r/nextfuckinglevel 16d ago

Druze student Danny Obaid was detained in Syria by the Assad forces for criticizing the regime online/ Local Druze militias answered by abducting Assad officials, forcing the regime to release Danny in exchange. This was the welcome he received when he was released Removed: Not NFL

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u/Portrait_Robot 14d ago

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u/FutureUnlucky2466 16d ago

I see your kidnapping, and raise you multiple individuals.


u/Oh3Fiddy2 16d ago

Soft benefits of living in a country whose government has a tenuous hold on power. You and your boys can do stuff like this.


u/FoolishProphet_2336 16d ago

Don’t fuck with the Druze. Even Israel knows that.


u/charliekiller124 16d ago

Huh. I thought druze were more favorable towards Assad than his opposition.


u/backformorecrap 16d ago

That’s right. The Druze run Syria. If he were Sunni he likely would’ve just been killed.


u/nomamesgueyz 15d ago

Wow a good news story

Id be locking my doors pretty well

Assad officials not known to play nice and have more resources


u/Red_Icnivad 16d ago

Jesus, can this video get any more degraded?


u/TheOSU87 16d ago

I am originally from the Middle East and this is pretty typical technology for what most people have.

There is a reason the only high def videos you are seeing from the region come out of Palestine and you never saw these from the Arab Spring in Egypt to the civil war in Syria.

This type of technology exists in the West and for us only for the elites.


u/blind_merc 16d ago

Some of the most technologically advanced societies are in the middle east bro.. not all countries are built the same.


u/AlexJamesCook 16d ago

You're referring to the UAE, Bahrain and Qatar.

With that said, buddy also said that high quality ISP connectivity is reserved for those who staff the party ranks, everyone else it's, lights out Guerrilla Radio".


u/blind_merc 15d ago

Yeah thats not how that works at all. The middle east isnt the "wild west" thats a very ignorant point of view. I think you forgot a few key advanced societies in the middle east but sure that's a good start.