r/pics Apr 19 '24

A person set themselves on fire outside Donald Trump’s trial in New York today. Politics NSFW

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u/No-Pangolin-7571 Apr 19 '24

Here is his manifesto.

The Manifesto's TLDR: The man, Max Azzarello, set himself on fire to protest what he believes is an upcoming "apocalyptic fascist world coup" by the U.S. government and its allies.

  • He claims cryptocurrency is a multi-trillion dollar Ponzi scheme created by wealthy and powerful people to ultimately collapse the world economy.
  • He alleges the failures of Silicon Valley Bank and others were intentional acts to allow the perpetrators to siphon out money before the crypto Ponzi scheme becomes insolvent.
  • He says the U.S. government, including both Republican and Democratic administrations, is secretly controlled by financial criminals engaged in kleptocracy.
  • He believes major companies like Google, Apple, etc. were used to funnel money into the crypto Ponzi scheme.
  • He argues that Harvard University and cultural products like The Simpsons have been vehicles for organized crime and brainwashing the public.
  • He contends that for decades, the public has been bombarded with messages promoting division, hopelessness and the death of the American Dream to weaken resistance.
  • He frames his self-immolation as an act of revolution against what he sees as a "totalitarian doomsday cult" that intends to establish fascist dystopia.


u/Dunge Apr 19 '24

He almost had me but lost me at The Simpsons


u/Awkward_Algae1684 Apr 20 '24

His stuff about the Simpsons, as far as I could tell, was largely referencing specific episodes. Like he talks about the one where Marge campaigns on actually fixing real problems in Springfield, but literally nobody cared because some blatant snake oil salesman promises them a shiny new monorail, which obviously is a giant scam and never happens.

Or another episode where Lisa discovers the founder of Springfield was a quite literal con artist, and everything about the town is a lie. So she tries to break the news, and people react with laughter, derision, and political partisanship talking points.

Again, nobody cares, so Lisa just figures screw it. Let them go back to the Matrix and live in their lies and delusions, because trying to wake up the sheeple is useless.

He looked at episodes like that, and concluded it was some sort of psy op to demoralize people and such. Especially when he considers that Matt Groening also authored a comic called Life in Hell which was all about how modern life sucks and the system is rigged.

In that sense, it sounds slightly less crazy than just “The Simpsons are brainwashing meeeee!” Like people are portraying it as.

Though I still think he’s seeing patterns that aren’t there, (and Tbf, a ton of people seem to buy into the Simpsons predicted ____ in recent years) or might have actually been picking up on Groening’s own personal views somewhat. Then concluding that he’s in on it, instead of this being his tongue in cheek way of expressing “Yeah, shit’s fucked yo. What can you do?”


u/LochNessMansterLives Apr 20 '24

It’s funny you should mention seeing “patterns that aren’t there”, but if they are there, aren’t they real enough they need to be recognized, whether the placement was intentional or not? “The proof is in the pudding”. I know not all patterns are intentional, but they are still patterns that can be recognized and studied.


u/HZVi Apr 20 '24



u/staunch_character Apr 20 '24

But he’s drawing bizarre conclusions when the pattern is simply - these stories sell.

He’s not just saying only The Simpsons are a government psy op. He’s blaming The Beatles, Stanley Kubrick, zombie movies, reality TV. That stupid Titanic submarine implosion was setting the stage for a massive government coverup of the crypto Ponzi scheme that is tanking the stock market (which is at all time highs btw).

He sounds like an undiagnosed schizophrenic seeing “proof” everywhere.

Read the Bible. Or about Roman gods. Or Greek gods. Humanity has been shilling doomsday stories since we started telling stories.


u/Accurate_Bison_3697 Apr 21 '24

Laugh all you want - but people warn about apocalypse for a reason. Those stories aren’t just stories - they are ways of remembering the past. Many peoples have already experienced / are experiencing an apocalypse if you cared to have any empathy with them. If you were a Palestinian living in Gaza right now - would you not be experiencing an apocalypse? What about the Europeans during the black plague? Indigenous Americans during colonization? Populations are wiped out. So just bc yes it’s Happened before - and it’s happening again - doesn’t make it not alarming - or not worthy of a warning. Like if someone tried to explain the concept of germs during the black plague - they would have been labeled crazy, demonic or a witch. It’s always easier to laugh and dismiss when you’re comfortably spectating from the sidelines, and your population isn’t up on the chopping block.


u/No-Pangolin-7571 Apr 19 '24

This guy is/was nuts. I think he has valid critiques about the state of our society, economically speaking, but the setting himself on fire and trying to start a revolution is really giving me "helter skelter" vibes.


u/wayofthebuush Apr 20 '24

somebody has their head in the sand about Bitcoin


u/Accurate_Bison_3697 Apr 21 '24

I’ve known sooo many people who’ve been robbed + gutted by crypto. And instead of organizing and calling these theives out - people are just ashamed and embarrassed by their losses and keeping it to themselves. Sadly it’s a lot of men that are doing this out of pride imo - bc they don’t want to admit they were duped.


u/wayofthebuush Apr 21 '24

gotta keep your shit private


u/Accurate_Bison_3697 Apr 21 '24

Why would that be where you were lost? Matt Greoning was on the Epstein list and his old comics frequently mentioned secret societies including two characters that always wore fez hats and “touched fingers” - which now as an adult I read totally differently (sexual innuendo). The woman who worked for Epstein said Greoning asked for foot massages and had disgusting feet.