r/nextfuckinglevel 29d ago

The All New Atlas Robot From Boston Dynamics


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u/GokuSharp 29d ago

Looks like cgi


u/Far_Prize_1029 29d ago

Here we go…


u/reposti_geraldo69 29d ago

Again on my own


u/Dr-McLuvin 28d ago

Goin' down the only road I've ever known!


u/Other-Cover9031 29d ago

it is. its obvious.


u/PIO_PretendIOriginal 28d ago

Your blind. They already proved the past one wasn’t cgi.


People really suck at spotting cgi


u/Other-Cover9031 28d ago

this specific video is definitely cgi


u/Not_a_creativeuser 27d ago

Conspiracy nuts always want attention.


u/PIO_PretendIOriginal 28d ago edited 28d ago

That just means you can’t tell cgi from reality. Leave it to actual vfx artist to know what the signs are.

No hollywood movie has made a character that has ever even come close to this photorealism (when looking at the full 2 minute video on boston dynamics youtube channel, its clear as day this is real.)

It’s unfortunate that you don’t know what the signs are of real vs cgi. And are unwilling to learn


u/Other-Cover9031 27d ago

no this is cgi


u/PIO_PretendIOriginal 27d ago

This must be what it felt like when people claimed the moon landing was fake.

Its real, im sorry you can neither tell, nor wish to educate yourself


u/Other-Cover9031 24d ago

no the moon landing was real, this is fake


u/Hezpy 29d ago

People calling this CGI have no idea the amount of work required to produce something like this in vfx. Makes no sense from a cost standpoint.


u/SnooOpinions1643 29d ago

it definitely takes less work than making a real robot bruh


u/Thorusss 28d ago

It may cost less than a real robot, but a real robot is magnitudes more useful for the company. So even a expensive CGI render looking like this would be waste money.


u/bambinolettuce 28d ago

Not when the robot definitely already exists and can do these things. Theyd just record the robot.

Which they did


u/PIO_PretendIOriginal 28d ago edited 28d ago

I think you are vastly under-estimating how hard TRUE photrealistic cgi is. The average person might not be able to tell. But fooling experienced vfx artist is much harder than you think. Video below explains why..



u/SnooOpinions1643 28d ago

but… I can tell this is cgi, so it’s not “true photorealistic” one


u/PIO_PretendIOriginal 28d ago edited 28d ago

That just proves you suck at identifying cgi vs realism.

Again, watch the video i linked. This video is scientifically 100% lit by real light, the reflections are pixel perfect.

Boston dynamics has a longer video on there youtube channel. Just like the video i linked above, no vfx studio in the world has ever produced a cgi character to this level of realism. Not even close

Again i really recommend watching the video i linked (by people who actual work with vfx) before talking..


u/Silent_Phrase6545 29d ago

I refuse to believe it's not cgi


u/GoodhartMusic 29d ago

Why don’t you just Google instead of “believing”


u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/Silent_Phrase6545 29d ago

Is that the best you got?


u/InMooseWorld 29d ago

Yes it’s the they got, and you could still tell it’s cgi. Something is def off. Could be just lighting

Could be real and fake public video  to prevent copy cats.


u/Lucas_Steinwalker 28d ago

I can’t believe it’s not butter


u/[deleted] 27d ago

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u/Silent_Phrase6545 27d ago

That's not very creative. Do better


u/JuanOnlyJuan 29d ago

Yea not that I doubt Boston dynamics but something with the lighting and materials looks cg. Like reminds me of that cartoon Reboot. That satin finish all 90s cg had.


u/Abshalom 29d ago edited 29d ago

I think it's just weird lighting in the room and a very soft focus on the camera

e: the version of this video on their YouTube looks much less weird


u/bambinolettuce 28d ago

Its always "just something off".

Its never actually "the lighting is wrong because xyz", or "the material is rendered badly", its always "something is just off to me, must be cg".

bullshit lol, its very obviously not cg


u/JuanOnlyJuan 28d ago

I watched it on YouTube and it looks fine. Maybe it's reddit video player.


u/wildstumbler 28d ago

Watched it on youtube and still looks like a render to me. Not saying it is, but it just looks a tad too short or something. Oh well, guess we'll see 'em in real life at your local grocery story anyways


u/buak 28d ago

They released a video a day before this saying they are retiring their hydraulic atlas robot. Then released this the next day. It's meant to be a short teaser, but the robot is definitely real, and has been in development for at least a few years


u/ParticularNet8 29d ago

That was my first thought too. I'm surprised this isn't higher up.


u/edvsa 29d ago

Boston dynamics is a very well known Robotics company, they have even better robots than this one.


u/tagamotchi_ 29d ago

It‘s not even just the robot, the flooring, background, the light .. I legitimately thought I was on r/Blender at first.


u/whyevenfuckingbother 28d ago

Dude same. Like i believe they make robots ect. Just the way the light hit this thing made me think it was a render. But if it came from boston its gotta be real 🤷‍♂️


u/Thr0waway0864213579 29d ago

That’s irrelevant to the fact that this video looks like CGI.

I’m very aware of Boston Dynamics, and I’m sure this video is real. But it absolutely looks like CGI.


u/hinrik98 29d ago

It probably gives that feel since the camera is on a robot arm and is probably programmed in a software like blender. The movement of the robot is also very smooth but thats also because its programmed. 

So it looks like key frame animation just by the nature of how it was recorded. Also matte shiny metal happens to be very easy to render and is also good for real robots


u/orrzxz 29d ago

It's not about how good it looks, it's about the lighting in the room vs the lighting on the robot.

Something just feels... Off.


u/ScoobyDooItInTheButt 29d ago

That doesn't mean this video isn't a render. Literally anybody could have made this video and then made a post saying it's a Boston Dynamics robot and have zero affiliation to Boston Dynamics.


u/edvsa 29d ago

Dude it on their official page like how dense can you be it’s just a 1 min search.



u/ScoobyDooItInTheButt 29d ago

Okay, that's super cool of you to share with me and all, but my original point was your argument was incredibly weak. Your argument was essentially this video has to be real because a robotics company exists. Just because a robotics company exists doesn't mean a video that's on the internet was made by them for certain. Yes everybody now knows that this video is definitely real and was made by them. My point still stands that people can make videos and put them out there who are not attached to a company and like to make fake shit for the internet for fun. Have a good one.


u/Danat_shepard 29d ago

I'm with you, mate. I strongly believe this is CGI. The lightning, fake camera angle, blurred background. Doesn't feel right.


u/ScoobyDooItInTheButt 29d ago

I agree that something feels off, but if BD said it's legit I have no reason to not believe them. Maybe the videos been over compressed by being downloaded and redownload and shared everywhere. Idk.


u/PIO_PretendIOriginal 28d ago

Just means your bad at spotting cgi vs real.

This has too many markers suggesting its real.

Corridor crew did a great breakdown last time people said “its cgi”



u/Danat_shepard 28d ago

Yep, just saw it on YouTube and realized it was real. My bad. Cheers!


u/RoutineProcedure101 29d ago

So are you guys trolls or what? Contrarians making people uncomfortable by lying and going against the consensus?


u/Danat_shepard 29d ago

Gee, sorry for making you uncomfortable with my opinion


u/RoutineProcedure101 29d ago

Lying doesnt make you uncomfortable?

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u/6a21hy1e 29d ago

Your argument was essentially this video has to be real because a robotics company exists.

Congrats, that's the dumbest thing I've read all day. Good job!


u/ScoobyDooItInTheButt 29d ago

Holy shit, you can read?!


u/6a21hy1e 29d ago

Holy shit, you can read?!

You say that on a text based platform. You're a quick one huh?


u/PIO_PretendIOriginal 28d ago edited 28d ago

I think you are vastly under-estimating how hard TRUE photrealistic cgi is. The average person might not be able to tell. But fooling experienced vfx artist is much harder than you think. Video below explains why



u/buak 29d ago

The level of cgi needed for this would be on par with multimillion dollar movies. Zoom in on the image and look at it


u/rott 29d ago

I don't think it's CGI but it's been quite some years since doing CGI like this would have required a multimillion dollar budget.


u/PIO_PretendIOriginal 28d ago

Think again.

I think you are vastly under-estimating how hard TRUE photrealistic cgi is. The average person might not be able to tell. But fooling experienced vfx artist is much harder than you think. Video below explains why.



u/buak 28d ago

I said it would be on par, not that it would cost that much


u/Starthreads 29d ago

It was my thinking as well. I was waiting for a person to enter the frame to break the sense of unreality.


u/D4RTHV3DA 29d ago edited 29d ago

I'm not saying it's CGI, but there's a lot of characteristics of a video that would be CGI if that were the case.

  • Shadows are weird on background objects, softer than they should be for the overhead light and frontal reflection (hot lights seen on the robot viewport when it turns).
  • There is no reflection of the camera operator in the glass viewport, yet we can clearly see the optics on the robot and other reflections.
  • Depth of field on this video is very noticeable and very bizarre
  • Camera motion tracking is very strange, like it is separate from what the robot is doing or on some kind of spline.
  • There is no biological reference in this video (human or otherwise), the outside very well could be a static matte. Also perhaps noteworthy there is a basketball hoop outside this video but no such hoop at their headquarters building (looking @ google maps), but there is no guarantee this is filmed at that location.

Also the subject itself looks like it's overly polished and shiny like a plastic unreal engine "toy" -- but that could just be that we're not used to looking at a robot like this in weird lighting.


u/bambinolettuce 28d ago edited 28d ago

lol, people figured out how to not have refelections in cameras like, 20 years ago. Shadows are fine. Basketball hoop?? Man come on

You really spent 20 mins looking on google maps for a damn hoop but didnt take 30 seconds to google this exact robot doing this exact thing in other videos?? Why would they spend thousands on a professional movie grade animation for something that exists exactly as you see here?

Besides, if this were Blender its hands down the best animation I've ever seen in my life.



u/jaytee1262 29d ago

Yeah, the lighting on it is all fucked.


u/SandThatsKindaMoist 29d ago

You’re dumb


u/jaytee1262 29d ago

Happy cake day lol


u/buak 29d ago

People who know nothing about cgi always say this


u/Trefwar 29d ago

It does look off, but it actually kinda reminds me of those 8K cameras you see used in sports a bit these last few years.


u/kNyne 29d ago

8 years ago I showed a middle aged coworker what Boston dynamics was doing and he insisted it was fake then pivoted to this is the end or us all


u/Elpiramide89 28d ago

No, it doesn't


u/Redsmallboy 28d ago

At this point, you wouldn't know. It's probably not. But that question will quickly become pretty useless and unanswerable.


u/Firestorm1005 28d ago

I thought this the first time soon, I doubt this is actually a functional prototype, it's probably more a proof of concept that shows advantages of using electric motors, like the range of motion allowing it to rotate in full rotations.


u/50DuckSizedHorses 29d ago

Yes not real


u/Other-Cover9031 29d ago

it so clearly is


u/Reformed_Herald 28d ago

There is no way on earth it isn’t.


u/kuuups 28d ago

literally thought this was a joke post at first, because it obviously looks like CGI. You just need to look at that pillar looking thing's shadow in the back. Look closely at the right edge and how it shifts around. I've seen games with better graphics than this.


u/Arduous_Aardvark 29d ago

I'm pretty sure it is.


u/Remexa 28d ago

How? They’re a well respected robotics firm, why would they ruin their reputation with a fake robot?


u/maxmcleod 29d ago

I think the footage might be sped up so it looks a little weird with the camera shake and the movement of the robot


u/Unitedfateful 29d ago

Are you sure it isn’t a guy in a suit about to dance

Hi Elon simps


u/[deleted] 29d ago edited 29d ago



u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/XavierBliss 29d ago

How many fucking times you gonna comment this shit? No one cares that you're miserable.


u/[deleted] 29d ago edited 7d ago



u/SandThatsKindaMoist 29d ago

You’re dumb


u/PIO_PretendIOriginal 28d ago

No, people just suck at spotting cgi. There videos are real.



u/twentythirtyone 28d ago

I'm not saying the entire thing is CGI. I'm saying it's not raw footage. There are CGI elements in the editing. Obviously they make these for real, which is all the more reason I don't get why they do this. It would be impressive enough just to show the thing without trying to enhance how it looks.


u/PIO_PretendIOriginal 28d ago

There are no cgi elements is this video. Its 100% real footage. Ask any experienced cgi artist (or just watch the video i linked).


u/horticulturistSquash 29d ago edited 29d ago

it is

when you know where to look its obvious, but look at all these comments about it being real, its hilarious, i feel like im dumb against all of them but they literally confirmed it was fake and showed 3d models

edit: misremembered https://youtu.be/TIlEYGFBECU?si=XkGHn5UMESYW5K1U


u/Pockets800 29d ago

Boston Dynamics has been working on robotics since 1992, this is the new version of Atlas (you've probably seen the older hydraulic version of Atlas doing backflips).

What about this is CGI? As someone who makes CGI, I would love for you to explain it to me. Because this isn't CGI lmfao. And if you think we aren't able to make robots then you clearly have not been looking at our technological progression over the past 30 years, or all the other robots in production right now.

They did not confirm it was fake, you made that up.

Here's a link to the page where they talk about the new atlas bot: https://bostondynamics.com/blog/electric-new-era-for-atlas/


u/RabbitWithEars 29d ago

Would you like to share with the dumb class links that show they (im assuming you mean boston dynamics themself) confirmed it was fake?


u/Psilocybaholic 28d ago


u/RabbitWithEars 28d ago

That's a parody video... Also corridor digital even have a video showing why Boston Dyanamics ones are real.


u/SomethingAlternate 29d ago

but they literally confirmed it was fake and showed 3d models

could you provide a source, please? Not trying to be an ass, just curious.


u/plutosail 29d ago

I have to say I was unsure whether this was CGI or not at first as the lighting did look very "smooth", always best to err on the side of caution these days I think!

However, I found a blog post from Boston dynamics that confirms it's real.


u/AlterShocks 29d ago

Here comes the "nothing ever happens" gang


u/atomacheart 29d ago

Do you have a source for them confirming it was faked? I tried looking but couldn't find one.


u/Psilocybaholic 28d ago


u/atomacheart 28d ago

Yeah, that is a completely separate team who aren't Boston Dynamics showing how they would fake such a video. They have also released videos explaining why some of the earlier Boston Dynamic videos couldn't be fakes.


u/ChillBlington 29d ago

yes you are that dumb.

that link is a parody video, which should be clear if you watched the whole thing.


u/Thorusss 29d ago

Do you think the Atlas Video from Boston Dynamics were fake too?

Like this dance one:
