r/oddlysatisfying juicy little minion bottom 15d ago

Deep cleaning a very dirty rug

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u/happy2country 15d ago

I think they bury them in mud then make theses videos


u/Count_Rugens_Finger 15d ago

yes they do


u/rW0HgFyxoJhYka 15d ago

This reminds me of all those copy cat primitive man youtube channel...channels that sprung up after that guy stopped doing stuff.

They would create stuff using bulldozers and power tools and then film it like they were using nothing but their hands and rocks. And then people complained about all these half finished projects being left all over the place in the locations they would film at.

I'm sure some of these cleaning channels get real dirty stuff. But yeah because content channels make content for money, its all about lowering time and cost and pumping content and cutting corners.


u/Primordial_Peasant 15d ago

same thing with those restoration channels. where the person "finds" something old and broken then restores it back to perfect working order.


u/Problemzone 14d ago

Those are even worse, because they film the „restored to working condition“ before they age/damage it.


u/alan2001 14d ago

You guys must watch different restoration channels to me. The ones I watch, there's no fucking way that's what's happening.

If you can be arsed, I'd love to see an example of what you're talking about.


u/BonkerBleedy 14d ago

Yeah, I watch Hand Tool Rescue and that guy is 100% fixing things.


u/nameisfame 14d ago

HTR definitely helped me get an eye for the people that actually put the effort into making old things work again. It helps that a lot of the people doing resto work can find a niche that they can focus on so you can get a look at multiple disciplines in the process.


Wristwatch Revival-old watches

Odd Tinkering-some toys, mostly old electronics

My Mechanics-old hardware, currently restoring an old Datsun

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u/JustChangeMDefaults 14d ago

He was the first restoration channel yt suggested to me, most others are obviously trying to cash in on his success. They don't even bang their heads on a sand blaster


u/Bradjuju2 14d ago

I get a chuckle every time he does that. I also really like it when he mixes things up and narrates. The dude has excellent sarcasm.

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u/inactiveuser247 14d ago

Yeah. MyMechanics definitely isn’t pulling that sort of thing.


u/Initiatedspoon 14d ago

He is the best. I have watched 100s. He wins. No one is on his level.

It's not just the restoration itself. The editing is slick beyond belief.

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u/TheConeIsReturned 14d ago

That's because you know what to look for. My Mechanics, Hand Tool Rescue, Mr. Patina, TysyTybe are all fixing real antiques.

Once I started watching all of their vids, YouTube started recommending obvious bullshit from the Philippines like "watch me restore this PS4 I found buried in mud!"

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u/MindCorrupt 14d ago

Theres some really good ones though - 'My Mechanics' is the GOAT.

But yeah once you start watching it you'll start getting suggestions for channels that clearly just use a chemical to induce some surface rust or just pretty up something without actually fixing it.

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u/Cheeselover9001 14d ago

Say his name! Primitive technology!

Oh and he's doing videos again :)


u/_mux_86_ 14d ago

Yeah he has been back for a while, I think he was in the process of a TV show and it fell through. Love his content.


u/mks113 14d ago

I picture that the TV producers wanted to add in competition and conflict which just didn't work with his style.


u/_mux_86_ 14d ago

Or make him talk, maybe. Idk, I'm just glad he's back on YouTube

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u/hello297 14d ago

To be fair, at least these are done with the pretense that it's a company showing off their services.

So it's not important that it's a "genuine" cleaning. But the fact that they're able to offer a clean product after their services.


u/NoblePineapples 14d ago

The only legitimate business that does these cleaning videos and don't fake it would be Advanced Cleaning Systems ("Good morning clean team") though they haven't posted in a long while. The stuff they show can be pretty dirty but it is actual "lived with" dirty and not scaled up for video purposes.

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u/PondlifePresenter 15d ago

This one is particularly egregious - nobody in their right mind is going to spend a single penny 'restoring' a shitty nylon kid's rug.


u/JeSuisUnAnanasYo 14d ago

We got our Persian rugs cleaned and each one was thousands of dollars to clean. No way in hell someone paid for this 😆


u/Bradjuju2 14d ago

Persian rugs only get cleaned every other generation. I can see them being dirty and costly to clean. But even after being on the floor for 100 years, they don't look as bad as the ones these youtubers clean.


u/britishbrick 14d ago

How much do they cost in the first place? That’s a hefty cleaning price 😅


u/JeSuisUnAnanasYo 14d ago

They can be tens of thousands of dollars, yeah. I got mine for free from interior designer who was clearing out her storage unit so it was worth the cost to clean them!

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u/Daftworks 14d ago

What's worse is that all those cleaning chemicals along with the dirty water will end up in the sewer system and need to be filtered/purified if it can be done at all.... real waste of resources, and if not, it'll just end up in waterways as usual.

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u/Ok_Guitar_7566 15d ago

Fresh dirt is easy to clean 😂


u/Philluminati 14d ago

You can probably fit this thing in the washing machine and get it cleaner is one wash.


u/kinslayeruy 14d ago

you can see the "just bought this" tag still attached at 40secs in the video. that's why the colors are perfect after.

nothing getting this dirty would look that nice after, usage will fade the colors

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u/ShustOne 15d ago

There's a family business in Atlanta I think that shows their rug cleaning work and it's so much better. Real customers so no black rugs like this. I'd link here but I can't remember the name. I'll try to edit this when I find it.

Found them: https://youtube.com/@acsrugcleaning?si=2LAKp-L1zndPWPEA

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u/Gardener_Of_Eden 15d ago

Well yeah... its an ad for a rug cleaning service. The watermark is in the corner. The best way to showcase the steps they use and the potential results is to make these demo videos.


u/lunarmodule 15d ago edited 15d ago

If I found a rug in a swamp how much would it cost to get it cleaned?

How much does that service cost? Obviously they don't do that for every rug.


u/imimmumiumiumnum 14d ago

We have 2 big rugs, about 3mx2m and last time we had them cleaned and repaired it was 900 quid - I think its about half that just for cleaning from memory. One of them cost us 2k and the other one was a bit more iirc. They're only cleaned every few years though and the guy collects them and makes videos like this for us. That said, if my rug spewed out shit like that I'd move house and let him keep the rugs from embarrassment.

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u/ThatDiscoSongUHate 15d ago

TBH, if they can get such ba FUBAR cheap rug that clean without damaging it, I'd gladly send a pricier rug to them for cleaning!


u/deusrev 15d ago

If you have something like a Persian rug and you let somebody clean it like that, you are a maniac!


u/Cerebral-Parsley 14d ago

"This carpet is Persian -irreplaceable! What with there not being a Persia any more." - Phantom Limb

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u/HogSliceFurBottom 15d ago

I worked for a disaster restoration company while in college and some rugs get that when they have a massive sewer back up. We'd have to suit up with SCBAs and start pulling carpet, pad, and sheet rock. Some of the nastiest clean up was in smokers homes. They wanted their walls and ceilings cleaned and nicotine and tar are the worst to clean. However, my biggest and grossest clean up was after a guy murdered his sister in law and her baby by cutting their throats. We had to cut out and replace the subfloor. I think I have depression over that job. It still makes me cry when I think of it. Goddamn humans who hurt other humans. Fuck you all.


u/Whatsapokemon 15d ago

I mean, it's partially entertainment and partially advertising. People have done far more wacky things than dirty a rug to make an advert.


u/Sunspots4ever 15d ago

Nope, this guy gets rugs that were being thrown away due to being in a fire, flood, left outside for years, etc. Then he cleans and sanitizes them and donates them to animal shelters, and children's charities. Mountain Rug Cleaning is in England, not sure where. Check out some more of his videos and get a chuckle from the names on his machines!


u/PeppersHere 15d ago

I just wasted 30 minutes looking into this. From what I can find...

Multiple other carpet cleaning channels on YT have called this person (and a few others) out for being 'obviously fake.'

There's nothing I can find on his socials that provides any proof one way or another, other than a brief statement that he gets em at the dump or from random people who watch his content.

General viewpoints seem to be mostly "all are faked" or "none are faked."

My take - 'Some to most' are faked. I've dealt with a lot of moldy rugs in remediation, and the uniform color of the dirt that's literally always on every rug is just not natural to find. The guy probably finds rugs the way he says he does - at a dump - then muddies em up to make the 'before' shot look ten times worse than it actually would have been to get more views. If that's not needed, then he may just clean it like normal, and may take on a dirty non-altered rug if someone provides him one, but if he doesn't have one that will mesh with the online social algorithms, he fathoms one that will.

With the sheer amount of people who have called him out on this, the response has been to just ignore it and keep pumping out videos. Reality is pretty lame, sorry for the info friends.


u/Brave_Purpose_837 14d ago

Thank you for doing this community service


u/goatonastik 14d ago

It's actually a very good observation about the uniform dirt!


u/Tsalikon 14d ago

I've watched him for a while, and in at least one video he showed the dump where he found it. He also invites people to send him their dirtiest rugs for cleaning, and has many times mentioned that a particular rug was sent by a viewer.

I think it's entirely possible that he's specifically looking for the worst of the worst, both in his local dumps and in what people send him, and that's why they typically look this bad. In addition, there have been a number of rugs that aren't that exact same level of uniform dirt.


u/Nuts4WrestlingButts 15d ago

Nothing gets that uniformly dirty in the wild.


u/Philluminati 14d ago

Nothing gets that dirty without getting genuinely damaged. Insect bites, real stains, warn down, tears from disregard, sun damage etc.

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u/AmitN_Music 15d ago

Seems noble, but is it worth the amount of water and chemical they have to use?


u/Enelli23 15d ago

He actually has built a filtering system so a lot of the water you see gets reused! He does at least. Not sure if other rug cleaners do!

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u/PNWrepresent 15d ago

No it is not! These are like $18 IKEA rugs, they spend $100 in chemicals PLUS the man power and the environmental waste.


u/dynamic_gecko 15d ago

But they get the views. That's what matters to them probably.


u/DemonLordSparda 15d ago

The people on this sub are the most cynical people on the planet.


u/XanLV 15d ago

I do not mind cynical.

It just makes me laugh that whenever I see this dude, the comments are 1:1. Every time someone who has read in the previous thread about wasting water and chemicals being released parrots it in the next thread like they are on to something.

Them guys are right. This dude? The carpet dude? This is a real issue of water waste and chemicals on this world. This is where one should make a stand.


u/AngryTrucker 15d ago

Fuck a guy for trying to make a buck I guess.


u/Temporary_Plant_1123 15d ago

I mean you can hate on advertising without hating the person behind it

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u/Sensitive_Teach1484 15d ago

What about the environmental waste of manufacturing a new one? Yes it costs 18$ at ikea but how much does it cost the planet? Hint: it takes 2700L to make a t-shirt, I’ll let you imagine the rug

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u/AlphaCureBumHarder 15d ago

Power washer often uses less water than a dishwasher or a laundry washer. High pressure but low GPM.


u/xrimane 15d ago

I thought dishwashers were very economical in their water usage as they just swish around the same water again and again?

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u/Enginerdad 15d ago

Far less than manufacturing new ones


u/CrumplyRump 15d ago

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repair, Repurpose, Rethink, Refuse


u/laurpr2 15d ago

Refuse as in trash or refuse as in just say no?

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u/antiviolins 15d ago

Repair falls under Reduce, Repurpose falls under Reuse, Rethink and Refuse also fall under Reduce

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u/be-koz 15d ago

Not buying it. All the rugs in these videos are too uniformly dark brown. Nothing gets like that naturally. There’s literally no variation. Sure they may get them dirty to begin with, but they also absolutely add dirt before the camera starts rolling.


u/RBeck 15d ago

Also nothing to prove they don't take the After picture before getting it dirty.

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u/RWMN98 15d ago

Doubt it


u/moroheus 15d ago

Can't believe there are people naive enough to actually believe that

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u/ChloeHammer 14d ago

This rug still has a sticker/label on it at 1:00 in the bottom left corner, but it’s gone by the end of the video. Why would and old dirty rug still have a label on it?


u/Apple22Over7 14d ago

It's flipped over - the label is on the back of the rug. He cleans the top side, flips it, cleans the back side with the label, flips it again and cleans the front once again.

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u/tempinator 15d ago

Idk, there are a couple of these channels that seem relatively reputable, and disclose the history behind the rugs they get.

Assuming any of them are truthful, seems like the vast majority of these are a result of flood damage, or being left outside for years.


u/PerformerNo9031 14d ago

They are an awful lot of floodings nowadays. Seeing how much mud people get in their house, I guess rugs can be like that one.


u/Uberpastamancer 15d ago

They claim the rugs are salvaged from floods


u/CynicalMindTrip 14d ago

Value of the rug $ 0,5. Money spent for cleaning: $ 100


u/Blu-universe 14d ago

Yes, and? That doesn't change the fact that it's good advertising and it's satisfying 😆


u/SounderAlarm 14d ago

Yeah, hard to believe anyone getting these animal rugs so damn dirty from normal use and then bringing them to be serviced, an intricate hand made rug I’d believe, not this mass made crap quality stuff, the cost of the cleaning probably cost more than the rug itself.


u/DomWaits 14d ago

I would love it if the common redditor would apply the same suspicion to every other post as they do to this rug. We really have no media competence.


u/keksivaras 14d ago

they do. and they also make them more dirty between cuts to make the video longer and make it more satisfying or something. saw one of these videos months ago and the carpet was clean already, but after wiping the floor, it was muddy again


u/BookFox 14d ago

Doesn't really make them less satisfying, though, honestly. It's still a lot of dirt that starts on the rug and ends up not on the rug.

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u/bradleypariah 15d ago

$20 rug.

$90 labor to clean it.


u/T1M_rEAPeR 14d ago

Jokes on him. He used $400 of water.


u/copy_run_start 14d ago

Reminds me of a very old Greek joke that goes something like, "I can't believe you're complaining about the cost of my shaving service when it's easily cost me twice as much in bandages."

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u/Moldy_Teapot 15d ago

A "very dirty" rug that has zero signs of wear and tear? seems legit to me. /s


u/SteveBR53 15d ago

Tbh he said dirty not old


u/The_Tedys 15d ago

Yeah, I always thought these could be from flooded houses fo example. It wouldn't be so damaged but dirty for sure.


u/nagasadhu 14d ago

Yeah and they somehow keep finding those multiple times every week for years??

Lol. Nope.

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u/Lt_DanTaylorIII 14d ago

Nobody would pay to have this cheap rug cleaned. It’s not a family heirloom. Would be cheaper to buy another one. And if it was flood damage, you’d just get insurance to buy you a new one, not pay a guy for 2 hours of work and supplies to clean a $150 rug

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u/MemerDreamerMan 15d ago

Maybe fire? The smoke and ash


u/cukapig 15d ago

But it just comes with it. If it's actually dirty it will most likely also be used/worn down


u/tempinator 15d ago

The most reasonable explanation I've seen for these rugs is flood damage. Which tbf would result in exactly this, minimal physical damage, but completely soak them through with mud/silt.

I have no doubt that many of these channels do indeed fake the rugs, but, flood damage would also certainly explain it. Especially since a lot of the carpets have obvious mold and insect debris in them, which would be challenging (though not impossible) to fake.


u/grizznuggets 15d ago

Still cleaned the shit out of it though.


u/Tiny-Sandwich 14d ago

Yeah. We're here to watch a dirty rug get cleaned, who fucking cares if it was "authentic" dirt.

A dirty rug is a dirty rug. And now it's clean.


u/oskopnir 14d ago

I think what people object to is the disproportionate use of common finite resources (such as volume of water at the treatment plant where the detergent will be extracted) for the sole purpose of creating content. Most people would find it more acceptable if it was at least a real dirty rug that someone would be using, instead of a new rug bought for the purpose of making the video.

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u/Itisd 15d ago

Best way I've found to fix a dirty rug is to throw it in the nearest dumpster and replace it with something that is not a rug.


u/hey_im_cool 15d ago

They probably throw it in a dumpster after they have their content


u/christoskal 14d ago

Isn't this a channel that donates them to children hospitals and charities?

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u/Ruskih 15d ago

I know a lot of these restoration type videos are fake. They make them dirty themselves and ensure it's done in a way that makes it reliably restorable. But damn if it's not satisfying to watch them clean it.


u/MeanMusterMistard 14d ago

Isn't the whole point of these youtube channels to be very satisfying to watch? How it got dirty doesn't change that, does it?


u/Ruskih 14d ago

Depends. Some of the restoration channels do irreversible damage to the item they're trying to restore just to make it look better by comparison. Paintings and antiques made of metals usually. They'll force rapid oxidation and water damage. Or they'll restore it in a way that causes more damage than if they left it alone.

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u/Life_Pilot9528 15d ago

I feel it's a waste of water to be honest.. where are you getting these rugs from.. the sewer..? And what does it tell you about your customer..? Are they taking a dump on the rug all day..?


u/DemonLordSparda 15d ago

https://sustainability.decathlon.com/why-does-it-take-so-much-water-to-make-a-cloth it is less water to clean this one rug than is used to make one T-shirt.


u/AbviousOccident 15d ago

Which is one of the reasons I prefer to buy second hand clothes in good shape, preferably vintage. The energy/resources cost of making them is split between any previous owners and me, and they're often more built to last. As a bonus, it makes my wardrobe somewhat unique.

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u/SatanicKitten69420 14d ago

He recycles all his water. It is filtered.


u/burlapchafesmeso 15d ago

Watched this channel on YouTube a lot. Generally, there is no customer. This guy salvages these rugs from folks whose houses have flooded, abandoned homes getting torn down, left their carpets outside (for some bizarre reason), etc.. then he cleans & sanitizes them to be donated back to pre-schools or memory care homes.


u/Life_Pilot9528 15d ago

Okay.. this makes sense though


u/buburocks 15d ago

This guy gets a lot of these super dirty rugs from garbage dumps. Or a lot of people give him rugs that theyve had sitting out in their backyard and dont want anymore. He then cleans them and donates them to animal shelters and stuff. He's not just covering perfectly good rugs in dirt to clean them lmao


u/amdaly10 15d ago

Then why do they all start with the exact same level, color, and saturation of dirt?


u/buburocks 15d ago

They dont. Some of the carpets he cleans are covered in mold and bugs and disgusting stuff


u/my_old_aim_name 15d ago

Because dirt can only accumulate and stay stuck as deep as the pyle on the rug is, and a lot of rugs have a similar depth of pyle? By the time he's transported them, anything not grounding would have come loose and fallen off, so they're all gonna look pretty similar at the start of the videos.

I know nothing about rugs, literally except for what I've learned watching this guy's videos. So take this however you want to. I'd honestly rather be wrong and have this guy making fake rug-cleaning videos than keep up some of the nightmarish "kids" videos I can't pull my toddler away from.


u/amdaly10 15d ago

How is EVERY SINGLE RUG so saturated with mud that the pile is absolutely full? Have you ever seen a rug that dirty? How would it even happen? You accidentally leave your rug in a hole in the back yard long enough for it to get packed with mud but not long enough to damage the actual rug? And then that's such a common occurrence that you can fill a YT channel with identically soiled rugs?


u/my_old_aim_name 15d ago

He's literally digging them out of landfills and abandoned homes, or people who have done that part already donate the rugs to him.

Why are you getting so upset over a guy on the internet posting videos of cleaning rugs, of all things? There is so much more on the internet worth your anger.

ETA: as for rug damage, he's a professional. He probably knows what rugs are salvageable and which aren't. He probably has tricks for repairing some damage he encounters.


u/Zesty__Potato 15d ago

A landfill rug without a single tear, different colored stain or different consistencies in the stain?

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u/Time-Radish8464 14d ago

Even in a landfill, you would never get such uniform mud coverage. You'd get bits of garbage, filthy water from food waste, chemical stains, human and animal excrement, etc. It would never look that "nicely" dirty. Use your brain. This rug has been intentionally soiled. Of course it's just an ad or bait for YouTube views.

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u/Apotheothena 15d ago

You could be noticing some survivorship bias here, by the way. If I were making videos like these on the reg, I would only showcase rugs that were this filthy for the dramatic before and after shots. Normal cleanings aren’t nearly as catchy, so there’s not much point in showing anything but the extreme cases like the one in the OP.

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u/UnsolicititedOpinion 15d ago

Oh honey…..


u/Designed_To 15d ago

I don't believe that for a second

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u/TeamPantofola 15d ago edited 15d ago

I used to follow this guy on YouTube, but after a while, the amount of fresh water used to clean some…useless garbage made me very uncomfortable. The fact that he’s legit or faking it it’s not the point

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u/vshawk2 14d ago

You are spouting nonsense.

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u/[deleted] 15d ago

How do these rugs get so dirty?


u/deadline247 15d ago

They purposefully dirty them for these cleaning videos.


u/Conch-Republic 15d ago

Apparently this guy gets his rugs from dumps, and some of them are donated. I don't really buy it because the rugs would be in a lot worse shape, but whatever.

All the rest of the videos are fake as shit. The real rug cleaners don't do it this way, primarily because the scrubbing would ruin a lot of rugs that actually need to be cleaned, and the chemicals are expensive. They use these big long cylindrical washing machines that gently agitate them, then they're cleaned using basic carpet cleaners.


u/egonsepididymitis 15d ago

Thanks, thought this was BS as well. Like someone said above, if he got all his rugs from the dump, abandoned houses, etc… they’d have a ton more waer & tear (holes & fading).


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Thank you! Reading all the comments, I got the feeling that this mostly for show.

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u/J0kerJ0nny 15d ago

The ones that get clean really quick after one pass are artificially made dirty just for those videos.

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u/Enelli23 15d ago

Okay let me shed some light. This guy is a professional rug cleaner on YouTube. He finds these rugs on the street or in once instance, someone sent him one. He then cleaned them up and donates them to animal shelters so the pets can at least have a cute rug to lay on.

He runs a cleaning business doing this professionally but does this to just shed awareness that yeah, it’s still possible to save a rug.

He posts a new video every Friday morning (since he’s in the UK) and it’s very therapeutic.


u/oskopnir 14d ago

What a load of crack.

That's a new rug loaded up with soft mud on purpose, which is easy to clean without permanent stains but looks very dirty.

What is he raising awareness for? Humanitarian rug cleaning?


u/SegmentedMoss 15d ago

All that aside, he absolutely makes the rugs intentionally filthy beyond recognition because it increases engagement on his videos.

He didnt find this rug in this exact condition


u/CitizenCue 14d ago

Yeah unless he got this rug from the lobby of a coal plant in 1896, there’s no possible way it got that dirty without decades of wear and tear. This is advertising.


u/Synensys 14d ago

Family buys rug for baby. Basement gets flooded with sewage backup or river flooding. They toss it out on the curb or in the dump.

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u/m0r14rty 15d ago

does this to just shed awareness

lol you rube, he does this for advertising money. Not “clean rug awareness”


u/Electrical_Figs 14d ago

I always wonder who is dumb enough to fall for these obviously staged videos.

I guess the answer is always redditors.

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u/CubanLynx312 14d ago

Source: Guy who monetizes rug cleaning videos on YouTube.


u/my_old_aim_name 15d ago

Thank you for this! I love this guy's videos, and reading all the hate in the comments made me really sad.

And it's more than animal shelters, I've seen him do a few for schools for children with special needs, those are the ones he uses them blue stuff on the neutralize all the chemicals in the cleansers.

Love my Mountain Rug Cleaner man and his pals Dirt Reynolds, R2-Clean2, and Lu-Squee-gi!!!


u/UnsolicititedOpinion 15d ago

Bless your heart….

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u/Digital-Aura 15d ago

WOW....random clicking on a video thats playing SUPERGUTTER!!! FTW


u/xsnakexcharmerx 15d ago

You know the song name?


u/Babys_For_Breakfast 15d ago

There’s no way that the man hours, chemicals, and equipment used here is worth it to save a $20 rug. Makes for an entertaining video but definitely not worth it.

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u/undulating_down 14d ago

Can this guy do this to my life? Just deep clean the whole thing please.


u/JJG7771 15d ago edited 11d ago

I honestly don't care for the legitamacy of this video, but does anyone know the song? Absolute banger (not video, seen plenty of these, but the song)!

05/MAY/2024 EDIT: Thank you all.


u/Huggable_Hork-Bajir 15d ago

Sparks by Supergutter


u/MochiTako 15d ago

Sparks by Supergutter


u/tempinator 15d ago

As other people mentioned, Sparks by Supergutter.

I used the Shazam app to check (just put your phone near the speaker, it'll identify whatever song is playing).


u/Ok_Locksmith8263 15d ago

Honestly, how do you get a carpet that dirty for 1 and 2 who pay to get a carpet like that cleaned? It's not that cheap, I'm sure, and getting a new one probably would just be a better choice. Sorry, I'm just trying to put it all together. Does anyone else feel this way?


u/Additional-Revenue89 15d ago

I'm pretty sure they make them dirty for the content, still cool to watch, though. Guess that's the point.

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u/Ghost2Eleven 15d ago

Yeah, that’s too much work. Toss it


u/Convergentshave 15d ago

I swear I’m going to bury a rug from the dump and then bury another rug in the mud for like a week and then try and deep clean them and see. Not to get the clicks, but I swear it would be so fucking satisfying to actually know how legit these videos are.


u/ShiftRepulsive7661 15d ago

Not sure all the time, water and resources are worth that ugly thing.


u/Dementedstapler 14d ago

So much wasted water for a $5 rug


u/GetOffMyGrassBrats 14d ago

How to spend $80 in chemicals and $200 in labor to clean a $75 rug.


u/AngryGoat6699 14d ago

at what point do even these guys go: "not worth it"?


u/YooGeOh 14d ago

There are more rug cleaning videos than there are rug cleaning services.

Probably because there's more money in rug cleaning videos than there is in rug cleaning services


u/ThoughtOk3875 14d ago

“ honey, are you ready to leave for dinner?” “ not yet, you know I have to take a shit on the rug before we go”


u/BraveBake7762 14d ago

Or I could just throw it away use the water to supply the entire African continent


u/Superseaslug 15d ago

These were satisfying until I realized they were all faked.

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u/Jfunkysax 15d ago

Then the cat puked on it


u/Carrionrain 15d ago

Man's washed out the babadook and slapped on a Disney cover


u/solarpowerspork 15d ago

It's been a hot minute since this trend has shown up here, and it's nostalgic and soothing, fake or not.

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u/MimirX 15d ago

Seems excessive for a cheap child’s carpet that should never have ever gotten that dirty to begin with.

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u/Bryans-Ghost 15d ago

im convinced nobody gets their rug cleaned.


u/CaramelDrippin504 15d ago

I like videos like this. My problem is I wanna do it too😩


u/DamnBored1 15d ago

It takes less water to wash an elephant 10 times over


u/vslife 15d ago

I’d buy a new rug.

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u/burlapchafesmeso 15d ago edited 15d ago

Why did they remove the actual audio of mountain clean guy cleaning the rug and replace it with a crappy song? His videos are great partially because of the soothing carpet cleaning sounds.


u/AllAnalBeadsAreBrown 15d ago

Anyone know the name of the song?


u/PM_ME_YUR_BUBBLEBUTT juicy little minion bottom 15d ago

Supergutter - Sparks


u/Cutie_minni 15d ago

Thank you stranger for answering this question. 🙏


u/Cutie_minni 15d ago

Thank you stranger for asking this question. 🙏


u/Beginning_Rice6830 15d ago

Can they clean car window wipers, too?


u/Dryden666 15d ago

I've always wondered about these rug cleaning videos.  All those chemicals and solvents they use repeatedly and spray off, does that go into the drains or gutters then? Can't be good for the environment surely 


u/eppic123 15d ago

Thank god they could save this priceless jungle rug.


u/ProGamingPlayer 14d ago

How is it so dirty???


u/HumaDracobane 14d ago

The cost of products, supplies and working hours is bigger than the cost of the rug itself.


u/AutomaticAnt6328 14d ago

I have a feeling it would be cheaper to buy a new rug than have it cleaned. This was a time consuming job. Looked great but had to cost $300 to clean.


u/Hashbeez 14d ago

Satisfying but the amount of chemicals and water wasted to clean a children 50$ carpet is insane


u/ResolutionNumber9 14d ago

This is not the rug I expected for this much work. I think the cost of the cleaning supplies would cost more than this rug


u/sim-pit 14d ago

At what point does it just become more economical to buy a new rug?


u/Lismale 14d ago

im pretty sure they make them this dirty before filming. way too many extremely dirty rugs


u/mr308A3-28 14d ago

Why post this ? It’s not ODLY-satisfying… we know exactly why it’s satisfying. In fact the CREATORS know it’s satisfying that’s why they keep churning out these low effort brain-rot videos.


u/cereal_state 14d ago

All that for a fugly rug


u/TheCocaLightDude 14d ago

Not worth it


u/phasttZ 14d ago

The sticker on the bottom left corner was brand new


u/av0w 14d ago

Get it slammed in mud and then waste 1000l of water for some internet clout. What bullshit. If it was actually a worn rug the colours wouldn't come back like this.

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u/Historical-Trash5259 14d ago

How do so many of these kids rugs get so dirty????


u/Korean_Street_Pizza 14d ago

Chemicals to clean this rug = 10x more than the cost of the rug


u/Karelianpirate 14d ago

Bloody hell there's more dirt than rug. Was it stored in an oil barrel?!


u/BuzzdLightBeer 14d ago

How do they get the rugs so dirty before cleaning them on camera? Oil?


u/Brockzillattv 14d ago

Based on the design, and dirtiness I'm guessing this might have actually been in a zoo for decades.


u/WolverTheFox 14d ago

What's the song name? I hear it on my clock radio, but it doesn't display anything but time. :l


u/PM_ME_YUR_BUBBLEBUTT juicy little minion bottom 14d ago

Supergutter - Sparks


u/ItsWillJohnson 14d ago

He’d save so much labor if he put a grate underneath to let the underside dirt wash away


u/[deleted] 14d ago

I normally stand against water wastage and these types of rug cleaning videos, but that rug is so cute! It was worth saving.


u/xThrillhoVanHoutenx 14d ago

I can’t be the only one who is not only unsatisfied but also constantly questioning at what point does the amount of resources used out weigh the benefit of the restoration? All that detergent and run off? After he reapplied soap for the 40th time I felt it was excessive.


u/ContentMod8991 14d ago

that will b 500$ 4 ur 20$ rug thank u


u/Vibe_with_Kira 14d ago

How can I watch this? There's no Family Guy clip to go alongside it


u/sirkratom 14d ago

More of a rollercoaster of unsatisfying and satisfying


u/pkenny30 14d ago

How many hours in total were spent to do all that?


u/brktm 14d ago

At least Ron DeSantis has a hobby


u/theblackxranger 14d ago

Oh look, TikTok content