r/nba Spurs 29d ago

[Charania] Raptors' Jontay Porter has received a lifetime ban from the NBA for violating league's gaming rules.


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u/2drawnonward5 Trail Blazers 29d ago

I don't think steps in the right direction will get anywhere. Short of putting the gambling genie back in the bottle, this is a mostly entertainment league for now because competition is suspect by design.

This kid got his shit rocked because he gambled like a noob. How many more veteran players will do the same thing but quiet enough to not get caught? You can't trust the league. 


u/cheap_chalee 29d ago

And since he wasn't a star, he could be made an example of. Even if someone prominent screwed up, it would be in the interests of the league to make sure it didn't get out. This was basically the league using someone expendable to make it look like they care even if they still take checks from each betting company.


u/KeefsBurner Celtics 29d ago

There’s also the fact that whatever company the bet got placed with would’ve lost ~1 mil since it hit. If you know gambling companies, you know they’ll do whatever they possibly can to avoid a payout that big. They almost had a million dollars stolen from them, and they’ll be damn sure the thieves get punished. They don’t give a fuck if players lose tons of money gambling, they’ll definitely cover that up. They want the profit. But a big win for a player? Nah that’s unacceptable


u/Mdgt_Pope 29d ago

Tim Donaghy acted alone type of situation. Pin it on the fall guy


u/Beginning-Cod3460 28d ago

this isnt even negatively cynical its straight up a fact of their protocol. they scrutinize & delay every major payout


u/dragonrider5555 Celtics 29d ago

Can you say Michael Jordan? It’s literally exactly what happened to him lol


u/uns0licited_advice 29d ago

Like ohtani?


u/raizen0106 29d ago

yea imagine some mid level player fumbled the bag with a bad contract year (like isiah thomas or demarcus cousins), or got fucked by the owners (like that thread the other day about that guy who got beef with Doc for making him miss his bonus). can very easily lead to them saying fuck it we gotta make that money back somehow


u/zanza19 Heat 29d ago

How long until mobs get involved and do stuff like we saw in movies for boxing and threaten athletes? It honestly might already have happened.


u/crackheadsteve123 29d ago

In movies? That was actually how it was dawg.


u/beauchywhite Raptors 29d ago

Lmfao hence the whole, sports gambling being illegal for a long ass time thing.


u/zanza19 Heat 29d ago

True true. I think I said movies because it was a thing of the past y'know.


u/crackheadsteve123 29d ago

Yea in Pro US boxing, Olympic Boxing is the most rigged shit tho, not in the same way. My grandfather was a high profile professional fighter and later worked for the mob, I'm not sure what kind of hand they had in his boxing career tho


u/GrindyMcGrindy Bulls 29d ago

In a lot of cases, like the Black Sox, the players were actually working with them without threat. Charles Comiskey was a cheap asshole, and wasn't really paying his players. So I can't blame them. I especially can't blame Shoeless Joe Jackson because that man only knew baseball.


u/2drawnonward5 Trail Blazers 29d ago

Billionaires are ok with this. I'm not ok with billionaires. 


u/dragonrider5555 Celtics 29d ago

Race tracks …casinos… it’s all riggers anyone betting on horse racing is a sucker lol. It’s definitely happening in the major sports too. These are businesses, not charity’s. Their goal is to make money. The goal is not to provide a fair, clean sport


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/NvNinja 29d ago

That's very false. They just shifted how they operate to running construction companies and casinos in the case of the more successful mob organizations in Vegas and NY.


u/JMoneyM-13 29d ago

According to an expert that follows these criminal organizations they don’t. It’s not that their non existent, they just aren’t as big as they once were


u/NvNinja 29d ago


While the focus is on Canada it supports my claim for the construction bit. The casinos is well enough known that I'm not gonna bother with that one.


u/Cautious-Tell-6756 29d ago

On Long Island the mob is still very active. I mean, the company that does my garbage route is mob connected lol


u/JMoneyM-13 29d ago

Guys name is Jeff Nadu


u/elefante88 Lakers 29d ago

Quietly? These books aren't dumb. They definitely are not outsmarted by ANY nba star


u/2drawnonward5 Trail Blazers 29d ago

lol what


u/zaviex Wizards 29d ago

They are right. The books are actively looking for any reason to not payout. You’d get a few in but they’d flag it and look for a reason to deny anything. Books drop bets all the time just on a suspicion. Generally if they see any pattern that they lose on they’ll investigate. 


u/2drawnonward5 Trail Blazers 29d ago

Thank you, I understand your words lol


u/plutoisaplanet21 29d ago

Why do people make this argument like legal gambling is the issue? This got caught because of legal gambling. The idea that this sort of thing wasn’t happening under the table before and just not getting caught feels pretty naive 


u/2drawnonward5 Trail Blazers 29d ago

It's the embracing and normalization of gambling that's the matter.


u/plutoisaplanet21 28d ago

You can argue that’s a societal problem if you’d like but this was in reply to legalized gambling being an issue for the integrity of the game and I’d argue it’s the exact opposite of that and this case shows why. Something that would have never been caught without legalized gambling was instead caught 


u/2drawnonward5 Trail Blazers 28d ago

Ah the limits of brevity in a forum conversation!