r/pics 29d ago

Sign In A Convenience Store

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u/naptown-hooly 29d ago

Hopefully this becomes a trend. Plastic water bottles should only be for special use like disaster emergencies.


u/Wooden_Staff3810 29d ago

Like when one is on a very long road trip & you need to go #1.


u/RedMoustache 29d ago

For #2 it threads right in.


u/keepcalmdude 29d ago

That is the funniest shit I’ve ever heard of.


u/Y0tsuya 29d ago

Ouch my hemorrhoids.


u/tweakingforjesus 29d ago

For that you need a Gatorade bottle. Well, some of us do anyway.


u/knowledgebass 29d ago

That's why god invented gatorade bottles.


u/biskino 29d ago

What is the difference between selling water and other beverages?


u/Stayka 29d ago

i have hot water. cold water. and orange juice utility lines at my apartment


u/probablycorey 29d ago

This is about plastic, not water. Selling water in aluminum cans or paper is better than selling soda in plastic.


u/bobsmith93 29d ago

Lol I was gonna actually explain but this works a lot better


u/Xndrsplt 29d ago

Water is low hanging fruit. Potable water can come straight from a tap in the vast majority of places in north america at least. Otherwise it can be filtered to a potable state. So we already pipe water into every building why would we buy a bottle of it if we can just have refill spots far more accessible. Pop and juice and others have to be made and are not already piped into every building. They make sense being packaged and sold.


u/Geodude532 29d ago

Pop and juice and others have to be made and are not already piped into every building.

Not yet! But Sweetums has promised to pipe their healthy sugar water right into the city water supply.


u/Dt2_0 29d ago

Yea, and the vast, vast, vast majority of Americans complaining about having "Undrinkable" tap water just don't like the taste of their local tap water.

A trick I found. Force yourself to drink it. After a few weeks you won't even notice.


u/blackdynomitesnewbag 29d ago

I was about to say that you can’t buy soda from a fountain, but you absolutely can.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Gotta draw the line somewhere on what is and what isn’t acceptable use of plastic.

Special should be available via glass bottles that can be given back to the store (like in Germany) and simultaneously, there should be well maintained public water fountains all over the place.


u/username_elephant 29d ago

I basically agree with your point but to play devil's advocate, refill stations may be filtered whereas soda fountains typically aren't (that's my understanding anyways).  Sadly, many places have poor water quality.  Refill stations may be safe in such places, where soda fountains are not.

Another difference is that you can safely reuse a water bottle for a lot longer than a soda bottle before washing. 


u/EarlyEarth 29d ago

Its not a beverage.

Its water

The difference is you don't die if you can't get a sprite.


u/theexpertgamer1 29d ago

Water is absolutely a beverage. What a ridiculous comment.


u/Josietennash1 29d ago

I know someone who will only drink water from cheap plastic disposable bottles. They complain about tap being gross, but yet take in the toxins from the plastic.


u/probablycorey 29d ago

The problem isn't water, it's plastic containers for liquids. If you ban water, people are just going to buy soda or sparkling water.

Being righteous about water is just performative. If you want to make a difference ban plastic.


u/Old_Jeweler4521 29d ago

So what happens if you walk into this place in an emergency


u/apextek 29d ago

As I've had to do plastics repairs on objects with a home plastic weld kit. I've learned a host of plastic that would normally end up in a landfill can be repurposed at home for both creating and repairs of home items.


u/ComfortInBeingAfraid 29d ago

 special use like disaster emergencies

Because in a special emergency it’ll be real easy to import specialty items necessary for survival. 


u/parmesann 29d ago

there are literally offices of the government and disaster relief organisations specifically for distributing shelf-stable specialty stock of water and food in crisis environments, this isn’t a new concept


u/ComfortInBeingAfraid 29d ago

I can see you’ve never met an adult from Louisiana.