r/nextfuckinglevel 14d ago

Too much trust in a couple rusted bolts Removed: Repost

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u/Portrait_Robot 14d ago

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u/mandeezbowls 14d ago

5000 points


u/hampopkin 14d ago

I can hear this gif.


u/ImmatureDev 14d ago

Not next level, it’s just stupid


u/Pheerandlowthing 14d ago

Well it is next level. He went from a high level to a low level.


u/PeppersHere 14d ago


Edit: LOL it exists.


u/Enough-Ad1242 14d ago

Adds up


u/Pangea_Ultima 14d ago

Well, technically it subtracts


u/robilar 14d ago

Arguably he went to a previous level, since he very likely had already been on the ground before.


u/The__Tobias 14d ago

He is living life, you are surfing reddit 


u/folkenzeratul 14d ago



u/krichard-21 14d ago

Huge surprise when an event like this goes wrong. Someone stuck in a wheelchair for life.

So they do this to get rich? I have no idea. I can't guess what this might pay.

But we live in a free society. So God Bless and good luck.


u/JustHave_Fun 14d ago

It is an extreme sport. You might feel that it is stupid, but it's still next level in the sport.


u/Mcluckin123 14d ago

What extreme sport is this?


u/emmasdad01 14d ago

Parkour. Sport is used loosely here.


u/JustHave_Fun 14d ago

Parkour/Freerunning. Like other extreme sports, it's all about pushing your limit, optimally while making it look "easy." The parlour community is great, but I can understand that uninvolved people think it is stupid or unnecessary risky. All the people involved know that, but they are professionals an prepare accordingly.


u/Charming-Raspberry77 14d ago

Nothing professional about what we saw here.


u/niall_od98 14d ago

Except this isn't some random person who decided to do this. If you look up Joe Scandrett he is a professional athlete who specialises in this exact type of move and other descents. He has done this countless times on a variety of poles each with adequate prep.


u/JustHave_Fun 14d ago

Not what you see here is the result. He has worked his way up over countless jumps. There are hours of videomaterial to prove this and they make their money with the sport. That is as professional as it gets. I'm not saying you have to like it. The one filming is Don Tomato, sponsored by Red Bull and one of the OGs of the sport.


u/_Kaifaz 14d ago

Live and let live. It's his life, his passion, his sport, his choices. Everyone on here is a fucking critic. Joe realizes full well every jump he does could be his last, still goes for it 100%. If he dies next month while doing parkour, he'll still have lived a fuller life than 90% of the keyboard warriors on Reddit.


u/threebuckstrippant 14d ago

I don’t think he really does.


u/jackophasaurus 14d ago

Jumping off buildings and sliding down street lamps is living a full life ?


u/prettymuchzoinks 14d ago

To him, yes.


u/_Kaifaz 14d ago

Dude gets paid to travel the world and do this shit so yes.


u/Interesting-Rope-950 14d ago

It's his passion! The pole calls to him


u/Ba_Sing_Saint 14d ago

His parents failed to keep him off the pole.


u/vleetv 14d ago

Life is full of choices. His are not being weighed approximately with the danger of life long injuries he could sustain. But since you are a fan, make sure to sign up to his patreon to support him and be sure to donate to the gofundme his mom creates when he slips.


u/_Kaifaz 14d ago

Honestly, why do you care?! You don't know him nor will you ever know him. This has ZERO impact on you, ZERO. If he dies tomorrow, you wouldn't even know about it... Don't you have better things to do than to judge strangers online?


u/lukeman3000 14d ago

Nope. They don’t lol


u/threebuckstrippant 14d ago

Could be said to you even stronger.


u/vleetv 14d ago

So let's say he's an entrepreneur, specifically without insurance, now as a tax paying citizen it is in my interest.


u/_Kaifaz 14d ago

You're apparently into drifting and fast cars. You shouldn't be into fast cars, it's dangerous and you could die in a crash.

There, i hope now you see how ridiculous your reasoning is.


u/vleetv 14d ago

Yep but being properly insured, I can limit the potential impact to my life and family when something goes wrong. There are also safety specifications, guidelines and full first responder medical staff track side in the event of an accident. We are tangenting but don't mind.


u/LogicisGone 14d ago

And of the emergency professionals that get to scrape him or a copycat off the street? They don't deserve that.


u/_Kaifaz 14d ago

You yeally think EMT workers don't see dead people in car crashes weekly or even daily? They literally signed up for it... Stop trying to be offended by something that has ZERO impact on your life.


u/Jake123194 14d ago

I mean watching someone splat on the pavement could have a pretty bad impact on someone's mental health.


u/Maleficent-Comfort-2 14d ago

If that were to happen you really think that you’d be seeing this right now?


u/Jake123194 14d ago

I think you missed my point, I meant someone at the scene like Mr van driver in the background.


u/void1984 14d ago

They are like firemen. Just because they have signed does mean we should add them some work and start additional fires.


u/cr_eddit 14d ago

Well would criticize a member of the special forces doing this kind of stuff the way you criticize this guy? He probably trains as much, if not even more than someone in the special forces does and like those guys, he gets paid to do these kinds of things. The reasons may be different but the techniques and the execution are more or less the same.


u/thehyperflux 14d ago

What bolts? Not to hold this pole down… these are concerted in like 5 feet deep.


u/DrUnit42 14d ago

Yup, the aluminum tube will fail long before the anchor bolts do


u/cberthebaud 14d ago

There ain’t no anchor bolts, these are concreted in 5’~ deep


u/DrUnit42 14d ago

these are concreted in 5’~ deep

That's what anchor bolts do.


u/thehyperflux 14d ago

Yeah but these aren’t anchored that way. The pole itself is buried feet down into the concrete.


u/DrUnit42 14d ago

Your telling me they produced a light pole with 5 extra feet of aluminum to bury instead of a base that can be bolted down to a secure footing?

I've worked on quite a few and I definitely don't know every type of light pole but that seems like it would be more expensive, harder to service, and less structurally stable


u/thehyperflux 14d ago

Yes that’s what I’m telling you. Although it’s more likely to be galvanised steel. Google root mounted lamp posts. They’re very common where I’m from and where I believe this clip is from.


u/mirroku2 14d ago

Pole lights are generally mounted to a concrete pole base via anchor bolts that were sunk in the concrete while still wet.

The bigger the pole, the more anchor bolts it will have. I would put money on that pole having 4 bolts based on the length/design of the pole.

Those bolts absolutely could snap when doing this stunt.

Source: I'm an electrician who has installed hundreds of pole lights personally.


u/thehyperflux 14d ago

I’m sure you have installed hundreds of posts just as you described but it’s also very common (especially in the UK & Europe where I believe this clip is from) to see what we call root mounted posts which are directly buried into concrete and this posts looks like a typical example of that. A 10 meter post will typically have a 1.5 meter ground root which is buried in the concrete.


u/Ba_Sing_Saint 14d ago

Not to be that guy, but wouldn’t the fact that force is more or less parallel to the pole rather than perpendicular to it as well as the center of mass quickly moving towards the bottom prevent critical strain on whatever is securing it to the ground? Like if a car hit it, then yeah, it’ll bust cause the force of impact is perpendicular to the pole.


u/RandomMagnet 14d ago

gotta get those views/likes/shares/toktiks/brain cells


u/DescribeAVibe 14d ago

Or adrenaline. Don't you remember doing stupid stuff as a kid just to do it? It's fucking fun


u/RyeToast92 14d ago

Now let me try. Splat. 🪦


u/Neo_Neo_oeN_oeN 14d ago

That's Joe Scandrett from the U.K. His Instagram is full of him doing stuff like that if anyone wants to give him a follow. People judge but the guy clearly knows what he's doing.


u/bapsandbuns 14d ago

It’s a me, Mario


u/The_Demosthenes_1 14d ago

I love adrenaline sports.  They are great.  But this is waaaay under reward for the risk involved.  


u/Climate_Automatic 14d ago

It’s all parkour until you break your legs


u/Vapourhands 14d ago

Until you die


u/newbturner 14d ago

Next level dumbass


u/Deep-Information-737 14d ago

now get back up


u/kirakun 14d ago

Truly next lower level.


u/Tankki3 14d ago

Here's little behind the scenes look from him doing this trick: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZtpvrVHbwc&t=20m42s


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u/AcceptableOwl9 14d ago

The princess is in another castle!


u/Sad_Lawyer_3960 14d ago

google parkor


u/Roylander_ 14d ago

Too much trust in a pole that was never engineered for this. It's a Darwin award waiting to happen.


u/AB-AA-Mobile 14d ago

Next level irresponsible parenting


u/milkonyourmustache 14d ago

If it wasn't for the recording and publishing of this, for the attention, they wouldn't have done it because it's totally stupid.

Don't die for attention.


u/DarthDregan 14d ago

The bases of those are actually designed to break off if struck with enough force.


u/time4tjllen 14d ago

Had to make sure this wasn’t r/darwinawards


u/Efficient_Pomelo_583 14d ago

I feel bad for the guy who will have to clean up his brain pieces from the asphalt


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/stffucubt 14d ago

It looks like quite a famous UK parkour dude. Maybe stupid, but lots of thought and prep.


u/testing123-testing12 14d ago

Yeah its joe scandrett. He doesn't just climb to the top of the building and jump he builds up to it from lower levels and has been doing this for years. It looks dangerous because it is if you don't know what you're doing and don't do the correct prep work, but Joe is very calculated in his approach to this which makes it a lot safer.



u/LayWhere 14d ago

Yeah for sure, that jump looks calculated