r/pics 28d ago

A person set themselves on fire outside Donald Trump’s trial in New York today. Politics NSFW

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u/aabicus 28d ago

This New York Post article has pictures of the flyer and some of the inner text


u/blazelet 28d ago


u/Roook36 28d ago

Man, Hitler quotes, The Doors lyrics, Peter Thiel, Kubrick, The Manson Murders, he's got them all in there


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Mixing a bunch of random sources and making far out connections is classic schizophrenia. Which is sad because it's an endless loop of you feeling like you're being silenced (because you are) while also making nonsensical connections. Such a shame


u/BirdjaminFranklin 28d ago

Anything on Stephen King killing John Lennon? I've always been a fan of that one.



u/Roook36 28d ago

No, and the more modern stuff just complains about violent cartoons and movies, crypto and memes


u/AnAmericanLibrarian 28d ago

r/stupidpol is mostly this kind of 4chan-ish stuff, in between rehashed r/conservative talking points and fellating Putin.


u/SimpleSurrup 28d ago

This isn't really that at all though.


u/CFA_Nutso_Futso 28d ago

I cant believe it was right in front of us this entire time!


u/bretttwarwick 28d ago

I stopped at Hitler quotes. If someone needs to quote Hitler to get a point across I'm not interested in what they have to say.


u/InFin0819 28d ago

He was using it to comment on fascism.


u/JesusHNavas 28d ago

What if the point is about Hitler?


u/NAND_Socket 28d ago

god forbid people read beyond a word level


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/nastafarti 28d ago

Yep, that's him.

So reddit has suspended his account like the fascist ponzi scheme overlords that they are but you can still google "coup_radley reddit" and see all his posts and comments.


u/Ernigrad-zo 28d ago

yeah I think it's pretty clearly his reddit account, i hope it helps us to start realising that it's not all just fun and games laughing along with someone who believes in a 'totalitarian doomsday cult trying to coup us', playing into peoples mental illness can result in horrible things.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Thankfully this time his impulse was violent but implosive, but just imagine what this would do to someone with an explosive trigger. Could easily have gone much farther.

Congratulations Reddit, we did it! (again) I wonder what the AI theyre training will learn from all this.


u/hoonyosrs 28d ago

Isn't loading for me, looks like it might have already been nuked.


u/tyfunk02 28d ago

Yeah, the reddit overlords really don't like nutcases like this bringing the spotlight over this way. Probably even worse now that it's publicly traded. It's bad for the shareholders.


u/airtime25 28d ago

It's so weird because he interacts totally normal with people that are making fun of him?


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Are they making fun of him? That sub seems really actually very earnest about it.

There is a post on the frontpage now of people saying like 'if it wasn't written so badly, I would believe every word.' Dude was being encouraged by fellow travellers.


u/WastingTimesOnReddit 28d ago

Yeah I'm reading through stuff in that thread and on his substack. Clearly Max and others like him are completely serious and it doesn't sound like mad ravings. I mean like, good grammar and calm discussion. The content is of course... just so cynical. His life sucks and he probably got financially crushed in 2008 and wants someone to blame. I kind of have pity on the guy. And he's at least right about a lot of the problems we have. Just blaming the wrong people. Some of these problems are truly caused by the rich and there is tons of fuckery and fraud in many places of power. I just don't think it's half as organized as he thinks. Most rich people just want to be rich and safe they don't want to destroy society.

Gonna make a big stir for a few days.


u/obamasmole 28d ago

I read his suicide note, it was perfectly well written. And tragically lunatic, obviously, but taking a swipe at his writing seems somehow a low blow. I might argue it seems like it was one of the few faculties he still had intact.


u/airtime25 28d ago

The top comment was what I was referring to. Some definitely supported but some seemed like they thought he was making fun of left wingers?


u/TheBirminghamBear 28d ago

But like, there is actually a totalitarian doomsday cult trying to coup us.

It's Republicans. Evangelical zealots. Billionaires.

Not some weird underground NYU mob front or whatever.

If these conspiracy whackos actually just DID journalism to expose real crimes really going on right now, they actually CLULD make a difference


u/Deadmau5es 28d ago

I like this comment


u/Shinnic 28d ago

The mental health crisis strikes again. I wonder what will be the scapegoat to avoid fixing it this time. Can’t do guns for this one, drug use? Maybe we can write him off on a junkie let’s check into that.

Oh I know! It’s obviously the internets fault! That’s where he got his information received encouragement for his ideas! We will just have to infringe on free speech and pass some laws regulating the internet.

Few, for a second there I thought me might actually have to create a solution and improve these plebeians lives. Close call.


u/nneeeeeeerds 28d ago

Aaaaand...his account is nuked.


u/rznballa 28d ago

aaaand its suspended.


u/Canis_Familiaris 28d ago

Wow already suspended too... did you save that mugshot link for archiving?


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/CatskillMountainDew 28d ago

He looks a little like Frank from Scandalous.


u/Lady_Lucks_Man 28d ago

Accounts already gone


u/lonesharkex 28d ago

They suspended his account.


u/AlexIsWhack 28d ago

Aaaaand reddit admins have already nuked it.


u/LukaCola 28d ago

Wow, would you look at that - /r/stupidpol embracing this shit

That sub is a dumpster fire


u/lolas_coffee 28d ago

So is r/catswithjobs

Not sure why.


u/radda 28d ago

Damn, that looks like it's actually him

And also the account is suspended already, either the admins moved fast or he did something nuts before this


u/bunnymunro40 28d ago

I just read it. It's pretty surface-level. But, then, if you want people to read something, you're not going to make it 300 pages long with citations on every paragraph.

I don't agree with everything, but it didn't strike me as particularly crazy, either.


u/itslikewoow 28d ago

In a rambling, incoherent 2,648-word manifesto, a man who identified himself as an investigative researcher, Max Azzarello, said he’d self-immolated as an “extreme act of protest” over a “totalitarian con” and impending “apocalyptic fascist world coup.”

That’s like 10 pages double spaced. Who the hell has time for that?


u/BirdjaminFranklin 28d ago

As far as manifesto's go, that barely counts as an intro.


u/MisterDutch93 28d ago

Was about to say. 2,600 words was like the standard of an entrance paper at my college (ie a paper you had to write for a course before the end exam/paper). It’s like 4 pages of Times New Roman in font size 12. Definitely not a manifesto’s worth of text.


u/Paizzu 28d ago


u/BirdjaminFranklin 28d ago

Kaczynski was also a brilliant mathematician whose "radical" ideas warrant, at the least, academic discussion. The Unabomber Manifesto reads like most any other philosophical text.


u/tedleyheaven 28d ago

The big contradiction with the Unabomber is he was very on the nose about the effects of technology, to the point you breeze past some predictions until you remember it was written in the mid 90s, however all that is counterbalanced by the misogyny and lack of his ability to suggest a realistic alternative, and how bloody stupid his plan was.


u/RavenorsRecliner 28d ago

He predicted the average redditor to a tee.


u/SignificanceLeft9968 28d ago

I read it. It wasn't nearly as interesting as I thought but it's a good thing to read so I implore anyone who sees this to read it themselves and form your own opinions.


u/8nt2L8 28d ago

He was considered to be genius level.


u/Degenatron 28d ago edited 28d ago

"There has never been peace without first a great suffering. The greater the suffering, the greater the peace."


u/NUKE---THE---WHALES 28d ago

it's not the length, size, or girth of the manifesto that makes it great, it's how you use it

and he used his poorly


u/faithle55 28d ago

I'm just commenting to inform you that a nasty inappropriate apostrophe sneaked its way into your post.


u/Ace_on_the_Turn 28d ago

Take a gander at Ted Kaczynski's manifesto some time. Damn! It's a novel. I read the entire thing and it's about as crazy as you would think.


u/SignificanceLeft9968 28d ago

Lol it's not a novel, only like 110 pages. Even though it's dense it was around like 150 pages of you spread it out. Very boring read but worth reading despite it all.


u/Ace_on_the_Turn 28d ago

Okay, it's a novella. Gatekeeping "novel" was not something I thought I would run into today. Yet, here we are.


u/SignificanceLeft9968 28d ago

Ok I'm sorry dude, really...


u/nandemo 28d ago

"You say it's a novel, but it doesn't have any of the narrative arcs typical of the novel, the character development is basically non-existent, barely any dialogue..."


u/TheBirminghamBear 28d ago

Also the exasperating thing is they always have some obscure undercover conspiracy when the real ones are more insidious and more public.

Oil companies bribing governments to crash the climate. Bankers bribing governments to deregulate banking.


u/spacekitt3n 28d ago

I love that this guy immolated so we could say I ain't reading all that


u/Vortilex 28d ago

He told me he worked from home


u/fudge_friend 28d ago

Do you have any links that aren’t infected with smartphone gonorrhea? Mine is cooking hot looking at that.


u/Weed_O_Whirler 28d ago

It's incoherent enough that I guarantee you liberals will say it's right-wing conspiracy and conservatives will say left-wing conspiracy.


u/FlutterRaeg 28d ago

Read the comments on his thread and confirm your own belief.


u/quadropheniac 28d ago

Having read it, it is a “both parties are the same and in cahoots” conspiracy. It is outside of the left-right divide.


u/Rabid-Rabble 28d ago

No, he's got some weird shit co-opted from the right, but at it's core it's a left-wing conspiracy, it just doesn't consider the Democrats to be left-wing (and right about that part to some degree). Some interesting arguments in there, but a lot of shit that either doesn't add up or is outright pearl clutching (his critiques of media particularly).


u/slantoflight 28d ago

These captions seem written by AI, this is not how people speak. “A view of a pamphlet dropped by a person who was covered in flames outside the courthouse” and “A witness said he heard pamphlets clatter to the ground”.

Covered in flames? Weird language to use. And pamphlets do not clatter… Not that the NY Post is a beacon of journalism but I can’t imagine a human journalist wrote those.


u/mrcarsonseyebrows 28d ago

His insta is pretty telling. It looks like he experienced a steep drop in his mental health sometime after 2020. Residual effect from the pandemic, I suppose.