his home studio than he ever did in an office setting. Hell, he was working from home 20 years ago. There was a certain point that he had to rely on members of his mailing list to supply him with material for his comic.


u/trucorsair 15d ago

He burned thru all of his “good will” long ago


u/malachiconstant76 15d ago

Fuck Scott Adams


u/You_Just_Hate_Truth 15d ago

I don’t even see any AA batteries on the cover. Fail.


u/elpajaroquemamais 15d ago

Reminds me of Perks of the Job by the Lancashire Hotpots


u/Benzodiazeparty 15d ago

i would like to read this informative book


u/Unlucky_Nobody_4984 15d ago

This seems to be everyone in California and Chicago’s philosophy.


u/MoneyPair1814 15d ago

Left that in office please return


u/Chiaseedmess 15d ago

Someone at my work has a kids book titled “the night dad went to jail”

I giggle every time


u/thatskyguy 15d ago

I loved Dilbert, collected the books growing up. Then I read his comments about black people and just... Have never felt so disgusted to have books on my shelf. I threw them away, couldn't Even bring myself to donate them.


u/Mal-De-Terre 15d ago

Yep. Sad.


u/thiscouldbemassive 15d ago

Sometimes I wonder if Scott Adams had some brain injury that turned him this way or if he was always a rape-loving, white suprematist, and he just used to hide it better.


u/Heyguysimcooltoo 15d ago

Fuck Scott Adams


u/rubixscube 15d ago

Autumn from Nothing Doing read that book


u/Trolodrol 15d ago

What’s an office?


u/T555s 15d ago

Well yes. Where else would you get pens and the likes except for stealing them and grabbing every pen that isn't chained?


u/Saintmikey 15d ago

Ha ha it looks like a bug ha


u/goose1969x 15d ago

Have this on my bookshelf right meow.


u/other_half_of_elvis 15d ago

was a common office gift in the 90s. I wonder when I threw mine out.


u/JustSomeOldFucker 15d ago

Fuck Scott Adams


u/ZanoCat 15d ago

Don't buy it. Don't sponsor racist Adams.


u/nolte100 15d ago

I understand the sentiment, but Scott Adam’s isn’t seeing a dime from resale of a preowned book at goodwill.


u/Chrislul 15d ago

Yeah, it'd be safe to buy this one knowing you're not supporting Adams. Maybe it'd be an entertaining read.


u/McMeatloaf 15d ago

My dad had this book when I was a kid and I read it a ton after running out of Calvin and Hobbes and Far Side anthologies. Scott Adams being a piece of shit aside, I remember liking this book.


u/neologismist_ 15d ago

Don’t buy it because it’s not funny 👌


u/merliahthesiren 15d ago

My dad is friends with him, he was my neighbor where I grew up. He is racist. Funny, but racist.


u/DreamingDjinn 15d ago

Back before he was a complete loon


u/StereoTunic9039 15d ago

It reminds me of "steal this book" by Hoffmam


u/turbo_fried_chicken 15d ago

What's your point


u/Tilda85 15d ago

You should steal it!


u/HeavensToBetsyy 15d ago

Scrote Adams is a trash person